NOTES IN THE NEWS A Dirty War If a man from Mars were to drop in on the scene in South Vietnam he might be hard put to determine whom the United States was fighting. Official communiques from...

...Entitled World of Pleasure, the film shows actors puffing cigarettes in a Hollywood studio, on a beach, at dinner in Copenhagen, in Munich, beside the Sphinx in Egypt, and in other glamorous locales...
...At best, the pacification program is designed to reach a maximum of ten per cent of the people, and few observers in Saigon feel confident that it will in reality touch anywhere near that number...
...These are the real victims, the persons from whom Pfizer, Cyanamid, Bristol, Squibb, and Upjohn have been wringing the fat expense accounts, the company cars, a six-figure executive salary, and profit margins unheard of anywhere else in American industry...
...They were joined in the House by four Representatives of courage who also voted against the appropriation...
...Modern revolutionaries are not so fortunate, and must recover from a harsher and more limiting form of imperialism than the Americans confronted...
...It is a good appointment—how good will depend upon the vigor with which the new chairman opposes the measures, pending on Capitol Hill, to cripple the FPC, and the future degree of his concern for the consumer's interests...
...This was true even in the relatively favorable circumstances of the American Revolution...
...In his new post, Chairman White frequently may find himself casting the deciding vote in conflicts between consumer interests and utility and pipeline interests...
...Senator James O. Eastland, of all people, strayed briefly in his lifelong dedication to racism when he voted to confirm Robert C. Weaver, a Negro, as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development...
...What is not stressed is that we receive precious little manpower or anything else from other countries, and our SEATO partners— South Korea is not part of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization—are conspicuous by the almost total absence of their support...
...Before independence, for example, there were only seven college graduates in all the Belgian Congo, and although the situation was better in Nigeria, Ghana, and Indonesia, even those countries had far from an adequate number of educated leaders to form a competent civil service or create a political buffer which would foster stable rule...
...Control of bidding for orders is carefully managed by the companies...
...Wayne L. Morse, Oregon...
...Such reports are "contemptible," said Walker in Mississippi doublespeak, charging that "Senator Eastland and his forces have deliberately attempted to embarrass me concerning my Congressional office...
...There are now about 70,000 registered as against 500,000 whites...
...What makes this conspiracy so reprehensible and so shameful is that its chief victims are the aged and the poor, not only in our country but also in many of the most impoverished areas of the world...
...He questioned "the high price" the peasants are forced to pay for "the death of a few hundred Communist troops and ihe capture of a few score weapons...
...These companies have been charged with domestic price-fixing in the past by the Department of Justice, Senator Kefauver, the Federal Trade Commission, and in many private anti-trust suits, but Long introduced a new and broader aspect—the international nature of the price-rigging...
...Any Alabama woman who believes her sex should be allowed to speak as well as vote, and who witnessed Governor Wallace's reduction of his wife to zombie status during the television performance following his announcement that Lurleen would seek the state's highest office, ought to vote against her—if not in rebuke of Wallace's record of racist incitement, then at least in protest against his televised demeaning of woman's intelligence...
...Members of the five-company cartel watch each other carefully around the world lest there be any price deviations among them—within the same country—as small as a few cents on a five dollar bottle of sixteen capsules...
...You spend a million and a quarter dollars, as I understand it, on this aspect of safety...
...Exporting Happiness Washington likes foreigners to be happy, as long as they don't give us any trouble...
...The five were: J. W. Fulbright, Arkansas...
...During more than four years as FPC chairman, Swidler transformed a scandal-ridden and lethargic agency into an effective regulatory body which has ordered hundreds of millions of dollars in rate refunds for gas and electric power customers...
...Or to whom...
...We need only recall how the Continental paper money had fallen to twelve cents on the dollar, or the soldiers of George Washington returned home to find their farms in ruins...
...Senator Long plans hearings by his Finance Committee to dig out more details about price-fixing in antibiotics, with the hope of producing corrective legislation...
...Congressional spokesmen for gas and oil interests are seeking passage of legislation to strip the FPC of much of its power to protect customers against unjustified rate increases...
...Merchants of Life and Death Ordinarily the phrase "price-fixing" suggests some degree of monopoly, which is bad enough but not lethal...
...Civil Rights Watchdog Much of the civil rights legislation passed by Congress in recent sessions is not being adequately enforced by the various Federal agencies to which it was entrusted...
...Sheehan detailed first-hand descriptions of hundreds of peasant homes and dozens of villages wholly blasted and burned, of children cooked alive by napalm, and of thousands of refugees fleeing the scenes of horror...
...At the time of independence, India's gross national product was $22 billion (for 350 million people) and its annual savings only $1 billion...
...Air Force Academy...
...An iron forge a hundred and seventy-five years ago cost only a few hundred dollars...
...The Tuscaloosa News called Wallace's gambit to perpetuate his administration "a violation of the spirit of the state constitution...
...Kastenmeier said his subcommittee found "a tremendous disparity in the paper compliance which may be claimed by a Federal agency and the actual compliance in the field...
...continue the present Korean military assistance program for the next few years...
...Both he and Elliott have called for racial conciliation and the return of Alabama to the mainstream of American politics...
...Nevertheless, the achievement of civil rights goals with the utmost speed is so vital that Congress must act to insure that the executive branch effectively enforces the legislative intent...
...The U.S...
...There was no electricity, there were no steel mills or freeways in 1795...
...In part it is the cold war, with each side working feverishly either to buttress with arms a friendly regime or subvert an unfriendly one...
...How to Buy Allies The Administration has been pointing with anxious pride to the support U.S...
...Most important, however, is the task of development...
...His subcommittee's report reveals political pressures on the Federal agencies by both the Administration and members of Congress, timidity on the part of administrators assigned to enforce the laws, and inadequate staff to make field investigations...
...enable South Korea to sell as much as possible to South Vietnam under U.S...
...One of the causes of revolt in Nigeria, for example, was the $56 million in bad loans made to business favorites of government officials, and the glaring double standard by which bureaucrats obtained cars and car allowances, while the mass of people remained no better off economically than they were under the British...
...Roche: $1,700,000,000...
...Is it really true that the Africans and Asians (and Latin Americans) are incapable of ruling themselves and would have been better off to continue as vassals of imperialist masters...
...Most of the new nations are not economically viable—or even potentially viable—to begin with...
...But the straightforward reporting of The New York Times reveals that in the process of searching out and killing the Vietcong the death and destruction dealt the South Vietnamese civilian population by our artillery and aerial bombardment, and by napalming and chemical defoliation is "appalling...
...The soldiers depart, and the peasants return to a shambles of wrecked homes and destroyed crops and coconut groves...
...Above all, it is important to assess the effect of the cold war on events...
...Anguish over the course of the present revolutionary states, therefore, must be tempered with a recognition of the tasks they face and with forbearance...
...Former Chairman Swidler told a House Commerce subcommittee that these bills "carve out so much of the heart of the Federal Power Act that the remaining portion would wither...
...Svengali and Trilby Seated side by side before the television cameras, the George Wallaces reminded us of anything but a typical American couple...
...General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler all reached new profit peaks in 1965 —a year that saw nearly 50,000 persons killed and four million injured on U.S...
...About 20,000 of these troops are from South Korea, a country so dependent on the United States it could hardly be called a voluntary ally...
...This constitutes a curious exchange, but the inducement offered South Korea goes far to clarify the underlying motives...
...Lessons in Revolution The alarming instability of so many new nations, poignantly illustrated by the military coups in Algeria, Syria, Nigeria, Ghana, and five smaller African states, as well as by the continuing turbulence in Indonesia, is a source of anguish to those who have long acclaimed the revolution of rising expectations...
...Phillip Burton, California...
...It does not show anyone succumbing to lung cancer, which medical research relates to excessive cigarette smoking...
...drug companies that are lethal in some cases...
...Granted there has been a, flood of civil rights legislation, and the enforcement machinery is often complex and unwieldy...
...The Kastenmeier subcommittee's recommendation is a good one...
...The industry is reported to view his proposal as "reasonable" and something "we can live with...
...These drugs, developed in part through government facilities and which cost about 1.6 cents per pill to make were, until recently, sold to the American public at fifty-one cents per pill and now sell for about thirty cents per pill...
...The watchdog House committee envisioned would have broad authority, including the power of subpoena, a full time staff, and would conduct hearings and independent investigations of local situations around the country, as well as act as a spur to executive agencies in Washington...
...Before anything else can change, hundreds of millions of dollars must be spent on forging a basic infrastructure of dams, electrification facilities, roads, schools, clinics—none of which yields additional consumer goods for many years...
...Is it true that liberation provides an umbrella under which adventurers dip greedy hands into newly available government treasures...
...But all of them are made in the quicksand of social stagnation...
...forces in Vietnam are receiving from other nations—especially the aid from South Korea because it is an Asian country...
...There is also a severe lack of leadership, since most such nations have only the thinnest semblance of a middle class...
...The five companies cited by the Louisiana Democrat are Chas...
...It was also able to make the transition over a long period of time with only moderate costs for an infrastructure...
...Eugene J. McCarthy, Minnesota...
...Swidler had informed the President that he did not wish to be reappointed...
...procurement programs... for these drugs exceeds $200 million a year, more than half of it in tetracycline...
...He asked why Eastland had voted for Weaver, "the first Negro ever appointed to the Cabinet," and went so far as to accuse the Senator of "hobnobbing with the Kennedys...
...Alabama's best chance to return to the Federal Union is for the voters to give victory in the primary, and then in the November election, to either Elliott or Flowers...
...In one case described by Senator Long, when "each of the five conspirators as well as three dealers bid identical prices" on tetracycline capsules to be purchased by New Orleans Charity Hospital, the "competitors" decided the matter by rolling the dice...
...State law prohibits the governor from running for reelection or any other office until a year after his present term expires...
...Pfizer & Company, American Cyanamid Company, Bristol-Myers Company, Upjohn Company, and the Squibb division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation...
...For thus marring a spotless record, Eastland, who is running for reelection, has been attacked by his Republican opponent, Representative Prentiss L. Walker...
...Among Wallace opponents in the Democratic gubernatorial primary are a prominent segregationist, former Governor John M. Patterson, and two moderates, former Representative Carl Elliott, one of the state's leading loyalist Democrats aligned with the national party, and state Attorney General Richmond Flowers...
...I would like to know what the profit is...
...It is a beginning, but not yet enough to take some of the political profit out of race-baiting in Mississippi...
...Kennedy: What...
...The $800 billion that the United States has spent on military requirements since the end of World War II, and the more than a trillion and a half spent by the world as a whole, would have built enough houses, fed enough people, and fabricated enough infrastructures to have assured infinitely more political stability in the developing nations than they now enjoy—even if only a part were expended for useful purposes...
...The new FPC chairman was a member of Senator John F. Kennedy's staff, went to the White House with him in 1961, served on President Johnson's legal staff, which he directed at the time of his nomination to head the regulatory agency...
...White was once a protege of Swidler's, on the staff of the Tennessee Valley Authority in the early 1950s...
...Flowers' bold opposition to Wallace, the Ku Klux Klan, and racism, and the fact that he has been the first politician in modern times to address Alabama Negro audiences, has made him popular among the state's Negroes...
...Our suggestion is that the film be buried permanently... more modern arms and equipment to South Korea and underwrite activation of three reserve divisions...
...One remedy is to have Congress authorize a permanent watchdog committee to insure compliance with its legislation...
...Twenty-five thousand Negroes were registered in the state before passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1964...
...Helpful to what... all cigarettes now sold in this country must bear the warning—"Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health...
...The Alabama daily press has begun to make caustic remarks about Governor Wallace's use of his wife as a tricky device to return himself to power...
...John Conyers Jr., Michigan...
...After our revolution, Washington was urged by a group of his officers to overthrow the republic and install himself as king...
...No doubt the governor, who has said he will do all of his wife's campaigning for her, believes this spurious man-and-wife candidacy will have romantic appeal...
...But in large measure instability is inherent in the situation...
...Affluence does not come quickly for new nations where the per capita income of the vast majority is one or two dollars a week...
...If good sense prevails in Alabama, his gambit can be the boomerang that topples his malign influence in the politics of the Deep South...
...At least it has not cared enough to spend a reasonable share of its income on the design of safer automobiles...
...The Wall Street Journal observed that if the war gets bigger and "goes on and on, the likelihood grows that there may not be any of Vietnam worth anyone's having...
...To stave off such fundamental changes through a Federal law, General Motors has announced that collapsible steering columns to absorb impact, and a dual "fail-safe" braking system will be standard equipment on all its 1967 models...
...The principal bottlenecks have been in voting rights and in the application of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which authorizes the government to cut off Federal funds in any program where there is racial discrimination, but other facets of civil rights need attention, too...
...Official communiques from military headquarters in Saigon refer to "mopping up" the Vietcong, or holding them "in a vice," or "clearing out" a half dozen villages...
...By November there are expected to be at least 100,000 Negroes on the voting lists...
...It might not be a bad idea for one or both of these two moderate candidates to show re-runs of the Svengali-Trilby television performance of the Wallaces at every women's club meeting and coffee-hour in Alabama...
...She began an answer that seemed to indicate she would, when her husband cut in abruptly and said it wouldn't be necessary: he, George, would do it...
...William Fitts Ryan, New York...
...If elected governor, she was asked, "Will you come to the office every day...
...Two of these Senators, Morse and Gruening, also dared risk a torrent of abuse by voting against the $4.8 billion supplemental military authorization for prosecuting the war in Vietnam...
...The Annis-ton Star said that none of the other candidates for governor is "pledged to continue the dramatic gestures of defiance and incessant stirring of the racial cauldron...
...Kennedy: And you spent $1 million on this [safety...
...Revolutionaries like Sukarno or Nkru-mah come to power in a gush of promises of a better life—but they cannot pay off on these promises for a long time even under the best circumstances...
...Roche: I don't think that has anything to do—¦ Kennedy: I think I am entitled to know that figure...
...Even in the 1790's the wrangle between Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians frequently resulted in violence, beatings, smashing of printing presses, and demonstrations...
...Getting help from South Korea is like receiving money from the son you support at college...
...Some Senators who previewed the twenty-minute film thought it should be abandoned as contrary to governmental warnings against cigarette smoking...
...Donner: The one aspect we are talking about is safety...
...For a military victory at the cost of a completely destroyed South Vietnam would be a defeat for our larger purposes...
...Ernest Gruening, Alaska...
...As an Upjohn official mourned in a note to his pricing manager: "Too bad that our boy isn't a better crap shooter...
...White takes over at a most critical time...
...We hope that his efforts will prod a dilatory Department of Justice to proceed more vigorously against the drug price-fixers under existing law, and will lead to enactment of stronger legislation to break up present combines and prevent new ones...
...When the legislature refused to remove this restriction, Wallace decided to enter his wife in the race for governor...
...An historical precedent that comes to mind is the British hiring^ Hessians to fight the Americans during our own revolution...
...Pacification," commented The New York Post, is transformed into "extermination...
...All this adds up to a demeaning, desperate effort by the Administration to buy support from a dependent nation when it is not forthcoming voluntarily from independent allies...
...the only mourner will be the tobacco industry...
...And the United States, it should be recalled, was blessed with a relatively large educated class, and separated from quarreling Europe by a great ocean...
...As Americans moved from village to city in the early Nineteenth Century it cost little in capital investment to create an industrial job, but today the cost is a minimum of $2,500 and may range as high as $150,000 or more...
...Now Senator Russell B. Long, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has disclosed price-fixing operations conducted here and abroad by five U.S...
...The Progressive has been critical of the President in the past for a tendency to use his power of appointment to weaken regulation in the public interest, but in his appointment of White we see an Administration decision to support a strengthened FPC...
...But an analysis of the new program reveals it is little more than a facade to cover the destruction and devastation of the countryside and the relentless killing of the civilian population in the process of flushing out the Vietcong...
...The Louisiana Senator is performing most impressively in exposing the merchants of life and death, as Senator Kefauver tried to do...
...FPC's New Chairman Consumers may find some reassurance in President Johnson's appointment of Lee C. White to the post of chairman of the Federal Power Commission...
...It was more like Svengali and Trilby, with Governor Wallace doing all the talking and restricting his wife, Lurleen, to a few half-completed sentences and mesmerized "Uh-huhs" endorsing his answers to the interviewer's questions...
...There is no mention of the fact that by U.S...
...To continue these policies, the people would have to elect the stand-in for their author, Mr...
...In World of Pleasure, produced for the Department of Agriculture by Warner Brothers at a cost of $160,000, cigarette smoking is depicted as pure lifelong happiness...
...Senator Robert F. Kennedy has wondered aloud "whether more cannot be done to lessen the death and destruction of the innocent...
...Some of the old men and women," reported The Times, "turn their heads and look away if an American or a government soldier passes by...
...There exists today," the Finance Committee chairman and Assistant Majority Leader told the Senate, "one of the worst conspiracies ever foisted upon the American people...
...But that is not an admission to make to the public, and certainly not now when a relatively mild highway-safety program proposed by President Johnson is before Congress...
...But rapacious as the price-fixers are in squeezing every last cent of profit from this market as well as overseas sales, their most heinous offense is the grisly fact that their greed denies hope—and sometimes life itself ¦—to impoverished persons poisoned by infection or disease...
...The Honolulu conference of American and South Vietnamese leaders made a great show of the newest "pacification" program for South Vietnam, stressing village redevelopment plans, and Vice President Hubert Humphrey, on a tour of that battered nation, oozed cheery optimism...
...This callous indifference was nakedly revealed in the following exchange between General Motors Chairman Frederic G. Donner and President James M. Roche, and Senator Robert Kennedy during a Senate subcommittee hearing on automobile safety: Kennedy: What was the profit of General Motors last year [1964...
...This had been called a "dirty" war, a mild adjective indeed for a war in which we maim and kill the families of our allies, and the people we are "liberating" turn their backs on us...
...Meanwhile American Motors experienced a drop in profit from the previous year, but the company deserves this much public recognition—it pioneered dual braking systems, and it has not pressed high horsepower and high speed upon the public to the ruthless degree practiced by the Big Three...
...To prove it the Department of Agriculture, in addition to its program of subsidy and price support which nets the tobacco industry many millions of dollars annually, has had a film produced for audiences overseas designed to promote the sale of cigarettes...
...Part of the reason for creation of the international cartel, he said, was the fear of its members that price deviations overseas "would spread to the United States market...
...The industry's executives were pleased with an Administration statement that its bill would not tell manufacturers how they should design an automobile...
...The only way to cut the price of vital drugs to honest levels is by new laws, swiftly enforced, that will replace price-rigging with genuine competition in the so-called "ethical drug" industry...
...Nor does the film, intended to make profits for our tobacco industry in foreign markets, make mention of a recent warning by John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, repeating the official view of our government that "the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence indicates a strong link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer...
...Donner: In this particular facet we are talking about—¦ Kennedy: If you just give one per cent of your profits, that is $17 million...
...They were: George E. Brown, California...
...Without essential drugs, people die," Senator Long said in an angry passage, "yet those who need them most—poor people sixty-five years and older—are those who can afford them least...
...The facts are that there are only an estimated 22,000 troops of other countries aiding the U.S...
...In part there is an element of legacy to this travail—Britain, for instance, divided Nigeria into three zones, creating troublesome tribal and language divisions, and framing rival political divisions in a federal structure certain to cause future problems...
...A tobacco industry defender, Senator Thruston Morton, Kentucky Republican, called the film "helpful...
...In a Senate speech that attacked the drug makers in terms unmatched since the hearings held in 1959-62 by the late Senator Estes Kefauver, Long charged that for at least twelve years the five companies had "been involved in a worldwide cartel to fix the price" of the wonder drugs "at identical, grossly-inflated, and unconscionably high prices...
...Agriculture officials said distribution of the film is being held up pending intensive review...
...In all of this furor Republican Congressman James D. Martin, an ardent segregationist, is now given better than an even chance to win the office of governor in November and to sweep in many GOP candidates for the legislature and courthouse offices with him...
...That is the substance of a report prepared by the House Judiciary Committee by a special subcommittee headed by Representative Robert Kasten-meier, Wisconsin Democrat, that has been poking around in the Washington bureaucracy since last October in an effort to determine the reasons for the slow progress in civil rights...
...Now the Cabinet at Seoul has voted to send another 20,000 men to Vietnam—which will place about the same number of Koreans in Vietnam as there are American forces in South Korea...
...In the critical time of our Confederation of states, many fighters of the revolution were disillusioned, like Captain Daniel Shays, who led a revolt in Massachusetts in 1786-87 that took months to suppress and raised great fears in the heart of George Washington that the infant nation might be torn apart...
...Men of Courage It took a heaping measure of courage, reflecting a deep commitment to principle, for nine members of Congress—all Democrats—to vote as they did this month on legislation affecting the war in Vietnam...
...Eastland Slips Up In Mississippi politics the unforgivable sin is to falter, even for a moment, in absolute support of the doctrine of white supremacy...
...There seems little hope for winning the allegiance of a people with a traditional rural economy whose homes and very means of livelihood are being destroyed by military action...
...Elected in 1964 when segregationist forces captured Mississippi for Barry Goldwater, Walker claims he is the aggrieved party because reports have been circulated that he had appointed a Negro to the U.S...
...Kennedy: What was the profit of General Motors last year...
...Correspondent Neil Sheehan reported recently from South Vietnam: "Some Americans here wondered whether the resentment and anger caused by the destruction might not thus create as many new Vietcong as the troops have managed to kill...
...What automobile industry officials have said to each other until recently is that "Safety doesn't sell cars...
...Nor would Nigeria have succumbed to the military if Prime Minister Balewa or the regional prime ministers had made any appreciable progress towards improving the life of its fifty-five million people...
...As summarized in the St...
...a steel mill in modern Egypt many millions...
...Cyanamid won the roll and the order...
...There would have been neither pro-Communist nor anti-Communist flareups in Indonesia if its social problems were on the path towards resolution...
...and release soon to Korea $150,000,000 in promised development loan funds...
...American Motors Company, which voluntarily installed dual brakes in 1962, will now add a collapsible steering column...
...Another military faction hinted at the need for military dictatorship...
...Some of the coups—or attempted coups—move the countries involved to the right, such as those in Algeria and Indonesia, others to the left, such as that in Nigeria...
...Five members of the Senate voted against tabling—arid thus against killing—the Morse resolution which would have rescinded the extraordinary grant of war-making power vested in the President in the Gulf of Tonkin resolution adopted by Congress in August, 1964...
...How many jobs could it make for the sixty million who were either totally or partly unemployed...
...It is inconceivable that a small country like Ghana, with only seven million people split into fifty-two largely incompatible tribes, or pygmy nations like Dahomey and Upper Volta, can develop successfully without merging into larger sovereignties...
...Washington observers believe that White will continue the policy of strong regulation of the natural gas and power industries established by his predecessor, Joseph C. Swidler...
...The Times reports, "Inflation has driven the cost of food up more than fifty per cent since the beginning of last year," and "except for emergency rations of bulgar wheat, cooking oil, and a few hundred bolts of cloth" the South Vietnam peasants—the old men, the women, and the children—"have experienced little from the United States and the Saigon government except bombs and bullets...
...Safety Doesn't Sell' General Motors, the world's most profitable corporation—which in 1965 netted $2.1 billion after taxes—has not evidenced much care about the lives and limbs of its customers...
...That may well be the bill's major flaw because the safety of motorists and pedestrians may require such basic changes as improvements in automobile body and chassis strength, and in engineering design...
...Stephen M. Young, Ohio...
...FPC Commissioners David S. Black, a Democrat, and Charles R. Ross, a Republican, have voted together on the consumer side while Carl E. Bagge, a Republican, and Lawrence J. O'Connor Jr., a Democrat, have often voted on the other side...
...The United States could wait a half century after 1776 to build its canals and a century to complete railroads spanning the continent, but Egypt and Ghana and Nigeria and Indonesia must compress the time—if they are to appease popular appetites ¦—and must expend far more capital on infrastructure and other projects...
...Donner: About a billion and a half I think____ Kennedy: . . . You made $1.7 billion last year...
...The New York Times reported that the Vietnam official in charge of the program is worried that President Johnson may call on him to report results at the next Honolulu meeting, scheduled for June, and that he will have nothing much to report...
...Donner: That is correct...
...If the United States, the Soviet Union, and China would stop sending arms to their own favorite factions or nations and would, instead, join together for a truly international program of economic aid and technical help, the struggle upward of the new nations would ease greatly...
...Louis Post-Dispatch, the United States has promised to: "Increase the pay of Korean troops in Vietnam by twenty-five per cent...
...These practices peg the prices of "wonder drugs"—the broad spectrum antibiotics—so high that poverty-stricken sufferers from disease in, say, Venezuela, Japan, or even the United States are, in effect, condemned to die because the cost of a life-saving antibiotic is prohibitive...
...cause in South Vietnam—compared to 220,000 Americans there...
...The competition between white racist politicians to see which one can "out-nigger" his rivals, as the ugly phrase goes, probably will not abate in Mississippi until Negroes constitute a much larger part of the electorate there...

Vol. 30 • April 1966 • No. 4

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