Voting for What We Want
COMMENT Voting for What We Want When Richard M. Nixon campaigned for the Presidency in 1968, he solemnly assured his audiences that if he were elected, he would appoint a new Attorney General. The...
...As Ralph Nader's Tax Reform Research Group suggests, this provision gives the shipping industry a "double dip" into the U.S...
...The estate tax law was revised to require heirs who sell property to pay capital gains tax on the increase in value between the time of sale and the end of the calendar year...
...So long as liberals confine their "reforms" to certain particular abuses, they may score occasional political points, but they will leave the power and wealth of the few largely untouched...
...Those of us who had the privilege of knowing Orlando Letelier will remember him as a fighter...
...It was supposed to be a small subsidy only $200 million a year...
...In an effort to stimulate exports, Congress enacted a law in 1972 allowing American firms to establish Domestic International Sales Corporations (DISCs) as legal tax havens which would save them a quarter of their profits on overseas sales...
...Walden Earhart won the Republican nomination for Nevada's at-large Congressional seat with 29 per cent of the primary vote...
...JUDITH MILLER (Judith Miller is The Progressive's Washington correspondent...
...Many months of Congressional labor have produced complex changes in an Internal Revenue Code that already was virtually incomprehensible...
...The tax laws become more complex, and the advantages enjoyed by a small group of corporate interests multiply...
...The suggested retail price, $4.99, includes a coffin-shaped box and a set of pins...
...Robert M. LaFollette Sr...
...Mao's Legacy of Rebellion In the power centers of the world, politicians, diplomats, and scholars have launched a simultaneous quest to decipher the legacy left by the Chinese giant, Mao Tse-tung...
...No, Earl Butz, they don't...
...There is, and it can be found in the minds and hearts of Earl Butz and his agribusiness buddies...
...The difference between a large and a small farm is not purely acreage...
...The Terrorist Information Project of the Fifth Estate (P.O...
...A profoundly patriotic man, Letelier responded with indignation: "I was born a Chilean, I remain a Chilean, and I will die a Chilean," he told friends...
...There is a plausible case to be made for each of these points of view and for the choice of "none of the above" which Milton Mayer argues beginning on Page 28...
...Rebel when you return to school...
...But the profits...
...A chicken was well, just a chicken, homely ingredient in the universal home remedy...
...Despite repeated death threats and other forms of intimidation, he continued to speak out against the tyranny of the Chilean junta...
...A conglomerate mentality has control of farm policy in this country, and its effect has been devastating...
...Land-locked Rhodesia thereby gained continued access to Mozambique ports...
...A CHOICE, NOT AN ECHO... for the racist regime of Rhodesia was manifested in three ways: First, the arms embargo on Portugal which had been imposed by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson was relaxed and the Lisbon colonialists were given the arms with which to hold in check the liberation movements of Mozambique and Angola...
...The search seeks the discovery of the Chinese equivalent of the Christian Paul, or perhaps a Peking version of the Roman Emperor Constantine...
...Just in lime for Christmas, IP Marketing of New Milford, New Jersey, is merchandising an "executive voodoo doll...
...Since 1940, three million American farms have folded...
...Students should be given the choice of not listening to lectures...
...According to the St...
...Government programs designed to help have been severely criticized for failing to assist the small farmer...
...Anyone who tried to question the Committee's proposals was dismissed as either "anti-nuclear" (and almost, by implication, anti-progress and anti-American) or too poorly versed in nuclear physics to perceive the Committee's wisdom...
...The nuclear industry continues to avoid assuming full financial risk for its profit-seeking enterprises...
...One of the most popular Mao quotes, shouted by millions during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and taken to heart by workers, peasants, and students, is Mao's statement, "Marxism consists of thousands of truths, but they all boil down to one sentence, 'It is right to rebel.' It is not a quote hard-working Chinese people on the bottom are likely to forget as evidenced by reports from recent visitors to China of an upsurge of strikes, political protest, debate, and defiance of authority throughout the country's urban centers...
...The detective work is concentrated for the most part on uncovering which person or persons may emerge as legitimate disciples to carry on the master's work...
...The report, entitled The Effect of Foreign Military Sales on the U.S...
...The Illinois Department of Public Aid routinely notifies deceased welfare recipients that their payments are being cut off because they are dead...
...The CBO is not fully to blame: Congress posed the superficial question, and the CBO's job was merely to answer it, even if the Office does not have the tools required for the task...
...It is a clever strategy, but whether it can stem the revolutionary tide for any length of time in either Rhodesia or South Africa is doubtful...
...There are indications that the CIA is conducting another "destabilization" campaign against a democratically elected government that of Michael Manley in Jamaica...
...Recalling the Christmas dinner he and his fellow prisoners were permitted to share, Letelier told me, "A warm cup of soup, the touch of a comrade's arm, four months of life____ Gracias a la vida____ Thanks for the life I love so much...
...Little progress has been made in solving the grim problem of nuclear waste disposal...
...founded this magazine two-thirds of a century ago to promote the creation of a political movement that would serve the genuine interests of most Americans a movement dedicated to the attainment of a peaceful world, a just economy, and a free society...
...Excerpt from a typical letter: "Beginning in February 1976 your assistance benefits will be discontinued...
...We posed, therefore, a series of basic questions which, in our judgment,) needed to be debated by Americans: Must we try to.perpetuate our global empire, maintaining far-Rung military outposts, spending billions on the machinery of death, meddling in the affairs of other nations--or is there a better way...
...Citizen Yang may no longer be cowed by authority...
...Furthermore, nations that could no longer purchase arms from the United States might order more non-military items with their money...
...Or, evidently, anything else...
...The result...
...Ambassador Douglas Heck, head of the inter-agency committee on anti-terrorism, observed, "September is a crazy month for terrorism...
...Meanwhile, Congress has made no attempt to calculate the economic impact of cutting back overseas troops and bases (a substantial balance-of-payments drain), of transferring military research and development funds to the civilian sector to make American goods more attractive domestically and abroad (nearly 80 per cent of Federal R&D funds are devoted to military-related projects), or of reallocating other rhilitary funds to other budgetary categories...
...Last May, as the primary contest for the Democratic Presidential nomination was approaching its climax, we observed in this space that it is a vital function of a political campaign .-to-set the terms of public debate...
...A Rhodesian company called Genta, Ltd., created by Ian Smith's white regime, put through orders for oil to SASOL, a government-owned firm in South Africa...
...Congress has followed a familiar pattern throughout its "tax reform" efforts: Broad reforms are proposed and then watered down, new loopholes in the law are opened, and each step forward is undone by two steps back...
...Even the frankfurter is more deceitful these days...
...The basic building blocks for that effort exist in some of the organizations described by McClellan and Anderson, and the first item on the Left's post-election agenda ought to be an earnest attempt to forge those organizations into an effective coalition...
...It may be that a realistic attempt to change the tax system can succeed only if it is part of an effort to restructure the way our economy produces and distributes income...
...No irony was intended...
...I am convinced that is why he was murdered...
...Reason: it has been reported to our office that you expired on January 1, 1976...
...In the fiscal 1975 military budget request, $6.5 billion was surreptitiously tacked on strictly as an economic "pump-primer...
...Everyone in Peking knows of Mao's remarks that "teachers giving lectures should allow students to fall asleep...
...The worst that can come to you is expulsion from school...
...However, virtually no one in Congress advocates a total ban, nor is it politically realistic to expect one to be enacted...
...An effective tax reform movement must be prepared to deal with industry tax strikes the flight to suburbia, to the South, to Taiwan...
...The embargo admittedly was leaky, but Kissinger and President Nixon could easily have made it effective...
...I described Letelier's arrival in the United States which he thought meant safety for him and his family after his release from the island prison was obtained through pressure applied by friends in Washington and Venezuela...
...Ironically, NCLC has received a $48,000 loan from Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank with only $16,000 in collateral...
...Congress should write a new, simple tax law which will compensate for the regressive impact of state and local taxes...
...One dramatic example is the provision allowing shipbuilders to take a 5 per cent investment tax credit for money spent on ship construction in the United States, even though such construction will be financed with the shipbuilders' own untaxed profits that have been deposited in so-called capital construction funds (CCFs), created by the Merchant Marine Act of 1970 to provide tax benefits to the industry...
...But it was just one of a long, bloody series of violent attacks against exiles who have spoken out against the repressive Chilean regime...
...And that amount will increase as more and more chicken producers realize the advantages of branding their birds...
...Despite all he had suffered, Letelier, who shunned bitterness, managed to derive some strength from his hellish ordeal...
...commitment to nuclear fission-generated electricity...
...Manley's Peoples National Party has stirred anger in Washington by granting full diplomatic recognition to Cuba and by threatening to increase taxes on exports of bauxite and to nationalize five ore-processing plants...
...For too long Congress gave the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy just what it wanted without critical examination...
...Louis physicians say...
...Mao's legacy of rebellion will be difficult to bury...
...they cause people to become afraid just by looking at them...
...I told how Letelier, a distinguished economist, former Chilean ambassador to the United States, and foreign minister under President Salvador Allende, had endured a year-long struggle for survival on Dawson Island, the Chilean junta's special preserve for political prisoners...
...Since the Administration has been justifying its aggressive arms-sales policy on vague economic rationales, this document from the "liberal" CBO could significantly bolster the arms-pushers' credibility and undermine efforts to curtail exports of weaponry...
...The recent history of bailouts and enormous subsidies to major corporations suggests that Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, and other major producers of arms for export will not be badly hurt if they find themselves barred from this lucrative market...
...Excerpts from an invocation delivered by Archbishop Philip Hannan of New Orleans before a football game between the New Orleans Saints and the Miami Dolphins: "Grant that the defensive line may be as effective as the avenging angel and the offensive line the rock of salvation for the quarterback...
...If the United States were suddenly to reduce exports, the dollar would tend to lose value on the international market...
...Without that oil, the Rhode-sian economy would have foundered...
...If the election turns out to be a close one, the winner will have a "mandate" from barely a quarter of the potential electorate...
...The U.S...
...Reynolds Industries has admitted making $25 million in illegal or questionable payments here and abroad since 1968...
...When people are confronted with meaningless "choices," many perhaps most will simply decline to choose... corporate executives are in prison...
...This is something that an "economy-minded" Congress ought to think about...
...Other politically active Chileans have been threatened with similar violence...
...If the lecture is no good, it makes no sense to force others to listen...
...But no longer...
...Perhaps most significantly, the coalition was joined by many members who have been growing skeptical about how our nuclear energy program has proceeded...
...A CBO staff working paper, prepared this summer at the request of the House Armed Services Committee, concludes that a ban on such arms sales would damage the American economy...
...All told, 150 firms have admitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission that they are guilty of questionable and illegal practices...
...The study's methodology is even more misleading, resting on three extremely dubious assumptions: 1. That the international market has fixed exchange rates...
...In that sense he is still a survivor...
...I don't know why it is, but during the past few years there have been more incidents in September than at any other time...
...In the two years of transition provided in the recently negotiated agreement (which may or may not hold), both Smith and Kissingerif they are still around can play on the bitter rivalries among the half dozen groups currently bickering for predominance, so as to forge a right-of-center, antisocialist regime friendly to Washingtonjust as the United States was able to do in Zaire...
...No one really noticed, however until the U.S...
...Second, the Byrd Amendment permitted U.S...
...The entire tax system in unjust...
...2. That no alternative foreign or domestic sales will replace arms sales...
...goods which would increase the level of U.S...
...Any leaders who take power tomorrow in Peking without winning over the people below have their work cut out for them...
...Lockheed Aircraft spent a similar sum bribing foreign officials to buy its planes, and Gulf Oil has admitted spending $12.3 million on "legal and illegal contributions...
...Shortly after he arrived in this country, he became the director of the Transnational Institute of the Institute for Policy Studies, a leftist think tank...
...Since "current liberation and majority rule aspirations" were not attainable, the memo argued that the "only hope for a peaceful and prosperous future lies in closer relations with the white-dominated states...
...This latest round, recently signed into law by President Ford, has focused on revising the estate tax, capital gains, and the minimum tax to be paid by wealthy individuals who take advantage of tax shelters...
...The House Armed Services Committee staff member who ordered the study, Judd White, while noting that its conclusions "stand entirely" on this assumption, concedes, "I do not know if this is a valid assumption or not...
...they are egoistic...
...What priority should we give funding for the breeder reactor, nuclear fission, and solar energy...
...Small farms are labor intensive, and simply cannot compete, at least not while the Department of Agriculture is standing foursquare behind agribusiness...
...DAVID MILTON (David Milton, who taught at Peking's First Foreign Language Institute from 1964 to 1969, now teaches sociology at the University of California, Berkeley...
...In the few instances of prosecution, the penalty has been a fine...
...For Orlando Letelier's friends it was more...
...Instead, we have been inundated in empty rhetoric and vacuous inanities...
...Congress will have to address serious nuclear policy questions again and again in the near and distant future...
...They are finger-lickin' good...
...He or she certainly remembers what Mao said off the cuff about bureaucrats: "They have no direction...
...Economy, asserts that if a ban were to go into effect during the current fiscal year, the real gross national product would, by fiscal 1981, drop by $12 billion...
...As Jack J. Bame, associate director of the Commerce Department's International Economic Analysis Division, says of such "single-factor" analyses of the economy, "All these kinds of studies are worthless and downright silly, because they assume one change and say 'Because of that, this and that is going to happen,' which is crazy...
...FRED KAPLAN (Fred Kaplan is a research associate with the Military Audit Project, a Washington-based private research organization of the Fund for Constitutional Government...
...Government, which was instrumental in overthrowing Allende and installing the junta, issued terse statements deploring the terrorist act...
...Do we want to expand our uranium enrichment and fission reactor capacities before we have some definite answers on the waste disposal problem...
...How does the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC), an allegedly "Marxist" organization with all of 600 members, raise $1.4 million a year to operate a world-wide Telex system, run eleven offices in the United States and Europe, conduct a number of electoral campaigns, pay the travel expenses for a network of organizers, and meet a yearly telephone bill of $130,000...
...As the 1969 National Security Council memo stated, peace and prosperity could be attained only through "closer relations with the white-dominated states...
...Orlando Letelier is no longer a survivor...
...Perdue Chickens, one of the top four producers of fresh poultry, processes two million chickens a week, yet its president, Frank Perdue, claims he can't keep up with the demand...
...These are the quotes the people enjoy and treasure and may sometime use against those authorities who would close off avenues of information...
...The provisions of the "reform" legislation affecting business suggest an ever more common characteristic of our tax system the use of the Government's fiscal apparatus to guarantee corporate profits at the people's expense...
...the Government allows franks to be up to 15 per cent chicken without a label change...
...The junta had tried first to silence Letelier by applying subtle pressure...
...In Southern Africa, however, the Kissinger-Nixon team, and later the Kissinger-Ford team, refused to take such stem measures...
...I'm not sure I was able to persuade him that everything that was said was of no importance...
...Instead, as Senator Gaylord Nelson, Wisconsin Democrat, reports, it has cost U.S...
...Both Perdue and Tyson admit allocating more than $1 million for advertising this year...
...two guerrilla movements, the Zimbabwe Liberation Army and SWAPO...
...Why should you be afraid of so many things...
...Should we abolish the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and divide its responsibilities among other committees with oversight on energy matters or should we create new Congressional energy committees...
...labor Democrats who worry about the jobs that will be lost if we over-commit our resources to a shaky nuclear industry while ignoring coal, conservation, and more promising potential energy alternatives, and members deeply concerned about nuclear proliferation...
...But pieces are often missing...
...The next Congress and the next Administration must surely place near the top of their list of priorities the compelling need to achieve greater self-sufficiency in energy, both through production and conservation, as well as the imperative to halt the global spread of nuclear technology and weaponry...
...The exemption from estate taxes was also increased from $60,000 to almost $176,000, effective 1981...
...Arms Sales and the Economy Supporters of U.S...
...Bombings, arson, and other forms of terror by rightist forces have claimed seventy lives in recent months in a campaign that closely resembles the "destabilizing" programs practiced by the CIA in Chile and Guyana...
...Must private profit be the nation's driving force or is there a better way...
...In West Virginia more than 45 per cent of all farms have been defined out of agriculture...
...Opposition to the Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act developed within the Joint Committee itself and was supported by a remarkable coalition of House members, which included fiscal conservatives who objected to the seemingly endless subsidization the Federal Government has provided the private nuclear energy industry...
...The National Catholic Reporter notes that the Dolphins won, 20 to 7. FRONTIERS OF FREE ENTERPRISE...
...Give to our backs the fleetness of the hind so that the hand of the enemy will never touch them as they cross often into the promised land...
...You can't just take a chicken at face value," claims Perdue...
...It is safe to assume that John Vorster, who betrayed his Rhodesian ally, received assurances from Kissinger on continuing minority rule in South Africa...
...Now this American approach has come apart: Angola and Mozambique have won their independence from Portugal...
...I'm sure he wasn't totally satisfied...
...While press reports in the West have often emphasized the public cult of Mao as a deity worshipped by weeping masses, there is another side to the magic of Mao among the Chinese people that may carry more historical weight...
...The Reverend Hosea Hickey of Boston pledges that if he is elected President he will "threaten to invade Cuba every first and third Wednesday, weather permitting" and change the name of the Panama Canal to Old Glory Turnpike or, perhaps...
...Until recently, the chicken wasn't even in the running...
...They will undoubtedly recall Mao's inspection tour of the country in 1968, when the old revolutionary asked every leading cadre, "Do you lecture people all the time...
...the invasion of Angola by South Africa and Zaire late last year failed...
...Some specific industries also scored a "reform" bonanza...
...This time something new was added: A farm is no longer a farm unless it is "an economic unit" which produces $1,000 worth of agricultural products in twelve months a change of definition that the Department of Agriculture claims is necessary to "keep in step with the fast changing tempo of modern agriculture...
...The school should allow the students to rebel...
...Despite this second vote, the House action represented a major breakthrough in the search for a sane and sound national energy policy...
...They are also graded and dated...
...But whether or not such a successor surfaces may, in the long run, be less important to history than the effect of Mao's long reign on the Chinese people...
...And anybody who goes with this out to 1981 well, it's just worthless...
...Interstate '76...
...The study attempts to compare the overall economic impact of a total ban on government-to-government foreign military sales with the impact of continued sales at the present level of $8.2 billion a year...
...Two years ago, President Ford was proclaiming that the United States would be operating 250 reactors by 1985...
...Trucco blamed Letelier's murder on unidentified "hostile elements...
...When the United States imposed an embargo on strategic trade with the Soviet Union early in the Cold War, it successfully enforced it by requiring every recipient of U.S...
...Making Farmers Disappear A thousand dollars a year doesn't sound like much any more...
...Heirs had previously paid capital gains only on the increase in value during their ownership of the property...
...It is not a matter of "apathy" or "indifference...
...Few Chinese are unfamiliar with Mao's private talks with his niece, distributed widely during the Cultural Revolution, when he told her to violate the rules of her school deliberately and to rebel against all the regulations when she returned...
...Officials of the U.S...
...In these circumstances, Kissinger has suddenly become an advocate of "majority rule...
...Competition in the chicken business is stiff and building...
...Payments followed the same route in reverse...
...Security Council imposed economic sanctions against the white regime of Rhodesia because it had refused to take any steps toward majority rule by blacks, who constitute 94 per cent of the six million population...
...In 1974, a year after the junta seized power, Carlos Prats Gonzalez, the former commanding general of the Chilean army under Allende, was killed with his wife in a bomb blast in Buenos Aires...
...Our own experience tends to confirm these findings...
...He would also provide every CIA agent with a kit containing a magnifying glass, two Excedrin tablets, and a letter opener...
...DISCs...'destabilization' Henry Kissinger's efforts in behalf of black majority rule in Rhodesia must be viewed in the light of history and, therefore, with some skepticism...
...In the last two years, this situation has begun to change, thanks in large part to the activities of environmental groups, enlightened unions, and citizen and taxpayer lobbies...
...Yet, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics study, defense spending is the second least efficient economic stimulator (topped only by the space program...
...arms sales to foreign nations have received an unexpected line of ammunition from, of all places, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO...
...After a decade of tumultuous politics, of conservative political leaders mouthing revolutionary rhetoric and radical leaders mouthing dogma, the Chinese people have lost much of their former political naivete...
...A joint National Sharecropper Fund/Rural Advancement Fund report estimates that 570,000 farms will be eliminated from the agricultural census...
...His past performance suggests he is stalling for time during which to put together a "majority" under the guiding hand of black conservatives and tribalists...
...aid to report regularly in writing that it was not conducting any strategic trade with Moscow...
...Amendments to modify or block these proposals, although eventually rejected, received substantial support...
...He is co-author of "People's China" [Random House, 1975] and "The Wind Will Not Subside" [Pantheon, 19761...
...The Chilean ambassador, Manuel Trucco, denied that his government was involved in the bombing and issued a statement denouncing "the outrageous act of terrorism...
...W. Averell Harriman, acting as a foreign policy adviser to Jimmy Carter, met with Leonid I. Brezhnev in Moscow "in an effort," as The New York Times reported, "to assuage anxieties about the impact of election-year speech-making on detente...
...Hardly anyone comments on the flim-flam...
...Once the lowly subject of Depression homilies, chickens are now promoted in multi-media campaigns complete with celebrity endorsements...
...There is no way we will get what we want on November 2 or, for that matter, on any subsequent election day, unless we undertake a fundamental restructuring of our politics...
...Ron Hoffman, deputy assistant director of the CBO's Tax Analysis Division, observes, "You'd have to bet that if a law banning arms-sales were passed, there would be some compensating Government policy...
...Now it is 1976 and Jimmy Carter no Nixon he solemnly assures his farm-belt audiences that if he is elected he will appoint a new Secretary of Agriculture...
...It was the first to be sized, graded, packaged, and brand-named...
...NCLC and its satellite, the U.S...
...Whatever the fate of the Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act in this Congress and all signs indicate at this writing that the bill is dead in the Senate the issues it presents will persist...
...crime in the suites...
...Department of Agriculture conducted its 1975 census of American farms...
...This the bureaucracy of the overlords...
...It is a goal to which we remain totally committed...
...Gimmicks are shifted, disguised, and recreated in new forms, but the ultimate effect is merely cosmetic...
...But these reforms were coupled with an exemption on trusts for transfers to a grandchild of up to $250,000...
...When the oil reached Rhodesia, Genta resold it to Mobil-Rhodesia, thus completing the illegal circle...
...How the Rhodesian regime and Mobil conspired to break the embargo was revealed last summer when a United Church of Christ research organization issued a forty-eight-page study by OKHELA, a clandestine group of South African revolutionaries...
...a curious 'Marxist' group...
...Do you listen to what people have to say... present, there are but fifty-nine, and only owe reactor has been ordered by a national utility in the first seven months of 1976...
...This is absurd: Exchange rates are flexible...
...Copyright® 1976 by Pacific News Service...
...On September 21, as he was driving on a Washington street just a few hundred yards from the Chilean embassy, a bomb exploded beneath his car, dismembering his body and also killing Ronni Moffitt, one of two colleagues with him...
...Must millions of our people be subjected to the cruel displacements of an irrational economy or is there a better way...
...On that day, an amendment I proposed to the Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act an amendment which would have prohibited the turnover of a major share of the uranium enrichment business to private industry backed by huge Government guarantees was adopted by a margin of two votes...
...And for this very reason, the study will serve as an effective document for arms merchants, interested Government officials, and hawkish legislators...
...A week before his death, the Chilean government stripped him of his citizenship...
...The campaign as a whole, indeed, seems designed to diminish the electoral turnout on November 2. There are authoritative predictions that fewer than 50 per cent of the eligible voters will bother to cast ballots...
...Congress apparently nurtures the hope that these changes will prove too arcane to be understood by the average citizen, for the most minimal reforms have been combined with a new set of giveaways to various corporate interests...
...A copy of the report can be obtained by writing to the N.S.F./R.A.F., 2128 Commonwealth Ave., Charlotte, NC 28205...
...Representative Joe Skubitz, Kansas Republican, gave voice to this growing frustration, complaining that he had heard "skulduggery and half-truths from the Atomic Energy Commission" for so long that it was difficult to accept the figures the Joint Committee cited from the AEC's successor agency, the Energy Research and Development Administration "the same gang...
...While control over investments, working lives, and jobs remains in corporate hands, even the best-intentioned tax reformers may find their efforts undermined by the fear that jobs may be jeopardized or by the pressure to stimulate a lagging economy...
...Mobil worked out a complex scheme to "launder" and hide the sales...
...Orlando Letelier When I wrote about Orlando Letelier for the January 1975 issue of The Progressive, the Comment was entitled, "Chile: A Survivor...
...And procedurally, how should Congress move forward...
...Crime in the suites still pays...
...In 1966, the U.N...
...Five days later, under intense lobbying pressure from the White House and several major energy corporations, the House reversed its previous position and rejected the amendment by a vote of 193 to 192...
...One conclusion is obvious: piecemeal "reforms" of small segments of the tax system are not enough...
...Shocked and saddened by his friend's murder, Abourezk said, "Orlando Letelier, as I knew him, was a very gentle, kind, civilized, and nonviolent person, who was dedicated only to two things: to democracy and to the truth...
...Harriman told The Times, "I think he was somewhat relieved by what I had to say...
...There, he and several hundred other Chileans were subjected to freezing weather, hunger, periodic interrogations, beatings, cigarette burns, electric shock, and other forms of torture perfected by Chile's current rulers...
...PERSPECTIVES On Kissinger's Rhodesia pact...
...In sum, the study's conclusions bear little relation to reality...
...A 1969 memorandum of the National Security Council concluded that "the whites are here to stay and the only way that constructive change can come about is through them...
...In addition, Congress decided for the first time to begin levying taxes on generation-skipping trusts...
...In 1975, for instance, farms producing sales of $40,000 or more (16.6 per cent of all farms) received 47.4 per cent of the 530 million tax dollars paid to farmers...
...unemployment would rise by 0.3 per cent, and net U.S...
...Congress has undertaken a sort of collective consciousness-raising exercise which should greatly assist in our deliberations over all things nuclear...
...Grant that we may enjoy such a winning season that at the Superbowl we may see the Saints go marching in...
...It is important, then, to point out that the CBO study is so loaded with faulty reasoning as to render its conclusions meaningless...
...A recent article in Advertising Age estimates the retail business in fresh poultry is worth more than $5 billion annually, with consumption in the United States up 30 per cent in the last ten years...
...Congress has taken a hard look at such Joint Committee proposals as extension of the Price-Anderson Act (which excuses the nuclear industry and the Government from accepting full liability in the event of a major reactor accident) and start-up funding for an experimental fast breeder reactor at Clinch River, Tennessee...
...State Department and the CIA must have known at least as much about this conspiracy as OKHELA, but never attempted to stop it...
...Pentagon spokesmen are already citing the data in the study to back up their demands for increased arms sales...
...He was a threat to no one, except to those who fear the truth...
...Dollar for dollar, more jobs, and because non-military projects generate revenue or further productivity a higher gross national product would be created by private or public spending on housing, education, transportation, and other socially useful programs...
...One important fact, not yet widely recognized, is that the nuclear business is a sick industry...
...Must we continue to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a few, preserving the income gaps that have remained virtually undisturbed through New Deal, Fair Deal, New Frontier, and Great Society or is there a better way...
...The loser is the consumer who pays not only for name and package, but also for commercials that convince him to pay more for less...
...Half a year later and only a few weeks before Election Day, these questions or any others of similar weight and substance have hardly been addressed in even the most tangential way by either of the major candidates...
...Congress extended the 10 per cent investment tax credit, originally scheduled to drop to 7 per cent at the end of the year, through 1980 a magnanimous gesture that will add about $3 billion a year to corporate assets...
...yesterday's travesty is today's norm in the hollow exercise we call Presidential politics...
...The entire Black Caucus opposed the nuclear fuel bill which would encourage mass exports of enriched uranium out of concern that it would hasten South Africa's development of nuclear weapons capability...
...He wrote "Still the Merchants of Death" in the March 1976 issue...
...Sleeping may help one to recover from fatigue...
...almost any other topic discussed in the pages of this magazine draws more mail...
...Bigger may not always be better, but it sure is powerful...
...they do not treat people equally...
...The first of the Great Debates between Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter, the only one held before this issue of The Progressive went to press, was devoted largely to a tedious recital of misleading and meaningless statistics a performance that will surely diminish the audience for the "debates" still to be staged...
...Big farms are capital and energy intensive, and can incorporate technological advances into their operations...
...Senator James Abourezk, South Dakota Democrat, said the bombing indicated that "the tyranny of the dictatorship in Chile has now been extended in part to the United States...
...The big winners in the brand-name game are the middlemen processors, distributors, and advertisers...
...It is safe to assume that The Progressive's readers take a lively interest in public affairs...
...taxpayers $6.6 billion in the first five fiscal years and will amount to $22 billion by 1986...
...It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken," Frank Perdue boasts...
...The economy of fission-generation is in serious doubt...
...Empty 'Tax Reform' As might be expected in an election year, Congress has once again gone through the motions of "tax reform...
...The pledge, delivered with appropriate flourish, was widely recognized as an egregious bit of flim-flam, since no Republican President would under any circumstance be expected to keep his Democratic predecessor's Cabinet...
...3. That there will be no Government policies to offset the effects of a ban...
...Labor Party, have attained notoriety on the Left in recent years by committing some sixty acts of terrorism against Communists and Trotskyists, breaking up radical meetings, splitting the National Welfare Rights Organization, attacking union leaders as "scum," "faggots," and "police agents," and denouncing legitimate liberal and radical forces as "CIA, FBI, and Rockefeller agents...
...When his startled niece replied, "No, why should we read them...
...A recent survey conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates for the nonpartisan Committee for the Study of the American Electorate found widespread alienation from the political process even among the best informed segments of the citizenry...
...Some of us will redouble our commitment to democracy and truth because of Orlando Letelier...
...Must we stand by while our liberties are undermined, our resources squandered, our environment polluted or is there a better way...
...Perdue shares its top market position with Tyson Foods, Paramount, and Holly Farms, which claims a 33 per cent increase in sales since it began using a brand name three years ago...
...To the Chinese and the world Mao will be remembered as the great rebel, the poet who celebrated the ancient Chinese fable of the Monkey King wielding his golden cudgel to sweep away the evil dust in the world...
...In South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi more than 30 per cent of the farms have been ruled out...
...When she protested because she was afraid of being criticized, Mao told her, "I don't think you will be very capable in the future [she is now a deputy foreign minister...
...And more than 46 per cent of all black-owned farms will be unable to meet the new criteria...
...The hope that Congress will pass equitable, effective tax reform may be Utopian...
...It's just one of those things...
...Mao replied, "How can you do translations or handle foreign affairs if you do not study the Holy Bible and Buddhist sutras...
...Newest player in the all-American brand-name game, chicken has made the strategic transition from food to product, and it is a product whose marketing time has come...
...less desirable parts are used as a base for corn dogs, bologna, and other processed meats...
...Among those who have written to us, most urge support for one or another of the alternative candidates discussed by Jim McClellan and David Anderson in the article beginning on Page 15 of this issue...
...stand poised at the borders of Rhodesia and Namibia (formerly Southwest Africa), and John Vorster's regime in South Africa is too preoccupied with riots and demonstrations at home to pay much attention to white supremacy in Rhodesia...
...This would make American goods cheaper, which would increase foreign demand for U.S...
...SASOL in turn ordered exactly that amount of oil from Mobil-South Africa, billed it to a private company, Parry Leon & Hayhoe, which then shipped the oil to Genta in unmarked trucks and rail tankers...
...Box 1424, Arlington, Virginia 22210) has published a twenty-four-page brochure, NCLC Brownshirts of the Seventies, which sheds light on this bizarre group...
...The events of recent months suggest that these questions will be addressed with a healthy skepticism...
...A Chicken by Any Other Name The egg came first...
...Mao asked his niece if she was required at school to study the Holy Bible and Buddhist sutras...
...Is there any logic behind a decision to eliminate half a million farms from the census, and perhaps from Department of Agriculture services and programs ("We will not pretend that these people are farmers...
...exports would decline by $7.5 billion...
...Should we give the go-ahead to plutonium "recycling...
...Here, too, however, Kissinger can do no more than stall for time...
...Crucial to both these endeavors is the need to scrutinize our deep commitments to nuclear fission power...
...The average payment to farms producing less than $5,000 in sales in 1975 was $41...
...they repeatedly hurl all kinds of abuse at people...
...We have learned how the Ford family would handle the domestic crisis of a daughter's "affair," and we have been given a glimpse of the lust that resides in Jimmy Carter's heart...
...Today's chickens come pre-sized from the five to seven pound "Oven Stuffer" down to the dainty Cornish hen...
...47 per cent voted for "no preference...
...In addition, according to Greg Rose, a former NCLC executive committee member, it has passed intelligence reports to American and foreign military intelligence agencies...
...You are afraid of being accused of violating the school system, of criticism, of a bad record, of being expelled from school or failing to get party membership...
...Louis Post-Dispatch, "Medicaid in Missouri is so poorly financed that it is not worth defrauding, some St...
...their work style is crude...
...The Fifth Estate, which publishes the anti-CIA magazine, Counterspy, claims to have in its possession two cables mistakenly sent by an NCLC Telex operator to a newspaper chain in Minnesota, which instruct NCLC field workers to brief the "chief of Milwaukee police" and "to establish contact with the local branch of the American Independent Party" in another city...
...JONATHAN B. BINGHAM (Jonathan B. Bingham is a Democratic Representative from New York...
...Last October, Bernardo Leighton, a former Christian Democratic Party leader and outspoken opponent of the junta, was wounded by machine-gun fire in Rome...
...Forty-three major multinational corporations have received more than half the benefits...
...Reassessing Nuclear Power Last July 30, the House of Representatives rejected, for the first time in the thirty-year history of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, a major proposal by that Committee to increase the U.S...
...As Mao the man fades into history, the Chinese at the grass roots will undoubtedly associate his name and thought with the principle of rebellion...
...And a few of our subscribers have even declared a preference for President Ford, citing the unfortunate tendency of recent Democratic administrations to deal with this nation's recurrent economic crises by resorting to military adventures...
...Though income and estate tax laws have been on the books for many years and were once regarded as great reforms, recent studies have shown that there has been no substantial change in the distribution of wealth in the United States since the Civil War...
...We know, more or less, how the candidates stand on the question of a constitutional amendment to bar abortion though, as it happens, amending the Constitution is the one governmental process in which the President plays no role at all...
...For years the chicken displayed only modest aspirations...
...Certainly exchange rates do not respond perfectly or immediately to export-import activity, but after five years the duration studied in the CBO's arms-sales paper exchange rates would virtually catch up with reality...
...These changes were made despite the fact that even under the current exemption, only 7 per cent of all estates paid any taxes at all last year...
...History seems to be insistent...
...Despite these crucial shortcomings, most of which are conceded in the study, James R. Capra, who wrote the paper for the CBO's Budget Analysis Division, contends that it "is valuable because it's the only study of its kind...
...For ourselves, we will be guided this year as we have on more than one occasion in the pastby Eugene Debs's sentiment that it is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it...
...they beat the gongs to blaze the way...
...Listening to distasteful things with eyes opened wide is worse than sleeping in class...
...Yet we have heard remarkably little from our subscribers about the Presidential campaign...
...A smaller number have stated their intention of voting for Jimmy Carter, usually noting that "with all his faults" heand a Democratic administration would be preferable to four more years of Republican rule...
...This assumes a total lack of dynamism in the economy...
...Third and most important, Kissinger and the two Presidents he served winked at the illegal sale of oil to Rhodesia by a consortium of five oil firms headed by Mobil...
...Almost all Americans make that much money in a year, don't they...
...firms to buy chrome Rhodesia's main mineral export despite the U.N...
Vol. 40 • November 1976 • No. 11