Pinchot, Gifford
Why Kent Should be Elected By GIFFORD PINCHOT WlLLIAM KENT should be elected to Coneress be-cause he will stand for the welfare of alt his con-stituents rather than for partisan political...
...People need such men to stand for them in the great fight against special privilege and the political bosses...
...Why Kent Should be Elected By GIFFORD PINCHOT WlLLIAM KENT should be elected to Coneress be-cause he will stand for the welfare of alt his con-stituents rather than for partisan political advantage...
...because he is an honest, intelligent and absolutely fearless man who would do what he believes to be right at any cost...
...because the cause of Conservation will be strengthened immeasurably by his election...
...because he is progressive and will stand and work with the Progressive-, who will be in control of the next Congress...
...because he has given more time and thought to the things which really concern public welfare than almost any other man I know...
...because the Nation needs such men in Congress and needs them very badly...
...because he will truly represent his constituents and will work whole-heartedly for them and for the Nation...
Vol. 2 • November 1910 • No. 44