NO COMMENT Sign of the times The Mutual Insurance Company Ltd. of Bermuda is offering newspapers a "First Amendment defense" insurance policy covering legal costs of cases involving reporters'...
...So I'll praise them both...
...Project independence The Pentagon says the launching complex for its proposed MX missiles will be powered by "renewable energy systems, thereby reducing consumption of and reliance on fossil fuels...
...It costs S7.77...
...Carter's got to make the appointment...
...Heavy politics Former Senator Sam Ervin, North Carolina Democrat, is having a hard time making up his mind about the Democratic Presidential nomination: "I've got a son back in North Carolina who's up for appointment to a circuit court judgeship...
...of Bermuda is offering newspapers a "First Amendment defense" insurance policy covering legal costs of cases involving reporters' access to information, prior restraint on publication, and journalistic privilege...
...A Navy spokesman called the dumpings "a mistake," explained that "just about everything that has to do with a submarine, particularly a nuclear submarine, is considered classified," but added that the documents dragged up from the bottom "wouldn't give any secrets away, nor would they really be of use to somebody who wasn't familiar with submarines or submarine operations...
...Soundings, a newspaper that covers sailing and fishing, reports that fishing boats in Block Island Sound have been hauling up canisters of classified documents apparently dumped overboard by the U.S.S...
...Frontiers of free enterprise Ronco Teleproducts is marketing, for the Christmas trade, a battery-operated machine that scrambles eggs inside their shells...
...Secrets ahoy...
...Physician, heal thyself Antonio Agpaoa, a popular Filipino faith healer who claims to perform "bloodless surgery" with a sweep of his hands, had his ruptured appendix removed by more conventional means...
...The appointment has to be approved by a committee of which Kennedy is chairman...
...Shark, a nuclear-powered attack submarine based in New London, Connecticut...
...Death and taxes Representative James R. Jones, Oklahoma Democrat, says some of his constituents "have been waiting three or four years to die" because Congress has been so slow to revise the inheritance tax laws...
Vol. 43 • December 1979 • No. 12