Follette, Belle Case La & Hunt, Caroline L.
HOME AND EDUCATION The home is the real seat of government, and the Wise Men of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L HUNT Thoughts About...
...If that's what you're waiting for, I will," said Miss Cromer, and she kept her word...
...I suppose we have been asked that question a thousand times," replied the agent, as the Charleston News and Courier tells the story...
...It had been the dream of my life to be able to cultivate it...
...It is said that in Aiken county last summer more fruit vegetables were canned than ever before in its history...
...The communities as a whole profit indirectly as well as directly by this industry of the girls...
...And a better life shall rise Than has gladdened human eyes...
...This eternal meaningless change in style is what does the mischief...
...Music for the National Suffrage Anthem will be published in the October issue of the Woman Voter, organ of the Woman Suffrage Party, and sung at their city convention in New York on October 26th...
...At first women's ready made garments were cheap, furbe-lowed, and quite impossible for those of simple tastes...
...It was a strange study in dress,—an object lesson of how much the difference in men's and women's lives,—their usefulness and efficiency, is a matter of clothes...
...Once more awakes the spirit of the just And a world-wide flame is kindled from the dust...
...This foretells the time when women's clothing will be as easy to procure as men's...
...By the truth the world has learned, By the falsehood it has spurned, We will vote and rise above the vanished past...
...Why don't you organize a club for them...
...If we did not encourage or tolerate this eternal new it would not be the controlling idea of the market...
...At a meeting of the county teachers' association at Aiken in January, 1910, Miss Cromer heard the South Carolina agent of the United States Department of Agriculture explain the work of the boys' corn clubs...
...TIGHT-FITTING clothes call attention to form and sex, makes corsets "indispensable" and maternity drtaaled...
...We may eat them with sugar or eat them with salt...
...Tomatoes are almost universally liked...
...The wearing of a skirt five yards around the bottom, when only two is the mode, costs too much in self-consciousness...
...they are ripening from early spring until late autumn...
...The dress of peasants demonstrates that standardized costumes may be healthful, serviceable, and beautiful...
...New York's Cold Storage Law NEW YORK'S cold storage law, which grew out of an investigation revealing gross abuses in the holding of foods in various cold storage plants, provides that all foods except vegetables, fruits and nuts, kept in sold storage more than thirty days, shall be labeled with the late of entrance and the date of withdrawal...
...HOME AND EDUCATION The home is the real seat of government, and the Wise Men of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L HUNT Thoughts About Clothes THE MAN who said women ought not to vote as long as they can not fasten their own gowns, made the best anti-suffrage argument I have heard...
...It must be a boon to the great number of women in regular employment, whose recreation hours are precious, to be able to buy clothes ready to wear...
...Select from the present mode those designs and ideas that come nearest being simple, useful, and beautiful...
...Then fashions will By an oversight, the article appearing on this page last week, entitled "Where Back Yards are a Joy Forever," Was not credited, as it should have been, to Miss Fola La Follette, by whom it was written.—Editor's Note...
...A successful Chicago tailor has two or three models which he will not change to suit the caprice of any woman, no matter what her social or financial status...
...Instruction is given the members of the clubs in canning, pickling, and preserving their tomatoes...
...And true peace shall blend the nations into one...
...But, oh for some standards...
...They are encouraged in their work by the offer of prizes for the largest yield (in South Corolina this is a four years' scholarship at Winthrop College), for the best display at the county fair, for the largest single tomato, for the best history of their garden, and so on...
...A prize of one hundred dollars was offered...
...We are walking where the heroes all have trod, A weary way where we can only plod...
...And when we consider the extravagances of the idle rich, the temptation to the weak, the waste of time for the busy, the cost to the poor, the dress problem looks serious...
...Our voice is for the wisdom of the free Ever growing since our parents crossed the sea, Silence in the court of wrong To the weakling must belong, Let our spirits, strong and earnest, speak and see...
...Let us stand together, women, hard and fast...
...We must have faith...
...There has been a gradual improvement in design, workmanship, and adaptation to types,—not as much as there should be, but that will come...
...The middy blouse and skirt, the Peter Thompson, the one-piece waist and skirt allow variety and give good line, with freedom of action for all usual employment...
...The ready made, is in line with general economic evolution and women may well encourage it...
...But we're toiling in the space Where the martyrs took their place And our mighty shout is risen to our God...
...There could be no more modest or suitable costume for outdoor life...
...He was profoundly impressed and approached the leaders with, "One grand parade—but you should sing...
...Girls permitted to adapt their dress to their work and their play will grow up stronger in body, contented with their sex, and better balanced emotionally...
...To me it is the most interesting single fruit in the world...
...Progress in dress, as in politics, is slow...
...But the Esquimaux and Oriental costumes are, in general outline, much the same for men and women...
...All the People...
...You should have of your own one grand anthem—a Marseillaise of emancipated womanhood...
...But we shall be on a higher plane and men and women will have truer regard for each other when dress is standardized for women more as dress is now standardized for men...
...I selected the tomato for my club work," Miss Cromer told the writer 01 the article in the News and Courier, "because for many years I have been interested in this fruit...
...As the things we wear are more and more made outside the home beyond our personal knowledge, there is corresponding obligation to use our influence for the extension, and enforcement of the consumers' league principle...
...And though they fall into faults of conventional dress as they reach young ladydom certain ideas will stay by them in selecting their own and their daughters' clothes...
...they are beautiful...
...It is sometimes suggested that we should return to the Greek costume, but while it must ever remain a model of beauty and grace, its flowing draperies are unsuited to useful work...
...The prize has just been awarded to the following poem by Minnetta Theodora Taylor, of Green-castle, Indiana, who died two months ago, five days after writing the poem...
...Women, for the right we know, For the duty that we owe, For all souls now here and coming, vote we must...
...National Suffrage Anthem LAST MAY, when the suffragists and suffragettes of New York marched 3,000 strong for five hot dusty miles down Fifth Avenue, the stirring parade was witnessed from the Waldorf-Astoria by a noted Italian composer, friend and favorite pupil of Mascagni...
...FROM INFANCY I have been able to buy practically all the clothes for my eleven year old daughter ready made...
...The tomato gardens furnish an object lesson in the cultivation of small plots, and the canning demonstrations interest the older as well as the younger members of the families...
...The extremely fashionable gowns, stylish figures of the men who took the women's parts, made it impossible to escape the delusion that they were the foolishest of feminine parasites...
...The enforcement of the law is placed in the hands of the State Department of Health, which has announced its intention to assist as far as possible the cold storage men in bettering conditions, but to prosecute with-out fear or favor all who fail to comply with the law...
...Today women's occupations, no less than men's, call for dress that gives free use of the body...
...It is certainly humiliating that we submit to tyrannies of dress as we do...
...To be sure it had required more effort than buying for her brothers and has not always been as satisfactory...
...Difference in dress,—not similarity,—is made to emphasize sex in an objectionable way...
...they are easily cultivated...
...But what can we do...
...Ballot Song of American Women By Minnetta Theodora Taylor...
...They should insist on durable material, soft colors, good lines, that insure lasting quality and satisfaction in defiance of changing styles...
...they are enjoyed at breakfast, dinner and supper, and they may be used while green as well as after ripening...
...Yet it is women the trade is trying to please...
...Copyrighted by the Woman's Suffrage Party 1911...
...Her first tomato club was organized in her own county and numbered forty-six before the end of the season...
...In the Lanier Camp, the girls wear loose, wide bloomers and middies...
...You shall sing it from ocean to ocean: Give me ze words...
...Why, she asked at the end of his address, was not the Department of Agriculture organizing similar clubs for girls...
...One can get at low cost a better ready made than custom made garment...
...Does not this foreshadow the time when the larger part of newspaper space devoted to the "interests of women" will not be given to grotesque illustrations of changes in style...
...they all say...
...Chorus We the People...
...All the People...
...I would not have men and women arrayed alike, nor would I have women dress as much like each other as men do...
...But the fact that it could be done indicates the tendency of the trade to supply girls' as well as boys' wearing apparel...
...Justice broad and free, the living heart of things...
...We can them, we stuff them, we eat them sliced, we make ketchup, preserves, tomato mincemeat, pickles, sauce, jelly, wine and candy from them...
...Its success demonstrated the feasibility of her plan...
...And many women who need not consider the time or cost prefer to buy their clothing ready made and save the strain of dressmaking...
...Then we shall never adopt an extreme, unrelated, ugly feature just because it is the fashion,—shoes that cripple the feet, skirts too narrow for a natural step, hats too wide for a door...
...Women helping, you shall yet be overthrown...
...Authors of note from every state in the union sent in poems, which were judged by a committee who were not permitted to know the authors...
...Let us vow to keep the faith until the last...
...Most of the women I know are not what you would call foolish or extravagant, but they have to call for help to fasten their gowns and feel obliged to spend more time and money on their dress than they ought...
...They are delightful anyway we fix them...
...not be set by the idle, but by women who do their share of the work in the world...
...Ye Powers of Evil, earth is not your own...
...How it rings...
...This will have cumulative effect on succeeding generations...
...Our first thought is the contrary...
...Girls' Tomato Club TO A WOMAN, Miss Marie S. Cromer of Aiken, South Carolina, belongs the credit of originating the tomato clubs, which are doing for the girls of the South what the corn clubs did for the boys,—giving them a new interest in farm life and fresh ambitions...
...Girls who join the clubs must plant to tomatoes one-tenth of an acre, and are required to do all the work themselves except the preparation of th soil...
...Yet is there anything in this resemblance to offend the most delicate sensibilities...
...Since this matter of dating foods has had all sorts of impracticabilities urged against it by the cold storage men and their patrons, it will be of great interest to the rest of the :ountry to see how the experiment works out in New York...
...From every standpoint women should abhor to wear the product of sweat shop labor...
...Would it not be more justifiable if the extremely low cut tight-fitting one-piece evening gown were made the subject of masculine attack...
...The little girl who won the Winthrop College scholarship last year put up 512 cans, making a net profit of forty dollars on her crop...
...Beauty and variety in dress give added charm to life...
...For humanity's sake, as well as self protection we should want a guarantee that what we wear is not the product of child labor or unreasonable working hours, nor made under unsanitary conditions...
...I shall write ze anthem and it shall be impassioned, majestic...
...It would not require any radical change nor conflict with conventional ideas...
...they may be kept for some time so that they can be exhibited...
...It has always seemed to me that a modification of the dress of young girls might be adapted to the use of all womankind...
...LAST WINTER I attended an extravaganza given in the name of charity by an aristocratic Baltimore men's club...
...Even if we settle on some eolors and materials which are becoming and suitable, when we ask for them the condescending salesman tells us that they are not wearing that sort of thing this year, it was the style last year, and politely suggests that we look at the newest and latest...
...It also requires that the foods shall be in sanitary condition when placed in storage and when removed...
...A short time ago the papers reported that a group of men and boys had followed and hooted a woman who wore a divided skirt on the streets of Washington...
...The Department of Agriculture accepted it, agents and organizers were sent out, and this summer saw clubs established in nearly all of the Southern States, mounting up to a total membership of over four thousand...
...Sisters working for the light, Brothers striving for the right, We the People...
...The growing intelligence of women, a higher value of their time, better ideals of health and experience with recreation suits, must ultimately evolve some permanence of costume adapted to present day conditions...
...That's a problem for you teachers to solve...
...Sensible women can at least hold to certain ideals in dress...
...How it rings...
...And then the Woman Suffrage parade of New York advertised far and wide for a poem to be set to music for the National Suffrage Anthem...
Vol. 3 • October 1911 • No. 41