HOME AND EDUCATION TIM home la the real Mat of government, and the Win Men of all nation! bring their gifts to the eradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Cost of...
...Fitz Gerald has three children...
...Good," I said to myself, "but if the common cup is to go, the bubble fountain which is taking its place must be perfected...
...Many women go out and attend to domestic matters who would not leave the house for any other purpose, and the exercise and outside contact is good for them...
...We can judge of prices as judicially by telephone inquiry and by looking at the bill that accompanies the delivery, as we could in person...
...It is said the people of Germany protested against a raise in the price of coffee, by doing without for a short period of time and compelled a syndicate in control of the coffee supply, to unload, and that no attempt has been made since to enhance artificially the price of coffee in Germany...
...Within is a simple piece of jpparatus by which the jet of water is kept always at the same height, no matter what the pressure is...
...It is assumed that ordering household supplies by telephone is due to indolence and leads to extravagance...
...If we should really get in earnest and determine unitedly to do without meat, we might break down the Beef Trust...
...Send for a Circular IF you are interested in the campaign against flies, send for the circulars containing reprints of all the articles which have appeared in La Follette's on the subject...
...Not we all peoples?'" Are not we all just people...
...Women of the Hour Susan Walker Fitz Gerald ON AUGUST 2, 1909, a party of four women, all members of the Boston Equal Suffrage Association for Good Government, left the city for a month's trip by trolley through the state of Massachusetts...
...It is 1 3/4 inches in diameter and 2 1/2 inches high...
...Keith explained, when the need of a jet of safe height is greatest, the water pressure is likely to be lowest owing to the fact that closets and washbasins are in general use...
...Truthfulness requires above everything unbroken determination...
...I will see what Boston is doing to help the good work along...
...I take it for granted that everyone knows what a bubble fountain is—a little upright jet of water which may be received into the mouth without intervention of cup or glass...
...If disappointed in the quality of an article we can make a complaint over the telephone as effective as a personal interview...
...rejoice that at any moment we can communicate with the outside world, and rebel that we cannot for an instant be free from the interruption of its shrill ring...
...Take a leaf of it, spread with butter, as you would a slice of bread, and then sprinkle plentifully with salt...
...Fitz Gerald is however hoping for the best because she says that the child has a voice pre-eminently fitted for an open air speaker and she would dislike to have it lost to the cause, * * * The Cupless Drinking Fountain "NO MORE common drinking cups in public places in Wisconsin, by order of the State Board of Health," was the cheering message that reached me in Bos-ton...
...An occasional visit to the market is all that is needful to furnish appetizing variety...
...They had to give her a nameless introduction lest later, her name known she should be blacklisted...
...It was a little Russian Jew shirtwaist maker who was taken to Boston to tell at Faneuil Hall about the New York strike—a little girl, only fifteen years old, still in short skirts...
...The gulf between the woman of wealth and luxury and the girl in the ghetto who lives on rye bread and oil, has been bridged...
...We recognize its necessity while we resent its intrusion...
...We should recognize these advantages, and give them due weight...
...The constant flow of water, too, over the sloping nickel top assures that neither dust nor germs will collect on it...
...and prices will be maintained at a lower level...
...On arrival at a town, the first task was to see the chief of police and to get a permit for a street meeting and for the distribution of the "rainbow" literature which had been brought on the trip...
...The gulf between the college girl and the immigrant—presupposed to be unlettered but not by any means always so found,—has been bridged...
...Just People GREAT gulfs have been bridged in the two wonderful strikes just won by women in New York and Philadelphia—the strike of the 40,000 and the strike of the 7,000...
...and many nervous little liars need nourishing food and life in the air, not blows.—Ellen Key...
...Like Mrs...
...HINTS TO HOME-MAKERS If spice is mixed with the sugar in making pies and puddings a smaller amount is needed...
...Because women do most of the buying they have a power of which they are, as yet, largely unconscious...
...She told of her arrest: "The judge he say, 'How long you been in this country?' I say, 'Two year.' He say, 'You go workshop [workhouse] five days.' So I go workshop five days...
...The general introduction of the telephone into the home has come so suddenly that we have no rules to guide us as to its correct social or economic use...
...Invalids and others who cannot take vinegar, need not be deprived of lettuce...
...that if women go in person to buy they will get better food at less cost...
...On the other hand, during school hours, the pressure is greatest and much water is likely to be wasted unless some such automatic regulator is used...
...Simple as it is in theory, however, it presents many practical difficulties...
...I believe they should market and shop and "do errands" by the telephone...
...Their plan was to talk suffrage to as large a number of people as possible...
...Prices are fixed not by the producer or retail dealer, but by the combination that stands between and gets the rake off...
...Women today are everywhere reading, thinking, talking, doing, —trying to help, and to understand and solve big questions as never before...
...The cost of living agitation has been of great value in awakening women to a realization of their intimate relation to a great economic question and in arousing the most conservative to a sense of their potential influence in the commercial world...
...Fitz Gerald is a daughter of Admiral Walker and a graduate of Bryn Mawr in the class of 1893...
...I asked at the Institute of Technology and found that one of its graduates, S. C, Keith, Jr., had recently invented a device which seems likely to remove many of the objections which have been made to the bubble fountain...
...Again, the height of the jet or hubble is affected by changing water pressure, sometimes becoming so low that the end of the pipe from which it issues is likely to be touched by the lips or even taken into the mouth...
...The weather being warm they expected to find more people out of doors than indoors and so they decided to hold open air meetings, three a day, in different towns...
...This literature consisted of red, orange, blue, green, pink and yellow handbills, setting forth the reasons why women should be given the ballot...
...One womens "she say, 'I bad worn ens...
...What a convenience, what a nuisance it is, anyway...
...The woman who planned this trip, raised the money for it and carried it out was Mrs...
...This hint comes from a nurse of long experience...
...She came to Boston in 1907 after a notably successful career as truant officer in New York City...
...This is the last word of Democracy.—The Public...
...It requires concentration, accuracy, and definiteness...
...Contrary to the general belief, I think that ordering over the telephone lessens rather than increases the monthly bills...
...sometimes rising so high as to waste water and increase the water tax unnecessarily, Mr...
...The habitual use of the telephone is good training...
...And off I started to find out...
...one at noon, one at five o'clock, and one at seven...
...I do not say that this is Boston's only contribution to the safe-drinking-fountain problem, for my time was gone before I had investigated further, but I do think that Mr...
...I see many womens there...
...This reduces to a minimum the amount of surface with which the lips can come in contact...
...This is extremely important in schools for, at recess time, as Mr...
...Raymond Robins told it on Sunday afternoon to the Chicago Women's Trade Union League...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Cost of Living and the Telephone RUNNING through the discussion of the increased cost of living and the methods of combatting it, we find criticism of women's careless methods in buying, and condemnation of the use of the telephone in ordering household supplies...
...THE buying of household supplies is a business transaction...
...Potter, whose picture we showed last summer, Mrs...
...With practice we may acquire a reliable telephone acquaintance...
...William Noyes in Manual Training Magazine says, "The only way by which the woman of to-day can get rid of those death-dealing plagues of humanity, the typhoid fly and the malaria mosquito, is by the concerted effort of the whole community...
...This is because it does its duty all through the dish and is not left in dark, unsightly masses here and there...
...They are living comfortably perhaps, but they too feel the pinch of the disproportionate cost of living...
...But it is a grave fallacy, which we should not entertain for a moment, that women are contributing to the solution of the problem of higher cost of living, when they go from one place to another trying to get a pound of beef steak, or a spool of thread a cent or two cheaper than the market price...
...It must have a setting and the setting is often elaborate and expensive...
...The only way to meet combination is by concentrated action...
...The top is convex and the jet issues from a hole in the middle of it...
...Believing in setting a good example in municipal housekeeping, the women promised the chief of police in every town to remain after the meeting and gather together any fragments of rainbow that remained It is perhaps one of the best evidences of the present interest in the suffrage movement that the cleaning-up task was everywhere very simple...
...Keith's device is one that can easily be attached to any faucet, thus reducing the expense of installation in old buildings...
...Our grocer knows just as well what we want when we speak to him over the telephone as though we talked face to face...
...you not come near me.' I say, 'What you mean...
...The farmer, grocer, dry goods merchant, and others with whom we deal, are not getting rich selling milk, sugar, and cotton cloth, or receiving exorbitant profits, or building up enormous fortunes...
...She says the two older ones are already keen suffragettes, but the youngest has not yet proclaimed her belief...
...And yet one more profound differentiation has, like a wound, received the healing touch of a sane-minded child...
...It is important that our effort to meet conscientiously our obligation to family and society should not be misdirected...
...Women who are taxed for time should use the telephone, as men use it—to accomplish the most in the best way, with the least expenditure of effort...
...How about the telephone...
...I called on him in his laboratory, 88 Broad St., and saw the fountain in operation...
...The open air meeting plan of 1909 is but one of the means she has adopted for popularizing the suffrage cause...
...S. W. Fitz Gerald, Secretary of the Association...
...The device sells for $5...
...This is the story as Mrs...
...Keith's invention is worthy of trial by school boards and others interested in this vital and timely subject...
...But for women to undertake to lower monopoly-controlled prices by haggling with their local dealers, is to proceed upon an unsound economic as well as ethical basis...
...We adhere to our carefully prepared list and are not tempted by the sight of what is unseasonable and extravagant...
...There is much to be said in favor of personal acquaintance with dealers, and personal inspection of places where things are sold...
...It was estimated that in the month's time, 24,000 people heard the suffrage message by word of mouth and a very much larger number read it in the sympathetic newspaper reports which followed the meetings...
Vol. 2 • February 1910 • No. 8