News Worth Remembering ON A NOTABLE VISIT to the Wisconsin Legislature on the 15th, former President Theodore Roosevelt practically announced his almost complete acceptance of the platform of the...

...To Chairman Flood, of the House Committee on Territories, and Representative Houston of Tennessee he has outlined a scheme to eliminate the clause...
...As to the initiative, he recommended a law which should place between the initiatory act and final submission of a measure to the people, a legislative body...
...On the 13th the strikers paraded the streets and threatened violence but the arrival of the state troops restored quiet...
...He believes that ratification will be given by New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, Arkansas, Wyoming, New Hampshire and Massachusetts within a few weeks...
...Kenyon's election put a temporary end to the aspirations of La Fayette Young, who was Gov...
...House Favors Direct Elections By a vote of 296 to 16, the lower house of Congress on the 13th adopted the resolution for a constitutional amendment providing for the direct election of United States Senators...
...higher than in Great Britain, while wages are as 230 to 100...
...Patent Medicines in Peril The United States Supreme court last week heard arguments relating to false statements on labels as to the curative qualities of medicines...
...Bullets Flying Near Border Continued fighting in Northern Mexico between the Diaz troops and the in-surrectos has given rise to the belief that the Mexican administration will continue to ignore the demands of the revolutionists...
...The Senator's offer to assist them if furnished the information necessary has struck a responsive chord...
...Carroll's appointee to fill Dolliver's place for the period between the latter's death and the convening of the legislature...
...The recent disclosures in the Lorimer case which showed that one of Lorimer's votes in the Legislature was secured through promise of a postmastership, are the chief inspiration for the proposed law...
...On the 13th, Edward Tilden, one of the heads of the beef trust, went before the committee but failed to carry with him certain bank books and records that contain figures desired by the investigators...
...Former Senator C. R. Jandus of Chicago was quizzed by the committee but his memory failed on important points...
...Prominent Arizonians now in Washington state that the people of the territory, while anxious to be granted statehood, would, if the recall of judges provision were again submitted to a vote, retain it by an overwhelming majority...
...Income Tax Winning Twenty-nine state legislatures have ratified the proposed amendment to the United States constitution that will clear the way to a federal tax on incomes...
...Senator Brown of Nebraska, leader in the movement, last week expressed the opinion that the amendment surely would receive the approval of the necessary three-fourths of the states...
...You have been willing to test the theory by its actual results in practice and have endeavored to put it into such shape as to create the greatest possibility that it would work successfully...
...Riots throughout the wine growing districts of France have followed the Senate's action in wiping out territorial delimitation on the champagne question...
...Hill Gives Up Embassy David Jayne Hill of New York, for eight years ambassador to Germany, submitted his resignation to President Taft last week and it was accepted, neither the President nor the diplomat giving specific reasons for the resignation...
...A new subpoena was served on him and he is expected to submit within a week to further questioning...
...Mobs have destroyed property ruthlessly and threatened unpopular merchants with death and in order to quell the general uprising, the government has sent 12,000 troops to the various districts...
...Representative Mann was especially hostile to the measure...
...The indictments are based specifically on the charge that the two men are responsible for the deaths of two girls whose charred bodies were found on the ninth floor of the building...
...if Arizona and New Mexico are admitted to the union at an early date, thirty-six will be necessary...
...Nothing has given me more pleasure since my return to this country than the invitation which I received to address the Wisconsin legislature, for I feel, gentlemen, that you in Wisconsin, who during the last decade have done so much for Wisconsin have in so doing put not merely the state but the entire nation under a heavy weight of obligation to you for what has been accomplished in Wisconsin under the lead of Senator La Follette and under the direct inspiration of the men whom I am now addressing has been of such quality as to make a genuine and long stride forward, and I come here not merely to congratulate you but also because I desire in so far as possible to call the attention of other communities including my own to what you have done and to make them understand that in Wisconsin the progressive movement has not only been resolute but sane...
...He has had rich experience as assistant attorney general and announces himself as an advocate of Roosevelt's "square deal" creed...
...It requires financial statements both before and after the date of election from campaign committees but does not make provision for publicity of expenditures by individuals who manage their own campaigns without the aid of committees...
...As to the recall, he recommended that it apply to all officers except judges...
...NEWS NOTES — Disorder incident to the strike of employees of the pearl button factories in Muscatine, Iowa, has made it necessary to put the state militia in charge of the situation...
...Taking up in detail the progressive legislation in Wisconsin in the last decade and the legislation now about to be enacted, he credited Wisconsin with leadership in solving successfully the great economic and social problems of the period and added that other states would continue to follow the example of Wisconsin...
...If answers continue to arrive at the present rate a very large proportion of these employes will emphasize the opinion heretofore held that if given an opportunity 90 per cent...
...While the President has given the assurance that Hill performed satisfactory service, rumors are plentiful that his exit results from the potash controversy, over which he was summoned to Washington for a conference...
...He was born in Ohio, his father having been a Congregational minister...
...Hill's predecessor, he never has visited Mr...
...It is with pride that we point to this state as one in which the leading public men are backed not by an ordinary corporation as so many of our public men of the past have been backed, but by the greatest educational institution in the state and I found everywhere on the Pacific slope and in the Rocky Mountains that the ambition of men in other states was to follow the lead of the far-seeing leaders in Wisconsin in using the university to render the greatest possible service to the state government for the benefit of the people at large...
...Lenroot and Madison, were honored with assignments to the committee on rules, while Cooper was retained on the Foreign Affairs committee...
...Kenyon is a friend of Cummins and is identified as a Progressive...
...You have been willing to go forward with sense and moderation and therefore you have accomplished so much...
...President Taft has held several conferences with Attorney General Wick-ersham and other members of the Cabinet on this question...
...Herman H. Hett-ler of Chicago testified that Hines had bragged to him about his election of Lorimer, saying: "I elected him...
...Senator Kenyon is forty-two years old and will be one of the youngest members of the Senate...
...In all three speeches which Col...
...The Ways and Means committee of the House on the 13th reported the Canadian reciprocity agreement for...
...Congressman Hardwick of Georgia is seeking to supplement the publicity bill with another measure designed to stop the practice of rewarding supporters with political office...
...But even though this at the present time seems to be an insurmountable objection to a ratification, yet the President may be unwilling to disapprove it solely because of the incorporation of this provision...
...News Worth Remembering ON A NOTABLE VISIT to the Wisconsin Legislature on the 15th, former President Theodore Roosevelt practically announced his almost complete acceptance of the platform of the National Progressive Republican League...
...The matter affects these clerks' right to organize...
...The government officials are beginning to realize now that they have attempted a difficult task in their effort to deprive workmen the right to associate themselves together for the purpose of improving their conditions...
...He could not remember the source of a $3,000 bank deposit made not long after the date of Larimer's election...
...It is not too much to say that the University of Wisconsin now occupies a position entirely unique not merely in this country but in the world as the institution which beyond all others has come nearest to recognizing the ideal of using higher education, of using the instrumentalities of higher education primarily for rendering the greatest possible service to the community...
...Almost immediately upon graduation from the law department of the University of Iowa, he entered politics and became public prosecutor of Webster county...
...Pathetic letters have been constantly coming into the headquarters of the American Federation of Labor reciting acts of intimidation, coercion and other forms of tyranny on the part of superintendents and other officials of the railway civil service...
...It is related in Berlin that while the ambassador's relations with Kaiser Wilhelm were cordial, they were not intimate and it is recalled that while the Kaiser dined annually with Mr...
...While former Speaker Cannon and his friends jeered at the new method of naming members, the House of Representatives on the 11th elected its committees for the first time in history...
...Representative Mann made complaint of unfairness of the Democrats in making minority assignments, While Representative Underwood, Democratic floor leader, insisted that the ruling party had complied with the wishes of the minority in every particular...
...Actual warfare has been carried on so close to the border that bullets have endangered the lives of American citizens in Douglas, Arizona, and other places...
...The direct elections resolution as passed by the House is practically the same as the Borah resolution reported out by the Judiciary committee of the Senate in the last Congress...
...Copies of reports on the cost of ing in American cities have aroused the deep interest of members of the English Parliament...
...If it had been merely progress, merely the fanatic experiments without restraint, you would have hurt the state and damaged the movement itself...
...Both men were released on $25,000 bail after entering pleas of not guilty...
...He urged direct election of United States Senators and displayed as examples of the faulty method of the present, the election of William Lorimer in Illinois and the four months' deadlock in New York...
...Face Punishment for Holocaust Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, owners of the Triangle Waist company, were indicted in New York on the 11th in connection with the Asch building fire in which 145 human lives were sacrificed...
...The district attorney hopes to prove that the door on this floor was locked, cutting off the girls' escape...
...As was to be expected, the House of Representatives did not pass the resolution without a fight, Cannon, Mann, McCall, Sulloway and others attempting to put stumbling blocks in the way...
...Both questions now go to the Senate for concurrence...
...While twenty thousand troops now are stationed within easy distance of the Mexican border, the order not to cross into Mexico has been enforced, although at this writing it appears probable that regulars soon will be sent into the neighboring republic to put an end to the fighting that has been carried on close to the boundary...
...I did it myself, personally...
...Conclusions in the report are that the cost of food and rent among the working classes in America is 52 per cent...
...The indictments charge manslaughter in the first and second degree and the maximum penalty is twenty and ten years, respectively...
...The impression grows stronger that President Diaz and his advisors are willing to let the war drag on until such time as the United States government steps in to protect American and European interests...
...Colonel Roosevelt reiterated several times his belief that the country was now looking and would continue to look to Wisconsin for leadership in dealing with the great questions of the day...
...The proposed workmen's compensation law he approved heartily and urged its passage, even though it might be taken to the supreme court for the constitutional test...
...Roosevelt made in Madison, he applauded the University of Wisconsin, the faculty of which has played an important part in drafting the legislation which he approved so heartily...
...The case comes to the high court from Missouri, where prosecution Was started over a label that promised a cure of cancer if the contents of the bottle were taken as directed...
...I wish at the outset to congratulate you on the position taken by the University of Wisconsin in the forward movement...
...You have been put in a position of leadership in the union which is not only a very pleasant position but a position of great responsibility...
...Wisconsin a Model "Coming back from this trip I have made through the west, I wish to tell you how much I have been impressed with the way men's eyes are turned on what Wisconsin is doing...
...Young is not a Progressive Republican...
...The proposition was that the constitution pending before congress be adopted, and that later the people of Arizona, under the constitutional power, propose an amendment to the constitution permitting the recall to apply to all officers now mentioned except judges...
...A full crew bill on trains has been adopted by the Washington state legislature and signed by the governor...
...Gathers Lorimer Evidence Slowly The special committee of the Illinois Legislature, which is investigating the charge that Edward Hines advanced $100,000 to elect William Lorimer to the United States Senate, continues to drag testimony from unwilling witnesses...
...Definite action will be inaugurated within a short time to get the whole matter before the extra session of congress...
...Last week President Taft caused to be carried to the insurrectos and to the government troops a warning that if battles were fought close enough to the border to endanger American lives and property, he would be forced to intervene...
...Two leading Progressive Republicans, Messrs...
...When barely thirty years old he was elected to the Circuit bench but resigned after a year's service...
...At the present time thirty-five states must ratify the amendment...
...Railway Mail Clerks Give Data Although but a short time has elapsed since Senator La Follette sent out his letter of inquiry to the railway mail clerks, asking for data concerning the conditions under which the clerks have to work, answers are coming in at the rate of several hundred a day...
...The bill for publicity of campaign funds, while not so sweeping in its provisions as the progressive wing might have desired, is an improvement over the existing law...
...Wisconsin occupies a unique position in the nation and the world," he said, "in that it does not hesitate to seek the aid of its university experts in drafting laws to meet peculiar problems...
...The election came on the sixty-seventh ballot and it ended one of the longest political fights in Iowa's history...
...From statements emanating from the White House it is gleaned that he can reconcile himself to all other enactments in the organic law of the new state save the one mentioned...
...Solicitor General L hmann argued that the present pure food and drug act made it possible to prohibit the false labeling of patent medicines and told the court that he knew of nothing within the scope of Congress that would be more beneficial than an interpretation of the law that would break up the patent medicine business...
...of them would seek membership in the American Federation of Labor...
...The committee also passed favorably upon the farmers' free list tariff measure...
...Speaking more particularly of specific phases of contemplated legislation in Wisconsin, the speaker took a firm stand for the initiative, referendum and recall...
...Iowa Elects Senator Just twenty-four hours before the House of Representatives passed the resolution for direct election of United States Senators, the Iowa Legislature reached the end of its long deadlock and elected W. S. Kenyon to succeed the late Senator Dolliver...
...Directing his remarks more particularly to the legislature, before which he made his chief address, Colonel Roosevelt testified that the entire nation was under heavy obligation to Wisconsin...
...A year ago he was appointed assistant attorney general in the United States Department of Justice, succeeding Wade Ellis as the official "trust buster" of the department...
...Taft Opposes Recall of Judges The President is still vigorously opposing the section of the Arizona constitution which provides for the recall of judges...
...The following day it passed the bill for publicity of campaign expenditures...

Vol. 3 • April 1911 • No. 16

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