Davidon, Ann Morrissett
BOOKS The new women Ann Monrissett Davidon WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE: THE MIDLIFE SEARCH FOR SELF by Lillian B. Rubin Harper & Row. 309 pp., with bibliography and index. $10.95. Avery honest...
...Even so, the book is a valuable critique, perhaps more for those who disagree with the neoconservatives than for those who agree...
...First, it forgets that any significant changes in the practices of private industry, such as the hiring of minorities, have come about as the result of protracted pressure from the Government and from civil rights groups...
...As before, it is difficult to talk about the novel because its primary story — there is no escaping the fact — is negligible...
...Though the bibliography is long, the book is lean and the message clear: Women must and will find their own identities...
...The disenchanted THE NEOCONSERVATIVES: THE MEN WHO ARE CHANGING AMERICA'S POLITICS by Peter Steinf els Simon & Schuster...
...I was elected just as you were, and from now on, I'm your colleague whether you like it or not...
...One wishes that he had related neoconservative thought to such concrete issues as inflation, unemployment, and Soviet-U.S...
...Such an astonishing scheme for multilateral containment can only be construed as the tortured result of a dawning apprehension that unilateral containment was a moral and practical failure...
...With wit and long memories the Jacobses re-create their active participation in construction, and the result is both a delightful family reminiscence and an insightful account of Wright's genius and quirks...
...It's Gotten Better" (but, it turns out, now that the children are gone and she has more energy and interest, he doesn't...
...223 pp...
...The prologues to Vonnegut's recent novels are like the more or less realistic gaucho tales that Jorge Luis Borges scatters through his stories...
...He has stayed on generosity's side, the hell with dollars and cents...
...Rubin quotes cogently from, and concisely comments on, interviews with 160 women ranging in age from thirty-five to fifty-four...
...Fear and anger, as any therapist will tell you, are behind most depression, and it is this depression that midlife women generally suffer more acutely than men...
...Stay in the mines IAILBIRD by Kurt Vonnegut Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence...
...As has become clearer with each succeeding novel, Vonnegut is a kind of Christian socialist...
...But to follow any of Stevenson's suggestions openly at the time would have destroyed the "macho" image Kennedy was creating for himself, at the risk of nuclear war for the rest of us...
...They are strong pieces, much superior to the clever little librarian's puzzles that both writers apparently believe are their important work...
...Stevenson put up with humiliations and insults during his final years as U.S...
...The other, compellingly documented and explored in Rubin's sensitive study, is woman's need for an identity of her own...
...All his speeches, and much more, are here...
...It is rather for women and men together to work out a more humane, shared life in which they can feel valuable and useful, both as parents and as people...
...These are only a few of the developments that indicate that the Right is exerting a growing influence on public policy...
...All this one finds out in the appendix...
...Midlife" women whose motherhood roles cease (and, increasingly, their wifedom roles too, as men die earlier and the divorce rate rises) are not dying off as they used to, nor are they fading away into the quiet, depressed security of relatives' homes or madhouses...
...Edel, a skilled literary biographer, has put together in a miracle of graceful compression the salient facts and interpretations of nine prime members of the Bloomsbury set (Leonard and Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, Lytton Strachey, Clive and Vanessa Bell, Desmond MacCarthy, Roger Fry, and Duncan Grant...
...Christopher Johnson (Christopher Johnson is a writer and editor based in Chicago...
...Another thing to be said in favor of For Capital Punishment is that Berns has written a lucid, textbook-like account of the various arguments for and against the death penalty, as well as a short history of the modern philosophy of punishment...
...2. The reason for the decline of authority is that "our convictions have gone slack, our morals loose, our manners corrupt...
...I'm the one who has to pack their lunches and make their breakfast, see that their clothes are ready and in order, handle all kinds of crises, and get all five of them out the door on time...
...Nixon is here, with Haldeman and Ehrlich-man, a character (the novel's best) based on John Mitchell, and a female Howard Hughes, a former Harvard-Radcliffe Young Communist Leaguer, who plans to buy up the whole United States and leave it in her will to the American people...
...You can't do that," she told them...
...A Boston Brahmin and rich young Harvard undergraduate, Hapgood left both school and his social class in 1925 to organize the legal defense of Sacco and Vanzetti...
...Curiously, the Dominican intervention seems to have bothered Stevenson more than Vietnam...
...Steinfels points out two flaws in this argument...
...For anybody who loved him it is hard to admit, but the unpalatable fact is that Stevenson, whose eloquence, intelligence, humanity, and fundamental decency inspired millions around the world, accepted the major premises of the Cold War to the end...
...One was a $5,000 house (1937), the second a solar hemicycle (1946...
...After the crisis was all over, the Saturday Evening Post published an article by Stewart Alsop and Charles Bartlett reporting the inside story...
...Little, Brown...
...Steven D. Stark (Steven D. Stark, a former journalist, is a student at Yale Law School...
...Up to that point, Moynihan had espoused many of the liberal beliefs that were the foundation of the Great Society...
...The morning of the meeting she got up unusually early, got her family ready to go off, dressed, put a bathrobe over her clothes, and left curlers in her hair...
...Rubin was surprised not only at the woman's chutzpah, but at her own reactions...
...That was on July 12, 1965, before Johnson began his enormous buildup of U.S...
...Robert Lasch (Robert Lasch is a former editor of the editorial page of the St...
...Rubin does not clutter up the book itself with statistics...
...I have a family to take care of at that hour of the morning...
...Moynihan is the quintessential neoconservative, and Steinfels, executive editor of Commonweal, analyzes his career in depth...
...He looks oxygenated, worn, withdrawn, a little seedy...
...Present in every human being, this need has been suppressed in most women throughout history by the sociobiological conditions which have made wifedom and motherhood their primary roles...
...The death penalty FOR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT by Walter Berns Basic Books...
...885 pp...
...8.95 paperback...
...There's Got to Be More to Life than Hot Flashes and Headaches," and, finally, "I Know I'm Taking a Big Chance...
...Jailbird's title arises from the premise that Starbuck, an innocent former Communist of the 1930s, sent an equally innocent Alger Hiss figure to prison, becomes an employe of the Nixon White House, and is himself sent to jail because of Watergate crimes, of which he is, of course, innocent..., Stevenson had desperately wanted to be Secretary of State, but his failure to jump aboard the Kennedy bandwagon in 1960 precluded that...
...That Bloomsbury set BLOOMSBURY: A HOUSE OF LlONS, by Leon Edel (Lippincott...
...Unfortunately, he keeps The Neoconservatives at an abstract level, which makes it slow going...
...It's what the world believes that counts...
...I'm the one who has to get four kids and a husband out the door every morning...
...Jailbird may well be his most resonant work to date...
...To be callously called "our official liar" at the White House during the Bay of Pigs fiasco...
...More politicians than ever seem to be waxing rhetorical about the evils of big government spending, and the get-tough boys have been more vociferous than ever in the debates over the Panama Canal and SALT II treaties...
...Volume 8. Edited by Walter Johnson...
...he just wanted it conducted more politely, that's all...
...My reactions to Vonnegut's novels have always been complicated and unsure...
...That theory, in the words of legal philosopher H.L...
...The Jill Krementz photograph that graces the dustcover of Kurt Vonnegut's new novel, Jailbird, tells it all, Vonnegut, wearing a stocking cap and a small cloud of smoke, sits on the edge of his bed lighting one Pall Mall from the end of another...
...Meanwhile, out of the burned bustles of earlier eras and the burning bras and bridges of ours, new midlife women are arising — and possibly new midlife men...
...The fact that the furor surrounding the Spenkelink execution subsided so quickly suggests that Berns's general views have a large amount of public support and that the unofficial moratorium on executions may be coming to a close, making the death penalty more of an everyday occurrence in our legal system...
...That, along with a German-American, Midwestern (Vonnegut is from Indianapolis) melancholy, is his bottom...
...The hero here is Walter F. Starbuck, who is loosely based on Whittaker Chambers...
...always, in sum, the 'good girl' seeking their approval and acceptance...
...So why would I continue to do it...
...Kennedy assured Stevenson that he had had nothing to do with the article and that it did not represent his views...
...The Panthers, the Manson family, the women's movement, Hollywood, California politics, and travels to Honolulu, Bogota, and elsewhere: All, as transmitted through her eyes and ears, are vivid, original perceptions...
...Six weeks before his death he told Arthur Schlesinger Jr., "If we did so badly in the Dominican Republic, I now wonder about our policy in Vietnam...
...This handsomely illustrated memoir is an account of the travail, excitement, and pleasure the Jacobses lived through in building two houses designed by Frank Lloyd Wright...
...Edel has digested the voluminous works by and about his subjects and to the essences he extracts from them adds his observations and psychological conjectures...
...If there is any justification for the death penalty, it must come primarily from a theory of deterrence...
...The cardinal sin of the New Left has been that in both substance and style it threatens stability by directly confronting institutions of the Establishment...
...They told her that if she couldn't make it, perhaps she shouldn't be on the council...
...This is an untenable position and one which neoconservatives have never faced directly...
...Before him on the window sill is an open manuscript, perhaps of this very novel...
...They couldn't look at me for a while, but it was the last breakfast meeting we ever had...
...Johnson's heavy bombing of North Vietnam, and his rejection of U Thant's offers to arrange negotiations with Hanoi, had distressed Stevenson...
...When the other councilors saw her march into the restaurant, they gasped...
...troops in Vietnam and after the Dominican intervention (which Stevenson privately called a "massive blunder...
...These scholars realize that the Bible and Shakespeare were products of other ages and societies...
...She also is the author of two earlier books: Busing and Backlash: White against White in an Urban School District (1972) and Worlds of Pain: Life in the Working Class Family (1976...
...This results in his making a case for the opponents of the death penalty who claim, rightly it would seem, that before anyone is executed, it should be clear that the penalty deters other lawbreakers...
...According to Eric Sevareid, who had an intimate midnight talk with Stevenson two days before the heart attack in Grosvenor Square, he had in fact decided to resign...
...The fact that a proponent of the death penalty can find such little support for that theory, coupled with his own inadequate justifications for capital punishment, gives hope that the Supreme Court will someday realize that on this issue, it made a terrible mistake...
...She does not ignore the fact that many midlife men also find themselves ready for a change as they wonder what they have done with their lives...
...Why did Adlai Stevenson bear the whips and scorns of working for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson when he could have liberated himself with the bare bodkin of a resignation...
...These are the women Lillian Rubin writes about...
...The credibility of their memoir is enhanced by their candor about shortcomings as well as glories...
...Yet Women of a Certain Age is not one more exhortation of the "me decade" urging women to grab for themselves, indulge themselves, pamper themselves...
...For the same reason a slave hides his rage under a bowed head and an ingratiating smile...
...Their sexuality, ranging from the amorphous to the ludicrous, piqued the interest of some who were not attracted by the group's impressive contributions to art, literature, and, in Keynes's case, to economic and political theory...
...According to them, Great Society programs have created a permanent welfare class, given rise to an arrogant bureaucracy, and engendered an atmosphere in which individual and corporate rights are ignored...
...Well, even my young children are more politically sophisticated than Kurt Vonnegut...
...the rest were in the middle class or upper-middle class...
...Gordon Burnside (Gordon Burnside is literary editor of St...
...3. While neoconservatives do admit the existence of poverty, they believe that the Government causes more problems than it solves by attempting to do something about the poor...
...214 pp...
...Rubin's chapter headings almost tell the story: "Who Am I? The Elusive Self...
...The crisis looks a good deal different in hindsight...
...More and more women are going into the work force...
...Louis Magazine...
...It also gives Berns the chance to launch an attack on Albert Camus, whose novel The Stranger seems to confirm for Berns how much the moral basis of modern society has deteriorated...
...The valuable parts of Jailbird are Krementz's dustcover photograph, Vonnegut's prologue, and a retelling of the story of Sacco and Vanzetti...
...Berns also never answers adequately such death penalty critics as Charles Black, who maintain that the death penalty must be abolished because it is inevitable that it will be applied capriciously...
...The watershed of that career seems to have been the failure of the Nixon Administration and of Democratic liberals to support the Family Assistance Plan...
...Neoconservatives want to find ways to strengthen the family unit, possibly through a resurgence in the role of institutional religion in American culture...
...In the end, Kennedy did guarantee Cuba against invasion, and after the crisis ended he quietly withdrew our missiles from Turkey and Italy...
...Besides Moynihan, Steinfels concentrates on two other neoconservatives...
...It is rather an encouragement for midlife women to do the hard work of overcoming their fears and anger, to emerge into a world that needs their skills and strengths too long confined exclusively to the home or in self-effacing "volunteerism...
...I never miss his novels because I know they will show, if nothing else, a warm, democratic generosity that no other American writer has demonstrated since Jack Kerouac died...
...In short, the neoconservatives are in the position of turning for reform to the very institutions that they admit have inhibited reform in the past...
...Steinfels is a thoughtful, rational, balanced writer who avoids cant and the easy generalizations that often mar political writing...
...Rubin's interviews document the cumulative evidence of half-wasted lives, the loss and pain that so many women feel who only in midlife begin to question, to revive hopes and skills long repressed, to search for some further identity than being someone's wife or mother...
...Moreover, when the Post editors demurred at publishing the slur on Stevenson without attribution, Kennedy read it again and sent word that "I want it in...
...I try to tell myself that's a very materialistic viewpoint and that I don't really believe it...
...A painful recognition, not one I'm particularly proud of...
...The rising cost of living is only one of two main reasons...
...Thirty-five were divorced, living alone or with children still at home...
...Rubin sees the painful "empty nest" syndrome so many midlife women appear to suffer as a fear of new beginnings and an anger at lost time and capacities...
...The brave, bold resistance to an outrageous act of Soviet aggression now turns out to have been an unnecessary confrontation that could have been avoided had Kennedy been willing to call off the CIA's continuing effort to assassinate Castro in order to manufacture a pro-American revolt...
...So from now on, we're going to have meetings at some reasonable time when a woman with four children and a husband can make it...
...335 pp...
...The most visible example of this crisis is New Left politics, in which are included the antiwar, black militant, environmental, and women's movements...
...They quoted one insider as saying that Stevenson, in urging a trade of Turkish for Cuban bases, "wanted a Munich...
...He wanted the United Nations, on the outbreak of civil war anywhere, to quarantine the area involved, embargo all aid from outside, and send in forces to keep order until free elections could be held...
...And with only one bathroom in the house...
...Rubin stands strongly behind the midlife women taking the "big chance" of finding out who they are, what they want to do, seeking their own name...
...Putting himself in the corner of the retributionists gives Berns the opportunity to draw support from the Bible ("an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"), William Shakespeare, and a majority of the present Supreme Court, all of whom have found revenge or retaliation a proper justification for punishment...
...Hart, denies that a "system of punishment is justified by its beneficial consequences and claims instead that the main justification of the practice lies in the fact that when breach of the law involves moral guilt the application to the offender of the pain of punishment is itself a thing of value...
...Virginia compared her Bloomsbury friends to lions in a zoo ("All the animals are dangerous, rather suspicious of each other, and full of fascination and mystery...
...What Am I Going to Do with the Rest of My Life...
...In particular, neoconservatives view such phenomena as the drug culture, the new sexuality, and the alleged decline of the work ethic as evidence of a decaying civilization...
...The neoconservatives maintain that the chief vehicle for social change must be the private sector, which will institute reforms in an orderly, gradual way...
...A native Californian, she is at her best in ruminating on the bizarre in California life...
...Yet the old Vonnegut problems remain...
...Hapgood is a genuine figure from American history...
...A persistent semi-slave mentality among midlife women is confirmed by Rubin's interviewees: '. . .out of the burning bras and bridges . . . new midlife women are arising...
...They were indeed a fearsome combination of intellectual and artistic pretensions and achievements...
...5. Finally, the neoconservatives believe that the United States must maintain its prominent position in the world so that it can protect its national interests (i.e., oil...
...And when I lost, I would have set my sights on being a superwoman — always there, always on time, always trying to prove myself an equal by striving to be better...
...Before the crisis began, Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos told the United Nations that Cuba would give up Soviet weapons if the United States would guarantee it against another Bay of Pigs invasion...
...Needing Stevenson in his Administration for political reasons, Kennedy resented him, as is clearly brought out here by the story of Stevenson's role in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962...
...After the two anarchists were lost to the electric chair, he went south to Kentucky, became a coal miner, and, eventually, was one of the founders of the CIO...
...Aware of the hypocrisy of screaming about Soviet missiles ninety miles away when our own were based on Russia's very border, Stevenson suggested that we had better be prepared to offer a quid pro quo to get the Soviet missiles out — something like closing our missile bases in Turkey, evacuating Guantanamo, or guaranteeing Cuba's territorial integrity...
...And so on...
...Intellectually, I know there's no victory my way...
...Some psychiatrists warn that a complete dissociation of retribution from punishment would lead to the separation of public law from morality and the collapse of law...
...4. To head off the collapse of democracy, "neoconservatism insists that authority must be reasserted and Government protected...
...Starbuck isn't anywhere near as pathetically interesting as the real Chambers...
...On the other hand, I like Vonnegut, the man behind the books...
...Berns thus ends up unwittingly making the case against capital punishment...
...288 pp...
...Being one herself, she draws on her own experiences and feelings as well, though so modestly that one suspects she may still be playing the behind-the-scenes role that women who are now "of a certain Ann Morrissett Davidon, a peace activist and mother of two teen-age daughters, is a free-lance writer and critic...
...Books Briefly Working with genius Building with Frank Lloyd Wright, by Herbert Jacobs with Katherine Jacobs (Chronicle Books, 870 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102...
...There are retributive elements in a life prison sentence, and Berns never makes an effective argument about why it is necessary for society to express its feelings of moral outrage in the form of executions rather than life sentences...
...Soon after her election, her fellow councilors decided on an early breakfast meeting, at which she balked...
...Lovely words, but not yet wholly true...
...What Moynihan, Kristol, and Bell share, more than anything, is a belief that the upheavals of the last fifteen years — urban riots, anti-Vietnam war protests, and Watergate — threaten to rob the United States of its "will" and to bring cherished democratic institutions tumbling down...
...One is that it is timely, coming on the heels of the first execution in a decade of a person who did not want to die...
...For anyone unfamiliar with the literature or philosophy in this field, Berns's first chapters are a good place to begin...
...So had the rising clamor by many of his supporters that he repudiate the war by resigning...
...Steinfels identifies five specific themes in neoconservative thought: 1. They believe that "a crisis of authority has overtaken America and the West generally...
...Yet he ignores the fact that arguments about rehabilitation are essentially meaningless in debates about the death penalty, since in almost all cases the alternative to execution is a life sentence with little chance of parole...
...But even if one accepts fully the dubious Berns view that retribution can be the sole justification for the death penalty, it does not follow that a theory of retribution demands the death penalty...
...I have never cared much for science fiction and fantasy, and even Lill Krementz his celebrated black humor of the 1960s struck me as having, as musicians say of a song without drums or bass, no bottom...
...He is especially discerning on Lytton Strachey, whose artistry as a biographer he greatly respects, and on those remarkable sisters, Vanessa Bell, the artist, and Virginia Woolf, novelist and essayist...
...Editor Walter Johnson's researches, however, show that Kennedy in fact read the article before publication and approved it...
...It is not a bad message for the shameless, selfish, stupid 1970s...
...In his last days Stevenson tried to develop a plan for internationalizing the police operations we had taken on ourselves...
...Instead of the U.N...
...Women in their forties, fifties, and sixties (and often beyond) are still vigorous, useful members of society, or capable of being so...
...After twenty-five years of raising children, it's like I'm back to being twenty...
...He writes scathingly about how the growth of the "permissive" philosophy of rehabilitation has poisoned the correctional system...
...But what's the difference what I believe...
...But since the debacle of the FAP, he has grown increasingly concerned about the unforeseen consequences of Federal efforts to effect social change...
...14.95 hardcover...
...An important impulse behind this rightward movement is coming from men like Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan who started out on the Left in their youth but have grown steadily disenchanted with liberal programs and policies of the last fifteen years...
...the first half of his autobiography, Witness, is one of the important documents of Twentieth Century American letters (the second half is pure paranoia...
...So much for that...
...Nor do the neoconservatives have much time for community action groups...
...sadly, the present Supreme Court has no such excuse...
...Behind him, on the wall above the neatly made bed, hangs an item which, when finally recognized, is both startling and apt: a Norman Rockwell painting of the late 1950s, showing a tiny black schoolgirl of otherworldly dignity being escorted past a segregationist mob by four burly Federal marshals...
...But more often midlife men (as Gail Sheehy and others have pointed out) are looking for solace and more intimate relationships just when their wives feel ready to break out of the closed personal microcosm of the family...
...He was disillusioned with Johnson for misrepresenting it as a mere rescue mission, and angered by Johnson's phony claim that he acted to prevent "another Cuba...
...The most interesting thing about Powers Hapgood is that he never wound up a labor bureaucrat, but instead stayed down in the mines...
...In contrast to Berns, most legal scholars accord retribution only a minor role in any theory of punishment, and some have gone so far as to say that any punishment motivated primarily by retribution violates the Eighth Amendment's "cruel and unusual punishment" clause...
...To outsiders they often seemed a nest of snobbery and elitism...
...She then delivered a speech the whole restaurant could hear, worth excerpting here: "Listen, you men have somebody who gets you out of the house every single morning____In my house that somebody is me...
...It is difficult to imagine a more timely book than The Neoconservatives...
...Irving Kristol, who contributes regularly to The Wall Street Journal and is cofounder of the influential journal The Public Interest, and Daniel Bell, author of The Coming of Post-Industrial Society and The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism...
...As to the hotly debated question of whether the death penalty actually deters crime, Berns finds the statistical evidence confusing and contradictory...
...Like the other volumes of the Stevenson Papers, this final one is cluttered with trivia — birthday greetings, bread-and-butter notes to Stevenson's innumerable hostesses, and the like — but one must admit that all this tedium helps to round out a picture of the man...
...In this important book, Peter Steinf els explains who these neoconservatives are, why they became disillusioned with liberal initiatives of the 1960s, and what alternative directions they are offering for the United States...
...Remarried and now in her fifties, she works as a practicing therapist and is a research sociologist at the Institute for Scientific Analysis in San Francisco and at the Institute for the Study of Social Change in Berkeley...
...Whether Stevenson would ever have done more than wonder must be doubted...
...A flawed novelist and a political amateur, Kurt Vonnegut is one of the rare contemporary writers who knows what really counts...
...The recent social scene The White Album, by Joan Didion (Simon and Schuster...
...Second, it ignores the fact that past abuses by capitalist institutions have often made social change necessary...
...This is the central message of all of Von-negut's recent books, which few readers may allow themselves to recognize: Stay down in the mines...
...He takes the neocon-servative philosophy seriously, and he analyzes that philosophy with a scrupulous fairness...
...Rubin admits her ambivalence and astonishment at the courage of one woman she interviewed, an auto mechanic's wife who, at forty-three, became the first woman elected to the city council in her "conservative, male-oriented community...
...Rubin emerged from the house-wife-and-mother cocoon and a marriage to put herself through college and graduate school...
...This is the question that keeps running through one's mind on reading the eighth and final volume of his voluminous papers...
...It is to Stevenson's eternal credit that amid the hysteria of the crisis he calmly advised Kennedy against an air strike, which he was appalled to find had been the President's first impulse...
...Several things can be said in favor of political scientist Walter Berns's new book, which makes a case for capital punishment in this country...
...Forty-five per cent were in the working class...
...Berns dismisses almost casually other theories to justify punishment, a stance which will not endear him to many who support the death penalty for,reasons other than his own...
...He told them he did not play the game that way...
...The prologue to Jailbird describes the luncheon meeting, many years ago, of Vonnegut's father and uncle and a now-forgotten man named Powers Hapgood...
...Having said those things, however, it has to be noted that the principal thesis of Berns's book is an appalling one: that the death penalty ought to be retained for severe crimes because it reaffirms the moral basis of our society...
...What a theory of retribution has to offer a general philosophy of punishment is the idea that only the guilty should be punished and that punishment should be in proportion to the gravity of the offense...
...My husband was representing me as a person...
...a recent report predicts that 66 per cent of mothers will hold jobs outside the home by the 1990s...
...Only I'm more scared now than I was then...
...While they sputtered, she removed the bathrobe and curlers...
...Avery honest "midlife" woman will recognize herself somewhere in Lillian B. Rubin's new book, Women of a Certain Age, and will laugh, cry, sigh, cheer — or perhaps go out and look for a job...
...All of them had been married and had children...
...As a whole the eight volumes add up to a notable job of editorship for which Johnson and his associates deserve great credit...
...Like many contemporary novels, Jailbird slides back and forth between journalism and fiction...
...age" have been so accustomed to playing...
...241 pp...
...Perhaps Rubin and increasing numbers of "career" women like her are resolving this, but the divorce statistics suggest otherwise...
...As the Cold War descended from one level of brutality to another, he became more and more uncomfortable...
...For I knew as I heard her that I wouldn't have dared to take such a bold step...
...147 pp...
...Most of the women Rubin interviewed did not regret having married nor raising children, but those who tried to make changes (simultaneously pursuing studies or jobs or trying to get more family sharing of house chores) often ended up feeling frustrated, guilty, and sometimes defeated — or triumphant and divorced...
...But, we keep hearing, slavery is dead, and women are free...
...Novelist Joan Didion is a gifted reporter, and this collection of essays written in the late 1960s and 1970s is a sensitive reflection of recent social upheavals...
...The study covers the period from 1885 when Fry, the oldest member, was a student at Cambridge to 1920 when the nine friends were middle-aged...
...I would have argued, pleaded, reasoned...
...Louis Post-Dispatch...
...If you don't earn any money, it's hard to take yourself seriously or to feel like what you're doing is important or worth anything... be misled, fooled, and bamboozled by Johnson both on Vietnam and the intervention in the Dominican Republic: such trials were enough to make his sudden death in London a merciful deliverance...
...ambassador to the United Nations...
...and I have to start all over again...
...If women now start getting ulcers and heart attacks from work pressures and sedentary office jobs, and long for their limited hegemony in the uncompetitive safety of the old-fashioned home, the solution is not to be pushed out of the work force back into the home or "up on a pedestal," as suggested by such harbingers of "liberal" reaction as Henry Fairlie in a recent issue of The New Republic... be pushed around by underlings, and branded an appeaser by Kennedy himself, during the Cuban missile crisis...
...Berns attempts to construct a case for capital punishment primarily on grounds of retribution...
Vol. 43 • December 1979 • No. 12