News Worth Remembering SPEAKER CANNON'S declaration, at Emporia, Kansas, on July 18, that he may again be a candidate for the Speakership, is regarded by Republican and Democratic leaders alike as...
...Investigations will be made into safety appliances and new methods of work...
...The fact that Morgan interests financed the organization is taken to indicate the intention of J. P. Morgan to Vrustify" the automobile industry...
...income and inheritance taxes...
...During the year 8,722 persons were killed and 95,626 were injured* Of those killed 253 were passengers as were 10,311 of the injured...
...This declaration will make it necessary for regular statesmen seeking reelection to come out in the open and plainly say whether or not they will vote for Cannon for Speaker...
...The strikers are confident of victory, while railroad officials claim that they will soon be able to handle both passenger and freight trains without delay...
...321,071,626, equivalent to 6.53 per cent., was paid en outstanding stock drawing dividends...
...A school taken in Chicago shows a condition among the wealthier classes of the city that has been termed "race suicide...
...Furthermore, he declared: "You ask whether I want to be Speaker of the House of Representatives longer than eight years...
...News Notes Some time ago, a non-partisan meeting was held in Peoria, Illinois, for the purpose of affecting an organization to combat the state machines of the two leading parties...
...The Commission will hold the proposed new schedules and pass upon their reasonableness...
...Roosevelt Endorses Nephew's Candidacy Ex-Presidtnt Roosevelt on July 18 gave out his first formal political statement since returning from abroad...
...for renomination...
...The second Chicago jury to undertake an investigation of the operations of the alleged "meat trust" has begun the taking of testimony...
...News Worth Remembering SPEAKER CANNON'S declaration, at Emporia, Kansas, on July 18, that he may again be a candidate for the Speakership, is regarded by Republican and Democratic leaders alike as a very serious blow to the Republican party...
...While operating revenues increased materially, the decrease in operating expenses was much more marked...
...Roosevelt announced that he would speak for his nephew if he secured the nomination, and declared that their views on public questions coincided...
...the problem of unemployment...
...Cannon's tour, declaring that he had made many votes for the cause which he opposed...
...Their wages aggregated nearly a billion dollars— $988,323,694, to be exact...
...Trunk Strike Called Conductors and trainmen of the Grand Trunk and connecting subsidiary railroads, to the number of 16,000, went out on a strike, after failing to reach an agreement with officials of the road in regard to an increase of wages...
...Assistance will be available at these stations in cases of disaster...
...the abolition of privilege and monopoly...
...the reduction of the hours of labor...
...The few census figures given out thus far indicate that whatever gain in population may have been made during the last decade, occurred in the towns and larger cities of the country...
...Pennsy Strike Averted On July 18 representatives of the trainmen of the Pennsylvania railroad signed an agreement with the road, and the possibility of a strike involving 15,000 men was averted...
...a constructive program for recreation...
...Among the subjects suggested for consideration and study are: The fair distribution of the products of labor...
...Railroad managers of the countij after a conference with the Interstate Commerce Commissioners have withdrawn all recent increases in freight rates between the Atlantic Ocean and the Rocky Mountains...
...On 35.99 per cent, of the total outstanding capital stock, no dividends were paid...
...Such an answer will no longer satisfy constituents who know that the issues of Cannon and Cannonism must be met at the next session...
...Many, when asked heretofore as to their attitude on this question, have replied that in all probability the representative from Illinois would not again be a candidate for the Speakership...
...Paul on September 5, Governor's Day...
...For the fourth time the Sagamore Sociological Conference assembled and discussed such problems as the regulation of the liquor traffic, the education and future of the negro of the South, child labor, poverty, woman's suffrage, and labor conditions in this country...
...Thirteen automobile companies have been affiliated under one general holding company and it is rumored that further acquisition is soon to occur...
...Leading Democrats from all parts of the state met to devise plans whereby their party may be purged of corrupt members...
...working men's compensation for injury to life and health in industry...
...During the year ending June 30, 1909, railroad growth was substantial in every branch—in the amount of freight and the number of passengers carried, and the amount of new mileage built and equipment added...
...Many rural communities seem to have gained little numerically and others ?how a loss of population...
...An offer by Canada's Minister of Labor to assist in arbitrating the differences was accepted by the strike leaders with certain provisos, —but rejected by railroad officials who said that arbitration had been offered once and that the time for it had passed...
...Cannon to announce that he would not again be a candidate for the Speakership, or, if he would not do that, to make no statement during the campaign which could be regarded as an announcement of his candidacy...
...The Progressive Republicans of Kansas also expressed satisfaction at the result of Mr...
...A meeting of a somewhat similar nature was held in Lincoln, Illinois, on July 20...
...Announcement is made that the bureau of mines created by the last session of Congress will soon create nine new "rescue stations" in mining regions...
...The railroads realized that the commission would find it necessary to suspend the enormous number of new rates for many months and agreed to withdraw them temporarily in order to lighten the Commission's task...
...Men and women widely known for practical work in settlements, and through economic and sociological organizations were heard, and from the free discussion that took place at the sessions, new ideas were gained for the solution of modern problems...
...marriage and divorce laws, abolition of the saloon evil...
...Railroads Grow Steadily Discussion and controversy during the last session of Congress over railroad regulation and the recent general advances in rates made by most of the eastern, western and transcontinental lines, serve to make of especial interest the statistics contained in an abstract of the annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, given to the press on July 18...
...The Democratic members of the legislature who voted for Senator Lorimer were denounced in the resolutions adopted...
...Last week the "Progressive Republican League of Ramsey County, Minnesota," was formed...
...the abolition of the exploitation of child labor...
...special attention to the education of immigrants...
...Social Problems Discussed A meeting indicative of the moral and ethical awakening of the nation took place at Sagamore Beach, Mass., on June 28, 29, and 30...
...1,502,823 persons were employed by the railroads, an increase of over 66,000...
...and the bringing together through common interests, of people of different races and religions...
...The proceedings and even the names of the witnesses are kept from the press...
...That a study of the problems confronting a democracy must be made, was the opinion of the conference, and in this connection it suggested investigation of direct legislation and the referendum and recall...
...Four such stations are already open, and these will be better equipped...
...Minnesota Progressives Organize Progressive Republicans of the western coast and of the Middle West are r?.pidly organizing in an effort to secure to the pctple real representation at the national capital, and to oppose the reelection of Congressmen who have served the Interests...
...Before Congress adjourned in July, Vice-President Sherman and other regulars appealed to Mr...
...In a reply to Speaker Cannon's speeches, Representative Victor Murdock coined a new word to classify Speaker Cannon and his followers—"standstillers...
...Plans were made to drive the "bosses" of the state from power and the voters of the state were urged to awake and take action for the common good...
...He endorsed his nephew, Theodore Robinson, progressive candidate for Congress in the 27th New York district...
...the establishment of minimum wage boards...
...Cannon refused to pledge himself to either course...
...Congressmen Nye and Stevens were condemned on their Congressional records...
...Of more interest, perhaps, to the general reader and workingman of the country, is the report oi the number of casualties...
...the abolition, by taxation, of the monopoly in land...
...It is one of a number of similar organizations formed in Minnesota recently through the efforts of Progressive Republican leaders...
...The man shot was not on strike, it is reported, but was attempting to ascertain the amount of damage done by the mob, which, it is stated, was not composed of the strikers themselves...
...A vigorous protest was made against the continuance in office of Senator E. E. Smith, chairman of the Republican state central commit-, tee, because of his alleged friendship for public service corporations and other interests desiring special privileges...
...The conference ended with the adoption of a platform which points out the duty devolving on religious organizations —the churches of the country—to help better the condition of labor and to promote the welfare of all, facing the facts fearlessly and taking a prominent part in the solution of sociological questions of the day...
...On July 24 a car inspector of the Grand Trunk at South Bend, Indiana, was shot and probably fatally injured by a railroad guard attempting to restrain a mob of strike sympathizers which had burned several loaded freight cars...
...President Taft will be invited to open the national conservation congress in St...
...The strike affects 5,000 miles of track...
...An international organization for the maintenance of peace and justice between nations was suggested as a movement of great importance...
...Both sides claim the victory in the result of the negotiations...
...I have been Speaker that long because my friends thought I could be most useful as a member of Congress in that po-f sition, and as long as God lets me live the muckraking periodicals and the so-called independent or progressive Republicans shall not make me say that I will not be a candidate for Speaker...
...public ownership of public utilities...
...compulsory insurance against illness, unemployment, old age, and death...
...the maintenance of free press, speech and assemblage...
...President Roosevelt will address the delegates on the next day and during the remaining days of the meeting, Louis R. Glavis, James R. Garfield, Gifford Pinchot, Senator Beveridge and others will speak...
...The officials of the road were willing to give an advance, but would not meet the employees' demands...
...Although there is a decrease in the number of killed or injured, and safety appliances have been added on all lines, the tota| number of casualties is still appalling...
...They will be oppose...
...Speaker Cannon at the conclusion of his Kansas tour expressed himself as well pleased with the "state of mind" of the voters and stated that he believed the men for whom he campaigned would be reelected...
...It adopted a platform strongly denouncing the Payne tariff law, favoring an income tax, a primary law applying to all state offices, and other progressive measures...
...the conservation of natural and social resources, and the enfranchisement of women...
...At Emporia he denied the charges of "Czarism" that have been made against him, declared that he was the "scapegoat" of the muckraking magazines and press, and announced that if reelected by his constituency he would attend the Republican caucus, if his party is given a majority, and will vote in the House for the man chosen by the caucus...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 30