Notes In The News

Notes In The News Busing & Balderdash A cousin of Richard M. Nixon, rem- iniscing about his illustrious relative's childhood, once told a Life magazine interviewer that young Richard "didn't...

...Almost two million needy children are still barred from participation in the Federal school lunch program, which constitutes for many of these children the only opportunity to obtain a square meal...
...Under it the Russians accept responsibility for unimpeded West German access to Berlin...
...In California, fol- lowing the state court ruling, it was proposed that the legislature adopt a statewide uniform property tax plan to finance schools with the revenue to be distributed on an equal basis per pupil to all school districts...
...There is no reason why Congress should play the President's game and appropriate further funds for foreign military aid without knowing what the Administration's intentions are...
...Demilitarizing Congress Both houses of Congress remain in the grip of majorities committed to supporting and maintaining America's militarist priorities...
...Some environmentalists are concerned, in fact, about Ruckel- shaus's job security...
...Clearly busing is neither a peril nor a panacea...
...The original Nixon remark was made in regard to Chile, but some Washing- ton observers were wondering even be- fore Rogers made the point if the re- mark could not also be applied to Cuba...
...Now we claim to welcome Peking into the United Nations, but only on terms that are incompatible with its own obvious existence as the govern- ment of China...
...Neither will Pe- king, nor the very large number of states that have come to realize that the government that controls the world's largest population and its third largest land mass must be represented in the United Nations if that organiza- tion is to play a meaningful role on all the vast problems confronting the world community, especially in the area of nuclear arms control...
...When final approval is secured, the landmark agreement could well pave the way for other steps to scale down the Cold War in Europe...
...Now Humphrey is again courting Southern conservatives in what may be a prelude to yet another bid for the Presidency...
...Its courts knew nothing better to do with him than to send him to its harsh prisons, where he spent a third of his life...
...Affluent districts/' said the court, "can have their cake and eat it too...
...Describing crowded living condi- tions in Harlem and other big city ghettos, he declared: "You can't lock people up in concrete and steel with- out them turning into animals...
...In nearly all of the states the local property tax pays for a major share of school costs, with some added help from state revenues...
...Despite denials by Castro and his aides, the whole affair struck many students of Cuba as being sim- ilar to the visit of the United States ping-pong players to China a couple of months before President Nixon an- nounced the detente with Peking...
...We cannot help but wonder why there was no great outcry about busing ten and twenty years ago, when black children were routinely transported many miles from their homes to pre- serve racially separate schools...
...troop levels in Europe, withdrawal from Indochina, and the Pentagon budget, showed thirty-three members voting for measures to demil- itarize American foreign policy on at least half the key roll calls...
...At the initiative of the governor, the legislature has made it illegal for heav) industry to locate along the state's one hundred miles of coastline in Delaware Bay and its twenty-five miles along the Atlantic Ocean...
...The House presents "a slightly more dovish profile" than it did in the past, thanks largely to nine pro-peace freshmen elected in 1970...
...Basing school financing on local property taxes, the court said in its six- to-one ruling, "makes the quality of a child's education a function of the wealth of his parents and neighbors...
...Nixon says he wants to foster by keeping his plans under wraps...
...Last year, the U.S...
...Tom Wicker Associate Editor The New York Times tensions and of rethinking America's global policies, there would be im- mense value in taking a fresh look at the question of Cuba...
...20002) offer pro- gressives a useful point of departure for constructive political action in 1972...
...The talks began a year later on March 26, 1970...
...This, of all programs, has been singled out as an area for Government belt-tightening...
...We are providing lunches to 7.3 million needy children, a gain of ninety-two per cent since the 1968-69 school year," Assistant Secretary Rich- ard Lyng declared in a defensive letter to The Washington Post... least sixty-five have died trying to do so...
...Since 1949, the People's Re- public of China has controlled the overwhelming bulk of China's people and territory...
...Nixon secured the aid of Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, then in the United States, to get the talks moving again...
...Commission on Civil Rights called for "the continuing example of courageous moral leader- ship from the President of the United States...
...Two years ago, when popular concern about the waste and destruction of our natural resources was at its peak, the Administration felt compelled to "join the movement...
...or that a key element in the present urban crisis has been precisely the sort of industrial out- migration which the Humphrey-Tal- madge proposal would encourage...
...It is also, as the President and other politi- cal opportunists have demonstrated, a handy vehicle for the dissemination of balderdash that exploits the worst fears and prejudices of many Americans...
...They chose instead to save what is left of the state's beautiful seacoast beaches for the enjoyment of residents and tourists...
...At the initiative of the governor, the legislature has made it illegal for heav) industry to locate along the state's one hundred miles of coastline in Delaware Bay and its twenty-five miles along the Atlantic Ocean...
...It is deplorable that such expenditures of public funds are countenanced in America...
...The President of the United States is apparently incapable of manifesting the kind of moral leadership displayed by the governor of Florida...
...Under the law as reported by the National Wildlife Federation's ahead as the two Germanys seek to hammer out agreement on procedures to implement the general accords reached by their respective allies...
...Three years is a terribly long time for children to be hungry—long enough to cause permanent physical and mental damage...
...If no obvious Presidential candidate emerges from among the present con- tenders, and if Humphrey is able to add to his Southern base the support of organized labor and the big city machines, the 1972 Democratic con- vention could well turn out to be 1968 Chicago all over again...
...Again, we failed to recognize the real- ity of China in the modern world...
...And Premier Castro has been able, with justification, to whip up Cuban enthusiasm for struggling on, claiming that whatever Cuba ac- complishes economically, it has done so despite the American economic blockade...
...Under White House pressure, the agency dropped its plans for a nation- wide permit system to control indus- trial air pollution...
...Other states would do well to adopt such sys- tems of equal taxation of property and equal per pupil support...
...Nor does the pact deal with the shoot- ing of those who seek to cross the wall...
...Reporting on the survey in the Sep- tember issue of Sane World, Executive Director Sanford Gottlieb notes that "a bare but absolute majority in the House of Representatives voted for al- most every major pro-military and Cold War measure in the first half of 1971...
...Nixon a few weeks later to announce that his "understanding of the President's policy is perfectly clear and has always been perfectly clear...
...If Congress says no to military aid, it will be engaging in a "full, frank, and healthy expression of opinion," though probably not the kind Mr...
...withdrawal of at least half of the American troops in Europe, as proposed months ago in the Senate under the ill-fated Mansfield amend- ment...
...But there are numerous indications that the time may be right for such efforts...
...He urged that the wartime allies who occupied conquered Germany make a new effort to end the Berlin impasse which has endangered world peace and long isolated the people of West Berlin living 110 miles inside East Germany...
...against the will of the United States...
...or that the proposed system of loans and subsidies, by converting poor farmers into cheap industrial labor, would fos- ter the same kinds of privilege and in- equity with which rural America is all too familiar...
...California's Supreme Court ruled that the funding of the state's schools, based on the property tax, violates the U.S...
...they can provide a high-quality educa- tion for their children while paying lower taxes...
...Talmadge had earlier named Humphrey to head the Senate Agriculture Committee's subcommittee on rural development, and the two of them had introduced legislation designed to provide $2.3 bil- lion in loans and direct subsidies to lure business into rural areas...
...The Committee's in- terest is not academic...
...Rich school districts with large tax revenues from luxurious housing can readily collect enough property taxes to pay for superior schools, while poor districts, even if they tax at a rate higher than those that are rich, can scratch up barely enough money to keep inferior schools going...
...It is scan- dalous that they are tolerated when the Government claims it cannot af- ford to provide a modest lunch for all hungry children...
...Others may be people who have died in the four years that the list has been used...
...Robert Griffith (Mr...
...After a long and apparently acrimonious in- house debate, the EPA was forced to weaken its new rules on air pollution to the point of almost total ineffective- ness...
...He finds Stans's po- sition understandable, since "his con- stituency is industry...
...In order to pick up a working ma- jority," Gottlieb wrote in the August issue of Sane World, "this dovish third must gain the support of a very spe- cific group of their colleagues: twenty- two Senators, most of them Southern Democrats or Northern Republicans, who cast anti-militarist votes infre- quently or, at most, less than half the time...
...The new Delaware law specifically prohibits the building along the.coast or in nearby waters of refineries, steel mills, paper mills, petro-chemical com- plexes, and off-shore bulk transfer ter- minals...
...Legislation signed by the President on May 14, 1970, requires the states to extend the school lunch program to every school and to provide free lunches to those who cannot afford to pay...
...Finally, it must be apparent to pol- icymakers in Washington that instead of bringing about the collapse of Cuba their policy has pushed the island na- tion more and more into the Soviet camp, forcing Premier Castro to call upon Soviet assistance for whatever he could not accomplish on his own...
...The landmark suit was brought in California by sixteen parents, some of them blacks and Mexican-Americans...
...Supreme Court eventually upholds the principles voiced by the California Supreme Court, the major issues of how education should be financed and whether its benefits are to be distrib- uted equitably has been raised so dra- matically that the repercussions will doubtless be felt for a long time...
...He was "interfering with the prosperity and security of America," they told him...
...Cuba Should Be Next It probably is asking too much to hope that President Nixon soon fol- lows up his successful diplomatic over- tures to Peking with similar efforts to open up contact with Havana...
...Yet the peace forces may find their efforts far more rewarding if they devote their energies and resources to the important task of building Congressional majorities capable of saying no to American mil- itarism, regardless of who happens to occupy the White House...
...Kennedy's Comment: The 'Wrong China' I am deeply disappointed by the Administration's decision today to pur- sue a "Two China" policy with respect to the representation of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations...
...Miracle in Delaware Major polluters promising "prog ress" and jobs work their will on gov ernors and legislatures so often anc with such ease that when industry doe suffer a rebuff to its plans to mak< money out of degrading the environ ment, it rates as a miracle...
...Not only has Chile reopened diplomatic and commercial channels with the island, but half a dozen other nations also are considering the step...
...Senate August 2, 1971 Humphrey's Southern Strategy During the 1930s Franklin Roose- velt fashioned an improbable coalition of farmers and trade unionists, "con- servative" white Southerners, and "lib- eral" ethnic minorities...
...This seems to have been the case with William D. Ruckel- shaus, head of the Nixon Administra- tion's Environmental Protection Agen- cy (EPA...
...And, of course, Mexico has had ties with Cuba all along...
...The number of Cubans ac- tually wanting to leave whose names are on the list may be considerably less than the 100,000 figure...
...But by far the largest accolade must go to Chancellor Brandt whose persistence and creative initiatives were decisive in reaching the historic accord...
...Washington must also be aware that its policy of quarantining the island has not accomplished the downfall of the Castro government...
...The landmark suit was brought in California by sixteen parents, some of them blacks and Mexican-Americans...
...In either event, the Administration's decision will surely jeopardize our evolving relations with Peking, rela- tions that the Administration has been striving to improve...
...No one better illus- trates the dilemmas associated with this strange alliance than that hardy heir of the New Deal, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, a long time champion of civil rights now paying court to some of the South's most reactionary polit- ical elements...
...The two days of hearings, which in- cluded testimony by Governors George Wallace of Alabama and Jimmy Car- ter of Georgia, produced few surprises...
...Poor districts, by contrast, have no cake at all...
...But the Ag- riculture Department's own computa- tions show that there are 9.3 million needy school children, and an official estimate holds that it will take "about three years" to include all of them in the lunch program...
...Although the American boycott of the island has made the economic life of Cuba more difficult, Cuba has not collapsed...
...It abandoned pro- posed inspection requirements for automobiles now in use...
...The OAS study ob- viously has Chile in mind, but again the question is being asked whether it might not also apply to Cuba, which more than a decade ago opted for the socialist way...
...We will have suffered a defeat, with all the risks that such a defeat would repre- sent for the attitude of the American public toward the United Nations and the People's Republic of China...
...Premier Castro's friendly remarks to members of the visiting United States volleyball team in August, while not entirely out of character, were part of what some observers see as evidence of a goodwill gesture by the Cuban leader...
...But by far the largest accolade must go to Chancellor Brandt whose persistence and creative initiatives were decisive in reaching the historic accord...
...Tragically, the agreement does not hasten the razing of the Berlin wall built ten years ago to stop East Ger- mans from fleeing to the West...
...Among the massive industrial de- velopments blocked by the legislation was a Shell Oil Company project to build a $100 million oil refinery on land it owns near Smyrna, and the plans of Zapta Norness, Inc., to build a 300-acre island in Delaware Bay off the mouth of the Mispillion River for the storage of up to three million tons of coal for shipment abroad in giant cargo ships too large to use other East Coast ports...
...Constitution's equal protection clause because it discriminates against the poor...
...certainly no rational ex- planation will suffice...
...Officially there are close to 100,000 names still on the list of potential refugees...
...The Pentagon's initial response to the Committee's request, as Foreign Relations Chairman J. W. Fulbright pointed out last month in The Pro- gressive, was a long stall that was dubbed "careful consideration...
...Inevitably, the media will focus their attention overwhelmingly on the Presidential campaign...
...That was many moments ago, in May, 1969...
...The Administration's tactic of seek- ing to resist the departure of Taiwan from the United Nations by declaring it an "important question" will prob- ably not prevail—at least for long...
...We must demonstrate good faith in doing just that...
...On thirteen key roll call votes, 217 Congressmen voted overwhelming- ly in accordance with the wishes of the Pentagon...
...He was, that is, not merely a victim of racism, although he was certainly that...
...The Berlin tangle has been a threat to peace for so long that it is hard to believe it is now about to be untied...
...Ruckelshaus concedes that he has encountered some opposition within the Administration to his efforts to crack down on air and water pollution...
...He ignored South- ern liberals like Atlanta's Julian Bond (who went for McCarthy by default) and concentrated instead on wooing such men as Georgia Democratic Party Chairman James H. Gray, a segrega- tionist who had led "Democrats for Goldwater" in 1964...
...The commissioners, who were at first hostile, quickly warmed to Humphrey's presentation and at the end gave him an ovation...
...SANE's report, in effect, brings up to date a similar survey by Garrison Nelson, "Nixon's Silent House of Hawks," published in the August, 1970 issue of The Progressive... has pending before it the Administration's request for a two-year, $4 billion authorization for military aid...
...The landmark legisla- tion was passed in spite of massive pressure exerted by industry^ the U.S, Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S...
...Surely, the United States cannot expect the Peo- ple's Republic of China to enter the United Nations and sit side by side with representatives of the government that was overthrown in the Chinese revolution a generation ago...
...Supreme Court eventually upholds the principles voiced by the California Supreme Court, the major issues of how education should be financed and whether its benefits are to be distrib- uted equitably has been raised so dra- matically that the repercussions will doubtless be felt for a long time...
...But exact!] such a miracle has come to pass in lit tie Delaware, the duchy of du Pont because of the courage of its people, it legislature, and Governor Russell W Peterson...
...Under the law as reported by the National Wildlife Federation's Conservation News, which applauded Delaware's action, other industrial ap- plicants must win the approval of the state planner and a ten-man control board before they can proceed with construction plans...
...The Senate survey, based on sixteen roll calls this year on the draft, reduc- tion of U.S...
...There, and in his brief years on the streets of Chicago and Los Angeles—by his own account—he learned that "the jungle is still the jungle, be it composed of trees or skyscrapers, and the law of the jungle is bite or be bitten...
...Nixon declared, with reference to a complex school de- segregation case in Austin, Texas, that he had "consistently opposed the bus- ing of our nation's school children to achieve a racial balance, and I am op- posed to the busing of children simply for the sake of busing...
...Both Wallace and Carter agreed, however, on the need for Federal aid for rural develop- ment, an indication that the Hum- phrey-Talmadge bill will win strong support among conservative Southern- ers whose scruples about states' rights have seldom extended beyond opposi- tion to welfare and civil rights...
...Senator Edward Kennedy in the U.S...
...And it agreed to allow exceptions to its standards in cases where industry maintains that it would be too costly to control pollution...
...Thus, in this current era of lessening Death of a Brother A . . . reason for challenging official explanations and general as- sumptions in the San Quentin case is to get at the truth of George Jackson's life, not just the truth of his death...
...If this is the kind of decision we make on the relatively straightforward question of China's representation in the U.N., how can we expect a realistic solution to the much more difficult questions of nor- malizing our own diplomatic relations with Peking...
...Since the close of that decade this coalition has been responsible for the success which the Democrats have generally enjoyed at the polls during election years as well as for the difficulties they have ex- perienced in trying to govern the country in between...
...withdrawal of at least half of the American troops in Europe, as proposed months ago in the Senate under the ill-fated Mansfield amend- ment...
...We wish Richardson would find some way to communicate his rare—not to say unique—insight to the rest of us, and especially to those school districts whose efforts at compliance with the law have been undermined by Pres- idential demagoguery...
...Now, at last, when we are within reach of our goal of embracing a one-China policy that has the right China, we cannot allow our- selves to be lured astray by the illusory appeal of a two-China policy...
...more than three millions had left by 1961...
...In early July, Humphrey and Tal- madge returned to the South to hold hearings on rural problems...
...It is a scathing indictment of America that such devices should be a matter of controversy—should, indeed, be neces- sary—a full seventeen years after the Supreme Court handed down its unan- imous judgment on school segregation...
...The landmark legisla- tion was passed in spite of massive pressure exerted by industry^ the U.S, Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S...
...Yet the law demands, and rightly so, that we put an end to segregation in our so- ciety...
...For this the Nixon Administration is en- titled to a modest measure of applause —modest because it stalled progress for a long time until the President decided a year ago to end the stalemate by moving for prompt agreement along reasonable and realistic lines...
...The issue of secrecy aside, no justification exists for a pro- gram that merely drains the budget at home, contributes to America's bal- ance-of-payments crisis, and serves abroad primarily to shore up such re- pressive regimes as those of Greece, Pakistan, and Spain...
...A great deal of haggling still lies ahead as the two Germanys seek to hammer out agreement on procedures to implement the general accords reached by their respective allies...
...A talented writer, a sensitive man, a potential leader and political thinker of great persuasiveness, George Jackson was destroyed long be- fore he was killed at San Quentin...
...Other states would do well to adopt such sys- tems of equal taxation of property and equal per pupil support...
...Only 212 votes can be put together even when those in the weaker anti-militarist cat- egories are added to the more dov- ish group of Congressmen," Gottlieb points out...
...Poor districts, by contrast, have no cake at all...
...James Nelson Goodsell (Mr...
...Yet both Havana and Washington have recently had some second thoughts about how long the airlift should continue...
...The willingness of Democratic voters to endorse such a choice, however, is another matter...
...There have been, he says, "suggestions that maybe I've been too strict"—espe- cially from Secretary of Commerce Maurice H. Stans...
...It was in a memorandum in which the President invoked the doc- trine of executive privilege as the basis for withholding from Congress the Pentagon's five-year plan for foreign military aid...
...If the Federal Government were to pick up the burden of all welfare costs, as proposed in legislation pending in Congress, it would free the states to pay the full cost of public education...
...But it is wide- ly thought that many of the names are duplicate listings of people who have already gone into exile in the United States...
...The extent of such disparities is seen by comparing Beverly Hills, which de- spite a low $2.38 tax rate for each $100 of assessed valuation spends $1232 for each primary and secondary school pupil, with Baldwin Hills, only a few miles away, where a $5.48 tax rate pro- vides less than half the Beverly Hills outlay per pupil...
...The five- year plan, he said, was part of "inter- nal working documents...
...The next moon- flight extravaganza is only a few months away...
...The Lockheed Aircraft Corporation will receive its $250 mil- lion loan guarantee...
...For many generations, young Amer- icans from school systems located in poor districts have been the victims c inferior schools while youngsters fror rich districts have had the advantag of excellent education...
...On August 3 Mr...
...The authors neglected to explain that net migration into the cities has largely stabilized...
...What the courts have done—quite properly in our view—is to suggest busing as one means of over- coming the enduring evil of officially sanctioned racial segregation...
...Treasury and Commerce department officials met with Gover- nor Peterson in Washington several times in strenuous efforts to force him to back down...
...Congress has provided more funds for the school lunch program in recent years than the Administration has chosen to spend...
...The Nixon Administration has be- gun to lay the groundwork for a $3 billion increase in the Pentagon budget next year...
...The so- called "new mood" of the South, al- though in many ways more apparent than real, should benefit the Dem- ocrats...
...The Californi court has now spoken out against thi unconstitutional double standard an< the time is ripe for other courts, legis latures, the Administration and Con gress, and educators and parents t< move promptly to correct this ancien inequity throughout the country...
...Such a result would be a victory for the party reg- ulars, both North and South, and a testament to the staying power of the old Democratic coalition...
...In the spring of 1968, following Lyn- don Johnson's surprise decision to stand aside, Hubert Humphrey turned to the South for a power base to counterweigh the growing strength of Eugene McCarthy and Robert Ken- nedy in the North...
...There are some hopeful signs in the SANE surveys...
...In this way, and in this way only, will we stop massive busing once and for all...
...Poor Schools, Rich Schools An earthquake that could shake up public education across the country rumbled out of California just as the nation's schools prepared to open this fall...
...Constitution's equal protection clause because it discriminates against the poor...
...The President's refusal to take Con- gress into his confidence provides a ready opportunity for the legislature to reassert its eroded prerogatives...
...I do not regard that as a genuine welcome...
...The government of Chiang Kai- shek on Taiwan does not represent China...
...If the EPA is to be permitted to carry out its urgent tasks, the public and Congress must provide vigilance and support...
...The report, an assessment of the Alliance for Progress in its first decade, states flatly that ex- perience has shown that it is "impossi- ble and unsuitable to attempt to define a uniform strategy for all the coun- tries of the region...
...He has studied Cuba firsthand during many visits there...
...It boggles the mind that this most affluent nation should let even one child—let alone two million—go hungry in its midst...
...Since assuming his post last Decem- ber, Ruckelshaus, a thirty-nine-year old veteran of Indiana Republican pol- itics, has surprised and delighted en- vironmentalists by manifesting an en- ergetic concern for actually protecting the environment...
...and the final press toward desegrega- tion, which has taken place under the Nixon Administration and the Burger Court, have all tended to erode the President's support in the South and to open up the possibility of a Dem- ocratic victory here in 1972...
...for there is a growing restlessness among Democrats, a desire, especially among the young, to slip the traces of the Roosevelt coalition, to discover a candidate who represents something more than the least com- mon denominator between Richard Daley and Herman Talmadge and who offers something more in the way of a public philosophy than handouts to business in the name of a moribund New Deal liberalism...
...For more than two decades, the United States has rigidly pursued a one-China policy, but always it was the wrong China...
...The voting analyses (available from SANE, 318 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, D.C...
...He was shot at age fifteen by its violent lawmen...
...He's got a new image," added another...
...In addition to the OAS report there is a growing Latin American inclination to do business with Cuba again...
...Only in this way will we put the divisive and self-defeating issue of race behind us once and for all...
...The intent of the law, as stated by the House of Representatives, is that "every child from an impoverished family shall be served- meals either free or at reduced cost—not to exceed twenty cents per meal" and that "free lunches be pro- vided for the poorest of the poor and under no circumstances shall those un- able to pay be charged for their lunches...
...Is it not time for Washington also to move away from a policy which has also proven less than adequate...
...Havana's recent action aimed at winding down the daily refugee airlift appears, on the surface, to counter such speculation...
...The multi-million dollar subsidies to corporate farmers remain intact...
...There is yet another instance of "too little, too late" in our China policy...
...Whether or not the U.S...
...In the first place, the recent creation of Presidential primaries in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida will focus more attention on the South and give it a new national importance...
...As still another Thanksgiving ap- proaches, the President's pledge stands as another betrayal of America's poor...
...Until this wanton destruction of humanity in America is seen for what it is, it will go on, and consume us all...
...Basing school financing on local property taxes, the court said in its six- to-one ruling, "makes the quality of a child's education a function of the wealth of his parents and neighbors...
...Indeed, it may have served to strengthen it ultimately...
...The his- toric agreement appears to satisfy all of Chancellor Brandt's criteria for "a sat- isfactory Berlin settlement...
...We must demon- strate a greater willingness to initiate meaningful steps in this area...
...Back in Washington, however, he improved his standing in Georgia by announc- ing his support for a Government- guaranteed loan to the ailing Lock- heed Corporation, the state's largest defense contractor...
...The draft settlement that has emerged could become a major mile- stone in the quest for peace...
...Despite Fidel Castro's frequent verbal salvos against Washington, in- cluding his statements last July 26 on the anniversary of his revolution, many Cubanologists think Havana would be open to some sort of overture from Washington...
...In the cir- cumstances, the least he could do would be to refrain from making mat- ters worse as America moves through a difficult period...
...If it should prevail, it will succeed in keeping the real government of China from entering the United Nations...
...The extent of such disparities is seen by comparing Beverly Hills, which de- spite a low $2.38 tax rate for each $100 of assessed valuation spends $1232 for each primary and secondary school pupil, with Baldwin Hills, only a few miles away, where a $5.48 tax rate pro- vides less than half the Beverly Hills outlay per pupil...
...Affluent districts/' said the court, "can have their cake and eat it too...
...For nearly seventeen months the envoys of France, Great Britain, the United States, and the U.S.S.R., encouraged by Brandt's Ostpolitik example, struggled with the thorny details of a West Berlin agree- ment...
...But exact!] such a miracle has come to pass in lit tie Delaware, the duchy of du Pont because of the courage of its people, it legislature, and Governor Russell W Peterson...
...The Berlin tangle has been a threat to peace for so long that it is hard to believe it is now about to be untied...
...At that time Nelson rated 239 Representatives as militant hawks...
...But even more heartening than the specific terms of agreement in a spe- cific conflict is the spirit of detente which moved both sides to abandon confrontation in favor of negotiation...
...In April, Humphrey trav- eled to Georgia with Senator Herman E. Talmadge and charmed a meeting of the conservative Association of County Commissioners...
...Treasury and Commerce department officials met with Gover- nor Peterson in Washington several times in strenuous efforts to force him to back down...
...The continuing war in Viet- nam, which has disheartened even the most resolute of hawks...
...In Atlanta the following day at a meeting with state party leaders, Humphrey carefully sidestepped news- men's questions about the Supreme Court's April ruling on busing...
...There are thousands upon thousands like him—black and white, brothers all—who will be or have been destroyed, too...
...There is, in fact, no reason why Con- gress should continue the arms aid program at all...
...The new agreement represents a hopeful advance in its own right...
...Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot L. Richardson, whose demoralized department has borne the intblerable burden of trying to make sense of the Administration's attitudes on busing, emerged from a meeting with Mr...
...The new Delaware law specifically prohibits the building along the.coast or in nearby waters of refineries, steel mills, paper mills, petro-chemical com- plexes, and off-shore bulk transfer ter- minals...
...Although this "Southern strategy" was badly strained in Chicago by the contest over the seat- ing of the Georgia delegation, the eleven states of the Old Confederacy nevertheless supplied Humphrey with 440 crucial votes at the national con- vention, enough, when added to the support of labor and the big cities, to win the nomination...
...Washington certainly can not claim that Cuba is much of a threat to Amer- ican security...
...Nixon said, in order to preserve "the full, frank, and healthy expression of opinion which is essential for the successful administra- tion of government...
...Similar suits may be launched in other states...
...Cuba's support for the export of revolution in Latin America has lessened markedly in recent years and there is sharp evidence that Ha- vana is backing away from that policy, which has proven less than adequate...
...We wonder why the affluent deem it a privilege to pay for busing their chil- dren to private schools...
...It is one technique—and an imperfect one, to be sure—for pro- viding a measure of equity and equal- ity and racial justice in education...
...Of course, the Cuban team had just defeated the visiting North Amer- icans and Castro's gesture therefore can be viewed as good sportsmanship...
...Whether or not the U.S...
...He was "interfering with the prosperity and security of America," they told him...
...Notes In The News Busing & Balderdash A cousin of Richard M. Nixon, rem- iniscing about his illustrious relative's childhood, once told a Life magazine interviewer that young Richard "didn't like to ride the school bus because the other children didn't smell good...
...This could be done most fairly through state income taxes based on ability to pay rather than through property taxes which already carry much more of the load for public services than that levy was* ever intended to bear...
...Chile would have made the move no matter which way its presidential election went last year, so that it is not merely the coming to- gether of two socialist governments...
...But even more heartening than the specific terms of agreement in a spe- cific conflict is the spirit of detente which moved both sides to abandon confrontation in favor of negotiation...
...He could hold his nose and keep his mouth shut...
...Recently Cuba and Mexico bridged over their differ- ences, signing a new air accord to keep open the Havana-Mexico City air route...
...What the Commission hoped for was the kind of public statement recently issued by Governor Reubin Askew of Florida, who called busing "an artificial and inadequate instru- ment of change," and added: "Nobody really wants it—not you, not me, not the people, not the school boards—not even the courts...
...In nearly all of the states the local property tax pays for a major share of school costs, with some added help from state revenues...
...He seems to recog- nize that more than rhetoric is re- quired to deal with this nation's eco- logical emergency, and that the Gov- ernment must move forcefully against the private interests which derive prof- its from pollution...
...The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has been trying since last winter to get a look at the Defense De- partment's long-range plan for foreign arms assistance...
...For many generations, young Amer- icans from school systems located in poor districts have been the victims c inferior schools while youngsters fror rich districts have had the advantag of excellent education...
...This is the depress- ing finding of a detailed analysis of Congressional roll call votes completed recently by SANE, A Citizen's Orga- nization for a Sane World...
...The Hungry Children In one of the more memorable speeches of his Administration, Pres- ident Nixon declared that "the mo- ment is at hand to put an end to hunger in America itself...
...the recession, which has pinched the South sharply...
...Delaware's motto is "Liberty and Independence," and by telling in- dustrial polluters they are not welcome, the state has upheld both of these principles...
...Led by Governor Peterson, the peo- ple and government of Delaware re- jected these and other threats of pollu- tion masquerading as progress...
...For this the Nixon Administration is en- titled to a modest measure of applause —modest because it stalled progress for a long time until the President decided a year ago to end the stalemate by moving for prompt agreement along reasonable and realistic lines...
...And now comes a report by the Or- ganization of American States urging Washington to accept socialist as well as capitalist approaches to develop- ment in Latin America...
...they can provide a high-quality educa- tion for their children while paying lower taxes...
...And only in this way can we redirect our ener- gies to our real quest—that of provid- ing an equal opportunity for quality education to all our children...
...Sure- ly, this was not what those who orig- inated the Cuba policy wanted...
...In California, fol- lowing the state court ruling, it was proposed that the legislature adopt a statewide uniform property tax plan to finance schools with the revenue to be distributed on an equal basis per pupil to all school districts...
...Miracle in Delaware Major polluters promising "prog ress" and jobs work their will on gov ernors and legislatures so often anc with such ease that when industry doe suffer a rebuff to its plans to mak< money out of degrading the environ ment, it rates as a miracle...
...There are re- liable reports, however, that others within the Administration, including Presidential assistants John D. Ehrlich- man and Peter M. Flanigan, the Pres- ident's Office of Management and Budget, and the Federal Power Com- mission, have actively intervened in behalf of industry to thwart the EPA's anti-pollution efforts...
...President Nixon had proposed such talks in a speech in West Berlin in Feb- ruary, 1969, at the outset of the last important East-West crisis over the city...
...As far as Washington is concerned, the Nixon Administration disclaims any change in its approach to Cuba...
...The agreement also pro- vides for a resumption of periodic vis- its by West Berlin's two million cit- izens to East Berlin, from which most of them have been barred since 1966, and to East Germany, which has shut them out since 1952...
...Tragically, by whatever formula of dual representation today's policy is labeled—whether "Two Chinas" or "One China-One Taiwan"—it will be seen as yet another tactic designed by the United States to keep Peking out of the United Nations...
...But in 1969, with the coming to power of Willy Brandt as Germany's Social Democratic chancellor, followed by the progress of his Ostpolitik cam- paign seeking significantly improved relations with the Soviet Union and its Herblock in The Washington Post satellites, the time became ripe for launching talks on the defusing of Berlin...
...Similar suits may be launched in other states...
...But speaking for a coalition of citizens, environmen- talists, and legislators, the governor said that to fail to be selective in attracting clean rather than polluting industries would be "discriminating against the people of Delaware...
...An accom- panying logical move, it seems to us, would be U.S...
...Recalling the fate of former Secretary of the Interior Walter Hickel, they wonder whether the President may not soon decide he needs a new—and more compliant— administrator for the environmental agency...
...The pur- pose of the bill, they explained, was to stem the flow of rural population to- ward urban centers, thus alleviating the problems of the cities while at the same time stimulating economic growth in the countryside...
...Goodsell ranges south of the bor- der as Latin American correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor...
...A symbolic con- cession to the Soviet Union will permit it to establish a consulate-general in West Berlin...
...Finally, when the Committee threatened to cut off all military assistance spending, the President resorted to the dubious de- vice of executive privilege...
...Humphrey's new "Southern strat- egy" coincides with several significant developments in Southern politics...
...Official attempts to sabotage the work of EPA are likely to intensify in the coming months, for the major pol- luters can be counted on to make the most of their political influence in an election year...
...The Senate, Gottlieb concluded, is "in transition between the period of accepted Cold War assump- tions and a new and still emerging anti-militarism...
...Whether or not he was shot while escaping or was in some way "set up" for killing, his life was the real tragedy...
...Good News from Berlin For a quarter of a century a di- vided Berlin in a divided Germany has been a potential flashpoint that could explode into war between East and West...
...It is the only legitimate government of China, and it should be the exclusive representative of China in the United Nations...
...California's Supreme Court ruled that the funding of the state's schools, based on the property tax, violates the U.S...
...The Californi court has now spoken out against thi unconstitutional double standard an< the time is ripe for other courts, legis latures, the Administration and Con gress, and educators and parents t< move promptly to correct this ancien inequity throughout the country...
...We wonder, too, why busing to achieve desegregation is so pernicious, when some eighteen million children—al- most forty per cent of the school pop- ulation—ride the bus every day with- out noticeable damage to their phys- ical, mental, or emotional well-being...
...If the Federal Government were to pick up the burden of all welfare costs, as proposed in legislation pending in Congress, it would free the states to pay the full cost of public education...
...The planning paper had to be kept secret, Mr...
...At any rate, Havana's announced desire to bring the airlift to an early end does not dash the hope for a Washington-Ha- vana detente...
...This could be done most fairly through state income taxes based on ability to pay rather than through property taxes which already carry much more of the load for public services than that levy was* ever intended to bear...
...In a speech calling for rural development, the for- mer Vice President played upon the anti-metropolitan biases of his audi- ence...
...If the tactic fails, then Peking will take its rightful place in the U.N...
...If such a fresh look were taken, there could hardly be any other answer than one that would lead to some sort of normalization of relations between the two nations...
...Yet Secretary of State William Rogers, in answering a press conference ques- tion on that issue, went to some length to refer to a Nixon statement that took the line that in Latin America, the United States ought to deal realis- tically with governments as they exist...
...The environmental crisis has not abated, but the Government seems convinced the people have lost interest...
...It was merely the latest in a series of muddled utter- ances on busing dating back to the 1968 Presidential election campaign...
...Its schools treated him with contempt...
...An accom- panying logical move, it seems to us, would be U.S...
...Griffith is an historian at the University of Georgia and the author of The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate...
...But speaking for a coalition of citizens, environmen- talists, and legislators, the governor said that to fail to be selective in attracting clean rather than polluting industries would be "discriminating against the people of Delaware...
...When Senator Fulbright made it clear that he was not about to drop his inquiry, Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird told the Committee that the plan it wanted to see did not exist... absolutely essential," an Assistant Secretary of Agriculture recently told a conference of state school lunch administrators...
...Rich school districts with large tax revenues from luxurious housing can readily collect enough property taxes to pay for superior schools, while poor districts, even if they tax at a rate higher than those that are rich, can scratch up barely enough money to keep inferior schools going...
...Friends of Pollution It happens even in the most vigilant of Administrations: From time to time the careful screening process slips up or breaks down, and a man genuinely devoted to serving the public interest is inadvertently appointed to a position of responsibility...
...Yet he stayed on the volleyball court following the game for a much long- er time than his impatient security men wanted...
...It has every right, therefore—as all of us have—to know what kind of commitments the Penta- gon has made or plans to make to the thirty-odd countries receiving Amer- ican weapons...
...He was a victim, too, of the poverty and hunger and disadvantage that are not the lot of blacks alone in this richest coun- try on earth...
...His attitude has sur- prised the White House, too, and has apparently occasioned no small meas- ure of dismay within the Nixon Administration...
...When final approval is secured, the landmark agreement could well pave the way for other steps to scale down the Cold War in Europe...
...The other Latin lands leaning in the direction of Cuba include Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay...
...Some 20,000 schools do not take part at all in the lunch pro- gram, and in thousands of others free lunches are denied to eligible children...
...Wallace denounced private tax-ex- empt foundations, and Carter attacked what he described as discrimination against the rural South...
...That's not the Humphrey I used to hear about," declared one commissioner...
...West Berlin's ties with West Germany are upheld by four-power approval for continuance of numerous Federal German activities in the city's West sector...
...We must stop inviting, by our own intransigence, devices which are repugnant to us...
...In fact, the climate for such contact has improved markedly in recent months...
...Poor Schools, Rich Schools An earthquake that could shake up public education across the country rumbled out of California just as the nation's schools prepared to open this fall...
...Unless counterpressures are brought to bear, the Friends of Pollution will carry the day...
...So far, these Friends of Pollution within the Administration have scored at least one notable success...
...By Christmas season of that year, the President made a more specific prom- ise: No child in America, he said, would go hungry after Thanksgiving, 1970...
...In this instance, at least, the failure cannot be laid to Congress...
...It is indisputably an American tragedy...
...Secret Even the late George Orwell, who probed so deeply into the bureaucratic perversion of language he called Newspeak, would have been dazzled by a bit of topsy-turvy prose that em- anated recently from the Nixon White House...
...Fiscal discipline...
...When negotiations seemed stalled in October, Mr...
...The opposition to this military bloc consists, according to SANE's tabula- tion, of ninety-three "strong" and forty- six "moderate" doves, along with sev- enty-three other Representatives whose opposition to the military can be rated only "marginal" or "weak...
...Chile, in fact, is a late- comer on the socialist path—and it is not entirely certain just how Chile will go in the years ahead...
...He an- nounced new regulations that will have the effect of reducing the reim- bursements many schools receive for feeding needy children...
...It should be clear to all but those who have been blinded by bigotry that no school system has been ordered by the courts to transport children "to achieve a racial balance," and that no one advocates busing "simply for the sake of busing...
...Per- haps this ancient olfactory antipathy accounts for the President's incredibly destructive public pronouncements on school busing...
...The new agreement represents a hopeful advance in its own right...
...Whether or not they will find such a candidate and program may constitute the test of the Democratic Party in the 1970s...

Vol. 35 • August 1971 • No. 10

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