On the Anxious Seat IMMEDIATELY after President Taft's election, nearly three years ago, a conservative financial review observed: "The only unfavorable occurrence of the week was the decision of...
...In the third week of November the year following the same review records that the market declined on the Circuit Court's decision in the Oil Trust case...
...On the Anxious Seat IMMEDIATELY after President Taft's election, nearly three years ago, a conservative financial review observed: "The only unfavorable occurrence of the week was the decision of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in the Tobacco Trust case...
...The whole matter was definitely disposed of—every doubt removed...
...as to what the court will say about them if they are brought in...
...Three years and a half after the Government began suit against the Oil Trust—in May, 1910—another problem belonging in the same category, and of quite as great importance, was raised—that is, the railroads proposed to put into effect a wholesale advance of freight rates...
...The Government's suit against the Oil Trust was begun on November 15, 1906...
...No man can answer these questions...
...as to what other Trusts may be brought into court...
...Uncertainty is what checks it...
...Which is the intelligent course—the one the Government pursues with regard to the Trusts, or the one it pursues with regard to the railroads...
...Scattered through the trade reviews from the first of those dates to the present time you will find these cases referred to as exerting an unfavorable or retarding influence upon business...
...Business can adjust itself to almost any stable conditions...
...That problem was at once taken in hand by the Interstate Commerce Commission...
...The reviews are filled with speculations as to how the Oil and Tobacco Trusts are going to reorganize...
...How long will it be before we have an Interstate Trust Commission?—Saturday Evening Post...
...that against the Tobacco Trust on July 19, 1907...
...The whole problem is as high in the air as ever...
...The same uncertainty exists today...
...In February of this year the Commission gave its decision against the roads...
Vol. 3 • July 1911 • No. 29