News Worth Remembering STANDARD OIL received its long expected blow on the 16th from the United States Supreme Court. In its decision, which was handed down after months of waiting, the Court held...

...And as often has the bath of fire proved the fallacious and unserviceable texture of the web woven to enmesh them...
...Unions in several cities levied an assessment on their members long before the Federation's appeal went out...
...McNamara is Refused Bail With the opening of his trial still two weeks distant, John J. McNamara, in jail at Los Angeles on the charge of dynamiting the Los Angeles Times building, has been refused bail...
...The loan was placed in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and France...
...Labor does not desire government to assist it in any way, other than that conferred on all citizens, but it does demand that it be permitted, in common with all others to work out its destiny within the law...
...Secretary Morrison of the American Federation of Labor occupied the entire morning hour in presenting a mass of evidence to show that the railway mail clerks in various parts of the country had been reduced in rank, discharged, and otherwise discriminated against...
...Farmers' Congress on Record ?The Farmers' National Congress, with a membership representing every agricultural state in the union, last week went on record formally as being opposed to the Canadian reciprocity agreement now before Congress...
...The steel trust head told his hearers that it paid to treat working-men fairly...
...The revolutionary leaders continue to insist upon their original demands, which include the resignation of President Diaz and important economic and social reforms, chief among these being the improvement of the educational system...
...They have laid down a schedule of legislation for which they have been working in the present legislature...
...Twenty-eight progressive members of the Illinois Senate have taken the initiative in organizing the state for progressive principles and, by combining with the present Merriam organization in the city of Chicago, it is hoped that a stiff blow may be dealt the reactionary crowd next year...
...In its decision, which was handed down after months of waiting, the Court held the Standard Oil Company to be a monopoly in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law...
...The decision puts an end to the long fight between the stove company and the federation...
...Last year 79,789 Scots left their native shores...
...The attendant results are beginning to be felt severely by the remaining population...
...The announcement of the organization was followed closely by reports that the reactionary faction in the state also was preparing to combat the plans of the progressives...
...Steel Trust on Kindness Elbert H. Gary, head of the United States Steel Corporation, came out openly at a dinner in New York last week in favor of fair dealing with the working man...
...The prices of grains and farm animals are much less than a year ago...
...Although the resignation of Dickinson was placed in President Taft's hands April 28th, great secrecy was maintained in the White House and the War department and there was no announcement of the resignation until it came from the executive office together with the announcement of Stim-son's appointment...
...The Dickinson resignation marks the second change in the Taft cabinet...
...Indications point to a thorough investigation into the attitude of the department in reference to the mail clerks, and it may be extended to cover the entire operation of the department...
...An imperial edict last week announced the conclusion of the $30,000,000 loan for railroad construction in central China...
...The cabinet comprises eight members and Madero is said to be insistent that his faction be given four of the portfolios...
...While it is said that the resignation was due in part to differences with Secretary of State Knox in regard to the affair on the Mexican border, both the President and Mr...
...Secretary of War Quits Jacob M. Dickinson of Chicago and Tennessee resigned his portfolio in President Taft's cabinet on the 12th and the President immediately named Henry L. Stimson of New York as his successor...
...Organized labor asks no immunities from the law, neither is it entitled to any...
...The decision brings the trial a step nearer and by autumn it is expected that the real fight in court will be well along...
...Labor it Law-Abiding In its "Weekly News Letter" of May 6, The American Federation of Labor makes the following statement relative to the McNamara ease: "The officials of the American Federation of Labor have always been foremost in inveighing against even the slightest infraction of the law, and the rank and file of its membership are in entire harmony with this procedure...
...Madero and his chief advisors are in Juarez at the present time and from the meagre news that comes from the little city it appears that the revolutionists may succeed in carrying out some of their desires...
...Stimson was the defeated republican candidate for New York's governor last fall and for years has been a close friend of the President...
...Scotland Loses Young Men Keen observers in Great Britain express much apprehension over the continued departure of young men from Scotland...
...All three were sentenced to imprisonment for alleged contempt in the noted suit of the Bucks Stove & Range company of St...
...Dickinson, in his letter of resignation, said that his coal mine interests in Tennessee demanded his attention and that he could not afford further to sacrifice his personal interests...
...The Supreme court's decision, which is unanimous, sets forth that only a fine can be enforced by the court...
...He said that he had learned the necessity of happy, comfortable homes if the heads of families are to give their best work in return for their wages...
...Times without number have the men of labor, although entirely innocent, been called upon by unfair, unprincipled and illegal combinations of wealth to defend themselves against the machinations of unscrupulous men...
...Leaders Still Hope for Peace Following the battle of Juarez and the capture of that city by the Mexican in-surrectos, the leaders of the Madero revolution and representatives of the Mexican government again have renewed their efforts to bring about an end of the war...
...Estimates of the losses on both sides put the rebel dead at fifteen and the federal dead at fifty...
...The attitude of the court in its decision may be conveyed in the following words: "We think no disinterested mind can survey the period in question without being iiresistibly driven to the conclusion that the very genius for commercial development and organization which it would seem was manifested from the beginning soon begot an intent and purpose to exclude others, which necessarily involved the intent to drive others from the field and to exclude them from their right to trade and thus accomplish the mastery which was the end in view...
...Dispatches from northern Mexico say that Madero insists now upon representation of the revolutionists in the Mexican cabinet...
...Judge Carpenter's decision created as much comment among Illinois lawyers as the effect of the decision itself...
...On the same day the American Federation of Labor sent out from its headquarters in Washington, D. C, an appeal for funds to carry on the defense of the McNamara brothers and of McManigal, their alleged co-worker...
...The Standard Oil case went to the Supreme court on an appeal from the famous Missouri decision, the defendants including the mother company with thirty-three subsidiary corporations, John D., and Willam Rockefeller and five others...
...There can be no doubt that the Canadian trade agreement would seriously injure millions of our farmers...
...In it the judge rebuked the packers' attorneys for their strategic moves and for their readiness to construe statutes and Supreme court decisions...
...Railway Mail Clerks Oppressed The second session of the committee on Civil Service Reform (house) met and continued its hearings on the Lloyd Bill, which provides specifically that department officials shall have no right to demote, discharge or interfere with employes simply for the reason that they are members of labor organizations...
...The battle of Juarez, which lasted two days, came to an end on the 10th with the complete route of the government forces under Madero's guns...
...Gary has been studying the industrial history of Germany in the time of Bismarck and that he has been interested by the results of the Pittsburg Survey, are found in the following paragraph from his speech: "And I want to say to you that one of the greatest questions for the consideration by the capitalists of America today is the question of the treatment of their employes—of the laboring man—so as to make it certain there never will in this country be any excuse for the advancement of the ideas of the anarchist or the socialist...
...The dead include several American adventurers who joined the revolutionists within the last few weeks...
...The appeal of the Federation will go to every labor union in the country and within a week the money will be flowing into the central headquarters...
...John Mitchell, vice president, Frank Morrison, secretary...
...Suits against several ice cream manufacturers are being pressed by the Chicago health authorities, charges being made that the product is impure and harmful...
...Second Assistant Postmaster General Stewart was also present, but upon the conclusion of Secretary Morrison's presentation the House was ready to convene and committee adjourned to meet later in the w.eek, when further hearings will be had...
...The announcement was made by John M. Stahl, legislative agent for the organization...
...Spectators of the battle from the American side of the border suffered injury through their curiosity or interest in the engagement, bullets having carried far beyond the boundary line...
...Two hundred and fifty are said to have been wounded...
...Whenever a crime is committed, no matter by whom, whether it be a member of a union or not, after the accused has been tried by a fair and unbiased tribunal, if found guilty punishment should be inflicted...
...Richard Yates, whose reactionary status is a by-word, is said to be the choice as candidate for governor...
...Unlike the Yates men, the organizers of the Progressive League, instead of dealing in names, are dealing with principles...
...Packers' Plea Rejected In one of the most notable decisions handed down since the government began its fight on the beef trust nine years ago, the United States District court in Chicago last week overruled the demurrer of the ten indicted packers to the charges formulated last September that they were engaged in a combination, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade...
...And we ask other classes to consider that the famers have been good buyers the last few years, doing their share to make employment and good business for all, and that if they cannot be good buyers all other honest people will be injured...
...Dickinson deny that there has been friction...
...Some time ago the opposing interests reached an agreement following the death of the head of the corporation...
...Judge Bordwell on the 9th refused the application of his lawyers to put up bail for the union leader's release pending trial but left the way open for future arguments...
...that it was the duty of employers of labor to study the needs of the working people and of their families...
...Most of them were vigorous young men between the ages of twenty and thirty...
...This statute defines the acts declared to be unlawful in simple English...
...Labor Leaders Victorious The famous fight of the officers of the American Federation of Labor against the court decision sentencing them to jail for alleged disobedience to the boycott injunction of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia came to an end on the 15th...
...For the first four months of the present year over 4,000 booked passages through shipping agents (at Aberdeen alone...
...It is stated that at Fetterangus one-tenth of the population averages nearly eighty years of age, while at Keig not a single child attends school from twenty-five of the largest holdings...
...Organize Illinois Campaign Illinois Progressive Republicans perfected their organization last week and took the first step toward sending members of their organization to the Repub- lican National Convention next year...
...The decision affects these officers of the Federation: Samuel Gompers, president...
...Evidence that Mr...
...His determined attitude is revealed in the following paragraph of his decision: "In the view which I take of former Supreme court decisions, it will not be necessary for me to determine whether the congress of the United States meant exactly what it said in passing that act, or whether its meaning was to depend upon judicial construction...
...Louis to force the federation to refrain from placing the company's name in the "unfair list...
...This schedule includes a corrupt practices act, commission form of government, direct primaries, initiative and referendum, direct election of United States senators, and many other needed reforms...
...This reduction means not that the profit of the farmer has been reduced by so much, but that nearly all or quite all has already been wiped out...
...On that date the Supreme court of the United States handed down a decision setting aside the judgment of imprisonment for alleged contempt of the injunctional order...
...The Court also ordered the dissolution of the Company within six months...
...The purpose of the act, when ascertained from the language used, is as clear as may be...

Vol. 3 • May 1911 • No. 20

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