Notes in the News

Notes in the News Phase Two? President Nixon's "New Economic Policy" is about to enter Phase II but we do not know—and may not know for many months—precisely what that means. We wonder, indeed,...

...There are ominous signs that the level of U.S...
...The most critical need is for legislation that would expose such capers as the great milk outpouring to maximum and timely publicity...
...The draft will go into effect when rat- ified by twenty-two governments...
...Apparently, each subsequent stage is to be similarly un- veiled as a fait accompli, with full ex- pectation that we will all be good team-players and do as we are told by the new Pay Board and Price Commis- sion...
...Many tributes have been paid to U Thant, some by U.S...
...Program for Prisons The American Friends Service Com- mittee, which has long had a deep con- cern for prison inmates, has prepared a book on criminal justice reform which will be published shortly under the title, Struggle for Justice: A Re- port on Crime and Punishment in America...
...When the group announced— ironically, during National Highway Week—its campaign to "bust the high- way trust fund," it had all of $500 in its treasury...
...Among the beneficiaries of TAPE's generosity, for instance, have been such organizations as the Association for a Fair Press, Americans United for Sound Consumer Policies, the Com- mittee for Political Integrity, the Or- ganization of Sensible Citizens, and the Sound Politics Association...
...the Highway Action Coalition needs the support of like-minded cit- izens across the country...
...I didn't do that enough last time, and that was a great mistake...
...It would authorize eighty per cent Federal matching grants to private, public, and non-profit organizations to construct, equip, and staff day-care centers offer- ing comprehensive educational, health, and nutritional services to pre-school- age children of working mothers...
...Last March, after a delegation of dairymen called on President Nixon at the White House, the Administration reversed what had been a firm policy and announced an increase in Federal price supports for milk...
...We are lessening our involve- ment in Vietnam, but are expanding it in Laos...
...It appears, then, that Oregon's long- divided Democrats, after licking their wounds for four years, will unite be- hind Morse...
...If he now opens up with his opposition to U.S...
...The Administration obviously believes that the present level of Amer- ican deaths in Vietnam—about 100 a month—is "acceptable...
...Some 500 American planes and 3,000 helicopters remain in action in Indochina, and President Thieu has made it known that he re- gards their continued presence as indis- pensable to the success of "Vietnamiz- ation...
...The night before he made his an- nouncement, Morse met with youth leaders from around Oregon...
...One useful provision of such a bill has been proposed by Senator Prox- mire: a mechanism permitting con- sumers to take part in the enforce- ment of price guidelines by intervening with the Price Commission or filing class actions in the Federal courts...
...Bunche and U Thant—rather than the generals, the captains of industry, and glamor- ous celebrities—also become "great heroes" in the eyes of millions of Amer- icans, we will be approaching maturity as a nation...
...Speaking in Madison before the North American Gasoline Tax Confer- ence, made up of petroleum industry representatives and gasoline tax ad- ministrators from thirty-five states, the Wisconsin Democrat warned that the segregation of highway funds must be halted...
...It was a clear legislative decision to stop the expanding involvement of the American military forces in war-torn Southeast Asia and to stop U.S...
...Under one agreement the two powers promised to guard against accidental or unauthorized use of such weapons, and pledged that to prevent misapprehension they will notify each other of any missile launching aimed over the oceans in the direction of the other country...
...involvement in Southeast Asia, it is as a vehicle for attacking the military economy, or to push amnesty for all men imprisoned or underground be- cause of their refusal to fight "an un- just and unconstitutional war...
...It does suggest, however, that "law and order" rhetoric, even when accompanied by repressive and regres- sive legislation, is no solution to the genuine crisis of crime in America...
...Thus Morse's popularity has risen with some of the more en- trenched members of the party, who need a victory in at least one of the three highest offices in the state...
...Submitted jointly by the United States and the Soviet Union with ten of their allies as co-sponsors, it is expected to win the Assembly's approval this fall after some changes...
...The risks of acting without knowledge are too grave to be ignored, especially in ex- panding wars that may involve other nations...
...The fallacy, of course, is that the percentage decrease is a direct conse- quence of previous numerical in- creases...
...and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you...
...But the American officials said the United States would not sign an agreement that did not include some limitation on offensive weapons...
...military forces—in- cluding air power—from Indochina by an early and fixed date, the peace forces must mount a campaign that will make all their previous efforts look like kindergarten games...
...when the number moves from four to five million, the rate of increase is only twenty-five per cent...
...The high skills that were developed in manipulating such vital data as "kill ratios" and "pacification rates" are now being applied—with similar deceptive intent and effect—to domes- tic affairs...
...For example: Two hundred thousand prisoners are housed in mostly antiquated, inad- equate, overcrowded facilities...
...He has always been my great hero...
...We wonder, indeed, whether Mr...
...Some people will say, 'Morse is just talking about legal technicalities.' The hell I am...
...So far, most reforms have been of the band-aid and liniment type rather than subjecting the system to the rad- ical surgery it demands...
...Nixon Must Veto Child Control Law, says a front-page headline in the ultra-conservative weekly Human Events, whose editors regard Federally- assisted day care as an "extremely rad- ical proposal...
...Notes in the News Phase Two...
...The loss to the United Nations of Dr...
...During that ten years U.N...
...The governorship and both Senate seats are now held by Republicans, despite a registered 100,000 Democratic major- ity in Oregon...
...We feel he is one politician worthy of our trust, and that, even more than his op- position to war, is what makes him our candidate...
...So far the harvest does not herald the coming of a peaceful world, but it does demonstrate that the United States and the Soviet Union can reach accord in some lesser areas of conflict which may lead to ultimate agreement on the most crucial one—the ending of the nuclear arms race...
...But Morse is very much alive...
...There is a direct parallel between the "war on crime" and the other war...
...Among recent hopeful signs that the world's two greatest military powers might yet learn to co-exist were these: H They signed two agreements in- tended to reduce the risk of war result- ing from accidental use of nuclear weapons...
...air support...
...H With these agreements reached, there was increased optimism among U.S.-U.S.S.R...
...Recognizing the human rights and civil liberties of prisoners...
...The FBI, like the military in Vietnam, has a vested interest in demonstrating that it is up against a formidable en- emy...
...If he runs, he is favored to beat the Senator, but observers are divided on which Republican would fare better against Morse... for Vietnam- ese or other free world forces to en- gage "in actions designed to provide military support and assistance to the governments of Cambodia or Laos...
...In 1970 the Defense Department told the Armed Services Committee it needed $74.2 million for military assist- ance, but the recently declassified fig- ure for the actual cost was $146.4 mil- lion...
...Special credit is due to the members of Congress who pressed for passage of the child care legislation against strong Administration opposition— Senators Walter F. Mondale, Minneso- ta Democrat...
...Still another is the Agricultural and Dairy Educa- tional Political Trust (ADEPT), affil- iated with Mid-America Dairymen, Inc...
...Theodore Kheel, prominent New York attorney and labor negotiator who has been a foe of the highway lobby for many years, is aiding the Coalition...
...The American system for correcting and rehabilitating criminals," said one of our foremost proponents of law and order some two years ago, "presents a convincing case of failure...
...The simple fact is that there is very little that the Federal Government can do about crime—until it is ready to ad- dress itself to the basic questions of poverty, discrimination, and alienation that breed lawlessness...
...A drive had already been launched by a Eugene progressive rock radio station, however, to get the newly enfranchised eighteen-to-twenty-year- olds registered as Democrats so they could vote for Morse in the June pri- mary...
...One prime source is the Trust for Agricul- tural Political Education (TAPE), the political adjunct of the Associated Milk Producers, Inc., which has 32,000 members in twenty states and recently played host to Mr...
...I tell you this: They have their reward already...
...As is the case with every substantial expansion of Presidential power, Con- gress has been guilty of complicity by abandoning its responsibilities...
...Johnson is a news correspondent and editor whose articles have ap- peared in The New Republic and The New Leader...
...The working group of authors—seventeen members, several of whom are or have been prison in- mates—make a number of recommen- dations for reforms in the criminal jus- tice system...
...The reaction of middle America is to demand a tightening of the lid on pris- on pressure cookers, thus exacerbating the problems that already exist...
...The Coalition's key objective is to make some of the $5 billion a year go- ing into the Federal Highway Trust Fund available for urban transit sys- tems and other transportation projects which will move more people by train and bus and thus cut down the number of cars in use along with the pollution they produce...
...Re- cently, he announced his candidacy for the Senate seat currently held by Re- publican Mark Hatfield...
...The American people are clearly weary of the war, but will- ing to accept the President's assurances that it is being "wound down...
...The gaping hole in the convention is that it does not prohibit chemical weapons, a prohibition the Soviet sought, and the United States opposed because American forces have been using them in Vietnam...
...Well, we must admit that "Vietnam- ization" is working well in one signif- icant respect, at least: Mr...
...The anti-air pol- lution costs must be borne by the seg- regated highway funds...
...After serving twenty-four un- compromising years in the Senate, Morse was defeated in 1968 by Bob Packwood, 3,000 votes, and a severe Democratic Party split he helped cre- ate...
...Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him...
...As relative newcomers to big-time political spending, the milk men have been a bit more obtrusive about their campaign contributions than more seasoned fixers would be...
...General Assembly...
...A Credit to Humanity From its very inception Ralph Bunche has been, as Newsweek said recently, "at the very heart of the United Nations...
...Congress, especially the two com- mittees of the Senate most directly involved, Armed Services and Foreign Relations, have been given only par- tial and misleading reports of what has been going on in Laos...
...Congress has been thrashing about ineffectually in an attempt to regain some of the initiative on foreign pol- icy that it relinquished to the Exec- utive branch in the last few decades...
...Finally, it is urgent that Congress repeal the protective trade measures which the President has imposed, and which he hardly bothered to mention in his October 7 address...
...Like the President's famous "plan" for ending the Vietnam war, his ulti- mate strategy for stabilizing the econ- omy remains hidden from public view...
...Increasing the role of the commu- nity in returning prisoners to civilian life...
...Contributions from these ingenious- ly named political fronts have been funneled into even more ingeniously named dummy organizations designed to obscure the flow of campaign cash...
...Continued direct negotiations with the Soviet, the new U.S...
...We hope, none too confidently, that both the people and the politicians will have learned that lesson by 1972...
...spokesmen that by year's end they might achieve a nuclear arms treaty through the Strategic Arms Lim- itation Talks (SALT) which resume November 15 in Vienna...
...Vindicated by the publication of the Pentagon Papers more than any other politician, Morse adds, "The one thing the Pentagon Papers will show you is that you are not free—and that the Government mates a policy of lying to you...
...But, as one coun- ty chairman said, "Morse will murder Duncan on the war...
...You are only as young as your ideas...
...In the House, at this writing, two committees are still wrangling over leg- islation that may or may not be passed in time to apply to next year's cam- paigns...
...But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is there in the secret place...
...Only the United States has acknowledged it has such weapons...
...In the context of the knowledge of the official blun- dering that mired us so deeply in the war in Vietnam, one would have as- sumed that this would not have hap- pened again...
...The fiery Oregonian is the most tiger- ish dove the upper chamber has seen in many a year...
...With his views, Morse will have no trouble getting the youth vote, and Or- egon Democrats desperately need that support...
...The American peace movement is in apparent disarray...
...One U.S...
...Representative Dur- ward Hall, Missouri Republican, be- lieves the bill is "another step toward socialization of our nation," and Sen- ator James Buckley, New York Conser- vative-Republican, calls it "a program which would revolutionize the concept of child-rearing in the United States...
...A catatonic Congress seems to have concluded that it is powerless to end the war...
...It will take massive popular resistance against the highway lobby to slow its relentless drive to convert green space into high- ways and parking lots...
...But a beginning must be made somewhere, and the Coalition and Governor Lucey have pointed out the road to action...
...There are only sixty full-time psychiatrists for the nation's entire pris- on population...
...Instead, Congress should carefully draft a spe- cific and circumscribed economic pro- gram of its own...
...Exercising such power may seem like a sound political course to the Pres- ident, but it is an intolerable state of affairs for a supposedly free people who have a right not only to the facts, but to full participation in the process of decision-making on programs that have a profound effect on their eco- nomic well-being...
...Yet the nation has the potential, in both money and manpower, to revolu- tionize its prison system if it only has the will...
...But it was the enthusiasm of the stu- dents and other young people—who have looked up to him whether in or out of office—that prompted him to run...
...The New York Times recently discovered that the Department has been regularly rewriting the FBI's in- terpretations of crime data to prove that great "progress" is being made in the Administration's famous "war on crime...
...Senators, two in Congress and one, Wayne Morse, in exile...
...Few, if any, members of Congress were made aware of the rapidly mounting cost of our military program in Laos because the actual total pro- gram was never presented to Congress, not even to the Armed Services Com- mittee...
...charter, the Soviet Union invading its satellite, Czecho- slovakia, and both powers moving at times to increase the threat of war in the Middle East...
...None of this is to suggest that the Nixon Administration is "soft on crime," any more than its predecessors were...
...Duncan has the support of Wash- ington Senator Henry Jackson, cur- rently the frontrunning Presidential candidate in Oregon...
...Morse views his chances with his usual optimism: "The worst thing a candidate can do is kid himself about how much support he has...
...But the record of the past is not promising for the future...
...Senate October 6, 1971 U Thant's Challenge Both the Cold War and the United Nations recently began their twenty- sixth year, and the fact that the former has not yet destroyed the latter seems miraculous...
...The qualities that we as a people admire in others shape the American character, and until the world's peacemakers become our heroes too, we will not have achieved that maturity...
...I am talking about your basic rights to self-government...
...Nixon at its annual convention in Chicago...
...Now you wake up, as you did last summer, to find the President is telling you what you can buy and what you can sell, and at what prices...
...Unless that speech contains the long-awaited pledge to withdraw all U.S...
...Will his successor have any freer hand...
...While Morse has not tempered his criticisms, his attacks are becoming shorter and sharper...
...I have never been so convinced," he said "of the usefulness, the potential, and the absolute necessity of the United Nations...
...A re- cent poll shows her losing such a race...
...Reducing the number of acts con- sidered crimes...
...It was further revealed that expendi- tures in Laos will actually total $490.2 million in this fiscal year, including $143.4 million for U.S...
...Recently a David in the form of the Highway Action Coalition appeared to oppose this Goliath...
...The Wall Street Journal estimates it may eventually reach "an outpouring of perhaps $1 million in campaign gifts for the Pres- ident's 1972 re-election campaign from the grateful milk lobby...
...Some of the nation's lead- ing dairy lobbies have been improving on the adage: They are casting mon- etary milk on the waters, and finding that the return is every bit as high...
...The request should be denied...
...The past decade has been particularly hazardous for the life of the United Nations with the United States waging war in Indochina con- trary to the U.N...
...At the time of his announce- ment, the total of new registrations had come to fewer than 7,000 throughout Oregon...
...An- other is the Trust for Special Agricul- tural Community Education (SPACE), an arm of Dairymen, Inc...
...role is a matter that can only be glimpsed between the lines of his re- port...
...the Soviet Union has implied it has...
...Bust the Highway Trust' Each year $5 billion goes into the Federal Highway Trust Fund while the states pour additional billions into their own highway funds, most of them rig- idly confined by state constitutions or laws to highway purposes only...
...Gilbert Johnson (Mr...
...Morse's other probable challenger is State Senator Don Willner, who is strong on conservation, but has a rep- utation for evading other, tougher, issues...
...Vindicated and back in his seat again, he would prove more than a match for those Senators still defending the Southeast Asia policy of the present and previous Administra- tions...
...That's what Mr...
...Learning to Co-exist What President Nixon has promised would be an "era of negotiations" has begun to yield some modest results, ^notwithstanding some foot-dragging on the part of his Administration...
...He repre- sents everything that I admire in inter- national affairs and public life...
...Attica The horrifying violence at Attica will have yet served some purpose if we are willing to face squarely the lessons to be learned from it...
...It is a relatively modest effort to provide an equal break for children who are now compelled to start life with two strikes against them...
...Most of the casualties, he said, are the victims of stepped-up U.S...
...Fruitful negotiations require patient and pains- taking efforts for long periods of time...
...The limited gains of the recent past suggest that the major military powers can reach agreement on more basic is- sues if they persevere—but most of all if they really mean what they say when they proclaim their dedication to peace...
...Said one, former Univer- sity of Oregon student body president Ron Eachus, "We can't begin to form a student support group until we have a candidate...
...The funds are contributed, more or less willingly, by farmers who be- long to major dairy cooperatives...
...More than half the inmates are blacks and Latins, under a guard system that is virtually all white—at a time when racial consciousness is at a fever pitch...
...The Coalition, an offshoot of Environmental Action and the Sierra Club, has a Washington office...
...Mitchell would call 'progress.' But the numerical increase from one year to another is still one million crimes...
...Lucey bore down heavily on the pol- lution caused by cars, saying he op- posed diverting general state revenues "to counter a problem caused in large part by the gasoline engine, and, at the same time, allow gas tax monies and vehicle fees to be used primarily to build more roads for more cars to pro- duce more pollution...
...official said that if a "po- litical decision" to go ahead were made in Washington and Moscow, "we can celebrate the New Year with at least a partial SALT agreement...
...Par- ties to the agreement would be pledged never to produce any bacteriological weapons and toxins, and to destroy stockpiles of such materials, or divert them to peaceful use within nine months of the treaty date...
...Lord Garadon, Britian's former U.N...
...Attorney General John N. Mitchell and his public relations aides have be- come experts at the percentage game...
...We have a constitutional obligation to review this nation's military involve- ments and must share the responsibility for those decisions for whatever will follow in the future...
...They will get that chance, and all I will ask of them is the opportunity to complete some unfinished business I have left in the Senate...
...These funds have been made in- violate, over the years, through pres- sure exerted by the highway lobby, which has enormous influence in Washington and in the state legislatures...
...One bold governor may inspire others to follow suit...
...The first is Repre- sentative Edith Green, who is not eager to trade eighteen years of seniority in the House for a shot at McCall...
...Yet it is not only sociologists and penologists who recognize the need for sweeping reforms in our penal system, but many political leaders in high places...
...Republican Governor Tom McCall, barred from running for a third term as governor by state law, has been ex- pected to be a primary opponent to Hatfield...
...Whatever the First Amendment freedom of religion is supposed to consist of, here [in the New English Bible version] is what Jesus said about how to pray: "Do not be like the hypocrites, they love to say their prayers stand- ing up in synagogue and at the streetcorners, for everyone to see them...
...They were a plendid team fighting for "world )eace through world order...
...3unche, along with the impending de- parture of Secretary-General U Thant, constitutes a grievous double blow to he world organization...
...Perhaps the shock of Attica will awaken the country's people and their leaders to the need for prompt and radical prison reform...
...This year the Defense Depart- ment talked of a new authorization of $125.8 million, but it was learned that the estimate for fiscal 1972 actual- ly was $252.1 million, just twice the amount described to the Senate Armed Services Committee...
...Thus the Justice Department re- cently trumpeted the fact that serious crimes increased by only 11.3 per cent in 1970, as against twelve per cent in 1969...
...State Department spokes- man, asked to comment on the recent fiasco that the Saigon government was pleased to call a presidential election, observed enigmatically that President Nguyen Van Thieu's smashing tri- umph in the one-man race was "a Vietnamese solution to a Vietnamese problem...
...I know my age is going to be an issue, but my doctor tells me I have the heart of a forty- year-old man...
...The state gasoline tax, he said, which now goes solely to finance high- ways and related costs, must be used to help pay for solutions to "problems in education, welfare, ecology," and for mass transit requirements and other areas "pressing us daily with an urgency that cannot be ignored...
...Their counsel commands seri- ous consideration...
...Do not imitate them...
...For his role in achiev- ing the Israeli-Egyptian armistice in 1949, he was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize... 1969, 5,001,400 serious crimes, an increase of 534,800 over 1968...
...For 1971, $117.3 million was sought, but actual costs were $162.2 million...
...This $490.2 million does not include the additional $350 million for Air Force operations in the Ho Chi Minh Trail areas...
...The poor may go hungry, the cities decay, the schools lack funds, the farmer and homeowner groan under rising proper- ty taxes, but not one dime can be di- verted from the sacred highway funds to relieve any of these urgent problems..., U Thant pleaded for the member nations to give the world organization more power under his successor than it has had during his tenure...
...But with Morse now a declared candidate," said Jay West, the twenty- nine-year-old owner of KZEL-FM, the most powerful anti-establishment me- dia in the Northwest, "the students will have something concrete to look at...
...Morse knows he can't expect to win with only the youth vote, and he will also be seeking the labor vote he lost in 1968...
...It is time Congress called a halt to Executive secrecy, to wars that nobody knows about, and to the purposely mis- leading requests for money used to per- petuate and expand the fighting...
...Leading Democrats now admit that the sweep- ing authority that was conferred on the President by the Economic Stabi- lization Act of 1970 was granted in an effort to embarrass him politically, rather than in any expectation that the power would actually be used...
...Why wasn't Congress consulted...
...Their specialty is to show that while the number of serious crimes reported by the FBI continues to increase each year, the rate of increase is "tapering off...
...Now Governor Lu- cey will make that effort...
...Those from families below the Government's poverty line—$4,300 a year for a fam- ily of four—would be able to attend the centers free of charge, while others would pay fees on a graduated scale related to income...
...Wayne Morse Runs Again Eugene, Oregon Oregon has three U.S...
...I have ad- vocated wage and price controls for years, but I object to Nixon's proce- dures...
...He has scrapped his notoriously longwinded and anec- dotal speech about the Eisenhower- Dulles-Nixon policy of containment, which he has been giving for four years with little variation...
...The al- ternative may well be a disaster that surpasses any we—or the Vietnamese —have seen before in this long and tragic war...
...A case in point is the fast spin the Justice Department has been putting on the national crime statistics com- piled by the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation...
...Here we are in another illegal, un- declared war, a war hidden by Exec- utive secrecy...
...financ- ing of Thai forces to fight in Laos...
...His second five-year term is now com- ing to a close, but he cannot be per- suaded to accept another term...
...He was an adviser at the United Nations' founding con- ference at San Francisco in 1945 and for many years was its top mediator in areas of threatened or actual conflict between nations...
...The consensus says Duncan is washed up politically...
...If the United States and the Soviet Union now really want to re- vitalize the United Nations, they should lead the nations of the world in an effort to give real power to the peace keeping machinery of that body and to provide desperately needed funds for the United Nations...
...There are more than fifty of these groups, all fronts for the Republican Party, all established since March, and all con- veniently located in the District of Co- lumbia, where the loophole-riddled campaign reporting statutes are least effective...
...A Break for Children Politicians and publications of the far right have mounted a vituperative scare campaign against one of the few pieces of major social legislation to ap- proach enactment in this session of Congress...
...The Quakers have a long and hon- orable history of inside experience with prisons...
...So county chairmen once loyal to former Congressman Robert Duncan's conservative forces are now willing to forget past differ- ences...
...Not since the state's highway fund was segregated by law in 1945 has a Wisconsin governor sought basic change in the law...
...She personally favors Duncan, who, in turn, has been talking her out of run- ning...
...Nixon knows...
...When such men as Dr...
...Milwaukee Journal October 4, 1971...
...Few clues were offered as to the cri- teria that will be applied—or the en- forcement powers...
...It is a growing, danger- ous commitment that denies all the assurances we have been given that we are extricating ourselves from South- east Asia...
...Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, and Richard S. Schweiker, Pennsylvania Republican, and Democratic Representatives John Brademas, Indiana, and Carl D. Per- kins, Kentucky...
...Vietnamese Solution1 A U.S...
...The Nixon Administration's program of "Vietnamization," we are to understand, is proceeding apace on every front, including the political...
...They received effec- tive support from a coalition of more than two dozen public-interest organ- izations, including women's liberation, welfare, church, and civil rights groups, labor unions, and big-city mayors...
...Illegal War in Laos During the last session of Congress, a bill was passed and signed into law prohibiting U.S...
...President Nixon then went on to urge reform of "the appalling deficiencies of our prisons and rehabilitation efforts...
...In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard...
...Their target is the "child de- velopment program"—a comprehen- sive system of day care services for chil- dren of the poor—that both the House and Senate have written into bills ex- tending the Office of Economic Op- portunity for the next two years...
...Innovations such as work-release pro- grams reach only a small fraction of in- mates...
...The Washington Post aptly illustrated the point this way: "When the number of crimes goes from three to four million, for example, the rate of increase is thirty-three per cent...
...The list of problems and deficiencies is as staggering as it is endless...
...Two years later, Duncan op- posed him in a bitter primary, perpet- uating the party split which contrib- uted to Morse's defeat...
...It points up the urgent need for enact- ment of effective legislation to curb the scandal of election-buying...
...Secre- tary-General U Thant has labored val- iantly and unceasingly in an effort to end old wars and prevent new ones...
...Applying criminal laws uniform- • Separating treatment from pun- ishment, making therapy and counsel- ing available to prisoners but on a vol- untary basis...
...In light of the campaign being waged by the right wing, it is urgent that these organizations maintain their vigilance to ensure that the child-care legislation receives favorable action from House-Senate conferees and is signed into law by Mr...
...But the response since my announcement has been immense...
...The FBI statistics from which the Attorney General drew such curious comfort were these: In 1970, 5,568,200 serious crimes, an increase of 566,700 over 1969...
...If the Communists were to mount a major offensive next year, when most American ground forces have been withdrawn, Washington might be sorely tempted to opt for a Herblock in The Washington Post catastrophic final solution to the Viet- namese problem...
...Unless it acts now to reassert its role in economic legislation, it will find it has lost control of domestic affairs as well...
...The Attorney General, like the civilian war managers, is determined to show that the war is being won...
...Yet McCall has been a popular governor and a regular party man, and can attract some of the labor support Hatfield can't get...
...Most of the leaders of the Democratic opposition, fearful that the President will "pull the rug out" from under them, have dropped all but the most routine ref- erences to Vietnam from their public repertoire...
...Because of Duncan's hawkish- ness, Morse campaigned for Hatfield in 1966...
...It should be noted that this year only about $400 million will be spent by the Federal Government on mass transit, less than ten per cent of the amount going into the highway trust fund...
...There is need, too, for a far more ambitious effort to reduce unemploy- ment than is apparent under the Re- publican principle that if enough gra- vy is ladled out to the rich, some of it will ultimately trickle down to the poor...
...The Executive De- partment now is acknowledging the presence of these forces but claims they are all volunteers serving under the Laos military command...
...Bunche now has retired after prolonged illness...
...How long are we going to continue to permit American Presidents to con- duct private wars through the secret instrumentality of the CIA...
...air warfare is being es- calated even as the number of ground forces is reduced...
...Senator Gaylord Nelson in the U.S...
...The two sides reportedly have worked out a tenta- tive agreement to limit defensive weap- ons—their ABM systems—to a low lev- el...
...We suspect that the strategy does not exist even within the private councils of the Administration—that it will be devised on a makeshift basis to con- form to the political needs of the mo- ment...
...We are determined," he said, "to take on the most powerful lobby this country has created—the automobile industry, insurance and real estate companies, the road^build- ers and construction industry, the oil companies, and all of their cohorts at the Federal Highway Administration...
...Each year, the Senate was told that certain amounts would be needed for military assistance in Laos, but in the end the actual figures totaled much more...
...Even Arthur Burns, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, has called the President's powers under the Act "dictatorial...
...In his own party, Morse has three possible opponents...
...In recent weeks there has been a marked increase in the number of "protective reaction" strikes directed at North Vietnam—a development that columnist Joseph Kraft has interpreted as the Nixon Administration's "fore- taste of what might be in store if the Communists are not more reasonable...
...Monetary milk immediately began flowing into the Republican Party's campaign coffers...
...The Senate has passed a modest campaign spending bill that would go at least part of the way toward clos- ing some of the more outrageous loop- holes...
...I'm not going to spend as much money as I did last time...
...In the long run, a new round of international pro- tectionism poses a danger as grave as any economic problem now confront- ing us...
...The measure is, in fact, neither rad- ical nor—perish the thought—revolu- tionary...
...As Newsweek noted, "Among his white countrymen he has been too often described as 'a credit to his race.' It would be more accurate to say that he is a credit to humanity...
...Although the Secretary-General ex- pressed high hopes for the United Na- tions, the New York Post said editorial- ly, "How often U Thant was ob- structed by the great powers in his U.N...
...Is it...
...Among them are: • Abolishing indeterminate sentenc- ing...
...As a result, says Senator William Prox- mire, "We not only gave the President the whole ball game, we gave him the ball park as well...
...I am convinced that the institution itself is sound and that it can, must, and will be made to work...
...Nobody knows, and hardly anyone seems to care, how many Vietnamese, Cambo- dians, and Laotians are still being killed and maimed and driven from their homes by American military might...
...I figure to raise a reasonable amount and go out and meet the people...
...Nixon is scheduled to deliver his next major Vietnam policy speech early in November...
...In total disregard of the law, and in the Executive secrecy we have come to expect, there are thousands of Thai troops fighting in Laos financed by the United States...
...Gaylord Nelson, Wiscon- sin Democrat...
...Hypocrites and Prayer The public school prayer crusade and its continual re-agitation would collapse...
...ambassador, said at the news of Bunche's retirement: "He is certainly one of the great Americans...
...Nixon's program was presented to the public in August without warning or oppor- tunity for debate...
...He had served as U Thant's closest personal adviser as /veil as U.N...
...Such constructive actions by the two super- powers would be the greatest tribute they could pay to U Thant, and the greatest encouragement they could provide to his successor and to all those around the world who yearn for peace...
...Although he had no campaign organization and no solid financial commitments at the time, they urged him to make the an- nouncement...
...According to reports on file with the Clerk of the House of Representatives, the total had reached more than $250,000 last month...
...In the same week that the Coalition declared war on the highway lobby, Governor Patrick J. Lucey of Wiscon- sin demonstrated unusual courage in a confrontation with a segment of that lobby...
...Nixon has now asked Congress to extend this legislation for a year beyond its expiration next April...
...The second agreement provides for the replacement, some time after 1973, of the present hot line between the two nations—consisting of underseas and underground cables— by communications satellites so that there will be interference-free voice and teletype communications regard- ing missile launchings...
...Hatfield's liberal and anti-war positions, some say, will neutralize Democratic cam- paign issues, while McCall, a Nixon supporter and a hawk, could be hurt by that record...
...Since that election, liberals throughout the country have mourned his loss as they would mourn a dead man, assuming the seventy-one-year- old tiger was dead politically...
...II Another encouraging product of negotiations was the draft convention to prohibit biological warfare which has now been sent to the U.N...
...You won't have equitable wage-price controls when Nixon and his little band of ad- ministrators are the only ones making the decisions...
...Milk on the Waters Political contributions, Senator Rus- sell Long of Louisiana once observed, "can be viewed as monetary bread cast on the waters to be returned a thou- sand-fold...
...But there is nothing unique or even unusual about their approach, as compared with that of other special interest groups...
...The Percentage Game One sorry byproduct of the Indo- china war is the new level of pro- ficiency that bureaucrats have attained in the fine art of juggling statistics...
...Nixon has succeeded, as he always believed he would, in buying more time for his war...
...Over the years Bunche's untiring >eace efforts won the admiration of nany foreign statesmen, but this randson of an American Negro slave /as not accorded equivalent recogni- tion at home...
...There is, in fact, a grave danger that the United States will still resort to massive air warfare as the means of attaining that "victory" in Indochina which has so long eluded Washington's war managers...
...spokesmen whose government has done a great deal to weaken the United Nations by disdain- ing the proposals of the Secretary-Gen- eral to use the United Nations' good offices to achieve peace in Southeast Asia...
...A McCall- Morse race would divide the labor vote, cutting into Morse's traditional territory...
...And, as prob- ably the oldest candidate to enter that race, Morse said, "I'm going to run as a young people's candidate...
...Wayne Morse's return to the Senate, if he can accomplish it, would provide a greatly needed boost to the morale of that body's drooping peace forces...
...We have not adequately fulfilled that obligation...
...Inevit- ably, statistics must be doctored or at least distorted to support each inter- est's point of view...
...Every day," Morse claims, "I re- ceive letters from people who opposed me in 1968 that ask me to let them cor- rect their mistake of 1968...
...The reason no one knows much about these vast expenditures and clandestine mil- itary operations is that they are run by the CIA, which does not report to the Congress...
...if Congressmen and pollsters and pollees would read, mark, and inwardly digest their own Bibles...
...approach to China, and greater reliance upon the United Nations to resolve and prevent conflict could bring about even more significant steps toward peace than the faltering ones described here...
...In his final U.N...
...The wage and price freeze that con- stituted the first phase of Mr...
...The President's address to the na- tion October 7 and Treasury Secretary John B. Connally's press conference the next day provided merely the bar- est outline of a new inflation control mechanism, swaddled in suffocating layers of locker-room pep-talk rhetoric...
...Senator Edward M. Kennedy, one of the few American politicians to have maintained a consistent interest in the problem of civilian casualties in Indochina, reported recently that the number of non-combatants treated by hospitals in South Vietnam during the first six months of 1971 equaled the total of any peak period of the war...

Vol. 35 • November 1971 • No. 11

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