
the elected head of the executive branch of our Government. As such, he represents ev­ery citizen. There is now a question as to whether or not he has been involved in wrong-doing. That question...

...Do we owe to our Zionist minority the protec­tion of their second homeland...
...6. Professor Fisher chides Israel for "self­defense" in 1967...
...The recent war en­abled Russia to try out its latest weapons without the loss of a single Russian soldier...
...2. The Egyptian Army was equipped with the latest weapons and missiles from the Russian arsenal...
...H. D. Vos Montreal, Quebec Magazine Third Rate I have received two issues of your magazine and request that you cancel my subscrip­ tion...
...I can't decide whether I am more piqued by Gruenstein's sexism or more dis­ tressed that The Progressive has an edi­ torial policy which allows such things...
...This nation provides only one way of answering that question: namely, an impeachment proceeding...
...ipso fac­to, the blame must be Israel's or because of America's stupid foreign policy of support­ing Israel...
...While attending the University of Texas at Aus­tin in 1969 and 1970 the anti-war senti­ment was intense and student activism at a peak level...
...What a shame it was to see the destruction of the potential "forums" for the discussion of public issues, especially with one whose viewpoint did not agree with that held by the majority of the audience...
...After ordering the United Nations to leave Sinai immediately, Egypt then poured in large amounts of men and armor...
...For like it or not, the masculine is the norm in the Eng­lish language since the days of Hengist and Horsa, as in so many other languages...
...If Arm­strong wanted to be brave, why the hell wasn't he brave with his own life—not Fassnacht's...
...Where is the peace...
...In 1971, Kuwait froze production levels...
...That question will not be answered by Congressional committees or Gallup polls...
...A past generation used the forms authoress and doctress indicating the exceptionality of a woman writing books and a female physician...
...And at the expense of countries which have not defied United Nations resolutions...
...In addition, she closed the Straits of Tiran, which was an international water­way and had been open since 1956...
...Marjorie G. Kelley Spencer, North Carolina...
...What is their meaning...
...With the huge Arab and Communist blocs in the United Nations, this simply means that Israel does not get a fair deal there...
...Israel has the highest taxes in the world in order to equip itself and remain free...
...But I do not think it is sexist to call chairman whoever of either sex presides at a meeting...
...But why our official favor to Israel any­way...
...Fur­thermore, he states that "Israel has con­sistently thumbed its nose at the United Nations" and when Israel doubled its terri­tory in 1967, "That was 'self defense.' " He also hints that Americans will be sitting around in cold homes this winter...
...The meeting was chaired bv Mary...
...Harold Bock North Bend, Oregon Freedom in the Forum Perhaps the best reason for the success of The Progressive is the abundance of ma­terial in each issue like the January com­ment entitled "A Blow to Freedom...
...3. After the Sinai War of 1956, Israel returned all of Sinai to Egypt at the direct insistence of Secretary of State John Fos­ter Dulles, who said that Israel's generosity would insure permanent peace...
...In the same way, the less surprising it be­comes to see a female chairman the more the word will lose its special masculinity...
...I immediately turned to the article to see exactly which two or three Congressmen Gruenstein was talking about...
...Why was the world so silent...
...One wonders about what our educational system teaches...
...Tom Gallagher Del City, Oklahoma Sexism As usual, I opened the January Progressive to the table of contents, and found what struck me as an unusual title for an article —"How Congressmen Manage the News," by Peter Gruenstein...
...Third, I pray every night to the Lord in an effort to get Him to act where Con­gress will not...
...He mentions that "to the Zionists, a neutral stance is actually a 'biased' stance...
...At first my surprise was that Gruenstein, being a reporter who covers the House, had failed to notice the six­ teen women members of that body, and failed to note that "Congressmen" there­ fore no longer accurately describes all members of the House of Representatives...
...Well, it seems Gruenstein was not refer­ ring to any particular Representative(s), but rather was speaking hypothetically about any member of the House of Repre­ sentatives...
...Until that proceeding takes place, it is not Richard Nixon who is on trial...
...First, as a member of the McGovern state staff in Oklahoma, I still have not re­covered from the humiliation of November 7, 1972...
...If you cannot be convinced that there is nothing substantially sexist in chairman, you can still avoid that ridiculous barbarity chairperson...
...Second, thanks to Nixonomics, many of us have been fasting involuntarily since 1969...
...Isn't this aggression...
...But the key point is that the energy crisis is independent of the Arab-Israeli war and even if there had not been a war, there would still be an oil shortage this winter...
...Be­tween 1948 and 1967, Jordan never per­mitted this...
...Tommy Adkisson San Antonio, Texas Armstrong's 'Courage' I read Henry Schipper's account, in the January issue, of the Karl Armstrong hear­ing with mingled shock and disbelief...
...That memorable session consist­ently plagued progressive-minded speak­ers with cat-calls, hooting, yelling, and what not...
...Also, I could not help wondering if any mem­bers of Robert Fassnacht's family had the pleasure of reading Schipper's slobberings over his killer...
...Now it is quite normal for a woman to be an author or a doctor so we use the normal form for her...
...Who shall chair the meeting...
...Petit, not petite...
...Naturally, Fisher is entitled to his point of view, but let's look at some of the facts: 1. The War of the Day of Judgment was a war of naked aggression by many Arab states against tiny Israel, whose pop­ulation is less than three million...
...Besides robbing me of one of the few days in the year when I feel free to celebrate, I am sure that the Senator's selection of April 30 will cause me to be the brunt of countless bad jokes on the part of my friends and co-workers...
...F. H. Sumner Corvallis, Oregon In your November issue Professor Wil­liam Fisher of the University of Montana complains about Israel and Zionists...
...I cannot, for the life of me, see what "courage" it took on the part of Armstrong...
...I have found these two issues to repre­ sent what I can only refer to as second or third rate editorial work with the writing completely devoid of style, sparkle, or wit...
...Arthur Ginsburg University of the Negev Beersheba, Israel Enough of Humiliation I have long admired Senator Mark Hat­field for his stand against the war in Viet­nam...
...Many of to­ day's college students are bewildered and looking for information not usually avail­ able to them in the commercial press...
...And make no mistake about it—we will be judged...
...You can have the bumper stickers...
...The same experience was had in viewing the final hours of the sixty-second session of the Texas legisla­ture, an institution known for undemocratic procedure...
...Hav­ing lost militarily, they are trying to black­mail the West...
...Few members of that session were returned to office, and the legislature is well on its way to becoming the institu­tion it should be...
...But then as I read the article, including Gruenstein's fictitious scenario provided as illustration of his thesis—I realized that the problem was not one of mere over­ sight...
...And they are woefully ignorant of the his­ torical developments of many current dilemmas...
...The English language suffers daily rape enough...
...What the antidote for this lack­luster performance is I am not in a posi­tion to say, but whatever it may be I do hope you stumble upon it...
...In 1970, Libya cut its output by one-third...
...Nobody who wishes to see mankind progress on the road of true civilization can disagree...
...My general impression would be that you are publishing a periodical aimed at the upper third of the high-school graduates who did not go on to college or, if they did, dropped out at the end of their second year...
...You can say president, to preside, and I suggest the verb to chair, which already means to raise to the dignity of the chair, could be used in the sense of to be chairman of...
...Author and doctor too were once "men only" words...
...Is the free world now going to pull a Munich and sell us down the river...
...However, I disagree with his propos­al to make next April 30 a "National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer...
...What good then is a signed promise...
...What should Israel have done in self-defense...
...It is you and I who are on trial...
...The scenario not only spoke of Con­ gressmen, but of legislative aides, he, and secretaries, she...
...One of the most frequent experiences I had there was seeing audi­ences shout down speakers who did not fall into line with their beliefs and with what they wanted to hear...
...And last, but not least, I resent Senator Hatfield's picking out my birthday for this observance...
...Joanna Kemmer Israel and the Arabs Anti-Semitic slogans have appeared on bumper stickers...
...Why not rather to Arab nations whose oil resources we helped develop...
...This is not, however, only for students to be watchful of...
...Susan Hester Berry Bethesda, Maryland Sexism, that is, saying, "Your sex is not mine therefore my sex is better," should be done away with, is Evan M. Wilson's opinion in a recent Letters section in The Progressive...
...But I write primarily because I thought you might be interested in knowing that yours is one of a few periodicals that I recom­ mend to students who are graduating from college...
...Is the welfare of a half billion friends in Europe and Asia unimportant in compar­ison with the conqueror's rights of three million recent arrivals in the Mideast...
...In July, 1973, according to the Christian Science Monitor, the fi­nance minister of Saudi Arabia called for a production freeze,, "not because of Israel, but simply because Saudi Arabia cannot spend more than sixty per cent of its an­nual budget...
...What is little in French...
...It is the easiest thing in the world to be brave about other people's lives...
...Are they connected with lost earnings, lost jobs, and the general suffering caused by the petroleum shortage—often attributed to Israeli stubbornness (though largely caused by our own extravagance and lack of foresight...
...M. R. Simon Arlington, Virginia Students Bewildered I enjoy your publication and find it in­ valuable as source material on both the contemporary and historical scenes...
...The vast majority of the students I teach are far from "radical" in outlook, but many of them are "turned on" (as they put it) by vivid presentation of some of the social issues and problems we face...
...5. A majority of the member states of the Security Council do not recognize Is­rael...
...4. A key clause of the 1948 armistice treaty was that Jews should be able to visit their holy places in East Jerusalem...
...And those doing it were the elected officials...
...Now the Arabs, by shrewd propaganda, are try­ing to gain at the peace table what they were unable to gain on the battlefield...
...But I do strongly protest grants from my taxes to flouters of international law...

Vol. 38 • March 1974 • No. 3

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