Hunt, Caroline L. & Follette, Belle Case La

HOME AND EDUCATION The home Is the real seat of government, and the Wlse Men of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Victory in...

...I mean to include the others...
...William Lloyd Garrison...
...In fact since the Administration is preparing to hurl the great weight of its combined denial against her Miss Abbott may not be called by the committee...
...The law provided that prohibition should go into effect on July 1 in all counties of the state unless 25 per cent...
...One of these was just ahead of me in the procession, Mrs...
...of the voters petitioned to have the matter decided by the people...
...Those who had notice would have an advantage...
...As to whether it would make very much difference in a country such as this is described to be, where there could not be any settlement, that is a different proposition...
...Now, Mr...
...The list of those indicted by the jury includes three employees of the revenue department besides several officers and employees of the William J. Moxley and other oleo concerns...
...At the same time it is suggestive that the stand-patter may have more up his sleeve than you give him credit for...
...I happened to be in Salt Lake City on June 25, and the election was to be held on the 27th...
...Aldrich on the Stand Indications that former Senator Aldrich and Senator Penrose would be called to the stand at an early date were among the interesting developments in the Lorimer investigation this week...
...Yet the syringe had knocked against my mouth and I suppose against every one else's who had been in the chair that day...
...of having 60 days' notice...
...Susa Young Gates, with whom I had become acquainted years ago through the Household Economic Association, an organization which, after many years of activity, was finally merged in the Home Economics Committee of the General Federation of Women's Clubs...
...New Anglo-Jap Treaty As a direct result of the agreement over the new Anglo-American peace treaty, England and Japan have revised their treaty of 1905 which provided that in the event of war between Japan and any other nation, Great Britain should come to Japan's assistance...
...When that executive order opening those lands to entry first came to your office did it not contain the usual clause in regard to 60 days' notice to be given by anyone having designs upon that land...
...Wiley agreed to pay Dr...
...They are being organized in all portions of the Province, with a small membership fee...
...So I sent for Charlie Taft and asked him to tell his brother who it was I represented...
...Gates arranged with Mrs...
...I do not...
...The postscript which Miss Abott declares she saw in the Interior Department files read as follows: "Dear Dick—I went to see the President the other day about this Controller bay affair...
...Wiley's enemies were quick to make the attack on his technicality although it was known that Busby's total per diem remuneration would be kept below $4,000 a year...
...Every woman in that long procession gave salute as she passed by that window in St...
...That is the form, I was informed...
...R. F. Foster, tells me, 'is one who does not want to show his hand, does not want any assistance, and does not want to add or deduct anything from his position.' 'In politics,' Mr...
...Not only at this very time were the world's women making united demand for the ballot in Stockholm, but here shoulder to shoulder were the women of many nations each carrying her distinctive emblem...
...One new term is already upon us, too young to have found its way into our dictionaries, yet to be seen on every editorial page, to be heard in every conversation...
...Saving Babies THE CITY COUNCIL of Cleveland voted $10,000 on July 7 to save babies...
...Efficiency in Fruit Cutting A LETTER from a reader has these two good suggestions: "You missed out of your article on Household Efficiency one thing that I have used ten years, and have found more labor saving than any other,—the long-handled broom and mop, and also the lambs wool stick duster (oiled or dampened with a polishing liquid to prevent the dust flying) for daily dusting...
...The march of the 50,000 was as beautiful as a "dream of fair women" could be, most of them white robed, many bareheaded, all wearing the colors of their respective societies...
...The Department purposes to furnish lectures at least twice a year and literature on domestic economy, hygiene and dietetics...
...Commissioner, in the matter of practice, so far as the opportunity that parties might have to locate lands in that neighborhood...
...But no express representatives went before the committee to make known their objections...
...By the first of next year the leaders in the enterprise hope to establish a school at Harvard and to send out missionaries of health to work among the Chinese...
...Fennell (Attorney for Committee...
...After his departure the foundation intends to send an American scholar to the Japanese universities...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Victory in Sight By CLARA BEWICK COLBY THE GREAT MARCH of the women in London on June 17 was athrob with a sense of coming success for the movement for which a myriad have worked very strenuously for half a decade...
...A Protest ABRILLIANT young woman, who is in the biological department of a far western university, writing on another subject, concludes her letter with this appeal: "And while I have pen in hand, may I ask you if you won't please start a crusade against present conditions in a large— a very large—number of dentists' offices...
...This last place was in a garage and was reached by a driveway which passed through a beautifully shaded lawn...
...The hand may be already disclosed in a measure, but the politician declines to make any attempt to improve his position—as by drawing cards—and is confident that he can win out with what he has...
...I see...
...In all the years that have known the agitation for a parcels post system, the express companies have been the strongest and most active opponents...
...He gave a list of the various interests that had contributed to a legislative "jack-pot" of almost half a million dollars...
...Busby has been paid a total of only $100...
...Do you know by whose direction that clause was stricken out of the order...
...yes, sir...
...many for a generation, and a few still living were among the pioneers of it more than half a century ago, 70 of these latter...
...Most of these attacks have been traced to sources connected with manufactories of food that have come under government ban...
...This postscript is not now to be found in the files...
...As I sat in the chair the other day and the dentist syringed my tooth from water which had been used all day for other patients, and in which there was no antiseptic, I protested, and he calmly informed me that there was no antiseptic he could use to kill germs, without also injuring the cavity...
...For some time Dr...
...Baffled here, these interests have sought to obtain coal monopoly through transportation monopoly and Ryan is supposed to have been their agent...
...I did not see it myself...
...But that didn't seem to satisfy him...
...I told him, according to our agreement, that I represented myself...
...These two jurors, it was revealed, had copied down lists of names of those indicted and strong intimations were given that they gave the names to interested persons in return for substantial rewards...
...unless others had notice...
...In the midst of this splendid array of womanhood who were emphasizing on this gala day with banners flying and bands playing the demand for the ballot which they are every day making with self effacing and attention to detail, a score or more of these hirelings inserted themselves during a break in the procession, and the laugh they created showed that the public is, at last, on our side...
...As the survey of these lands was not completed until December 1, and as it would be physically impossible to transport such map from Controller bay to Washington in two weeks, Miss Abbott was convinced that the map had been sent to Washington in advance or that it was forgery...
...I am informed that was the form of the order...
...Knowing that I wished to see the polling places, Mrs...
...American women were proud to march behind their five banners showing that women vote in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and Washington...
...This narrow water front, as a railroad terminal, is the key to the Cunningham and other valuable coal land groups which the Morgan-Guggenheim interests sought to grab...
...With these sights before me I begged to be shown no more and to be spared further evidence of the danger to which women are subjected in the suffrage states...
...It was thus that the awfulness of the conditions where women vote was revealed to me...
...The second day of the investigation Secretary Fisher appeared before the committee and requested that Miss Abbott be put on the stand at once...
...We decided, however, not to expose ourselves to the temptation greater than we could bear and left for a third and last polling place...
...Asquith has made a full and unmistakable deliverance for the Government that full facilities will be granted next year for action upon the bill...
...News Worth Remembering INVESTIGATION into the Controller Bay scandal by the House Committee on Expenditures in the Department of the Interior at Washington has brought out some startling disclosures and may result in the examination of a number of men of prominence...
...By that means I could pick that up with my left hand while my right placed the halves where my eyes directed...
...I was, therefore, shocked when I reached the room where the ballots were being cast to find little red chairs piled in the corner and a black circle painted on the floor, unmistakable evidences that the room had been used and would probably be used again for a kindergarten...
...Standing in the pergola which marked the entrance and through which every woman who voted was obliged to pass, I detected in plain sight a clothes-reel and a kitchen door, two objects whose existence no well-brought-up woman should ever be allowed to suspect...
...THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of Prince Edward Island is establishing women's institutes...
...The Japanese statesmen readily agreed to a new agreement on the ground that there was n possibility of war between Japan and the United States...
...After the mailing of those letters, if a person desiring to has also declared that she saw in the Was Department a map of the Controller bay region in which was traced the location of the Ryan railroad across the Ryan claims and the tide lands in front...
...And when it promulgated...
...Another step toward world peace was taken last week by the Carnegie Peace foundation, which announced that Dr...
...Inazo Nitobi, president of a college in Tokio, would be in America next year to spend six weeks each at several universities where he will lecture on international peace...
...In the cities, on the other hand, elections were to be held without petition...
...Many other important facts have already been brought out substantiating the charge that the Administration has continually aided in the design of the Morgan-Guggenheim interests to acquire or control the rich coal lands of Alaska...
...Along the same route I carried three years ago in the first great procession the Susan B. Anthony banner and as I bowed my head to the living, I mentally saluted our glorious dead—"Who all died in faith"—in absolute assurance that justice would prevail and that they were only the forerunners of the women of the world who would awaken to a sense of their own responsibility and therefore of their own need for the freedom of citizenship...
...Deneen said that in 1908, Roger Sullivan, Democratic boss, and Lorimer, Republican boss, had worked together to accomplish certain ends...
...James where Mrs...
...All Societies, militant, non-militant, Church and Actresses, and a score of others, all united in this great procession, and now the most splendid thing about it is that they remain united and pull all together for one more year...
...From all that vast multitude that lined the streets and filled the windows from the Embankment to Kensington, not an unkind word or a jeer at the suffragists was heard...
...Dennett . It was signed on October 28...
...When did it first reach your office...
...These are some of the developments of the investigation...
...Yes, sir...
...A. W. McCune, a woman who had taken an active part in a prohibition campaign, to take me about the city in her automobile on the morning of the election...
...As that order was finally promulgated, between the time that order was sent to your office and the time it was finally promulgated, somewhere on the route, was not that clause eliminated...
...Teach Hygiene in China Several Harvard university physicians have raised a fund of $35,000 to be used as the nucleus of a great fund to establish modern hygienic principles in the Orient...
...The officers of the express companies replied that they were not interested but that they would take care of the matter when the right time came...
...Dennett, as a matter of fact, was not the promulgation of that order held for some time by Executive instruction to you...
...AT the risk of my reputation I remained long enough to take a photograph within the building...
...In asking for this appropriation, Councilman C. S. Horner said: "One thing in the world is universal...
...Our choice finally fell on the Y. M. C. A. building...
...The government maximum for this kind of service is held to be $4,000 a year or a per diem of $11...
...Motherhood in Cleveland needs aid, and we are in a position to render it...
...and fairest of all to me, who have known so many of our older workers, were the dear old faces in the ranks...
...The final order of restoration did not contain any provision for publication...
...Printed copies of order received in our office November 2, and copies sent to the United States surveyor general for Alaska and to register and receiver of the Juneau land office by office letters of November 3. So I would say that it was not held up...
...The committee declined to give the Administration opportunity to see how much it could safely deny and did not grant the request...
...Now we should go one step further, and repay in part the debt we owe to mother-love by saving babies who are dying in this awful summer...
...To fortify herself she later took Gifford Pinchot with her and showed him the map...
...Of the word "stand-pat" she says: "Our own troubled time is creating its all-powerful words...
...Although this order did not become known until recently it is shown that Ryan had filed on the water front almost simultaneously with the issuing of the order...
...Right of way across these tide lands did not go with the President's order but was given Ryan by act of Congress signed by President Taft March 4 last under a bill introduced by Congressman Walter I. Smith of Iowa and lobbied through by Ryan...
...Wiley, like Commissioner J. Q. Emery of the Wisconsin pure food bureau, has been the object of bitter attacks...
...If this is true of one of the best dentists in a college town, what must it be elsewhere...
...This standing-pat represents the rejection of all offers of compromise, and denies any fear of the result...
...Twenty nurses have been hired to instruct mothers how to care for babies in hot weather...
...The Chairman...
...The ghost of the Alaska scandal which drove Secretary Ballinger from office has risen in new form and threatens further havoc with official reputations...
...Yours, Dick...
...Then the elimination of that clause from this order was exceptional and contrary to the practice...
...It was approved and sent out right away...
...Both men, it is said, will be asked to tell what they know of Edward Hines' story that President Taft had signified his wish that Lorimer be elected...
...It might be of interest to you to know that I at one time held the record for cutting fruit,—over a ton a day cut and placed for drying on trays, which I helped change, and I did it by this same method as the bricklayers,—the fruit on a stand the right height and on castors, and by looking to sea which peach or apricot I should take next, while I was cutting the one...
...do you mean the order as it was finally signed...
...The revelation will result in a thorough investigation...
...I asked you if it would not give those who had notice an advantage over others who had not, and you answered, "Yes...
...My hostess was Mrs...
...Few Oppose Parcels Post To the surprise of the uninitiated, only a few persons appeared before the Congressional committee last week to oppore the passage of a parcels post act...
...At the poker table, where the term began life, the stand-patter,' so one of our chief card experts, Mr...
...And its manifest effect would be to give anyone with notice of that matter a preferential right, would it not...
...THE FIRST polling place we visited was a school house, a place which no woman, of course, ought ever to be obliged to enter...
...Although the famous "Dick-to-Dick" epistle started the investigation, it is now regarded as merely incidental...
...While adherents of the pure food and drug laws have been shocked by the attacks on Dr...
...I am sure that any woman seeing this place would have felt as I did that if our sex is to be kept from complete moral degeneration, the suffrage must be withheld from us...
...Origin of the Word "Stand-Pat" IN THE May American Magazine Ida M. Tarbell writes a remarkable article on "The Stand-Pat Intellect...
...I should say, whether it was a direct notice or whether a notice gained from circulation through the press...
...Foster adds, 'it seems to have the latter application...
...I have carried the same method into my housework...
...Wolstenholme Elmy sat watching that procession...
...Wiley's Fight Continues Facing much the same sort of conspiracy that finally forced Gifford Pinchot out of his post as chief forester, Dr...
...But 1 have gone in when he has not had time to do it, and I am sure he never does...
...The practice of having 60 days' notice...
...yes, sir...
...If other parties did not have notice...
...The President made no further objection to my claim...
...Now this map has also disappeared...
...There will, therefore, be but one purpose during the coming year, and that is to strengthen those who are now friends and to make more...
...It was signed October 28...
...That is mother-love...
...That made a very material difference, did it not, Mr...
...I have no knowledge of its being held up at all after it was finally signed...
...You say the practice referred to—which practice do you mean...
...The main objects of the expedition, of course, are to eradicate the bubonic plague, cholera and leprosy...
...October 10...
...I hear you say, 'it couldn't be any worse!' It is worse than the public drinking cup...
...The latest blow to Dr...
...THE "ANTIS" furnished the laugh for the occasion, for they engaged a few sandwich men to parade with boards bearing the legend "Women do not want to vote...
...Royal Albert Hall and four other large halls were filled with adherents of the Societies and jubilant money-giving and speech-making marked what is now considered the "home stretch" in the long journey towards the freedom of women...
...Wiley, the doctor himself has announced his determination to see the fight out to a finish...
...Attorney General Wickersham gave the opinion that Wiley had violated the law in the face of the fact that the Attorney General's department in the last few years has spent thousands of dollars for expert outside assistance...
...The Terrors of Polling Places In Utah Women are Compelled to Enter Kindergarten Rooms and Churches for the Purpose of Voting THE FACT THAT polling places must necessarily be unfit places for women has often been urged as a reason why the privilege of voting should be given only to men...
...It has been known these many months that such a message was sent from Washington to Springfield and that it proved somewhat influential in swinging Lorimer's election to the United States Senate...
...It seemed to me, as I approached, that those in charge of the election, having selected a building so offensive to tender sensibilities, might at least have shown some consideration in the choice of a room...
...The election had been ordered by the last State Legislature and was for the purpose of deciding whether or not the saloons should go...
...Here we were exposed to the demoralizing influence of the sight of portraits of the founders of this dangerous institution and to the temptation to enter the reading room where The Survey and The Christian Advocate and other literature of the like kind lay upon the tables...
...I will ask what you mean by that...
...Members of the lower house of Congress, incidentally, already have started an investigation to get at the real source of the attacks...
...Jurors Reveal Secrets The announcement on the 15th of the persons indicted in connection with the Chicago federal grand jury's oleomargarine investigation, fell into insignificance when it became known that two members of the jury had been persuaded to give out the names of those indicted before announcement was made in open court...
...We then consulted the list of polling places which had been printed in the morning paper and tried to decide whether to face the dangers of another school house, or those of a drug store, or a Y. M. C. A. building or a meeting house...
...Harvey W. Wiley, noted for his work in the pure food bureau at Washington, is fightirlg to maintain his past policy to prevent food and drug frauds...
...Following the disclosure that on October 28 last President Taft had, by secret executive order, withdrawn from the Chugach forest reserve the water front on Controller bay—lands placed in the forest reserve by Roosevelt— came the declaration by Miss M. F. Abbott, a magazine writer, that she had seen in the files of the Interior Department a postscript in which Richard Ryan told Secretary Ballinger that according to arangement he had obtained the influence of Charles P. Taft, brother of the President, to induce the latter to make the desired withdrawal...
...These claims the Administration was recently forced to cancel...
...Dennett Admits Unusual Action Commissioner Dennett of the land office, the first witness called in the investigation following this exposure gave some illuminating testimony, part of which follows: Mr...
...Wiley has come from Attorney General Wickersham, who held that Wiley violated the law in engaging an expert analytical chemist at salary of $1,600 a year...
...Among other things, Mr...
...And sent out when...
...M. L. Corey, secretary of the National Hardware Dealers' Association, however, made this significant statement to the committee: "About eight years ago when the parcels post was being agitated, I wrote to the express companies to see whether they would join us in opposing the legislation...
...Contrary to the general practice...
...The city has made one forward step in saving the half-grown children from mutilation, by abolishing the old, dangerous celebration of the Fourth of July, and has given the children a place to play by throwing open the school grounds...
...The closing days of last week before the committee were given to the examination of Governor Deneen of Illinois, who testified to the bipartisan nature of the fight that landed Lorimer in Washington...
...Yes, sir...
...Up to date Dr...
...The Conciliation Committee, which composed the Members of Parliament of all political parties, has brought the matter to this stage of success, has asked the women to take for granted that this pledge is given in good faith...
...It may also be a bluff, to give the other side the impression that the stand-patter is stronger than he really is...
...Housekeepers are instructed on the importance of ventilation, cleanliness, cooking of foods, change of diet, nurture of infants, etc...
...This map was dated December 15, 1910...
...Knowing this, and finding myself in Utah—one of the five states where women vote on the same terms as men—at a date only two days before a special election was to be held, I decided to delay my trip eastward in order to see for myself the terrors to which the members of the gentler sex are subjected when they go to vote...
...It is the word which we use to describe the attitude of the mind, the to-be-expected course of action, the philosophy of life and politics of a vast and powerful American group—the word standpat...
...I also took one outside of the group of women who had accompanied me in the automobile...
...The Chairman...
...The looking glass he assures me, he sterilizes after each patient...
...The practice that you refer to is a practice that was put in vogue for the purpose of enabling settlers in the western country to have an opportunity of going upon the land and making settlement...
...The President asked me whom I represented...
...H. H. Busby, head of the New York College of Pharmacy, at the rate of $20 for chemical analysis and $50 a day for expert testimony in court...

Vol. 3 • July 1911 • No. 29

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