THE WAY WE SAW IT The following are excerpts from articles and editorials published by The Progressive since its founding on January 9, J909. They have been edited only to achieve brevity. Unless...
...Unless an author's name is appended, the material was editorial comment...
...January 1969 Battles worth fighting Of course the millennium is not in sight...
...The truth is that they simply haven't told us what the policy is...
...January 1956 Equality in transportation It is better that forty boys should have one bicycle each than that one boy should have two automobiles...
...The people have been overthrowing special privilege ever since they came out of the woods and chose kings to lead them in their fights...
...It is not true, says Barry Commoner, the noted environmentalist, that the United States lacks an energy policy: "We do have an energy policy — but it is made by the Atomic Energy Commission and the oil companies, not the people or Congress...
...January 1975 Life and death The only logical defense of capital punishment is that it is needed as a deterrent to crime and violence...
...William Allen White, January 16, 1909 Whose energy...
...December 31, 1910 Nuclear stupidity Any step toward private ownership of Government nuclear facilities would have to be viewed as unbelievable stupidity or shameless hypocrisy or both...
...January 1931...
...Some new form of evil will arise to try the muscles of the young...
...But even this contention becomes meaningless when it is considered that records show that states where the death penalty is abolished have actually fewer murders than those in which capital punishment is rigidly enforced...
...Always there will be a battle worth fighting...
...A personal commitment What is needed most of all, it seems to us, is an awareness of the nature of the struggle in the world, and a willingness to act boldly and creatively to meet its challenge...
Vol. 43 • December 1979 • No. 12