LETTERS Disability We applaud Betty Medsger and The Progressive for "The Most Captive Consumers" in the March issue. Until publication of this article, the American public was largely unaware of...

...Borkin devotes Chapter 4 to that relationship...
...Air Force — which apparently makes me more of an authority than Thomas Conrad and Michael Marchino who wrote "Disenchantment in the Ranks" (February issue...
...Since then (late 1978) I asked this same base for further permission to form on .said base a new organization that would serve the needs of the lower ranking (E-6 and below) members of the military community, and their wives and husbands...
...As many are aware, the struggle for passage of the Federal amendment remains a priority for a great number of individuals and organizations...
...After the anti-union propaganda started to flow I asked around specifically — no one wanted a union...
...There was close collaboration before the war between Farben and American companies, notably Standard Oil...
...During my enlistment I was continually puzzled by the great amount of effort spent by the Pentagon to discourage any attempt at unionization...
...backing for its invasion of Vietnam...
...274 or the new rules issued to comply with that bill, in the hope that I can take the case to court...
...Air Force's bombing of the Farben plants — e.g., at Leuna, called by the U.S...
...I do not mean the violence of slaughtering untold numbers of innocents but the violence of asserting its own concepts...
...It was done through posters, newspaper editorials, and films...
...Displaying another version of a Communist imperialism that has brought Cuban troops to prop up an unstable regime in Angola, the Vietnamese actions were the latest chapter in an effort to build an Indochinese co-prosperity sphere led by Hanoi...
...Air Force would not bomb Farben's headquarters...
...The list goes on and on...
...the development of a statewide, toll-free, bi-lingual (Spanish) Woman's Switchboard...
...If the National Right to Life Movement or any of its cohorts are employing violence, that I deplore, because 1 do not think such tactics are valid in getting your message across, but let me ask if the National Abortion Rights Action League and its followers have not likewise used violence...
...and will no/stop progress for the women's movement...
...Carter had excoriated this Pol Pot regime not long ago, and rightly so...
...And just because an issue is supported by religious belief does not mean one is "eroding the separation of church and state" and "democratic liberties...
...Barton begins by championing Maggi Cage who wanted to open an abortion clinic in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, but was frustrated by an anti-abortion ordinance which required, among other things, "parents of patients under eighteen would have to be notified in advance of abortion, that parents of those under fifteen would have to give written consent, and that husbands would also have to be notified...
...While Nader may have helped to publicize this fact, it was uncovered by Mark Dowie of the Foundation for National Progress, the non-profit organization which publishes Mother Jones magazine...
...Farben Re Ellen Tripp's letter in the March issue in response to my review in the December 1978 issue of Joseph Borkin's book, The Crime and Punishment of I. G. Farben, let me correct her assumption that there was an agreement that the U.S...
...It's about time that we start emphasizing the fact that there are decent non-communist socialist countries that do give their people civil rights...
...The same can be said of the "several hundred," considering thi huge size of our force in Europe...
...Since 1977 I attempted to obtain approval for the mere distribution of a letter asking members of the military community at a large base to write to their member in Congress on S.B...
...She gives lip service to the fact that other organizations than the Catholic Church are engaged in the right-to-life movement, yet goes on vehemently to denounce the Catholic Church for its stand, quoting the National Abortion Rights Action League as to the income of the National Right to Life Committee as emanating almost exclusively from the Catholic Church, which is a bit like taking a quotation from the old Atomic Energy Commission as to nuclear power...
...He documented his findings in an issue of that magazine about two years ago...
...air raids so effective: their "total effect on German fuel production was nothing less than catastrophic...
...The numbers given within the article show that...
...What is so wrong about that...
...naturally they are going to stand by their own convictions in the matter...
...In effect — a union already existed...
...The credit offered in your February 1979 issue to the National Organization for Women for their efforts on behalf of ERA passage must be extended to the many other dedicated organizations in this country...
...Ellen J. Benjamin Coordinator, Illinois Women's Agenda Chicago, Illinois Socialism Sidney Lens in his article "On the Contradictions of Socialism" in the March issue of The Progressive concludes by telling us that we needn't apologize for socialist countries' "errors," by which he means the supression of civil rights by the communist countries...
...Farben had a monopoly, which made the several U.S...
...In 1977-78 alone, Illinois saw the appointment of executive and legislative women's advocates...
...Borkin, finally, says that "not a scintilla of evidence ever has been uncovered to support" the view that "there was a 'gentleman's agreement' between heavy industry in Germany and abroad that I.G.'s synthetic gasoline plants would not be bombed...
...It is one thing not to bomb the headquarters (Borkin says nothing about this...
...Her use of percentages for abortion would lead one to believe so...
...Little of it is political, however...
...Robert Shillaker Sierra Madre, California Vietnam Upon reviewing the March issue, the philosophy expressed in the Comment on "Vietnam's 'Incursion' " startled and disturbed me in a journal whose thorough reflection is one of its hallmarks...
...but the 1944 bombings did take place and did make Leuna inoperative...
...All I'm trying to say is that the Conrad-Marchino article was poor journalism and can only hurt the reputation of your magazine for close-up, truthful reporting...
...In a very real sense, the Vietnamese are liberating the Kampuchean people from a despotic regime that was scientifically planning genocide and population redistribution...
...Arthur S. Miller Key West, Florida Due credit In the March 1979 issue of The Progressive the article by Jack Newfield entitled "Citizen of the Republic" is in error...
...There are times when one must put away hope of the good life for the help of others...
...The most obvious clue to their outsider view is the way in which they report a Congressional "squelching" of any movement towards military unions...
...But when it tangled with the Vietnamese, then, all of a sudden, Pol Pot became the "good guys" in order that the Vietnamese could be cast in the role of the "bad guys...
...It is important to understand, however, that this frustrating battle has no...
...The events on the borders of Vietnam and Kampuchea were the result of two simultaneous events: Vietnam's defense of its borders against repeated attacks from the brutal, murderous Pol Pot regime, and the overthrow of that regime by the National Patriotic Front of Kampuchea...
...I do not for a moment deny her the right to express her opinion because it is upon this diversity of judgment that a democracy thrives, but at the same time 1 feel I have the right to comment...
...I'm not trying to say there is not disenchantment within the ranks...
...I ask for help...
...Her statement, "the right-to-life movement is a powerful minority, but it is important to remember that it is only a minority," really surprised me...
...Does a minority view mean it is democratically proved wrong...
...Any leftist who fails to do that is throwing away our trump card and playing into the hands of the rightists...
...That The Progressive chose to reduce the present In-dochinese conflict to the glib statement that "one nation's military intervention in another's affairs is repugnant in principle and in practice" indicates a failure to address the issue of global society's responsibility to halt repression...
...the approval was finally granted after said bill was in its final stages of passage...
...This was done...
...Actually, it created more horror than any government since Hitler...
...Dan Pick Providence, Rhode Island I.G...
...Albert Speer called it the "turning point in the war...
...What is so wrong about that...
...1, for one, am not, and furthermore 1 resent being lumped with the "right wing...
...By hiding under a sweeping cover, however, The Progressive has avoided considering the problem: at what point does it become morally imperative for nations to intervene in each other's affairs to stop authoritarian oppression of fellow human beings...
...If that were so then The Progressive would be undemocratic because of the Biblical proverb: "Plead the cause of the poor and needy...
...True, some constitutional rights are taken away that in peacetime shouldn't be...
...strategic bombing survey as "one of the major battles of the war...
...Sidney Lens, usually so dependable, does not seem to have got his facts together...
...How can those who marched against Vietnam support abortion...
...In that article he completely ignores the decent non-communist socialist countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark...
...Further, there was a "counseling" requirement, which included showing pictures of a Ictus growing in its mother's womb, warning about the risks of physical injury, emotional damage, sterility, and death, and suggesting alternatives to abortion...
...Bradley R. Bowers Sarasota, Florida...
...Indeed there is...
...NOW is to be congratulated as one of many groups striving for the equality of women in America...
...Barton winds up this argument by saying, "However, the thrust of the anti-abortion movement is to impose a single, religious moral conception on all of society, eroding the separation of church and state which is a cornerstone of democratic liberties...
...Although I have seen nothing of it in civilian newspapers, the acute need for doctors in the military is a major reason why resumption of the draft is being called for...
...Help from those either in the military or in the civilian sector to fight this bill in the courts...
...By the way, the Catholic Church does not take collections at "Respect Life" Sunday liturgies to support the National Right to Life Committee...
...The success of the Equal Rights Amendment, when it is finally passed, will be the celebration of all those concerned with civil rights...
...One must not, in analyzing either an issue or its supporters, become overly simplistic...
...Borkin discussed the U.S...
...The train of thought was that the officers were the labor leaders for the enlisted, and that the management to be bargained against was Congress...
...Margaret Mozzanini Portland, Oregon Judy Barton's article on abortion disregarded many legitimate concerns of many who may or may not be Catholic...
...During my "time in" I had been stationed at four different places, including one where a number of enlisted people from all four services were stationed, and had never heard one enlisted personnel say anything about wanting a union...
...Larry Brixius Albert Lea, Minnesota I take strong issue with Judy Barton's article, "Abortion Clinics under Siege," because I think some of her statements are open to question...
...and the creation of the Midwest Women's Center, a centralized clearinghouse and referral center on women's services...
...For too long we have been told that the tragedy of disability is the loss of physical function...
...unions I have just finished serving four years in the U.S...
...How about another article with a different point of view on the subject...
...What I am hoping for is a rejection of my request citing either S.B...
...The Carter Administration, of course, must take a large share of the responsibility for the death and destruction once again being unleashed in Vietnam...
...Richard M. Harris Orlando, Florida Reading "On the Contradictions of Socialism," I had to look up twice to make sure I was reading what I thought I was reading...
...Until publication of this article, the American public was largely unaware of the importance of wheelchairs for those of us who use them on a daily basis...
...The inappropriately entitled article was really a diatribe against "right-to-lifers" and the Catholic Church...
...Does Barton also propose destroying the elderly when they become unproductive and a nuisance...
...What the grumbling is about is the erosion of benefits and such things as threats to end special areas of Federal and state tax exemption, and the possibility that thirty instead of twenty years will be needed before retirement...
...And everyone, career or otherwise, is concerned over the decreasing quantity and quality of medical care available...
...Now that The Progressive has exposed the reasons for not having wheelchairs on the market that are safe and reliable, we can take action to eradicate the problem...
...Rick Bramhall Los Angeles, California I have just finished reading for the fifth time "Disenchantment in the Ranks" by Thomas Conrad and Michael Marchino in the February 1979 issue, and find it too true...
...There are a great number of us who see family planning and the use of contraceptives as positive, but who do not view abortion an acceptable method of birth control after life has started Barton's article seemed to disregard the life which had already started and which was unprotected if the "quick fix" abortion becomes the solution to an inconvenience...
...Coming on the heels of Teng Hsaio-ping's visit to the United States, there can be little doubt that China was convinced it had U.S...
...Instead, we have learned that the real tragedy is the barriers — such as the lack of reliable, low-cost wheelchairs — that block our full integration into society...
...I have no brief, as my review tried to show, for the treatment of Farben after the war was over...
...How can those who are for abortion be against capital punishment...
...2) it completely negates the humanitarian concept which Barton admits is a reason for opposing abortions, and (3) it erases all efforts by other right-to-life groups as though they didn't exist at all...
...Well, we could expect that from the mass media, but surely Lens should know better...
...The puzzlement was: why all the effort...
...It's just that kind of reasoning that has helped to all but destroy the possibility of a genuine socialist movement in America...
...it was a pseudo-ultra leftist set-up, but this is not the first time that such a regime has objectively worked for imperialism...
...but quite another to destroy the places where production was carried out...
...Are only majority opinions acceptable...
...I believe in credit where credit is due, as I'm sure you agree...
...Under The Progressive's formula, Nazi Germany might still be practicing barbarism against the Jews had Hitler decided not to invade Poland...
...I have no religious axe to grind in this situation, but I do have an almost holy concept of life in any form, and to me it seems a crying shame that millions of babies are sacrificed every year on the altar of expediency...
...With that I cannot agree because (1) it isn't true...
...Right-to-Life people hold that the issue is a human right, not just a religious right, and 1 think that believers have an equal constitutional right to work for human rights...
...Barton states that "right-to-lifers" are a minority group, but yet she also says "supporters of the right to choose face a formidable foe...
...Jane Sorrows Potomac, Maryland Women's rights Let women be proud of their accomplishments and their colleagues...
...1 do not wish to go to jail for my beliei's, but that may be the only way for the final victory of enlisted people to come about...
...What then do I ask...
...The new law, the authors point out, is "so repressive that not even the Pentagon can stomach it...
...This is such a time...
...Esker F. McConnell Sergeant First Class (E-7) Headquarters and Service Company Fort Ritchie, Maryland 21719 Abortion Judy Barton's "Abortion Clinics under Siege," in the March issue, was a disgrace to The Progressive, which presumably defends the rights of all people, especially little people...
...With wheelchairs, we are active participants in our community — we carry on business and pleasure much like everyone else...
...He reports that "last year, [Ralph] Nader exposed the exploding gas tank of the Ford Pinto...
...Seventeen petitioners means nothing against the thousands of troops stationed in South Korea...
...Phil Draper Executive Director Center for Independent Living Berkeley, California G.I...
...This request took the form of taking the wording from the new bill...
...This is not to say, however, that Hanoi was fighting under the banner of moral legitimacy...
...The socialist tragedy of the whole affair is that the Chinese were forced to aid the tyranny of the Kampuchean government out of real security interests, creating an Asian tension that could lead to nuclear warfare between China and the Soviet Union, two supposedly socialist nations...

Vol. 43 • May 1979 • No. 5

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