Hunt, Caroline L. & Follette, Belle Case La
HOME AND EDUCATION The home is the-real seat of government, and the 'Wise Hen of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L....
...Night is the natural time for sleep and rest, and day the natural time for activity and labor...
...In the regular course of suburban development all its natural beauty would have been sacrificed...
...The central society acts as advisor and as banking and building agent...
...We ought not to have to resort to law to prevent girls and Women from being employed at night, but if we cannot prevent it by other means, we must do it by law...
...After attending the Philadelphia conference Mr...
...Would you want your daughter to work all night, night after night...
...She is expected not only to earn wages, but to do housework and sewing, to care for children, or for the old or the sick...
...Raymond Unwin, an English Architect, whose name is inseparably connected with the rise in England of the movement for better housing conditions...
...Whenever work must be done at night, it should be done by those who are least likely to be injured by it and these are not girls and young women...
...That the tenement house and the crowded homes of the poor offer little opportunity for restful sleep at the best (and the best is at night) is universally recognized...
...he appealed his case...
...For through the medium of co-operation all may enjoy a share of very many advantages, the individual possession of which can only be...
...They may retain undisturbed possession of a house as long as they desire, provided they fulfill their obligations, and in case a change of work or other cause makes it necessary for them to move, they can take their choice of realizing on their holdings or of letting them remain and draw their annual interest...
...UNWIN spent about three weeks in this country...
...But if the provision is inadequate by night, what shall we say of it by day when all the household activities are going on...
...that it is working its young girls, not ail of them of course but many of them, long hours by day and sometimes even by night...
...Unwin had an important part...
...After the enactment of the law, there was carried out a program which has become familiar to us all...
...Barnett of Toynbee Hall, with whom the idea of the Suburb originated that the various classes of the community might be brought together in closer association, than is possible under ordinary conditions where the well-to-do are repelled by the mean and unbeautiful surroundings of the poor...
...attained by the few...
...Common sense and ordinary intelligence tell us that if there is work to be done at night, the first to be exempted from it should be the young of both sexes and next, women...
...How needless,—how like a bad dream the dreadful congestion of the city seems,—like dying of thirst with sparkling water near by, like a famine with abundance of food within reach...
...An employer was fined for violating the law...
...LOOKING OUT of the window of a moving train as it leaves the great city with its rows of ugly houses, high apartment buildings, back views of tenements and slums and visions of little children growing up without light and air and earth, so essential to health and happiness and development,—how amazing suddenly to emerge into the open country with limitless space for happy homes, flooded with air and sunshine and gardens...
...AMONG THE EXPERTS who addressed this Philadelphia conference was Mr...
...the constitutionality of the law was brought into question...
...While in Washington it was our privilege to make the acquaintance of Mr...
...One is drawn from the inadequate provision for sleep by day in the homes from which the workers come...
...And the reason why the legend made such an impression was because we know that our nation, our great, rich, resourceful America, is guilty...
...Shall we let it be forced to take a step backward...
...This concerned the right of a community to place the community interests above those of the owner of private poverty...
...THE ERIE DESPATCH says, "Bigger Erie is a worthy motto if it mean also Better Erie," a sentiment which every good citizen fervently echoes, substituting the name of his city •r village or town for Erie...
...THE THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE on city planning in the United States was held in Philadelphia last month...
...Is there not some pressure that you, the reader of this article, can bring to bear to save this Nebraska law for the sake of the working women of that state and also that it may serve as an example for other states...
...NEW MEANING was given to "shining by reflected light" not long ago, when a young man got his picture in the papers solely because a certain prominent heiress had said that she was not going to marry him...
...Unwin's own home is in the garden city...
...This paper, which as much as any other newspaper in the nation, represents advanced and enlightened public sentiment, says further: "Out of the discussion there loomed one topic, probably of paramount importance in this nation in connection with city building...
...but the individual possession of such grounds is quite out of the reach of the majority...
...It was the dream of Mrs...
...Work by night with only such rest as can be obtained in crowded quarters by day is bad enough for men, but it is worse for women and since we cannot get rid of it altogether we should prohibit it in the case of those who are most likely to be injured by it and those through whom the strength of the race is most likely to be undermined...
...Wisconsin's Duty THE WISCONSIN LEGISLATURE has done its part in submitting woman suffrage to a vote of the people...
...While in Boston they were the guests of the City Club...
...It is a trust in the true sense,which "holds the land for the benefit of the public in perpetuity," paying for the ground rents, the interest charges, all current expenses, and whatever is needed for further beautifying the estate and promoting public objects...
...But if special arguments are demanded there are two which should be convincing...
...Would you expect her to grow up healthy and with good morals if she did...
...They visited Rochester, New York to see what had been accomplished in city planning there, and on urgent invitation made a brief visit of inspection to Chicago...
...Can a question of street car service and sanitary homing be comparable in difficulty and expense with caring for the increased sickness, pauperism, vagrancy and crime which result from city congestion...
...the other from the demands made upon women's time which are not made upon men's time...
...A co-partnership association can, however, provide for all its members a share of these advantages and of far more than these...
...Unwin's name is most closely associated...
...Witness, for example, the controversy now on in Nebraska...
...The danger from this double drain upon strength is increased if she works for wages at night and remains at home by day...
...ON THE WALLS of a room where a Child Labor exhibition was recently held, there was a legend which, once read, refused to leave the mind but stayed to be repeated over and over again: It is a shame for a Nation to make its young girls weary...
...In fact, the scope of the principle is limited only by the power of those who associate to accept and enjoy the sharing of great things in place of the exclusive possession of small things...
...This differs from the ordinary building society where a member is liable for the purchase money of his house which is likely to be left as a burden on his hands if he is obliged to move...
...The time to act is now...
...Nebraska has gone ahead of all the other states in the Union except Massachusetts and Indiana in passing this law...
...Unwin spoke on town-planning at the federation of arts in Washington...
...But it is with the Hampstead Garden Suburb a few miles out of London,—it can be reached with one car fare,—that Mr...
...Shares and loan stocks are issued either to tenants or nontenants...
...When a plea is made for free school lunches for example, on the ground that much of the ill-health of school children is due to underfeeding, some one almost invariably answers that the trouble is quite as likely to be due to broken rest, citing the fact that in the rooms which must be used for living as well as for sleeping, lights burn long after young people should be asleep...
...for not only is the individual likely to procure for himself a better house and larger garden by obtaining them through a co-partnership society than by any -other means, but the introduction of cooperation opens up quite a new range of possibilities...
...The North American, speaking of "the vigorous manner in which the new science has siezed the imagination of Americans," says: "This conference has stirred up a public interest such as has never been aroused before in the subject in this country," and points to it as "a presage of the growth which will attend city planning from now on in the United States...
...It is the state's problem ultimately,— why not grapple with the cause instead of the consequences...
...That state passed a law forbidding the employment of women in manufacturing and mercantile establishments between the hours of 10 p. m. and 6 a. m. Remember that in this connection "women" means chiefly girls between 16 and 25, for they make up the great majority of the female employees...
...THE CO-PARTNERSHIP housing plan has been well worked out in England...
...And the strangest part of it all is that whenever we do come to our senses and take steps toward correcting this evil, there always arises among our people, our kindly, well-intentioned people, a mighty opposition...
...Or would you want her to return home at midnight through deserted streets...
...It is now for the citizenship of the state to place Wisconsin foremost on this question just as it has on other great progressive measures...
...Weyl described the beautiful garden city of Letchworth, in the planning of which Mr...
...In addition to their shares tenants pay moderate house rents, beginning as low as a dollar and a half a week and Tuning up to about four hundred dollars a year for the most expensive houses...
...Unwin is enthusiastic in his advocacy of this co-partnership plan, he says: "The introduction of the co-partnership principle marks a new era in housing...
...In the issue of La Follette's for May 27th, Mr...
...Again, in the transition period in woman's work, when she is abandoning exclusive home work and taking on work in the factory or shop or school, there is almost inevitably a double burden upon her...
...There is a central society with affiliated societies of which those at Letchworth and Hampstead are best-known examples...
...Truly informal and free from self-consciousness, deeply interested in progress of every kind, they take in as freely as they give out...
...It is not the girls nor their parents nor society but only the employers who take advantage of the fact that there is no law preventing them from employing those who are too young or too weak to protect themselves...
...The man who is sufficiently wealthy may have his own shrubberies, tennis court, bowling green, or play places for his children, and may, by the size of his grounds, secure an open and pleasant outlook from all his windows...
...To prevent this sacrilege the Hampstead Garden Trust was created for the purchase of the land...
...Whatever the purpose on the argument in this connection, the frequency with which it is made shows that the inadequate provision for sleep in the homes of the poor is a recognized source of ill-health...
...Unwin looks upon as a solution of the problem of securing pleasant homes for people of small means...
...This is all so self-evident that it is almost an insult to our intelligence and our common sense to ask us to give special arguments to prove it...
...Housing and transportation may be hard economic problems to solve but city congestion is a recognized breeding place of disease and crime, a source of contamination and contagion...
...Their attitude of research, teachability and helpfulness at once establishes close kinship with all who are interested in human welfare and social betterment...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Co-partnership Homes "The scope of the co-partnership principle in home making is limited only by the power of those who associate to accept and enjoy the sharing of great things in place of the exclusive possession of small things...
...But these arguments seem quite superfluous...
...AND MRS...
...It was laid out as a whole by him, in consultation with Mr...
...and Mrs...
...And who really profits in the end by the fact that girls work at night...
...Experts told how in Germany and England thoroughgoing, efficient and well ordered systems are in vogue, whereby the health, convenience and happiness of the whole community are of higher importance than the liberty of the individual to use his capital as he pleases...
...Much of the building at Hampstead Garden is being done by co-partnership societies which Mr...
...The matter is soon coming up in the District Court of Omaha...
...Edwin L. Lutyens so as to preserve its natural beauty and so to develop it through orderly planning, that it would not only furnish opportunity to the working people to secure cottages with gardens at mod-rate cost but would also attract the wealthy...
...The affiliated societies either purchase outright the land on which they build, or obtain it on long leases...
...Night Work for Women The Nebraska Law Prohibiting it in Danger of Being Declared Unconstitu tional...
...It would have been platted into narrow streets and built up with nightmare rows of houses...
...There lay north of London a oarticulary beautiful bit of country bordering on Hampstead Heath...
...It is an old, old story...
Vol. 3 • June 1911 • No. 23