Hunt, Caroline L. & Follette, Belle Case La
HOME AND EDUCATION The home is the real sent of government, and the Wise Men of all mitioos bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The...
...The curd should be smooth...
...Stevens spoke, if some one could not write a text-book on Art for the rural schools, taking the illustrations from the great abundance of naturaJ material in the country whose beauty is too often destroyed, or at least unappreciated, and teaching in some way that types of architecture which are suited to the city are not necessarily suited to the country...
...La Follette gave him the cue and led him on...
...Of the High School pupils in the rural districts of the state only 2.5 per cent, go to college and yet the text-books for these schools are as lacking in references to farm interests as thase in the lower grades...
...I just coaxed him a little and threatened him a little—just enough so he would feel he must make it...
...Just before we reached our station, as the conductor came by, he took from his pocket a letter which he gave Mr...
...The payment of fines on the installment plan under a sort of probation system, as is now done in Massachusetts and New York is a wise and practical measure which other states might well adopt...
...In the course of these labors it occurred to him that if butter-milk is good as a beverage, it ought to be even better if flavored and frozen...
...A bulletin is soon to be issued on the subject of the Lactos, which will deal with all these points...
...The bacteriologists at Ames are at work on this problem...
...I tried to tell the conductor what his story meant to me...
...It was a good letter, manly but "chummy," in which he told "Dad" just how he stood in each branch cf his law course for the year...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Conductor's Story ONE Sunday morning not long ago, when we were on the train from Madison to Baraboo, as the conductor came along and took our tickets, he recognized Mr...
...He said if he knew where he could borrow the money he would go to Ann Arbor...
...The work interested him and he liked it so much he began to think about going to law schcol...
...One day he came to me to talk it over...
...He pays a good part of his expenses with his stenography and it helps him with his lectures too...
...wanted to go to work and wanted me to help him get a job...
...What are the advantages of this new kind of ice...
...Add all the other ingredients but the lemon ji-iice...
...He did well in business college and had no trouble getting into a good law office—right away after he graduated...
...Without sentiment they had reached an ideal relation and without theory they had worked out in a practical way the most dim-cult of educational problems...
...I told him I would be glad to see him through, but that I wished it was the University...
...Democracy means that the best of all life is for all, and that if there are many incapable of entering into it, then they must be helped to become capable.—Ralph Barton Perry in The Moral Economy...
...The syrup is made by crushing the berries and adding to them their weight in sugar...
...The syrup has no advantage over the juice except that it does not spoil readily, and can be made in large quantities and kept for occasional use...
...then it has trained his mind and makes up some for the University education he missed...
...Think how convenient it would be when going camping to carry only the flavoring materials and the nutritive parts of fruits and vegetables and to leave behind the water which often constitutes more than 90 per cent, of the weight...
...We learned one day that Dr...
...He considers the system of fines undemocratic and wrong...
...The friends of the boy who was at large secured postponement so that the case did not come to trial for nine months...
...He has been working out formulas for a very large variety of frozen dishes in order that those who go into the business may be able to supply their customers with products that will never vary and never disappoint...
...After graduating from the dairy department of this college, Professor Mortensen was for a shoTt time in the ice-cream business and gained much practical experience in making tempting compounds...
...Text-bcoks for Rural Schools WHEN those of like occupations and interests come . together in conference, as people have been coming together recently in educational and scientific meetings in many parts of the country, it usually happens that the little informal gatherings that occur almost accidentally prove to be almost as profitable as the larger, more formal and definitely scheduled gatherings...
...One such informal meeting which took place in connection with the Graduate School of Agriculture gave me much food for thought...
...Most of the marks were very high and the one or two low ones he explained to his father...
...For keeping a continued supply of sour milk, Professor Mor-tensen recommends the following: Allow a small amount of milk to sour...
...that they may be part of the course of life in crowded districts...
...After a few weeks on the section he got himself an easier job 'calling.1 But when he had been working for a year, he made up his mind he would like to take a course in business college if I was willing...
...He spoke of "balance" and "proportion" to be secured on the home grounds by proper planting, of the beauties which come from "fitness to purpose," and also of those kinds that come from "qualities of form and arrangement that can be most comfortably perceived by our organs of sij,ht...
...Pr?.y of Harvard on Landscape Architecture and I had been interested to learn how similar the vocabulary of this subject is to that of more common fields of art...
...If carefully followed they cannot fail to produce very pleasing and novel desserts...
...His parents were too poor to bail him out...
...I looked over his shoulder...
...About a year ago he returned to the college and has since been trying to induce creamery men to add the making of ice-cream to their other industries and thus to increase their own profits and also supply the rural districts with pure, safe and cheap ice-cream...
...If just a suggestion of onion flavor is wanted, it is much more convenient ts take a small, dried, inoffensive leaf out of a can than to handle the moist vegetable...
...And I kept wondering, as Dr...
...The milk should for the purpose of pasteurizing be heated to 140 F. and kept at that temperature for 20 minutes...
...the time of their imprisonment with the understanding that the time spent in prison would count on their sentence if convicted, or the state would pay them for their time if acquitted...
...The bail system also discriminates between the poor and the well-to-do, or those who have well-to-do relations...
...When he began to get a little tired of high school, I went to see the principal and told him how much I wanted the boy to get through: but I did not let the boy know...
...I was always anxious for him to have a good education," the conductor said when Mr...
...Cool it to about 70 F. and add the starter...
...First, they are delicious to the taste and much more refreshing than ices which contain more fat...
...Harris Cooley, superintendent of the Cleveland house of correction, famous for the progressive and humane policy which prevails in the treatment of its prisoners, said that he advocated mercy and justice in all human relations...
...I told him I would loan him the money, his mother shculd be the banker—and when he was earning again and could easily pay it back he "flight do so...
...The conductor was a quiet man, not at all given to talking, and our inquiries brought out his story without any consciousness on his part that he was telling one...
...It carries its message best just as he told it...
...A New Dessert IT SEEMS strange that with all the interest there has been of late in butter-milk and other sour milk products as the means of promoting health and prolonging life, no one should until very recently have thought of the possibility of varying the ways of serving them by making them into ices...
...It happened that just before he spoke I had heard a lecture by Dr...
...The geographies contain all kinds of forgettable information about remote lands, but nothing definite about the products of the district or the ways of shipping and marketing them...
...Second, they r.re much safer than ordinary ice-cream...
...On other days we had rhubarb and cranberry sauces, which were in every way as good as sauces made by ordinary methods...
...But hf...
...Small Recipe 1 quart of sour skim milk, 11/2 cups of sugar, 1 egg, Juice of 1 lemon, 1/4 cup raspberry syrup...
...The parents of one furnished bail...
...If bubbles are present, it should be rejected...
...The other awaited trial in jail...
...The recipes as he gives them are for large quantities and are suitable for those who are in the ice-cream business but they can easily be changed to amounts suitable for family use...
...Then you know they are pretty extravagant in the Universities now and if he thinks he is spending his own money he will naturally be mere careful...
...La Follette to read...
...The lactic acid bacteria are believed to have a very beneficial effect on the health...
...If a man should be kept in a workhouse thirty days for any grievous offense, he should be kept there whether he has five cents, or $500, or $5,000...
...AH right,' I said, 'I will get you a job.' And I did,—working on the section," concluded the conductor, with a twinkle in his keen blue eyes, as he left us to look after the passengers at the next station...
...The boys were convicted and the judge made a public effort to even up matters by sentencing the boy wV.o had awaited trial in jail to fifteen months imprisonment and the other to eighteen months...
...The result was a hastily arranged meeting at which Dr Stevens spoke...
...In the meantime the members of the Graduate School in Home Economics who have had the pleasure of testing these products recommend them most heartily...
...After the sugar is dissolved the syrup is poured off...
...When he got through high school in good shape I was pleased and did all I could do to persuade him to go to the University...
...The man who steals a franchise or a canal or a million dollars is in need of correctional treatment just as much as the man who steals a ham or an overcoat...
...The idea seems to have occurred first to Professor Mortensen of the Iowa State College...
...Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables IHAVE had several meals of late in which dehydrated fruits and vegetables formed a prominent part...
...If each state were provided with three or four district prisons or work houses in which misdemeanants could be put to work during their imprisonment, instead of spending their time in idleness in the county jails, prisoners awaiting trial might be allowed to woik durin...
...Recognizing these disadvantages, Dr...
...It is well known that as the lactic bacteria in milk increase, other bacteria decrease until under ordinary circumstances they number less than one per cent, of all the bacteria present...
...As Mr...
...He said in North Carolina 82 per cent, of the pupils in the elementary schools are destined to live on farms and yet there is nothing in the arithmetics, which they use, about any of the common mathematical problems of the farm, about calculating rations for stock, proportions for fertilizers, for example...
...Fines as an alternative to imprisonment permits discrimination between the rich offender and the poor one...
...La Follette handed the letter back and shook the conductor's hand I think they understood without words—as men do...
...Stevens of the North Carolina College of Agriculture was interested in getting before the pupils of rural schools readers, geographies, arithmetics and other text-bocks whose illustrative material was not all drawn from city life and city pursuits...
...To the dried onions, I am converted for use at home as well as in camp...
...But I doubt if what I said meant much to him...
...Here the conductor explained : "You see I am older than when he left high school and as long as he wanted to go to work instead of taking the chance then, it is well enough for him to feel that he is helping himself...
...La Fol-lette and chatted for a moment, told us about his change of residence and mentioned that his oldest son was now in law school...
...ALMA J. FRISBY IN an address last year, Mr...
...Stevens and his wife have written an arithmetic, known as Butler and Stevens' Practical Arithmetic in which pupils are likely to discover that there are calculations to be made about the rotation of crops, the storing of hay, the balancing of rations and the setting...
...La Follette expressed interest in his son's career, as he came by us again...
...The readers tell of the heroes of war but very little about the heroes of peace who stay at home and raise food for their fellow beings...
...One day we had soup flavored with a mixture of dried onions, cabbage, and turnips which, after they had been soaked in water and cooked, were as palatable as fresh vegetables...
...A Wrong System of Fines By DR...
...Beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately...
...There is a question how many of them survive in the cold Lacto, with its high percentage of lemon juice, but at least they have done their work in destroying other bacteria in the milk...
...This is well illustrated by the case of two boys arrested for burglary...
...When he returned, Mr...
...It happened, too, that I had recently seen on a large, rich farm a great, square, four-storied house standing out in the blazing sun with no provision for out-of-do^r life...
...out of trees...
...When the mixture is partially frozen add the lemon juice...
...Cherries, pineapples, strawberries and oranges may also be used...
...Profes*or Morteneen's recipes for what he calls the Lactos are the result of long and patient experimentation...
...Add a small amount of this starter to pasteurized milk...
...Interpretative comment adds nothing to the conductor's story...
...Red Raspberry Lacto 3 gallons of sour skim milk, 9 pounds of sugar, 12 eggs, Juice of twelve lemons, % quart of raspberry syrup...
...What interested me more than the standings, was the grip this father had upon his boy's confidence—the mutual respect, mutual good fellowship that obtained between them...
...If the new milk is always pasteurized, it is safe to sour one lot from another in this way...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 30