THE PEOPLE'S FORUM The Exiles The question of humanitarian and political asylum for American draft resisters and military deserters is of concern to all of your readers and especially to those...
...It's a great game for the pseudo-intellectuals...
...This means that the only thing left for both parents and teachers is to begin with early childhood and create a good environment in which the young may discover and develop their latent capacities...
...We hope to be on the ballot in all fifty states in November...
...I wish to alert your readers, and especially those of them who are draft resisters or deserters from American foreign policy, to the special issue of Amex-Canada magazine now available, which deals with these questions in depth...
...You did...
...John Frank and Ms...
...The evangelist has made it quite plain by his attitude and his actions that he has supported both Presidents Johnson and Nixon in their waging this awful war...
...My experience in dealing with both white and black university students confirms my assumption that no race has a monopoly on intelligence...
...We ought to bear in mind that, though we have a "compulsory education" statute, schooling is not synonymous with education, and could well be negating what education must entail, namely, the freeing of minds to think and to be equipped to express honest thoughts intelligibly and effectually...
...No kidding...
...Not only is there less political risk in warping the Constitution, there exists proof that as a member of Congress you are doing everything to stop them from coming over here...
...No one can separate heredity from environment, and only small-minded persons of inferior ability such as Shockley, Jensen, and Herrnstein are stupid enough to attempt to relate I.Q...
...But actions speak louder than words... other new party has been able to get on the ballot in all fifty states for at least half a century...
...THE PEOPLE'S FORUM The Exiles The question of humanitarian and political asylum for American draft resisters and military deserters is of concern to all of your readers and especially to those who really are either deserters or dodgers...
...Let us assume that to be recognized as a major party a party must be on the ballot in all fifty states (this is virtually impossible since many states have requirements which unconstitutionally place roadblocks in the path of any new party...
...Paul Cotton 172 Elm Street Geneva, Ohio 44041 Discovers The Progressive This is the first time I have run across your magazine since coming to America in 1942, and my only regret is that I never heard of it earlier...
...I have more than a thousand books in my private library from years of constant study, but honestly cannot say that I have read anything more informative and interesting than what I have found within the covers of your publication...
...If evidence is wanted for the truth of my remark, all one needs to do is to find a Negro, look in his face, and there you will find it...
...A number of people have urged IBM to put pressure on the Government to change its policy on Vietnam by refusing to sell products to the Department of Defense...
...The subject is complex and of direct concern to all those who wish to see an end to the present American foreign policy, for which the code word must be domination, and the effect of which is destruction of countries, cultures, and all that is of human value—including human life...
...The well-educated have known for the past 100 years, at least, that intelligence consists of a lot of complex interrelated factors...
...Governor George Wallace was able to do this only with a bankroll of millions...
...And then, there are those who want to show how dumb are those who are being tested...
...he can elicit from the person he is testing —if such is what he wants to do...
...Tests My thanks go to John P. Frank and Gretchen Kagan for their excellent article titled "The False Standards of I.Q...
...He is correct...
...This discussion will take place in print in a subsequent issue of Amex, to give as large a number of draft dodgers, deserters, other exiles from American militarism, and any others interested, a chance to reclaim the definition of these issues...
...Both houses of Congress spent a minimum of forty months (1966-1969) not informing themselves of the number of draftee casualties...
...Edgar Hill Washington, D.C...
...Publishers do stay in the counting house and out of the news room...
...Anyone who agrees is urged to contact us...
...We sincerely believe that Progressive readers and other progressive people will have no other choice they can vote for in good conscience...
...The paper was losing money heavily...
...When a supposedly superior group wishes to justify its efforts in keeping another group in subjection, it is convenient to find a reason for such action...
...An anti-war amendment...
...But Mr...
...But I think I speak for many people of all denominations...
...I don't know what it will take to set this country right...
...He had found that the advertising was more important to him than to the newspaper...
...I once heard a minister proclaim from his pulpit that "the Negro is cursed of God...
...Surely the time for such naivete is past...
...The manager called the front office, which checked the facts and upheld me...
...And now we have reports based on scientific research that the black man is the victim of inferior heredity...
...Congress did not kid itself...
...He seems to argue that if the Chairman of the Board—which I was at the time—doesn't like the war, the IBM Corporation should not sell its products to the U. S. Government...
...Can this lead to anything but a reactionary ticket running on an insipid platform...
...I can only imagine what kind of newspaper Bartimole worked for...
...Please allow me to point out that as of now this will not be possible...
...I feel that the field of education is entering a period of reaction...
...Nixon to stop the killing in Southeast Asia...
...Wittner appears to feel that there is some sort of duplicity in this...
...Billy Graham has ingratiated himself with all of our recent Presidents, and it would appear that he is more concerned with maintaining his personal popularity with them than with the lives and welfare of the multitudes of human beings who are victimized by the incessant bombing...
...Walter Gustafson Glen Flora, Wisconsin Bias in the News Room I am shocked at Roldo Bartimole's letter in the February issue of The Progressive, claiming that the news in newspapers is warped to please executives and at their behest...
...Whitman, Massachusetts 02382 Those I.Q...
...Regardless of what the final verdict concerning racial heredity may be, the fact of importance to the educator is that the individuals who come to him come with what they have...
...But we cannot use our corporate office to speak for all IBM employees, or all stockholders, or to mobilize IBM resources to support our personal views...
...To do so would be to foster anarchy...
...Loss of any of these would impair the military effort...
...It is a war amendment to the Constitution...
...After a generation of experience as a staff writer on two daily newspapers and a news service, I can say categorically that the William Rivers' article he criticizes, "The New Confusion," which appeared in your December, 1971, issue, was right...
...When the editor-in-chief heard that the manager had called the front office, he hit the ceiling...
...I have had excellent and weak students in both groups...
...The idea still prevails in many minds that the supposed inferiority of the black race can be traced to the lack of respect that Ham of biblical fame had for his father Noah...
...Fortunately the Peace & Freedom Party is on the ballot there and is guaranteed its position for the foreseeable future...
...He is to be a hewer of wood and a drawer of water...
...Kagan are correct in presenting their challenge not only to professional educators but to all mind-builders in the total society to provide for the means that will aim to develop to its fullest the capacity that is latent in the human family...
...Just two instances of many I could cite from my own experience: 1. The biggest advertiser in one Portland newspaper withdrew almost all of his advertising because the paper had run on Page One a report of an NLRB decision critical of the advertiser...
...under our compulsory system, this is not possible...
...Of this I am sure: You won't accomplish anything—none of us will—by issuing plaintive appeals to the conscience of the King...
...Reading the informational special issue on the questions will afford anyone who cares to do so the unusual opportunity of participating in an intensive international discussion, formulation of policy, and plan for action...
...By the time the Democratic convention is held it will be too late to get on the ballot in almost half the states...
...Graham has stated publicly that he has never taken a stand for or against the Vietnam war...
...Another difficulty is the early filing deadlines in many states...
...In the long run, they offer the best safeguard I know against the anarchy that could follow if we tried to use corporations for political objectives...
...Does Mr...
...and race on an imaginary statistical one-to-one basis (or even a thirty-seven to fifty-two basis— which they would try to cavil over...
...Dee Knight, General Editor Amex-Canada P.O...
...Marian W. Stram Paoli, Pennsylvania Freeing Children It surely is something to rejoice over that the prayer amendment to the Constitution failed to pass, since one could well imagine how our children might have fared had it become law, under a system which gives them no right to dissent without risking failure by a school or a teacher's standard of what constitutes failure...
...Nothing could be further from the truth...
...No editorial position is taken, and the effort has been made to present information with a minimum of rhetoric, so that those affected and any others interested in the question can make educated decisions or judgments...
...This is precisely the kind of ineffectual hand-wringing that has cast American liberalism into well deserved ill repute...
...IBM and Vietnam Lawrence S. Wittner, in his article in the February issue of The Progressive, "IBM and the Pentagon," states that although I have personally urged withdrawal of all military activities from Vietnam as soon as possible, the IBM Corporation has continued to sell its products to the Government...
...More than a year ago at a national meeting in Washington we of the People's Party agreed that we had no monopoly on the fourth party idea, but we are rapidly gaining such a monopoly...
...Russell Greene Secretary Massachusetts People's Party 36 Park Ave...
...Joseph C. Boyle San Francisco, California People's Party In your February issue Erwin Knoll suggests that there may be as many as six major parties in this year's Presidential race...
...Chairman, Executive Committee International Business Machines Corporation Armonk, New York Billy Graham and Vietnam Billy Graham, who, not surprisingly, was "living it up" with the Nixons and the DeWitt Wallaces at the White House social function on the occasion of the fiftieth birthday of the Reader's Digest, made the comment that Carol Feraci was "very rude" in interrupting the program to beg Mr...
...A recent estimate suggests that as many as two-thirds of the people who were delegates to the Chicago convention in 1968 will be delegates to the Miami convention...
...From time to time, however, you seem to suffer a relapse, succumbing once again to the sappy liberal cliches of the past...
...So the change of Presidents produced an enlightened policy on military manpower in that draftee deaths, while at a high of 5,309 in 1968, "dropped" to 5,310 in 1969...
...2. I wrote accurately about an episode which reflected on a leading business in the city...
...Tests" which appeared in the February issue of The Progressive...
...The facts on income levels, which you so ably presented, could have served as the point of departure for a critical examination of our economic and political system...
...James R. Barnes Joshua Tree, California...
...we are beginning to see a return to the fundamentals of reading, for one thing (not bad in itself), but along with this an emphasis on rote learning which denies the variety of which true education consists...
...Judging by their actions, they couldn't care less...
...Thomas J. Watson, Jr...
...shall we say) of the tester...
...Nixon or the average Congressman or Senator feel guilty about this, or really want to correct it...
...I think you know that too—most of the time, at least...
...But you all but vitiated their impact with a silly final paragraph...
...We have missed no deadlines and given up in no state...
...Norma Nichols Spencer, Wisconsin New Political Parties I would like to receive information on plans for new political parties for 1972...
...Box 187, Station D Toronto, 165, Ontario Canada 'Sappy Liberal Cliches' As a long-time reader of The Progressive, I have been impressed and encouraged by what strikes me as an increasingly incisive, analytical quality in many of your articles and editorials—a more radical approach, if you like...
...A case in point is your comment on "The Widening Income Gap" in the February issue...
...The American system vests political power in the people, who have voting rights— not in corporations...
...I think it is wholly impractical for any American company to refuse to do business with its elected government...
...There are a couple of other approaches to the question that are also important: amnesty and repatriation...
...One could then also fear that some "well Nixon-indoctrinated" teacher, seeing "Communists" as those all must hate to be considered godly or American, could lead a prayer for military victory, thanking God for high "body counts," or something akin to that...
...I was reared a Baptist—the denomination of Billy Graham—and this makes my disappointment in him especially keen...
...The more intelligent the tester, the higher the I.Q...
...They could also have stood alone, for their meaning is clear...
...When the history of our time is written, such men as Benjamin Spock, the Berrigan brothers, and Martin Luther King will stand out as moral giants who took strong stands against the worst wrongs in our society—braving abuse by the Establishment...
...California law requires new parties to qualify before January 1 of the year in which the election will be held...
...Every man has a heredity, but who can know what it is...
...The same argument could be aimed at manufacturers who supply boots or milk or bombsights to the U. S. Government...
...Questions of war and peace, national security and diplomacy must, in the end, be resolved not by a few people who sit in corporate board rooms, but by individual citizens exercising their rights through the political process...
...There is nothing that can be done to change the heredity of any given individual...
...The paper refused to back down, and after several months the advertiser gave up and resumed his full schedule...
...Tests," in the February issue, and I hope that more in this vein will appear in the magazine again soon...
...Samuel Burkhard Emeritus Professor of Education Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona Thank you for publishing "The False Standards of I.Q...
...Having read recently how a school in the South had proclaimed what it called a voluntary fast, allowing only something like pumpkin soup and dry bread for meals, to protest the POWs' treatment by the Viet-cong, one cannot help wondering how those children fared who saw no purpose in such a fast, especially in a community where the Cold War ideology held sway over the minds of the majority...
...Our concern ought to be not only with freeing children from the danger of having to conform to someone's denominational views, but also to permit them to choose what mind-fare they buy or give their time, mental energies, and attention to...
...They will be on a level with such people of the Nineteenth Century as Wendell Phillips, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, who unequivocally opposed the awful evil of slavery and were subjected to much vilification... ask...
...It is much easier to grab your neighbor's son in a draft than to conscript your neighbor's wallet...
...This was a useful and informative editorial, pointing out that millions of impoverished Americans are losing in their struggle for a decent life...
...Watford Reed Portland, Oregon Congress and the Draft I believe your lead editorial in the February issue misses the point in claiming that "Senators could have dictated an antiwar amendment as the condition for its [draft] extension...
...The draft assures the likelihood of our not missing any wars...
...The political institutions of this country may not be as responsive as many of us would like, but I'm confident we can make them work for us if we try hard enough...
...I hope and believe that such publications as The Progressive can play an important part by helping Americans to understand how they are exploited and oppressed...
...That is the beauty of the draft...
...People who are sophisticated in the realm of testing understand also that the test not only tests those who are being tested but also the ability, know-how, and I.Q...
...I have a large mailing list and would be glad to pass on information...
...Many of my corporate associates and I are opposed to the war in Vietnam...
Vol. 36 • March 1972 • No. 3