Notes in the News
Notes in the News Aid for Another Dictator There is scarcely a dictator in the world whose hands are too bloody for the U.S. Government to support—all under the pretext of containing Com- munism....
...It pledged the President to observe the law which "bars all racial discrim- ination, private as well as public, in the sale or rental of property...
...Richard D. Wallace (U.S...
...But as the press and Senators Stuart Symington of Missouri and Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts have revealed, no sus- pension has taken place...
...That seems to be the import, as best we can make it out, of the extra- ordinarily vague and murky 8,000 word statement on Federal housing policy issued by the White House a few weeks ago...
...We will not seek to impose economic integration upon an existing local jurisdiction," he said, thereby effectively ignoring the provi- sion of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which directs the Secretary of HUD to "administer the programs and activ- ities relating to housing and urban development in a manner affirmative- ly to further" fair housing...
...Commission on Civil Rights took the Administration to task for the "con- tinuing pattern of racial segregation" fostered by Federal housing programs...
...that eleven prominent families, with a total of 122 contributing members, gave more than $2.5 million to the Republican Party...
...He does not, after all, make speeches or issue pol- icy statements disavowing "forced" taxation or "imposed" enforcement of the criminal statutes...
...Wallace: (Deleted...
...He has never explained why racial and economic justice alone are exempt from Federal enforcement...
...Stanton's 'Crime' The Administration's efforts to keep the press from publishing the Penta- gon's Vietnam papers have inevitably overshadowed an equally pernicious assault on the First Amendment mounted by the House Commerce Committee under the chairmanship of Representative Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia Democrat...
...Perhaps Secretary Romney ought to send copies of his speeches to the White House...
...The crucial question, it seems to us, is whether any governmental body can hold a news agency accountable for its presentation...
...Fulbright: "Which is the more fashionable...
...Fulbright: "Is that a word of affection...
...The World Bank had recom- mended that consortium members take such action...
...They have been well summed up by the Nation- al Committee for an Effective Con- gress, which has waged a long but, to this point, unsuccessful campaign for reform of political spending practices: "As soaring costs force candidates to depend on big money givers, many qualified people who lack rich backers or who refuse to make concessions to obtain such support are effectively frozen out of the political process...
...The defections from the AMA will not be halted by advertising or other forms of image building...
...We have backed brutal re- gimes in Spain, South Vietnam, Greece, and Latin America for years... bassador to India, has proposed that the United States lodge a strong pro- test with the Khan government, and cut off all aid except medical supplies and food—a proposal we heartily endorse...
...We do not expect to see it used constructively on the Pakis- tan government...
...We do not know whether CBS's editing procedures would meet our own standards of fairness and ac- curacy...
...We have heard all this before...
...Stripped of its rhetoric, the state- ment was merely a reassertion of the policy laid down by the President last December: "I believe that forced inte- gration of the suburbs is not in the national interest...
...George Himmler of Manhattan, president of the New York State Med- ical Society, said of the AMA drop- outs: "I think part of this is protest— let's call it questioning—by the doc- tors of what the AMA is doing for them for $110 a year...
...After the mass killings by Khan's army drew worldwide attention last spring, the Nixon Administration an- nounced it was suspending arms ship- ments to his government...
...These would show, the Committee insists, that CBS "deceived" the public in its presenta- tion...
...To dispose of it properly, it need only refer to the language of the First Amendment, which says, "Congress shall make no law" inhibiting the free- dom of the press...
...To improve its public image the AMA will spend $1.5 million on an advertising campaign over the next two years, a campaign which some members have criticized as too costly and unnecessary...
...The report, published last month by D. C. Heath and Com- pany, is the most detailed ever com- piled on the role of money in Amer- ican politics...
...As a re- sult, an estimated 9,000 New York doctors and some from the other four states have stopped paying the parent organization, thereby dropping its na- tional membership below the fifty per cent mark...
...But he conceded that China has been supplying arms to Pakistan all along...
...As the Commission Chairman, the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, told HUD Secretary George Rom- ney, "There is no such thing as putting [on] too much pressure for what ought to be...
...It noted that "no nation is rich enough and strong enough to afford the price which de- humanizing living environments ex- tract in the form of wasted human potential and stunted human lives...
...Dues were $70 before this year...
...The pernicious implications in these figures are self-evident...
...Retreat on Housing The noose of lily-white suburbs that surrounds and strangles most of the nation's decaying cities will not be loosened in the Nixon Administration...
...that fifty-nine officers and board members of the American Petroleum Institute contrib- uted at least $429,366 to Republicans and $30,606 to Democrats in 1968...
...Now You Know Senator Fulbright : "We have often read in the papers that American soldiers, including marines, refer to the Vietnamese as dinks, gooks, or slants...
...The Commission pointed out that HUD, which presently may employ "persuasion" to prevent discimination, won't even say whether it would sup- port legislation giving it some real clout—the authority to issue cease and desist orders against discriminatory housing practices...
...Money and Politics Politics is a growth industry...
...The danger is a system closed and un- responsive to all but a few, and it grows with each election...
...The Presidential campaign cost nineteen cents per vote in 1952 and sixty cents per vote in 1968...
...Fulbright: "Is it respect...
...Armed Forces): (Deleted...
...Reasonable limits on spending for such "highly visible items" as radio and television advertising, newspapers and magazines, and billboards...
...The Greek junta prom- ised it would restore democracy— someday—and Washington said it would use the "leverage" of military aid to hurry such restoration...
...Meanwhile, most of the eleven na- tions in the Aid to Pakistan Con- sortium have decided to withhold eco- nomic assistance, which runs to about $500 million a year, until there is a political settlement of the crisis which divides West Pakistan from East Pakis- tan...
...Nixon came down squarely on the side of inaction...
...After a recent hearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Refugees, chairman Kennedy disclosed that "in violation of the understanding conveyed to me and others in Congress, our Govern- ment has freely tolerated at least three shipments of military equipment to Pakistan over the past two months...
...What it is...
...There may be further membership declines...
...A growing number of doctors, especially the younger ones, have become increasing- ly resentful of the AMA's lobbying against proposals for an effective pro- gram of national health care, its resis- tance to prepaid group practice, and its ties to the drug monopolies which bilk Americans of enormous sums each year...
...There is little evidence that U.S...
...This is, as Hemenway acknowl- edged, a "minimum" program...
...These figures come from an ex- haustive study, Financing the 1968 Election, conducted by the Citizens Research Foundation of Princeton, New Jersey, and its director, Herbert E. Alexander...
...The House has not yet acted, at this writing, on the Committee's citation...
...Its Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Af- fairs, Christopher Van Hollen, told the Subcommittee that the United States would continue economic aid to Pakistan so that Washington would have "leverage" in persuading Khan to seek a "political accommodation" in East Pakistan on the basis of autonomy for that region and to cre- ate conditions allowing the refugees to return...
...Many of the people who pay medical bills, as well as many doc- tors, have soured on the AMA over the years and we doubt that $1.5 mil- lion, or even $15 million, worth of ad- vertising antiacid will cure that bil- ious condition...
...Reductions in basic campaign costs, such as advertising and postage rates, "to assure candidates of mod- erate means the opportunity to reach the voters at a reasonable cost...
...Stanton said after the Committee cited him for contempt, "that the House of Repre- sentatives will not confirm a citation of contempt which, though directed at CBS, is in effect taking dead aim at the First Amendment...
...Still, it is inadquate and incomplete, for reporting require- ments at the Federal level and in most of the states are so vague, lax, and rid- dled with loopholes as to leave huge and significant donations unrecorded...
...Stanton maintains that "out- takes," like reporters' notes, need not be submitted for official scrutiny...
...For the first time in at least fifty years the AMA, according to its own statistics, cannot point to its roll of dues-payers and claim to speak for a majority of U.S...
...Only a few days before the White House released its statement, the U.S...
...A political system which requires such astronomical expenditures inevit- ably depends on contributors capable of making astronomical donations...
...Total expenditures for political campaigning increased by fifty per cent between 1964 and 1968, reaching an all-time high of at least $300 million in the lat- ter year...
...Notes in the News Aid for Another Dictator There is scarcely a dictator in the world whose hands are too bloody for the U.S...
...leverage" was brought into play in the cause of Greek freedom...
...In 1968, 424 individuals gave at least $10,000 each, for a total of more than $12 million—$7.7 million to the Re- publicans and $4.3 million to the Democrats...
...I've made speeches like that my- self—I'll send copies to you," Romney replied, adding that "no one believes more in the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God" than he does...
...The Administration has other ideas...
...But unless it, or something very much like it, is enacted this year, the next cam- paign is likely to be even more remote from the people, and even less respon- sive to their wishes and needs, than the last one...
...The development," said a New York Times report, "threatens to un- dermine seriously the financial and political power of the nation's strong- est health lobby...
...Now the Nixon Administration has dis- closed that it intends to continue mil- itary and economic aid to the Pakistan government headed by General Yahya Khan, whose army of West Pakistanis has drenched East Pakistan in blood and caused nearly six million of its people to flee across the border into India...
...After weeks of harassing the Columbia Broadcast- ing System for its outstanding doc- umentary, "The Selling of the Penta- gon," the Committee voted last month to cite CBS President Frank Stanton for contempt of Congress...
...In recent testimony before the Elections Subcommittee of the Com- mittee on House Administration, NCEC Director Russell Hemenway spelled out a practical program of reform: • Full and timely reporting of all campaign funds, to be widely publi- cized throughout the campaign, both before and after the election, and to encompass primaries, party caucuses and conventions, intra-state commit- tees, and other activities not covered by current law...
...Forty-three persons made "loans" amounting to more than $3.1 million to the Democratic Party...
...To stop shipments, he said, would "be seen as sanctions and intrusions in [Pakistan's] internal problems...
...Khan promises that Pakistan will move toward democracy as rapidly as possible, but meanwhile martial law will remain in effect...
...the California Medical Asso- ciation is polling its 24,000 members to find out how they feel about drop- ping the state group's requirement that they must be members of the AMA...
...But on the crucial question which has been intensely debated within the Department of Housing and Urban Development for many months, Mr...
...Again we are given more of the foreign policy double talk at which our Government has become so adept during its quarter-century prosecution of the Cold War...
...I sincerely hope," Dr...
...Tough penalties for violations, in- cluding the barring from office of can- didates who break the law...
...Defectors from the A MA Although television's Marcus Wel- by, M.D., may be paying dues to the American Medical Association, more than half of the nation's doctors are not...
...Stanton's "crime" was his re- fusal to provide the Committee with "out-takes"—segments of film and tape deleted in preparing the doc- umentary for broadcast...
...The $40 increase in 1971, plus a slight rise in membership—but not enough to bring fifty per cent of the country's doctors under the AMA tent—will bolster the organization's flagging fi- nances...
...Congress has been irresponsibly dil- atory in addressing itself to the prob- lem of political spending, and the deadline for 1972 is rapidly approach- ing...
...Wallace: (Deleted...
...With such solemn lunacies has the Administration reacted to the fact that military aid sent from this and other countries over the years has helped to keep Pakistan a military autocracy for the past two decades, contributed to its conflict with India over Kashmir in 1965, and finally armed Khan's re- gime with the weapons to slaughter nearly 200,000 East Pakistanis after the people of the eastern region had won a majority of the seats of Pakis- tan's national assembly—an assembly that never met...
...We do know that no one has designated the House Commerce Com- mittee to serve as censors or judges of the press...
...He said the Government will keep selling "nonlethal" military items to Pakistan so that Khan would not turn to other sources such as Commu- nist China...
...Wallace: (Deleted...
...The President's references to "forced" or "imposed" integration should be recogni2ed as the deck- stacking terms they are...
...The Senator added: "I've asked the Administration to stop the policy of shipping arms to Pakistan...
...As the year opened, 50.3 per cent of the country's 334,028 doctors of medicine were AMA dues-payers, but since then the state medical societies of New York, Nebraska, Montana, Nevada, and Mississippi have dropped the requirement that their members must also be AMA members...
...The study reveals, nonetheless, such intriguing facts as these: that ten wealthy backers of the Nixon cam- paign, who contributed a recorded to- tal of $300,000, have been rewarded with ambassadorships...
...Senator Kennedy revealed that another ship, docking in New York, was to be loaded with military hardware for Pakistan "and four to five more ships are expected to be loaded in the com- ing weeks...
...It is likely that $400 million or more will be spent on next year's political exer- tions...
...Chester Bowles, longtime U.S...
...Is the terminology generally used...
...The statement contained a reason- ably adequate and accurate commen- tary on the oppressive burden of hous- ing discrimination...
...From the transcript of a Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing...
Vol. 35 • August 1971 • No. 8