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Freedom and Socialism

Lens, David Cortright and Sidney

COMMENT Freedom and Socialism According to Treasury Secretary William E. Simon, America stands at the crossroads, confronted with "a classic choice between freedom and socialism." The pivot on...

...A knotty issue raised by the NSSM, Administration sources say, is how to reconcile the concerns of Congress, the Pentagon, and the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)óall seeking greater participation in the formulation of arms transfer policiesó with the preservation of the Chief Executive's desire for "maximum flexibility...
...Despite an attempt in 1970 by former Senator J. William Fulbright, then chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, to compel the Administration to submit the executive agreement as a treaty, the pact with the Franco regime was concluded without the advice and consent of the Senate...
...Everyone knew, however, that the merger had to be consummated...
...That a high official of the U.S...
...The approval set in motion a Middle East agreement replete with commitments to Egypt and Israelócommitments whose status in international and domestic law is still unclear...
...The crucial question is not whether President Ford's economic program is "political," but what kind of politics it entails...
...It produces superior people...
...But the Generalissimo's departure will not automatically deliver Spain from its chains...
...After weeks of debate, the Senate and House voted to approve the placement of 200 American technicians in the Sinai desert...
...That tragic list is long enough AFL-CIO after Twenty Years It was a memorable occasion early in December twenty years ago...
...This early warmness quickly cooled, however, as the voice of white racism once again echoed through the corridors of the Pentagon... opposes detente...
...The same constitutional question is raised in even more acute form by the Spanish base agreements...
...The unorganized, however, declined to flock to the AFL-CIO banners...
...Senator Clark counters that treaties need not automatically imply such a commitment, and that the very existence of some 25,000 American military personnel and dependents in Spain constitutes an involvement which implies a commitment, whether or not written assurances have been made to the Spanish government...
...Labor undoubtedly will find that leadership, just as it did in 1933-35 when such unionists as the Reuther brothers and Harry Bridges and Farrell Dobbs rose to the occasion...
...Critics pointed to the fact that Army combat units were now more than 23 per cent black and that this somehow threatened the "credibility" of U.S...
...Vonder Haar's article, "Chaining Children with Chemicals,'' in the March 1975 issue of The Progressive: Witnesses before Senator Birch Bayh's subcommittee on juvenile delinquency have testified to the widespread over-drugging of children in public and private care facilities...
...It supported the Vietnam war with inelastic fury...
...There is no other human being whose death is so eagerly awaited by so many peopleónot only by Spaniards who have suffered under his dictatorship for three dozen years, but by decent men and women everywhere who rightly regard the Caudillo as the last surviving symbol of the fascist menace that swept across Europe in the 1930s...
...Then, once again eschewing the fundamental issue, Congress approved the placement of the technicians...
...In October, the Administration announced it would submit its Spanish base executive agreement to Congress for approval by a majority of the House and Senate...
...Hundreds of delegates who had been involved in the sitdown strikes and had fought for civil rights and social reform found themselves probing their memories as Quill berated the older federation for tolerating racial discrimination, racketeering, and back-door contracts, and as he chided George Meany for being only "slightly to the left" of Senator William Knowland, the Barry Goldwater of his day...
...Worse still, the united federation has failed to meet the challenges of the times...
...Franco has taken every conceivable step to forestall democracy...
...As he sat in the Oval Office beneath a copy of the 1776 portrait of George Washington, sipped coffee from a guilt-edged cup and held a briar pipe that would not stay lighted, Ford noted with evident satisfaction that 'we run the White House differently' from the Nixon Administration whose fall catapulted him to the Presidency...
...The Treaty Power The Constitution, historian Edwin Corwin once observed, presents the Executive and Legislative branches of government with " a n invitation to strugg l e " over the formulation of foreign policy...
...To Winston Smith's report, in the January 1974 issue, on book burning in Drake, North Dakota: The Drake Board of Education has agreed that copies of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five (which was burned) and James Dickey's Deliverance (which was banned) may henceforth be assigned as reading in the eleventh and twelfth grades...
...and, as Herbert Hill of the NAACP shows virtually every year, the size of the influx is relatively small, the barricades still substantial...
...A number of communities which painted their fire hydrants red, white, and blue in observance of the Bicentennial are under patriotic pressure to enforce their dog-leash laws...
...By failing to exercise its constitutional role, Congress has allowed the President to enter into thousands of executive agreements of dubious constitutional justifiability and ambiguous legal status...
...Reuther, who was president of both the CIO and its largest affiliate, the UAW, introduced his father, Valentine, a lifelong socialist, a friend of Eugene V.Debs, and a union prodigy in his own right who had headed a central labor body in Ohio at the age of twenty-three...
...The transfer of sophisticated weapons, especially to the Middle Eastówhich accounts for more than half of all U.S...
...Reuther, a "pragmatic idealist," hoped that the merger would permit him to practice his innovative skills over a larger terrain...
...The review has highlighted many of the problems generated by the rapidly increasing pace of weapons sales and concerns expressed by Executive agencies...
...Almost all international accords of consequence in the last twenty years have been executive agreements...
...domestic production requirements...
...The CIO lacked muscle...
...These racist policies make a sham of any claim of equal opportunity in the military and gravely impugn the integrity of black soldiers...
...commitments incorporated into the agreement should be submitted to the Senate in the form of a treaty rather than an executive agreement...
...In the Navy in the same year, 61 per cent of all blacks served in the bottom three grades, compared to only 30 per cent of whites so assigned...
...Eighty-five million proletarians still constitute potentially the most important force for industrial and political democracy...
...A Presidential election is less than a year away...
...than all that whole pack of noisy, theorizing bleeding hearts who have set out to bring you down in flames...
...In the Marine Corps in 1974, blacks made up almost 26 per cent of all combat troops, but only 5.4 per cent of electronic equipment specialists...
...In individual terms, a family of four at the $5,000 level will lose $300, while a family of four at the $50,000 level will gain $390...
...In recent years, the Government of the United States has stood virtually alone in offering support to the despised Franco regime...
...Such sales, the official rationale goes, enable the defense industry to stretch and even out production lines and to reduce unit costs of weapons produced for the U.S...
...The experience of neighboring Portugal demonstrates that confusion and conflict are almost inevitable consequences of long years of absolute despotism...
...AFL-CIO collusion with the CIAóin British Guiana, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, France, Italy, Vietnam, large parts of Africa and Asiaóbecame more flagrant...
...Kenneth Wooden of Princeton, New Jersey, who has examined the treatment of institutionalized children in thirty states, said he found "hard drugs administered like candy...
...Government should be able to engage in such crude and simplistic rhetoric at this late date bespeaks the intellectual and ideological bankruptcy of the Ford Administration...
...arms transfers on domestic and international affairs...
...Louis, has advised priests of his archdiocese to maintain "a becoming hairstyle, the avoidance of mustaches and beards, together with lengthy sideburns...
...For Americans, the urgent obligation is to let Spaniards work out their own destiny...
...the formulation of a more precise justification for arms transfers...
...military has increased from about 12 per cent to 16 per cent...
...Several policy options are reportedly being considered: a reorganization of certain decision-making processes...
...Between July 1974 and March 1975, black enlistments dropped by 60 per cent in the Navy and by more than 40 per cent in both the Air Force and the Army...
...They also mask the real problems of racial discrimination in the ranks and ignore the pervasive under-representation of blacks in skilled jobs and positions of authority...
...Thus, the official labor movement is once more a couple of generations behind the times...
...He had devised such programs as the cost-of-living escalator, supplemental unemployment benefits, union pensions, conversion of war plants to prefabricated housing...
...The military thus took a direct slap at non-white recruits and, in effect, instituted a policy of racial quotas...
...Wooden added: "Because of the use of drugs . . . we now have a new form of solitary confinementósolitary confinement of the mind...
...The Pentagon, for example, has traditionally encouraged arms transfers...
...Contrary to the late UAW chieftain's vision, the "organized" have not been "unionized": there is less idealism, zeal, and solidarity in the house of labor today than at any time since the 1920s...
...State Department officials fear that members of Congress who object to a proposed transfer might sabotage Administration policy by leaking news of it to the press...
...After twenty years, what has it accomplished...
...A few weeks ago, while even America's NATO allies were vigorously protesting Franco's last tyrannical spasms, Washington was propping him up by negotiating a new and favorable agreement for bases of highly dubious value to the "security" of the United States...
...At first, the services seemed pleased at the willingness of blacks to enlist...
...Indeed, the problem is not that there are too many blacks but that they are overly concentrated in low-skill positions and in the bottom ranks...
...To curtail or eliminate such programs is, of course, fully consistent with the Republican Administration's rekindled love affair with Eighteenth Century laissez faire...
...Sheikh Zaid, ruler of oil-rich Abu Dhabi, has established a zoo and salt-water aquarium at the Buraimi Oasis in order to improve the "quality of life for his subjects...
...The Congress of Industrial Organizations was holding its last convention in one of the big New York hotels, preparatory to reuniting with the American Federation of Labor after two decades of separation...
...If such basic issues as tax rates and Federal spending levels are not to be regarded as 4'political," what is...
...Just as the 1930s required a decisive turn from craft to industrial structure, from simple to "social" unionism, from lassitude to militancy, so the 1970s require structural and ideological changes of a wide-ranging natureópoliticization, independence from the two major parties, new forms to match power with and whittle the influence of the conglomerates...
...At the same time, the richest segment of the populationóthose with annual incomes above $50,000ówill gain a total of $310 million in new tax advantages...
...Bruce Severy, the high school English teacher who was fired for assigning the books, has been awarded $5,000 in damages in a court action supported by the American Civil Liberties Union...
...There are, of course, bright spots in the pictureóthe black caucuses here and there, the coalition of women unionists, the upsets in many local elections, in District 31 of the Steelworkers (where Ed Sadlowski has won a sensational victory), and in the United Mine Workers...
...To "Hounding Peacemakers in Cincinnati" by Bob Mong and Lew Moores, in the June 1975 issue, which detailed harassment of the Peacemakers, a pacifist group, by the Internal Revenue Service: The IRS has reversed its field and returned the Peacemakers' Gano farm property, which had previously been seized and sold at auction...
...In the whole history of the world, whenever a meat-eating race has gone to war against a non-meat-eating race, the meat eaters won...
...The Administration argues that an executive agreement with Spain is preferable to a treaty, since treaties imply a military commitment...
...In the best of circumstances, the Spanish people face difficult decisions...
...Melvyn Douglas put the delegates in a nostalgic mood, narrating a pageant of CIO history that brought tears to their eyes...
...On the platform, Reuther did an impressive job of camouflaging the shotgun nature of the reunification...
...Later Reuther tried to do the job through the Industrial Union Department which he headed, but that effort also fizzled...
...The treaty, intended by the Founders to serve as the vehicle for the conclusion of major international agreements, has been increasingly reserved for matters of less than momentous international import...
...The two million-member organizations that remained, Walter Reuther's Automobile Workers and David McDonald's Steelworkers, were so severely at loggerheads that cohesion was no longer possible...
...commitments and assurancesópledges which had already been published and discussed in exhaustive detail in the press...
...The Peacemakers commented: "We are glad that IRS has chosen to admit its errors and correct this injustice, but after viewing the IRS files, and after months of effort by hundreds of people necessary to bring this change, we are more concerned than ever about the continuing jeopardy to other political activists...
...Those working on the NSSM are reportedly arguing that there is a pressing need for greater regulation of the chaotic arms trade...
...The Navy even went so far as to advertise, "You Can Be Black and Navy Too... endorses the nuclear arms race...
...But the soaring sales have recently generated concern within the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the growing foreign appetite for arms begins to eat into and deplete American inventories...
...There is no discernible disposition on the Democrats' part, any more than on the Administration's, to challenge the basic system that has brought disarray to our economy and anguish to so many of our people...
...Instead, Lovestone's role was enlarged as he became official head of a department he had dominated unofficially...
...If Spain chooses, after Franco, to turn decisively to the Left, it may face a clear and present danger of American interventionówhether by economic pressure, CIA machinations, or overt military force...
...Congress, essentially, wants to be consulted in advance about the Administration's plans for transfers...
...Two recent foreign policy issues highlight the failure of Congress in this critical arena...
...In closeddoor testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for instance, General George Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, complained that he had not been consulted about the proposed sale of fourteen batteries of new, improved Hawk missiles to Jordan...
...Last May, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger asked to have a National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) prepared on U.S...
...In an internal memorandum prepared for the committee's deliberations, the Senate's legal counsel concluded that the U.S...
...Are the Democratic leaders suggesting that these are matters to be determined, like the foreign policy of the Cold War years, on the basis of "bipartisan statesmanship...
...The transfer, he told the committee, might interfere with U.S...
...Instead of forcing the constitutional question, Congress contented itself with formulating the issue as one of public disclosure of the " secret " U.S...
...As an independent entity that had given American labor more thrust than any movement before or since, the CIO passed into history...
...The AFL-CIO todayóhaving expelled the Teamsters and lost the UAW through disaffiliationóhas a few hundred thousand fewer members than it had at birth...
...The whispers, however, are emanating from the Ford Administration, which, for the past seven months, has been conducting a detailed study of the impact of the skyrocketing U.S...
...Once again, Senator Clark is championing the constitutional cause...
...DAVID CORTRIGHT (David Cortright, an associate of the Center for National Security Studies in Washington, B.C., is the author of liSoldiers in Revolt: The American Military Today...
...There was much talk back then of organizing thirty-seven million unaffiliated workers, and a UAW vice-president, Jack Livingston, was named director of organization for the AFL-CIO and promised $7 million to achieve that goal...
...The cardinal has also noted his regret that "some of our priests are wearing secular dress and can hardly be distinguished from a layman...
...Racketeering and back-door contracts are on the wane, but not so much because of any sustained campaigns against them as because of a change in national living styles on the one hand, and the dry spell in organizing the unorganized on the other...
...The Ford scheme is exploitive and regressive...
...The next day, at the 71st Regimental Armory, Reuther and Meany jointly banged an oversized gavel and the hyphenated hybrid, AFL-CIO, was in business...
...military exportsó has generated tough competition for the highly skilled technicians required to maintain elaborate weaponry...
...and the filing by ACDA, the Pentagon, and other concerned agencies of arms-sale "impact statements," similar in tone and intent to environmental impact statements...
...John Joseph Cardinal Carberry, archbishop of St...
...Recruitment in the suburbs was emphasized at the expense of inner-city efforts...
...It would not be surprising to see similar confusion and conflict in Spain in the transition period that lies ahead...
...Certainly it would be possible to eliminate that muchóand moreófrom the Federal budget if the Administration and Congress were prepared to deal decisively with the absurd sums squandered on the military establishment...
...That the Congressional Democrats should muster little more response than a feeble charge that the President is "playing polities'' indicates that the loyal opposition is hardly in much better shape...
...There is, quite simply, nothing constitutional about the use of ad hoc procedures designed to avoid compliance with constitutionally mandated methods...
...The black percentage among officers today stands at only 3 per cent...
...A few unions have grownónotably Jerry Wurf's State, County, and Municipal Employes, Albert Shanker's Teachers, George Hardy's Service Employes...
...Administration officials contend, however, that they are seeking a more efficient system of regulation, one which preserves what is perceived as the Executive prerogative to initiate policy, but which is actively coordinated with Executive agencies...
...An example is its inability to bring about multiunion collective bargaining to match the economic power of conglomerate and multinational corporations...
...We have the books of history...
...We may not have sent out the fire trucks yet," said one State Department official analyzing the impact of weapons transfers, "but at least we know there is a fire out there ." JUDITH MILLER (Judith Miller is The Progressive's Washington correspondent...
...Since 1953, the United States has secured military base rights in Spain in exchange for economic and military assistance...
...On the international front, the Meany team is still only "slightly to the left" of Senator Goldwateróif that...
...Surely one such alternativeóthough it is one beyond Secretary Simon's wildest imaginingómight be the creation of a system that encompasses freedom and socialism...
...changes in the management of arms sales...
...but blandness is no adequate response to serious national problems or to the troubled public mood...
...Reuther had grand hopes in 1955 that he could force into oblivion Jay Lovestone and Irving Brown, Meany's international affairs specialists, who had a special proclivity for collaborating with the CIA...
...arms transfer policy...
...There is also, apparently, greater recognition that the current unofficial policy of " t h e more the merrier" may eventually conflict with other foreign policy goals...
...This move, initiated under the guise of cooperation with Congress and respect for the Constitution, is, in fact, a flagrant circumvention of constitutional procedure...
...The Franco regime ended as it beganówith martial law, summary executions, and the contemptuous censure of all those who cherish freedom...
...The brigade of Democratic contenders offers, as The New York Times recently observed, " a competition of agreeable personalities without a forceful delineation of issues . . . preoccupied with maintaining harmony...
...The Pentagon did a quick about-face and began instituting measures to limit and reduce black enlistments...
...Officials working on the NSSM have also held discussions with some members of Congress critical of current arms transfer policy...
...There is perpetual talkóand perpetual inactionóabout basic tax reform...
...We find it inconceivable that there are no political leaders in this large land who are willing to explore genuine alternatives with the American people...
...President Ford wants to liberate us from "big government"óand leave us to the tender mercies of an unbridled corporate profit system...
...Any agreement with Spain is bound to be a highly charged, emotional issue in Congress...
...This involvement, Clark maintains, must be sanctioned in a treaty, the constitutional form for important international accords...
...This consideration, coupled with recent, though sporadic, Congressional assertions of its foreign policy muscle, has led the Administration to pursue a new strategy to secure approval of its Spanish pact...
...The existence of such a long-overdue review has, itself, had a salutary effect: Administration officials are said to be increasingly aware of the fact that arms transfers are, first and foremost, a tool of foreign policy, not merely a vehicle for improving America's balance of payments position...
...The issue, therefore, is simple but extremely important: Will Congress allow the Administration to deprive the treaty of its constitutional meaning and purpose, thereby permitting the Executive to decide whether and when it will seek Congressional approval of its foreign policies, or will it hold the Administration to the spirit and intent of the Constitution and the rule of law...
...To "Now the Blood" by Louis A. Perez Jr., in the January 1975 issue, which reported on the "harvesting" of human blood in Haiti for sale in the United States: The World Health Organization reports that commercial firms are making profits of up to 1,000 per cent by paying donors in developing countries $2 to $4 per liter of whole blood and selling it for $20 to $40 in richer nations...
...commitments to Israel, including a pledge to defend Israel against threats by a world power and a promise to supply that nation with oil, were clearly "beyond the power of the President to enter into without the advice and consent of the Senate...
...Still, for all of the past decade's wrangles over the Congressional role in foreign policy, the only area in which Congress has consistently failed to assert its constitutional prerogatives is in the fulfillment of its mandate to consent to treaties...
...The "freedom" it promises is the freedom of many millions to sink even deeper into poverty and want...
...But the political reality is that the burden of any significant reduction in Government spending will be borne by such programs as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and veterans' benefitsóprograms which already fall woefully short of meeting people's needs...
...The pivot on which that choice will turn, in Simon's view, is the $28 billion tax-and-spending-cut scheme unveiled by the Ford Administration early in October: If Congress enacts the Ford program, it will have chosen "freedom...
...The CIO had been enervated by the expulsion of eleven so-called communist unions...
...We have an obligation not to let that happenónot to let America stand once again on the wrong side, as it has in China and Vietnam and Greece and Chile and a score of other countries...
...The AFL-CIO leadership has no program for curbing these organs of monopoly other than limiting exports, and no program for ending depressions other than milk-and-water pump priming, a questionable device in today's circumstances...
...Under the President's proposed tax schedule, the poorest segment of the populationóworking families with incomes of $5,000 a year or lessówill be deprived of tax refund payments to which they are now entitled, for a total loss of between $200 million and $300 million in 1976 as compared to 1975...
...SPIRIT OF '76...
...Military apologists in 1974 began to argue that the all-volunteer force had accepted too many blacksóthat minorities were "overrepresented...
...Postscripts ToT.A...
...As a result, the Pentagon is seeking a greater voice in arms policy decision-making, sources say...
...political and economic institutions and on the formulation of foreign policy...
...After Franco Generalissimo Francisco Franco lies dying in his Pardo Palace as this issue of The Progressive goes to press...
...They point out that $10 billion worth of orders this past year were arranged with the help of the Department of Defense, while only $1 billion worth were purchased on the open market...
...During the debate within the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Richard C. Clark, Iowa Democrat, argued that the U.S...
...These figures make a mockery of any claims of so-called over-representation and once again point up the systematic racism of military life...
...He is unemployed...
...With Joe Glazer strumming the guitar, the delegates joined Walter and Valentine in singing the old Wobbly song, Joe Hill, and, as the session ended, Solidarity Forever...
...Some 2,000 military personnel working in military assistance advisory groups in more than forty nations help foreign governments purchase and maintain American weapons...
...arms sales abroad is eliciting cries and whispers in Washington...
...The Constitution explicitly delineates Congressional and Presidential authority in international affairs in only one area: the President "shall have the power, by and with the consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur...
...He leaves behind not only an anachronistic monarchy, but an elaborate military and civilian apparatus of repression...
...SIDNEY LENS (Sidney Lens, an activist in radical labor, and peace movements, has written extensively on domestic and international issues...
...History, however, is waiting for them to elaborate a new scenario...
...The practice, which began in Central and South America, has now spread to Asia and Africa, according to the WHO survey...
...if Congress rejects the Ford plan, it will have taken the nation down the pernicious road to "socialism...
...Blacks in the Military Since the introduction of the all-volunteer force, the proportion of blacks within the ranks of the U.S...
...He was so dedicated to this possibility that he placed himself on forced probationó on one occasion he threatened to fire his closest collaborator for exposing the AFL's cozy relationship with the CIA...
...You could sense the misgivings in the hall and the general, if tacit, agreement with the speech of Mike Quill, head of the Transport Workers Union, who denounced the impending marriage as a "merger without honor," a liquidation "into the AFL...
...Social reforms such as national health insurance, a guaranteed annual wage, and full employment are still far from achievement...
...News story in The Tennessean...
...Bob) Devine, vice president of the Reader's Digest Association, extolling (at an advertisers' conference) the virtues of the men who run the multi-national corporations: "[They] have done more to lift up the heavy hearts of men, to fatten their pocketbooks, to fill their stomachs, to entertain, enlighten, and inform them, to fulfill their psychic expectations...
...Also being considered are the concerns of ACDA, which has for some time sought a greater role in the formulation of weapons policy...
...His most recent book is "The Promise and Pitfalls of Revolution, "published last year by the United Church Press...
...Sea water for the aquarium is trucked in from the Persian Gulf, and caretakers for the 150 animals are flown in from Germany...
...But moderation didn't help...
...But all this is only a glimmer...
...As Eddie Williams of the Joint Center for Political Studies in Washington recently wrote, "The real issue in this controversy is not overrepresentation but concentration...
...Alarm over Arms Sales This year's staggering increase in U.S...
...There is, of course, no guarantee that any of the options currently being considered will be chosen, but it is at least modestly reassuring that the uneasiness stemming from the boom in arms transfers is shared by some in the Administration...
...The Democratic alternative, to the extent it can be defined, is to muddle through and hope for the best...
...The NSSM, which is nearing completion, reportedly analyzes the increase in arms sales, the shift in the method of arms transfers, and the effect of such sales on U.S...
...Critics of the Administration's look at weapons sales argue that there is little genuine desire within the Executive to curtail or limit arms transfers...
...We live in a new phase of the nation's evolution, marked by the national security state and government domination of the economy...
...For several months, such Congressional critics as Democratic Senators Gaylord Nelson, Wisconsin, and Edward Kennedy, Massachusetts, have vociferously decried the uncontrolled boom in the transfer of Americanmade weapons overseas, which totaled sales of almost $11 billion in the last fiscal year...
...He thought he had an understanding, negotiated by one of his subalterns, that when Meany stepped down he would take his place and imprint his "pragmatic idealism" on the whole movement...
...There is perpetual talkóand perpetual inactionóabout full employment (which has for decades been enshrined in law as a goal of national ^economic policy...
...As a result, black recruitment plummeted...
...Senator Carl Curtis, Nebraska Republican, during Senate debate on banning the use of diethylstilbestrol (DES) as a feed additive for livestock: "Now, of course, the most nutritious food you can eat is meat...
...Instead of dealing with the discriminatory assignment procedures which channel black servicemen into unskilled combat positions, the Pentagon has chosen to reduce the overall number of blacks... forceful new leadership appears on the horizonóas yet...
...The problems of blacks in the military can be solved only when the Pentagon accepts non-whites on a proportionate basis in all service occupations and positions of command...
...The Army's advertising budget in the black community was sliced...
...Attracted by promises of job training and educational benefits, blacks have entered the services in record numbers, often searching in the military for the opportunities denied them in civilian life...
...Pentagon analysts are also troubled by another aspect of escalating sales...
...The hated Taft-Hartley and LandrumGriffin laws are still on the books...
...It makes for stronger bodies...
...Such consultations, however, present the Executive with what it perceives as a particularly thorny problem: secrecy...
...Labor's political clout, under Meany's leadership, has been effete...
...Most have lost ground, and no new trees have been planted ónot even (as yet) in the agricultural industry, where Cesar Chavez labors so valiantly...
...Thousands of blacks (and Spanish-speaking workers) have filtered through the barriers into the exclusive building trades unions, but that was due more to the mood of the nation after Martin Luther King's crusade than to the vigor of the AFL-CIO leadership...
...The National Football League is sponsoring a $25,000 contest for students who write the best essays on "The NFL's Role in American History...
...The President's demand that Congress reduce Federal spending by $28 billion in fiscal 1977 would have an even more devastating effect...
...State Department officials say ACDA wants to be involved in the initial stages of decisions to sell sophisticated arms, and is also looking for increased authority to initiate "cooper-, ative moderation'' negotiations among arms suppliers and recipients to limit specific types of weapon transfers...
...Selection criteria were altered to place recruits with limited pre-service education at a disadvantage...

Vol. 39 • December 1975 • No. 12

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