News Worth Remembering PRESIDENT Taft's letter of August 28 to the Republican congressional committee, which is to be published in the campaign text book of the party is a defense of his...

...Roosevelt's political utterances thus far is his repeated assurance that he means to fight for "his pellcies...
...The letter is conciliatory in tone and by the Congressional campaign committee is expected to bring harmony within the ranks of the party...
...About 60,000...
...If I make any distinction, it is that it is a little more my business to hunt out of public life a crook who claims to belong to my party than if he claims to belong to another.'' "I shall insist upon honesty if it breaks up the best business of the land, and shall insist upon order under all circumstances...
...Sherman's progressive foe, State Senator Davenport, who has consistently supported Governor Hughes...
...At Utica, also, Mr...
...His position was defined in the words: "Too much, in the past, it has been the habit of our country to let any man do what he wanted, without regard to other men...
...Cannon Democrats Defeated Whatever doubts may have remained in the minds of "regular" leaders after Kansas, Iowa and California had expressed their opinion of Cannon and Cannonism, must have disappeared last week when they read the dispatches from Atlanta, Georgia, announcing that Democratic Congressmen Livingston and Howard, in point of service the eldest members of the Georgia delegation, had been defeated for renomination upon the ground that they had supported Cannon and the Cannon rules of the House last December when a fight was on for re-form in the lower branch of the national legislature...
...He delivered a number of speeches from the platform of his nil-way coach, inveighing against corruption in high and low places, among the rich and the poor alike...
...Roosevelt did not touch upon politics, but confined himself to a review of the history of the West and a discussion of the problems of its future...
...Wherever a stop was made he was recognized and greeted enthusiastically by immense throngs of people...
...Roosevelt delivered his first speech on the trip which is to take him into every part of the country...
...He believes that it will enable Congress to revise the tariff, schedule by schedule, on the basis of figures showing the actual difference in the cost of production here and abroad...
...News Worth Remembering PRESIDENT Taft's letter of August 28 to the Republican congressional committee, which is to be published in the campaign text book of the party is a defense of his administration and of the work of Congress since Roosevelt left the White House...
...A notable feature of almost all of Mr...
...Several years ago Sibley was retired from Congress after an exposure of the intimacy between himself, the supposed servitor of the people, and Standard Oil, the greatest of trusts...
...Labor Suspects "Jokers" Labor men of Chicago and Illinois refuse to endorse the work of the commission appointed by the state legislature to draft an employers' liability and workmens' compensation act...
...Legislation dealing with the limitation of the use of injunctions, conservation, the establishment of a bureau of health, the creation of ship subsidies, and establishment of a basis for the compensation of workingmen injured in the course of duty, is put forth as part of the legislative program for the next session of Congress...
...Roosevelt before selecting him to sound the keynote...
...Roosevelt for Clean Politics At Utica, New York, Vice President Sherman's home town, Mr...
...It is not known what the outcome will be, but the cloakmakers seem determined and the manufacturers are suffering immense financial loss...
...Payne Law Produces Revenue The President declares the charge that the present tariff is responsible for the increase in the prices of necessities is "demonstrably" false...
...Court Condemns Union The striking cloakmakers of New York City, 70,000 in number, have refused to go back to work on the basis of a compromise agreement offered by the manufacturers...
...Mayor Gaynor, although still very weak from the effects of his bullet wound was sufficiently recovered on August 28 to bear removal from the hospital to his country place on Long Island...
...Many of the smaller manufacturers have already accepted the terms of the unions, and in these factories employees have resumed work...
...The charge is made that the laws proposed are loosely framed and may contain jokers placed there by those business interests which have little regard for the well-being of their employees...
...We have got to that state when we must consider the interests cf all...
...The announcement of his withdrawal followed the issuance of a warrant for his arrest on a charge of "conspiracy to bribe and debauch voters of Warren county...
...The Republican party is referred to as "the party of construction and progress" and the Democratic party termed one of "obstruction and negation...
...The President regards the provision in the bill creating a tariff board as a definite step forward...
...He sought the nomination this year as a "vindication...
...I hold that the only way in which a politician can really serve his party is by helping that party efficiently to serve the people...
...A Condl.atory Letter Throughout the letter, Republicans are frequently urged to forget factional differences and to unite in support of the party candidate...
...Sibley in Hot Water On August 27, Joseph C. Sibley, Republican candidate for Congress in the 28th Pennsylvania district announced that he would withdraw from the race for Congress on account of "ill health...
...Taft Denies As»i*ting "Old Guard" The reports that President Taft had assisted New York machine leaders who defeated Theodore Roosevelt for the temporary chairmanship of the New York State Republican convention, and who elevated Vice President Sherman to that post, were quieted on August 22 when the President in a letter written to Lloyd M, Griscom, president of the New York county committee, denied that he knew of the plan and stated that he had advised members cf the committee to have a conference with Mr...
...The commission found that the rates were in many cases not only excessive but also discriminatory, that the companies had piled up incredibly large pr&fits through excessive charges and that "competition" between them was a farce...
...Responsibility for the deaths and the monetary loss was placed by Gifford Pinchot unon Senators E^yburn and Carter and Representative Mondell, and others who in opposing the former Chief Forester's conservation policy succeeded in cutting down the forestry appropriation, rendering it impossible to properly police and patrol the forests...
...Sibley secured the nomination after a campaign in which he spent over $42,-OGO, or practically $5 for every vote which he received...
...When, on August 25, the great forest fires in Idaho, Washington and Oregon seemed to be partially under control, it was found that 203 people had met their death as the result of the flames' sweep...
...strikers paraded the streets carrying banners and American flags...
...Nationwide Primary Proposed A dispatch from Des Moines, Iowa, on August 24, stated that Senator Cummins would propose a law at the December session of Congress, providing for the nomination of candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency at nationwide primary elections...
...In this connection he points to the fact that it has turned a deficit of $58,000,000 into a surplus of $26,000,000 in a little over a year's time...
...News Notes The Illinois railroad and warehouse commission on August 27 issued a sweeping order materially reducing practically all of the express rates charged by companies operating within the state...
...He praises the new corporation tax...
...He gives high praise to the new railway regulation provisions of the interstate commerce law, declares that the postal banks measure marks an epoch, and commends other laws enacted at the last session of Congress...
...Roosevelt expressed himself as follows: "The only kind of politics I care for is the kind of politics in which decency is combined with efficiency...
...His opinion of the Vice President was clearly expressed by a hearty endorsement, from the platform, of Mr...
...The compromise conceded practically every one ©f the employees' demands except that for a "closed shop...
...The decision condemns the unions, which, Justice Goff says, "have connived at and morally supported" criminal acts of violence on the part of many of their members...
...Roosevelt spent a few hours in Chicago on the night of the 25th and then resumed his journey westward...
...In Iowa he made a number of speeches and was greeted by crowds which wildly cheered for "Roosevelt in 19121" In his speech at the frontier celebration in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on August 27, Mr...
...The State Supreme Court's decision on August 27 that the strike is a conspiracy in restraint of trade and therefore illegal caused parades of protest all over the east side that night...
...He expects that the commission soon will be able to supply data on certain schedules that have been most attacked and which may need revision...
...He says that while there may be difference of opinion as to other features of the Payne law, it cannot be denied that from a revenue standpoint it has been most effective...
...I believe in party government, but the moment a question of honesty is involved, I recognize no party distinction...
...The decision aroused intense feeling among the strikers and labor leaders of the whole country...
...That the President devotes a large part of the letter to a defense of the Payne tariff law is unmistakable evidence that he and his advisers realize that that measure is not popularly regarded as "the best ever...
...He believes that while some of the criticisms of the tariff schedules are just, some are wide of the mark and most unjust...
...The President also refers to the plans made for introducing business methods into government work and expresses the belief that many millions will be saved through such a reorganization of the government's departments and bureaus...
...It seems evident to those who have heard him that he intends to continue his political and public activities...
...Roosevelt travelled through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana on August 25...
...The timber and other property loss mounts into the tens of millions and is incalculable...
...The remainder of his address was devoted to a discussion of present-day agricultural economic conditions and problems...
...Sibley was shown to be an agent of the great corporation...

Vol. 2 • September 1910 • No. 35

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