Robinson, Edgar E.
Wisconsin's Showing in the Last Congress Record of Members in the House of Representatives By EDGAR E. ROBINSON WISCONSIN has eleven representatives in the present Congress, ten Republicans and...
...I believe in political parties...
...Gentlemen will remember that the Speaker came down on the floor a little less than a year ago, while the tariff debate was on—and branded me as a demagogue...
...It is their duty to oppose us...
...The adoption of the pending proposition (Norris Amendment) will do much to insure a Republican majority in the next Congress...
...Instead of greater party solidarity, there must be greater individual responsibility...
...There are some subjects which have no business in a "party caucus" In discussing the amendment to the Rules, March 17, 1910, Representative J. M. Nelson of the 2nd District said: "The gentleman appealed to the spirit of party...
...two Republicans supported the organization...
...In reality it was a renewal of the Rules Fight, although not entirely understood at the time...
...The votes here given constitute their record...
...A white square indicates that no vote was cast...
...The Speaker's power under these rules...
...On this vote the machine was beaten...
...Lenroot to substitute the Senate Railroad Bill instead of sending the bill to conference...
...The Wisconsin Creed THE creed of a Wisconsin Progressive,—as it touches the question of party measures and party solidarity—may be well remembered in the following from the lips of Representative Lenroot in debating the Railroad Bill, April 19, 1910...
...One Republican still stood by Cannonism and two members were absent as before...
...Only one Wisconsin representative voted with this bi-partisan alliance to save Cannonism...
...The Senate Bill, well revised by the Senate Progressives, seemed vastly more desirable than a bill that might come, from a Conference Committee appointed by the ruling powers in the two Houses...
...A dotted square indicates a vote cast with the Republican organization of the House, A circle in square indicates a Democratic vote...
...Simply because I did not agree with him that there ought to be a high tariff on Standard Oil...
...No other state can boast of so large a Progressive element...
...Members of the Wisconsin delegation have led in the vital discussions of the past session...
...Vote II shows the close of this rules fight of March 15, 1909, and we find the same alignment on the motion to adopt the Fitzgerald resolution,—a makeshift which the Cannon organization accepted in its alliance with a few Democrats to save the machine...
...But I am not so illogical as to say that because Lincoln freed the slaves and Grant fought great battles and received the surrender of his heroic adversary under the tree at Appomatox, that therefore the Speaker ought to have the power to appoint all the committees of the House...
...It gives the votes of each member on the more important roll-calls of this Congress...
...And because after years of experience, some of us think these rules ought to be amended in the interest of pure legislation, in the interest of all the people, in the interest of the individual Representative, are we to be driven out of the Republican party...
...We should remember that the Republican party is not confined to the walls of the Capitol...
...Some may say I have advocated destruction of political parties...
...Reading across from left to right the reader may trace the record of the Delegation on any vote taken...
...Upon any matter of principle when there is a distinct cleavage between the parties, it is my duty to oppose my Democratic brethren, for that was for one of the purposes I was elected...
...Naturally there are varying degrees, as men differ as to methods, but the conclusion of this tabulation is obvious...
...What has been their activity...
...In debating the Norris resolution, Representative Cooper of the 1st District said: "The gentleman appealed to party spirit...
...Wisconsin's Showing in the Last Congress Record of Members in the House of Representatives By EDGAR E. ROBINSON WISCONSIN has eleven representatives in the present Congress, ten Republicans and one Democrat...
...Judging by their votes, eight are Progressives, one is a Stand-pat Cannonite, one has been absent on three vital roll-calls but has otherwise voted with the Machine, and one is a Democrat in absentia...
...These matters are of local importance and well known to any to whom they may be of interest...
...Seven rell-calls have been taken as important...
...Reading up and down the reader may trace the record of each representative for the entire Congress...
...Speaker, much has been said of the disruption in the Republican party, and the peril it is in at the present moment...
...Vote VI is on the motion of Mr...
...Vote V is on the Norris amendment to the Rules of the House—well understood by readers of La Follette's...
...six Wisconsin Republicans saw fit to vote in favor of the amendment, fearing to lose the entire bill otherwise...
...The gentleman from New York had a great deal to say about party, party, party, as if anyone who undertook rationally and candidly to discuss the question of the formation of rules was to be branded as a traitor to his...
...This is not a record of their activities in favor of pension claims or private bills of any nature...
...He and his chief lieutenants,—a small minority within the majority—call themselves the party and then pass the word on to the rank and file of Republican membership to line up or be punished...
...no constituencies have more virile leaders to return to the 62nd Congress, or fewer discredited representatives to replace with men nearer to the heart of the people...
...I deny it...
...Why should the subject of rules he a party matter...
...My Republicanism dates back to Abraham Lincoln...
...On Vote IV, five Wisconsin Republicans favored this motion, four maintained the Speaker's right to appoint, one was absent, as was the Democrat...
...That has been the shibboleth, that has been the club, by which some of the gentlemen who have run the machine here * * * have tried to brow beat men into following their wishes...
...But when the political parties have done that, and their representatives appear at the door of the Capitol, the political parties should stay outside...
...Their own words given in debate are the best defense of that record...
...This maneuver of the machine was completely exposed in La Follette's of July 9. Four Wisconsin Republicans opposed the "gag...
...What is the controlling force...
...Instead of this being a government by political parties, it ought to be, and I believe it will be, a government by men...
...The House machine is not the Republican party...
...I believe that political parties should declare their principles, select their men and offer them to the voters...
...On this vote eight Wisconsin Republicans supported the motion...
...All the Republican members are seeking re-election this fall...
...This paper deals rather with the record of each representative on matters of national importance as shown by votes, speeches and activity given in the Congressional Record of the daily proceedings in the House of Representatives...
...But in all other cases where no party principle is involved duty to country demands that we work with and not against each other...
...The first important vote of national significance in the second session came on January 7, 1910, when a motion was made that, instead of'having Speaker Cannon appoint the members of the Ballinger investigating committee, the House select its own members...
...Speaker, in discussing the rules of the House of Representatives which are to govern us in our deliberations as national legislators, it is not right to attempt to rouse the spirit of party...
...I do not believe that there should be absolutely a government by political parties, and so believing, I cannot join with others in conceding the supreme importance of party solidarity...
...Vote I, on the motion to adopt the old rules of the 60th Congress, shows eight Wisconsin Republicans and one Democrat voting against this extreme type of Cannonism, one Republican absent, and one Wisconsin representative standing by the machine...
...Party Principles...
...Ostrogorski, the Russian, who came here from where they have a despotism, expressed his well nigh indescribable surprise that there should be centered in the Speaker of the House of Representatives the power to appoint all the committees of the House, the chairmen of those committees, the sole power of recognition, and, in addition to all this, the power to himself preside as chairman of the most powerful Cammittee on Rules...
...It was a government by people, not parties, that Lincoln prayed should never perish from the earth...
...But far more important,—in the struggle to free the House from Cannonism,—the Wisconsin delegation presented almost a solid front...
...Reference may be made at once to the tabulation at the head of this page...
...The record of the Wisconsin delegation has been decidedly one of achievement...
...And today on the floor of this house he spoke of this house consisting of Republicans, Democrats and Populists...
...At what convention did the Republican party adopt the present rules of the House...
...A shaded square indicates a "Progressive" vote...
...On March 19, 1910, Congressman Lenroot from the 11th District said in debate: . "Mr...
...We should remember that the success of the Republican party does not depend upon its so-called leaders, * * * but upon the rank and file of the Republican party and they desire that this body be made a representative body...
...Vote VII is on the "Postal Gag," a resolution offered by Dal-zell of Pennsylvania, which cut off all amendments and limited debate on the Postal Savings Bank Bill...
...I appeal to the spirit of country...
...Vote III gives the record on the passage of the Payne Tariff Bill—July 31, 1909,—and gives the last roll call of the extra session...
...I believe in party organization...
...Pension bills introduced by these members have been passed, and some appropriations for public buildings have been secured...
...The Speaker says that he represents the majority, but how...
...Nor is it a tabulation of the appropriations secured by such representatives for public works in their districts...
...We are no less Republicans because we would be free members of Congress...
...Eight Wisconsin Republicans voted as they had voted on March 15, just a year previous...
...Party lines upon legislation not involving matters of principle between parties is a curse and not a blessing...
...Mostly Progressive TAKEN as a whole the Wisconsin Delegation is "Progressive...
Vol. 2 • August 1910 • No. 31