News Worth Remembering PUBLIC hearings on the Canadian reciprocity agreement were practically ended last week by the Senate Finance Committee. June 7th was the time fixed for a vote by the...

...It is said that the bank was opened as a result of hundreds of requests filed with the post-office department...
...Pleasure Parks Boycotted Two of the largest amusement parks in Chicago were placed on the "unfair list" by the Chicago Federation of Labor this week and from this time forward all members of labor unions will be expected to seek their summer amusement elsewhere than in the big playgrounds of "roller-coasters," "shoot-the-shoots" and picture shows...
...The caucus came to a close with the adoption of a resolution declaring that the finances of the country were in grave danger and that the present Congress could not afford to comply with the demands of the free wool advocates...
...Parcels Post a Prospect On June 1st Senator Bourne introduced into the upper house of Congress the first measure looking to the establishment of a national parcels post...
...It is reported that re-organizations are planned by not less than one thousand corporations which have been affected by the court decision...
...Roosevelt, speaking at Grant's tomb, New York city, said: "So far as my voice has weight, I will protest against this country's making an agreement to arbitrate anything of any kind which the country would not stand for when a test came...
...The interstate commerce commission, under the law, is directed to enforce the act...
...For instance, this country would not stand for arbitration over the Monroe doctrine, nor would they consent to an agreement permitting Asiatic people to come into this country in unlimited numbers...
...Representatives of the large newspaper publishers' associations were invited to appear before the body last Monday...
...Employer's Liability Sustained The Circuit Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia has rendered a decision that is exceedingly important in that the decision marks the boundary lines of the operation of the employers' liability act as applied to common carriers...
...Patent Medicine Victorious According to a decision on the 29th of the United States Supreme court, drugs may be labeled as cures for man and yet be ineffective for that purpose without violating the national pure food and drugs act...
...0. A. Johnson was indicted in Missouri, in 1909, on a charge of having violated the pure food and drugs act of 1906...
...It is provided that the board of trade shall determine whether any goods coming in competition with British made products are manufactured under sweated conditions...
...Ecclesiastics, the encyclical declares further, are excluded by the law from organizations of cult...
...I know that is a radical position, but something must be done...
...While employes are given the "right" to petition "higher ups", yet even if this is done victimization follows...
...On the 31st, former President Diaz, who resigned when he was brought to an understanding of the strength of the opposition to his rule, sailed from Vera Cruz to Spain, where he will spend his last years with the immediate members of his family...
...Speaker Clark and Representative Underwood were responsible for the final action to defeat the contention that the duty should be removed entirely...
...Differ on Peace Plans Former President Theodore Roosevelt and President Taft made Memorial day speeches on the 30th that contained far different ideas...
...There seems to be growing sentiment in favor of penny postage...
...Many States Awakening The initiative and referendum have reached the stage where there are now no doubts of its being adopted by several states...
...If you attempt to pass a drastic child labor law at the next general assembly," he said "you will find a lobby to defeat it composed almost entirely of representatives of the cotton industries...
...Pope Aroused by Portugal The separation law in Portugal brought about the expected encyclical from the Vatican on the 29th and Rome and Lisbon have been stirred by the utterance of Pope Pius regarding the attitude of the new republican adminis--tration in Portugal...
...It was alleged that he shipped from one state to another certain articles designated as "Cancerine Tablets," representing that they were effective in curing cancer...
...If competition disappears and the mighty combinations control the wealth, there are only two remedies—fixing of prices of commodities by the government or the judical restoration of the creed of competition...
...The Washington terminal company and the Baltimore and Ohio railroad were sued to recover damages on account of an accident which a fireman sustained while operating a switch engine within the precincts of the union station...
...His proposition is to give the senate committee the widest powers in working out a feasible system and he has announced his intention of pushing the resolution to adoption in the present Congress...
...In statistics it has been discovered that 70 per cent of the children employed in the cotton industries of Virginia are illiterate...
...I do not for a moment suggest the equality of fortune...
...The President made an appeal for approval of the proposed compact before an audience that filled the Auditorium and on the following morning he speeded back to the Capitol to take part in the fight now progressing in the Senate...
...The committee performed its duty and a week passed, and then came orders from the main office transferring five of the six former committeemen to other sections of the city...
...Business is being concentrated into the hands of the few, and the vast opportunity that once existed is being taken away...
...John Marshall Harlan, senior associate justice of the United States Supreme court, celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday on the 1st in Washington, D. C. —Arguments have been made to President Taft urging the recommendation to Congress of one-cent letter postage...
...The change is expected to bring about a better and higher standard in the council and to result in great benefit to the city for the reason that the amply paid members will be expected to devote their whole time to the city's government...
...Compensation Bill in House Congressman Sabath of Illinois on May 18, 1911, introduced in the House a compensation bill to force the railroads to make requital for the killed and injured on the lines of the mail routes and post roads, irrespective of interstate or state lines...
...Tener of Pennsylvania, Pittsburg's un-wieldly common council of nearly seventy members will cease to exist and the city will have nine councilmen receiving salaries of $6,500 a year...
...Child Labor in Virginia Revelations of an appalling character have been brought to light by Dr...
...Apropos of the decision and its immediate effect upon the tobacco trust, the chief counsel for that corporation is authority for the statement that the company immediately will take steps to comply with the decision under direction of the Circuit court as ordered by the higher tribunal...
...Other provisions in the law relate to signal men at offices and stations, with some variation in the hours of employment allowed...
...Gary Startles Committee E. H. Gary, chairman of the directorate of the United States Steel Corporation, better known as the steel trust, announced on the 2nd that he was in favor of strict control of big corporations by the federal government...
...It is of special interest, in this connection, that the government attorneys have announced within the last few days that their idea of prosecutions would involve the enforcement of statutes carrying prison sentences for flagrant violators of the law...
...1) The clauses of the federal compensation act, which with its schedule must be accepted by every common carrier engaged in the hauling of mail, and (2) clauses from 35 to 39 whereby taxation is levied and the act is enforced on those carriers who do not accept the bill...
...His speech was made before the congressional steel trust investigating committee at Washington and was apropos of his story of the trust's purchase in 1907 of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company...
...Such a law, the encyclical asserts, is a spoliation of material goods, and a tyr-ranical oppression in spiritual affairs...
...The holy see, the encyclical says, has been patient up to now, but cannot longer keep silent, as the law of separation denies even common liberties...
...Why will it not show more patriotism and more love of country to refuse to go to war for an insult and submit to the arbitrament of a peaceful tribunal than to subject a whole people to the misery and suffering and burden of heavy cost of a national war, however glossed over by the excitement and ambitions and glory of a successful conquest...
...He said, according to press reports: "Personally I believe the Sherman act does not now and never will fully prevent the organizing of great combinations of capital...
...News Notes — At the convention in Boston of the Nurses' Association Alumnae, Miss Ella Phillips Crandall of New York said that of the 30,000 infants who die every year in this country, 200,000 might be saved by proper care and nourishment...
...Madero Off for Capital Gen...
...asked Representative Littleton...
...the suppression of church holidays, religious oaths, and religious teaching...
...Postal Bank in Chicago Chicago is to be the home of the first big postal savings bank in the United States...
...The method for providing for due process of law, and for freedom of contract,—the most sacred rights of the carriers when refusing to accord justice to their employees,-—is preserved by allowing the carriers to contract for the carriage of the mail and by taxing those who do not contract, such amounts as Congress may see fit to impose...
...His resolution provides for an extensive inquiry into the best means of bringing about the transportation of parcels by the postoffice department...
...The reason for transfer was enumerated "that they were transferred for the good of the service...
...A few days ago thirty-seven mail carriers in this city met in conference and appointed a committee of six to wait on the local postmaster to present some grievances...
...Prohibit Sweated Products A Bill has been introduced in the English Parliament to prevent the importation of goods manufactured under sweated conditions...
...Free Wool Delayed The Democrats of the lower house of Congress on the 1st agreed on a 50 per cent, decrease on the tax on raw wool and wool products...
...Francisco I. Madero, chief of the Mexican insurrectos and victor in the rebellion against the autocracy of President Diaz, has started for the south following a series of festivals in north Mexico in celebration of the submission by the government to demands of the reform element...
...June 7th was the time fixed for a vote by the committee on acceptance of the agreement...
...It is predicted that suits will be brought by the federal government to break up what is acknowledged to be a' great combination of lumber dealers...
...His delay in starting for Mexico City to confer with de La Barra, provisional president, is said to have been due to rumors of conspiracies against his life...
...The Pope's letter was followed on the 31st by an interview in which...
...A general walkout of union men employed in the parks also is asked by the federation...
...It is provided in the resolution that the senate committee on postoffices and post roads, of which Senator Bourne is chairman, be directed to "inquire into and report to the senate at the earliest date practicable what changes are necessary or desirable in the postal system of the United States or in the laws relating to the postal service and particularly with reference to the establishment of a parcels post...
...Fifty new banks were opened last week on orders from Washington, the metropolis of the middle west being included in the list...
...Underwood assured his colleagues that the schedule as recommended would cut the country's revenue on this product from $21,000,000 to $13,398,000...
...Lumber Trust Under Suspicion The Supreme court's decision regarding the tobacco trust was followed on the 31st by an announcement from the United States Department of Justice that the lumber interests soon would be subjected to thorough inquiry...
...In the lower court it was held that the Washington Terminal Company did not come within the meaning and provisions of the employers' liability act...
...Gary told the committee that the Sherman anti-trust law was archaic and that it did not fit present economic conditions...
...Yes, I do," said Mr...
...The indictment, which charged that the articles were worthless and ineffective for such purposes, was quashed on the ground that the pure food and drugs act was restricted to prevention of misstatements about the ingredients of drugs, and did not include the prevention of misstatements about curative properties...
...President Taft spoke in Washington on his arbitration treaty and made a strong plea for international peace...
...The lumber situation is said by government prosecutors to be one of the most notorious violators of the spirit of the law against illegal combinations and it is the announced intention to push suits against the several factors in this alleged combination...
...Cummins Raps Rampant Monoply Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa, in a recent address at the graduation exercises of the Washington College of Law, coined the following: "The greatest problem that we are facing today, and the one upon which the American Republic will be wrecked, if it is ever wrecked, is the question of distribution of the vast wealth of the nation...
...The encyclical strongly deplores the anti-religious attitude of the new government and deals with the violent expulsion of religious orders from Portugal...
...I believe we must come to enforced publicity and governmental control of corporations...
...At the present time, however, there is every indication that popular sentiment is with the leader of the insurrection and that he will be given every attention at the capital when he appears there to confer on public policy of the future...
...the introduction of divorce laws...
...the arbitrary despotism of the bishops of Oporto and Beja, and finally the law separating church and state...
...Railroad Hour Law Upheld The Supreme Court of the United States handed down a decision that the act approved March 4, 1907, prescribing that employes on railroads should not be required or permitted to remain on duty longer than sixteen consecutive hours, with ten hours intermission, together with the provision that telegraph operators and allied employes guiding train movements shall not be required or permitted to remain on duty over nine hours, is constitutional...
...The California, Washington, Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Florida state legislatures passed bills looking to their establishment...
...If you don't think so, go out on the Pacific coast and talk to the people there...
...Bernardo Machado, minister of foreign affairs, said that the Pope's attitude was inconceivable, and added: "The law of separation is not a law of attack, but a law of material and moral defense...
...The bill may be divided into two parts...
...He said in closing that not many years ago a personal insult could be wiped out only by a duel, but that this practice had come to an end with advancing civilization, and then asked: "If that be true now why may it not be true in the near future of nations...
...The openness of opportunity is what is needed in this country today...
...Stirred by Tobacco Decision Hundreds of corporations in the United States have been moved to immediate action by the Supreme court's decision relating to the American Tobacco company in which the court held chat this corporation was operating in restraint of trade and against the provisions of the Sherman anti-trust law...
...A. J. McKelway, secretary of the national child labor committee, relating to the abuses of juvenile labor in the cotton manufacturing industry in Virginia and the South...
...The court of appeals holds that a terminal company is a common carrier...
...Canadian reciprocity was the subject of an address by President Taft in Chicago last Saturday before the Western Economic Society and the Irish Fellowship Club...
...This transfer is wholly unsatisfactory and as taken to mean lese majeste to the officials...
...Vindictive Officials The officials of the postoffice department are riding to a severe fall, in the form of a searching investigation by Congress if they continue the autocratic manner in whch they have been conducting the affairs of the service during the past few months...
...Competition has been called wasteful evil and cruel, but I would rather have all of its wastefulness, its evil and its cruelty than that one power have the right to say what prices shall be paid for commodities used by the people of this country...
...So far as I am concerned, speaking for the United States Steel corporation, I would be glad if we could know exactly where we stand and could be free from dangers and criticism of the public...
...Pittsburg Councilmen Out Under an act recently signed by Gov...
...The grand jury in Los Angeles has returned indictments against Beit H, Conners, A. B. Maple and F. Ira Bender, charging them with dynamiting the Hall of Records last September...
...Do I understand that you believe in strict governmental supervision of corporation...
...I wish we could go to some responsible governmental source and say 'here are our facts, here is our business, here is our property and our cost of production,' and could be told just what prices we could charge and just what we could do...

Vol. 3 • June 1911 • No. 23

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