A Modern Hero. IMAGINE A MAN of small stature, with almost no money, and of poor health, undertaking a big fight in his State against dominant influences, and after many, many years carrying his...
...Sometimes people in the Eastern States, who know little about La Follette, ask us what he has done, and we have often answered...
...La Follette was at war with the machine of his own party...
...OFFICIALS in CINCINNATI selected by Boss Cox are having only indifferent success in bringing Mr...
...IMAGINE A MAN of small stature, with almost no money, and of poor health, undertaking a big fight in his State against dominant influences, and after many, many years carrying his ideas to success, his last victory being one for reelection to the Senate, won against the opposition of the National Administration of his own party as well as against an enormous campaign fund...
...That one deed is a fair example of the way La Follette has spent his life.—Collier's...
...cox to the bar of justice.—Kansas City Star...
...At the present moment, however, we intend to mention only what is perhaps the most striking single episode in the history of civil service reform...
...He might have built up a personal machine through the use of State offices, but he deliberately chose to destroy the only aid he had in his long and hard fight by advocating, insisting upon, and finally passing a civil service law the strongest in the country, completely governing all officers from the top down to the legislative clerks...
Vol. 3 • May 1911 • No. 20