"The Will of the People is the Law of the Land" The Platform of the Republican Paity in Wiscomin THE REPUBLICAN party was organized In advance the cause of human welfare. Its first great mission...
...We favor the creation of a non-partisan tariff commission, empowered to ascertain the cost of production in this and other countries, and required to make frequent reports of the information gained to congress...
...To Conserve Public health WE COMMEND the efforts designed to secure greater efficiency in public health agencies and favor such legislation as will better conserve the lite and health of our citizens...
...The true basis of a protective tariff is the difference between the cost of production at home and abroad, and we hold that any increased cost of product ion, due to higher wages and standard of living" of American labor should be accompanied by compensatory tariff duties...
...To Develop River Truffle WE URGE that the federal government take action imme- diately, to determine the type of craft best adapted for use on our rivers, and the proper method of operating the sauu...
...and to protect public health by sanitary re mi la t ions Experience has abundantly demonsratel the wisdom of all these laws...
...The present tariff board has no power of investigation and is not required to report to congress...
...The enactment and enforcement of wholesome laws require a broad understanding of the principles of good government, The education of the children is one of the most important duties of the state...
...We congratulate our sister states upon the magnificent victories achieved La Follette the Pioneer 11 lb now recognized throughout the country that Robert M La Follette was the pioneer in tins progressive, movement, and although had behind him years of song progressive work, tried and approved in this state, when he entered the United States sanate—he had there neither sympathizers nor flowers...
...Roll Call of Committees WE FAVOR the enactment of state and national laws requiring permanent public records to be made and preserved of appearances of parties and attendance of members at legislative and congressional committee meetings and of all votes of members, and ttiat the roll be called upon all bills, resolutions, and amendments acted upon in such committees...
...Primal* Illniliiitc on Lett is In* ure ANOMINATION for United States sen a! or, under t he primary law passed by toe legislature and adopted by the people, when free from fraud, is the mandate of the party, and is morally binding on its members in the legislature...
...Third, contributions to his personal campaign committee Fourth, contributions to his party campaign committee...
...the amount thereof, from whom received, to whom paid, and ror what purposes...
...Home Rule for Cities SUBJECT only to such restrictions as may be essential to the general welfare of the state as a whole, we favor granting to cities the fullest measure of home rule as well as the initiative, referendum, and recall...
...to reject by their vote any act of the legislature...
...Pledge the "Second Choice" WE PLEDGE an amendment to the primary law which will secure majority nominations by giving the voter the right to name his second choice candidate for each office...
...Government railroads for Maskas THE attempt of private monopoly to steal the Alaskan coal fields was defeated for the tune being through the efforts of a, few courageous officials, whose sacrifice and devotion to duty furnish an example worthy of emulatant on in every department ami rank of the public service...
...particuarly the advancement ot the well-established metnous or controlling and eliminating the cause of diseases known to be preventable...
...Failing to secure the coal fields through perjury and fraud, special intereM- will exploit them through a monopoly of transportation...
...We regard the university as the people's servant, carrying knowledge and assistance to the homes and farms and workshops, and inspiring the youth toward individual achievement and good citizenship...
...BECAUSE of the patriotic service rendered by progressive Republicans in the senate and the house at the last session of Congress, the railroad bill as proposed was changed from a public menace to a public oenefit...
...to protect employees in hazardous occupations...
...We favor the enactment of laws extending this system of taxation to all public service corporations of this state...
...througn their cor t rol of banks, money and credit centered ; n Wall S- re^r are able to control the natural sources of the food, clothing and highways of the nation...
...These very laws that have failed to prevent financial and industrial monopoly have been used to suppress the unions and co-operative efforts of wage earners and farmers in their struggle to protect the value of their labor against moneyed interests, Under the pretense of equal treatment of capital and labor the farmer and the laborer whose capital id their labor and their saving from their labor, have been comperled to pay toll to those whose capital is their political power and their power to withhold money and credit from the commerce and industry of the country...
...Transportation is the ba^is of control...
...to regulate child labor...
...Physical Valuation Urgret...
...We favor the election ot senators by direct vote and urge that congress take immediate action accordingly...
...Hall rent, traveling expenses of speakers, clerical assistance, printing of literature, and distribution thereof by mail or public messenger, and newspaper advertising...
...Public employment should be made model employment...
...Tariff Law Condemned THK PAYNE-ALDRICH tariff is not a compliance with the pledge of the Republican party made m its national platform...
...We urge an amendment to the present law, providing for physical valuation of railroad property, without which the commission is powerless to determine reasonable rates...
...Purty Stands on Achievement WITH a firm conviction of duty well performed, and reaf- firm in m1 a Reg in nee to t he glorious record of the Repub-lican party upon all issues vital to the people, we await with cniiiidence their verdict...
...All campaign literature and advertising should bear the name of the author and of the person causing a publication thereof...
...Whether the corporation is a monopolysuch control as shall punish individually, for abuse of the power, its officials promoters and financiers, intead of innocent investors...
...to promote education and part ic u larl y agricutur a I and industrial t r a i n i n g to provide adequate regulation through the railroad 'commission of rates and service of railroads and public utilities: to conserve the state domain through the forestry commission to regulate insurance...
...Compliance should be compelled by rigorous penalties, including imprisonment and disqualification of the candidate for public office...
...This money power, taking refuge under corporation law, in order to defy or evade the conspiracy laws, has crushed competitors and has built up financial monopolies in the interest of speculators, and against the interest of bona fide investors, producers, wage-earners and farmers...
...Wisconsin is to be congratulated upon having representatives in the senate and the house who remain true to the people and to the nat ional platform of the party, not wit h -standing- the effoit to punish them for so doing' by withdrawal of federal patronage...
...Aoults working under unwholesome conditions and excessive hours require the protection of the law...
...and to remove any recreant or incompetent public official...
...The senate has refused to perm it a vote upon these resolutions...
...And we pledge the hearty support of a Republican administration and a Republican legislature to the maintenance, advancement and more vigorous prosecution of this great worn in the public interest...
...high Cost of Living THE high cost of living in cities compared with the prices received by farmers for their products requires our immediate attention...
...We hold that an American merchant marine cannot be upbuilt by appropriations fron...
...Drainage Law Changes WE FAVOR amendment of our drainage laws, which will simplify and economize proceedings, ensure benefits to the lands drained commensurate with the expense of draining, and protect the tax payers of the county from unjust t a xai ion...
...We favor such labor and factory legislation, such thorough factory inspection, such provision for the health of workers, such enforcement of the truancy laws, and such investigation of tenement house conditions as shall place Wisconsin on a level with the most progressive states or nations...
...We also commend its investigations for the improvement of the relations of men to one another...
...We pledge legislation that shall encourage the earliest and highest development of these resources, while retaining all the rights of the people in them...
...for the ad valorem system of taxing railroads...
...Commend More of Mute Railroad Commission and Dairy and Food Department THE efficient administration of the progressive legislation enacted m Wisconsin, and especially the work of the railroad commission in me regulation of rates and services ot public service corporations, ana of the dairy and food department, m fearlessly safeguarding the public against rraud and adulteration in food products is commended...
...No political activity should be permitted on either primary or general election day...
...Upon the information so obtained, congress should proceed to revise the different schedules independently of each other, according to true protective tariff principles...
...Subordinate boards should be provided to relieve the interstate commerce commission from a portion of its dirties and facilitate the prompt and efficient administration of the law...
...Workingmen's insurance ami Occupational Diseases LOSSES occasioned by bodily injuries in industrial accidents should be borne by the industry in the first instance rather than by the disabled wage-earner or his dependents...
...The total expenditures by or on behalf of any candidate should be limited by law and restricted to the following purposes...
...the legislature of this state empowered the board of control to establish ami maintain a plant for the manufacture of binder twine in the state prison at Waupun arid appropriated $125,000 for this purpose Relieving that the investment of public money already made should be safe-guarded, we favor the immediate completion of this plant and its operation by state convicts in the manufacture of binder twine...
...to remove the pernicious influence of the lobby in legislation...
...we denounce the suppression by special interests in congress of the investigations of the country life commission, and we favor a thorough investigation of the conditions of country and city life, as an aid in bringing the wage-earner and farmer closer together, eliminating the wastes of distribution, promoting co-operative selling, buying, storage and warehousing, co-operative credit and knowledge of co-operative methods, collective bargaining and arbitration between employers and employes, and the encouragement of the ownership of homes by wage-earners and farmers...
...We stand pledged to their faithful administration and to the enactment of such amendments hereto as experience may show to be pander them more To Prevent intensive Use of Money WE ARE opposed to the excessive use of money in political campaigns...
...Direct Klectlon of Senator* ELECTION of United States senators by direct vote has long been demanded by an overwhelming majority of the people...
...Further amend -ments are required...
...Prompt action should be taken to complete our forest reserve as soon as practicable and 10 preserve our forests from destruction by nre...
...Such committees should be required to keep accurate books of account and file sworn statements with the public authority at regular intervals during the progress of the campaign, showing all moneys contributed to and disbursed by it...
...We point to the regulation of public service oorporatn us in Wisconsin during the last five years as conclusive proof that control of monopoly by the people through their government is successful is resonable to investors, and essential to0 public welfare...
...It is an instrument of evil...
...Initiative, Referendum and Recall WE FAVOR giving to the people the power to propose laws and amendments to the constitution and to enact, adopt, or reject the same at the polls...
...We favor such classification of union association monopolies trusts and corporations as shall abolish this presents and shall establish real equality beforethe law...
...State Aid for Highways WE PLEDGE the enactment without further delay of laws for the substantial and permanent improvement of highways under state supervision and state aid...
...Of the increased revenues so received the cost of administration is less than (i per cent uf the amount collected, while approximately 80 per cent, is used to meet, the growing necessities of t he educational, charitable and penal institutions of the state 1 Hiring the same period the administrative duties of five of (he largest slate departments have more than doubled according to official data, while the increased annual expenses of all t hese departments has been less l ban 2 per cent...
...The magnitude of the problems involved render it impossible for the members of the interstate commerce commission to perform their duties with justice and dispatch...
...Postal Hanks for the People THE postal savings bank law should tie amended to compel the establishment of postal savings depositories throughout the country within easy reach of the depositors, and to prevent the concentration of the postal savings in the large centers and their use in financial manipulations by the groat corporation and banking- interests of Wall Street, Protect Farmers anil WaRe-earner* from Exploitation THE operation of federal and state anti-trust and conspiracy laws has been productive of flagrant inequalities...
...It debauches manhood and corrupts the electorate...
...The people of Wisconsin believe the results secured promise opportunity tor greater achievement and they have by an unprecedented majority, expressed their faith in his vision and statesmanshipand ap-proved his re-election to the United States senate...
...Activity of Special Interests Condemned WE CONDEMN the pernicious activity in the recent primary campaign of special interests, including certain brewery corporations acting in combination, insurance agencies and the binder twine trust, which sought to control the nomination of ranoidate for public office through misrepresentation as to the true issues...
...Its first great mission was the abolition of slavery...
...We commend the economical administration of state business which has been conducted under recent Republican administration-, and pledge the party to it.-, continuance To Complete Prison Hinder Twine Plant IN THE year l!)n...
...We pledge immediate enactment of employers' liability laws, so trained as to meet the requirements of present conditions, and to the immediate creation of a system of workmen's compensation...
...The title to the coal fields of Alaska should be forever retained by the government subject to lease under proper regulation...
...Later special privilege began to encroach upon common right ami to dominate public affairs Through the agency of the Republican party representative government now being restored the people Progressive Republicans are winning victories from coast to coast...
...It is the weapon of special interests...
...The Republican party pledges such legislation as may" be needed to insure such improvement of our educational system as will secure to every child the opportunity to obtain a liberal and practical education...
...Improve State Education THE progress and permanency of Repuolican Institutions de-pend upon the intelligence of the people...
...Pledge Freedom at State University WE ARE proud of the high eminence attained by our state university...
...We pledge legislation embodying these principles...
...Except for these purposes no money should be expended or disbursed by any person to nominate or elect any candidate for office unless by and through a publicly registered campaign committee to be appointed by the candidate himself, or through the regular committee of his party...
...We commend its research work, fllustrated by what has been accomplished in agricultural and dairy affairs, conserving our natural resources which have effected a saving of millions of dollars annually to the people of our state...
...YI'incoukIii'm Progress to (on tin tie WISCONSIN stands in the forefront of states by reason of the progressive legislation enacted under Republican administration during the last ten years, including laws for d irect nom i nat inns ; for an tin trammeled vote a t the elec -tion...
...the tax-contributed treasury of the people for the enrichment of a special interest...
...Economical Administration Commended THE cretation of Mate commissions has been necessary in secure hetter railway service and a.n equitable adjustment of the tax burdens of the state...
...We favor a thorough investigation of the subject of occupational diseases, with a view to the early enactment of suitable legislation Effective Labor Legislation EXCESSIVE hours of labor of children and women are a menace to the health, intelligence and industry of the state...
...We recognize that its service to the state, through investigations in agriculture, industry and social institutions, depends upon its freedom to find the truth and make it known, and we pledge the Republican party to the policy of academic freedom so well expressed by the board of regents in 1894, when they declared: "Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere, we believe that the great state university of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless Sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found...
...The house of representatives nas five times, the last time by unanimous vote, adopted and t ransm it ted to the senate a resolution proposing a cons ti tut ional amendment to that end...
...where farmers and wage earners unable to resort to coration or partnership law are nevertheles compleled to organized in order to protect the value of their labor we favorthe most complete liberty of organization under suitable laws promoting publicityu, collective bargaining trade agreements and voluntary arbitaration...
...and operate the railroads, docks, and steamship lines necessary to the opening up of the Alaskan coal fields and other natural resources...
...Which the the courage ability and determination that has characterized all his public service he adhered to his course grew into leadership, and now holds a posit ion of undisputed power and influence in the nation...
...Through such commissions over £ 1,800,0011 is now annually collected in railway laxe.-more than was paid ten years ago...
...It is the key to this vast territory of treasure...
...Water Powers and Conservation WE are unalterably opposed to the surrender to the states by the federal government of its control over water-power sites still a part of the national domain...
...We attribute its advancement both to the able and courageous guidance of its president and faculty and to the progressive and enlightened character of the citizenship that sustains it...
...to prevent adulteration in foods...
...The situation of Alaska is exceptional...
...Ad Valorem Tax for Public Utillties THE ad valorem system of taxation of public service corpurations has demons!rated the wisdom and fairness of that system...
...The conservation of the natural resources of soil, forest, mines and water power and the settlement of the uncultivated lands suitable for agriculture, are the foundations of the prosperity of the state...
...Fur many decades it was the faithful servant of the people, and through its wise administration brought happiness and prosperity to all...
...Within thirty days after every primary and general election a complete statement, in detail, of all financial transactions of such committees should be filed in like manner...
...it serves a bad cause and embarrasses every good one publication the state of a law which wil1 authorize the publication by the state of necessary information concerning elections of candidate in al1 primary and general No candidate for office should disburse money for the purpose of promoting his nomination for election, except: First, for his own personal traveling expenses Second, payments required to be made to the state for information publishea...
...Where monopoly is inevitable we favor complete regulation by government But we are opposed to any change in the law against trust and monopolies excepets as herin stated untill the people have regained control of government and have been able to assert complete control over all quection of monopoly and corporation law...
...A general law should be passed outlining a comprehensive plan for the development and operation of water-power plants and providing proper restrictions under which water-power rrancmses may be obtained, to the end that all persons holding water-power rights may be made subject to the same general law...
...and we pledge submission as early as possible of constitutional amendments providing for the vesting of such powers in the people under the initiative and referendum and the recall...
...to the etui that the future improvement of rivers shall conform to and harmonize with such method of opera-tion...
...Follette, having fairly and honestly received the Republican nomination for United States senator at the recent primary, we pledge the Republican members of the legislature to vote for him at the next session for United States senator to succeed himself...
...As exceptional conditions in Panama required the government of the United States to own and operate a railroad on the Isthmus in order to protect its interests and the interests of shippers, so we hold that exceptional conditions in Alaska require that the federal government should construct, own...
...Progressive Congressmen Commended WE EN'DORiiK and commend the services of progress] ve Republicans from Wisconsin in the house of representatives who consistently fought to fulfill t he promises of the Republican party and their efforts to amend the rules in order that the house may again become a representative body...
...Against Ship Subsidies WE A RE unequivocally op nosed to the granting of shipping subsidies by the federal government, in the form of ocean mail subvention or otherwise...
...Income Tax, State and National WE FAVOR the immediate passage of a graduated income tax law, with reasonable exemptions, and the ratification of the proposed amendment to the federal constitution permitting a national income tax...
...Honorable Robert m, La...
...Private monopoly should be controlled by the leasing of water-power on limited permits subject to regulation, valuation ana reasonable compensation...
...The laws have been circumvented by the most dangerous and powerful of monopolies and trusts, wnich...
Vol. 2 • October 1910 • No. 40