Elect the Right Man to Serve You ATRUST magnate—one of the most notable beneficiaries of high tariff—once testified that he contributed campaign money to Democratic candidates in Democratic...
...And, with Big Business, that means one who will obey the orders of the Boss...
...WVen I assumed my duties as Register of the Land Office at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, there Was but one controversy as between newspapers, and that was at Sandpoint between the North Idaho "News" and the Pend d'Oreille "Review...
...It gives some very cogent reasons why the public interest demands that the Progressive Republicans and the Progressive Democrats, who have been tested in service, should be returned to Congress...
...how they are paid for...
...and how they ought to be paid for...
...It cost them much money to do it...
...The editors of both these papers consulted me, as dif3 their friends, and reasons were given pro and con as to patronage being extended to each paper...
...Republican Aldrich and Democrat Foster unite for Big Business...
...We hope the encouragement they get from the public will move them to apply their idea to other problems...
...Injured in the Course of Duty ALITTLE book has come to our desk that we wish every person in the United States might read...
...Give your support to the present administration of the Interior Department and we will advertise in your paper again...
...The most effective muzzle is advertising patronage...
...What does this mean to you, Mr...
...He used to have power to cite for examination the maker of a food believed by him to be underneath the legal standard...
...Political campaign contributions are in the nature of investments...
...It is a question of getting the right man elected to office...
...If Secretary Ballinger is not running his Department in the interests of the Morgans and the Gucgenheims, why should he want to silence the newspapers...
...It is called "Injured in the Course of Duty...
...But now he must go to the law officer of the Department and submit to red tape...
...It means that you must, in the coming primaries and elections, place true representative government on a higher plane than party fealty...
...The country is indebted to Everybody's for publishing and distributing this valuable booklet...
...Note the conclusion...
...It has gone the way of "agitator" and "demagogue...
...It deals with industrial accidents — how they happen...
...This letter was written by one of Secretary Ballinger's subordinates to the editor of a newspaper in Sandpoint, Idaho...
...Witness the case of Chemist Wiley, the pure food man...
...Dear Sir.—I have your letter of the 16th, and have also received your previous letters, but have not had an opportunity to answer them...
...At Rest PAUSE a moment, dear reader, to drop a tear at the passing of one of the Little Children of the Corporation Press...
...You will find the leading article—"Is Roosevelt Inevitable...
...We must all work together to put the special interests out of politics...
...He makes you see the meaning of his facts...
...With the People, as with Big Business, it is a question of getting THE right man elected to office...
...His letter shows to what uses he puts this power...
...This same editorial was copied (verbatim, I believe) by your paper, 2. At the time of the contest In the House of Representatives affalnst Speaker Cannon, yon published an editorial attacking Cannon and also our representative Hamer...
...You have also taken occasion to disparage the candidacy of announced candidates for State offices, without making any specific charges against them, and wh© may or may not be the candidates of the Republican Party in the coming campaign, but who, if they are, will expect the support of Republican papers...
...Batting selects the papers in his district to whom it shall be given...
...Elect the Right Man to Serve You ATRUST magnate—one of the most notable beneficiaries of high tariff—once testified that he contributed campaign money to Democratic candidates in Democratic districts and to Republican candidates in districts that were strongly Republican...
...We look upon it as a venture into a new and worthy field for magazine enterprise...
...How to compensate workingmen for injuries received in the course of their work is a problem that is just beginning to claim the attention of our state legislatures...
...It means that you must vote for the candidate that will represent your interests...
...It contains the articles written by William Hard on industrial accidents and published in Everybody's in 1907 and 1908...
...And then he goes on to point out what this new leadership means...
...Do you know of any more direct and brazen attempt on the part of a government official to put a muzzle on a newspaper...
...Thereafter I had occasion to observe that your paper was not in sympathy with the Republican Tarty...
...If it is good to expose a wrong system and the bad social conditions it brings about, it is also good to lend a hand in creating a better system...
...by Judson C. Welliver—to be a masterly account of present-day Insurgency...
...but this is only to confuse the people...
...So the great financial groups that now control our government know no party...
...3. In a recent isriue of your paper you published an editorial in which you made a bitter personal attack on Senator Heyburn...
...Chaatatiqua, at so much per" has been laid away...
...Why should such an official be hampered?—The Boston Common...
...He has a rare faculty for investing statistics with human interest...
...It conies from a man who knows all about the bi-partisan character of Big Business...
...Wiley has demonstrated honesty of purpose and efficiency...
...The subject is complex and somewhat technical...
...Is Roosevelt Inevitable...
...If it is service to tear down the discredited Old, it is equally service to build the New...
...The above constitutes the basis of my action in not having recognized your paper as a proper medium for the publication of notices...
...Ballingerism and the Papers MUZZLING the press is one of the instruments with which Special Privilege maintains its control over the government...
...Otherwise it will mean that you may vote for a party label, and get not even the shadow of representation...
...I decided at that time that I would aivlde such patronage equally between tkem...
...It is not a question of Republican doctrine or of Democratic doctrine...
...Yet under years of fierce scrutiny and counter-plotting, Dr...
...Stop your criticism of B A lunger, Mr...
...There, in a sentence, is the political philosophy of Big Business...
...It explains why advertising patronage was withdrawn from that newspaper...
...In ©rdcr that you may understand this fully, I will cite you to the'specific instances in which your paper, in my opinion, has not shown itself entitled to present consideration in this matter: 1. At the time of the hearing of the case against the Washington Water Power Company, the "Spokesman-Review" published an editorial In which the good faith of Secietary Bollinger, Senator H—,and myself nan questioned in connection with that case...
...We urge you to read Judge Lindsey's article in this magazine...
...Three states—New York, Wisconsin and Minnesota—are now paving the way toward a better system in this country...
...Their sole compensation may be the satisfaction of ably serving a good cause...
...It follows: GEORGE K. BARKER, ESQ., Sandpoint, Idaho...
...It means that you must choose your representatives with the same discrimination as that used by Big Business...
...I will now take an opportunity to explain my position on the matter of the notices sent out from this office to the newspapers as related to the situation at Sandpoint...
...It has long been the practice in the Department for the Register of the I*and Office to designate the paper in which certain notices shall be published...
...This booklet is being distributed without cost by Everybody's Magazine...
...The Mr...
...Progressive Republican, stand together for the cause of popular government...
...Colonel Roosevelt's relation to this movement is discussed frankly and interestingly...
...Insurgency is the new intellectual and conscience leadership of the country," says Mr...
...It is a struggle between Special Privilege and Public Welfare...
...Their clacquers talk loudly of "party regularity...
...For the issue today is not between parties...
...They draw party lines merely to divide the voters into opposing political camps, knowing well that wordy wars over "party principles" serve admirably to divert public attention from their own control of the government...
...but don't be frightened at that...
...Speaker Cannon has taken to the Chautauqua platform...
...Your record as a Republican seems never to have been questioned prior to the last State campaign, and I never questioned it until the matter contained in the first "statement" appeared, which was followed by the matters containe" in the second, third, and fourth "statements...
...Naturally, under a Republican Administration snch notices go to the Republican paper...
...If "The ideals of public spirited Democrats are exactly the same as the ideals of public spirited Republicans," said Gifford Pinchot in a speech at Kansas City, on the 15th...
...Collier's for July 16 prints a letter that makes this very plain...
...And so we congratulate Everybody's for finding this way to assist in securing constructive legislation...
...The grounds stated constitute, to my mind, sufficient evidence that the Republican Party in this State is not getting the support from your paper that it expects and is entitled to...
...And good citizenship demands that the people present a united front against the common enemy...
...GET a copy of the August number of Hampton's...
...If you get a copy of Hard's book you will find that he writes very simply and feelingly...
...Editor, and all will be forgiven...
...Very respectfully, W. H. BATTING...
...When the Department has advertising matter to distribute, Mr...
...0. Lorenz...
...HAMPERING CHEMIST WILEY SOON or late the "system" will get you if you are a public official trying to do honest work...
...We are not engaged in a contest to determine whether Democratic "doctrine" or Republican "doctrine" shall prevail...
...Why not, then, Mr...
...Hard has prepared with great thoroughness and care suggestions as to what to read about each phase of the subject...
...No more will you find this busy little epithet skipping nimbly from paragraph to paragraph of the "news" columns of the special interest newspapers...
...They support, with money and influence, the candidate who will serve them faithfully...
...They return huge dividends in the form of special privileges...
...He is in charge of the land office at Coeur d'AIene, Idaho...
...Democrat Fitzgerald and Republican Cannon join hands against the people...
...Progressive Democrat and Mr...
...It comes from a Progressive Democrat who believes that patriotism is nobler than partisanship...
...Batting who wrote the letter is a nephew of Senator Heyburn...
...If, however, in the future conduct of your paper these political acrobatics are eliminated, I will be slad to reconsider the matter and extend to you the full consideration to which ran may be entitled...
...Briefly, it is the overthrow of the money power in politics...
...Business does not spend vast sums of money in politics for the people, but for profits...
...In addition there are four interesting articles giving the expert opinions of an employer (Charles H. Hulrurd), a labor leader (John Mitchell), a lawyer (Louis D. Brandeis), and an economist (M...
...I had on different occasions consulted with both editors and given them to understand, or intended that they should understand, that this arrangement would continue only ho Ioiik n* they continued to conduct their papers properly In accordance with Republican principles...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 29