Hunt, Caroline L. & Follette, Belle Case La
HOME AND EDUCATION The home !e the real seat of government, and the Wise Men o! all nations bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Home...
...She said she had been living in a house which had a few of the modern conveniences but by no means many of them...
...Prevention of summer diarrhea," "Beneficial effects of Neutral Bath for Children," "Exercise and Rest for Cripples," "Hygiene of Pregnancy," "First Care of the Baby," are all subjects of wide human interest and indicate the intention to bring to readers in popular form the best professional advice on preventive sanitation and hygiene...
...Perhaps this is why children do not like it...
...Eggs are plentiful and our three Jersey cows, Daisy, Pansy and Lily are all giving milk, so we have cream and butter and buttermilk and cottage cheese and ice cream, and no milk-man's bills either...
...The fuel bill has been reduced one-half...
...She knows in theory all about how to apportion her income...
...The laundry has two south and two west windows, and is fitted with enamelled tubs which are supplied with hot and cold soft water and which, as Mrs...
...Why not recall, refeel, re-live the experiences that have made us laugh...
...This room has a tiled floor, and Mrs...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Home Again LIFE in Washington takes us away from heme half the year...
...The cellar as a whole has ten large windows and is lighted throughout by electricity...
...this year the untimely snow storm and the drouth have left us almost without anything to eat...
...Then there is packing and preparation and finally we are on the way...
...The "homing instinct" is strong in them and the "educational value" of time spent elsewhere does not appeal to them...
...Gwyneth King Roe in an article in Club Notes says that most of us have fallen victims to the "strenuous life" habit...
...The sink and the two drain boards are of enamelled iron...
...Art and Progress for June...
...Smiles always relax tension, the more genuine and unrestrained the smile, the greater the release of the nerves...
...She has lectured on how to save steps, on the value of fresh air and of sunlight, and on the menace to health that lies in cracks and uncleanable places...
...There is no space between the tub and the floor, the basin stands well out from the wall and the water closet is made of porcelain and copper and contains no wood...
...Chicago is almost "there," yet the four hours to Madison seem almost longer than the previous twenty-four...
...The woodwork in the living room and the dining room is of oak, stained a dark golden brown and treated with a coat of deadlac...
...No train away from Washington is ever fast enough...
...Waters says that it is a mistake to think such a floor is hard on the feet...
...Julia Riddle at Oshkosh, Wis., has just come to my attention...
...Smiling to Oneself" WRITING of the depressed expression that settles on most faces when "off guard" Mrs...
...Besides requiring a large amount of heat, the house demanded a large share of her time to keep it free from coal dust and to travel over its unnecessary expanses...
...As the plan shows, there is provision for sleeping, eating, preparing food and living out-of-doors...
...Shut out the present worry (you have the will), forget the present environment, recall the mirthful scene—the smile will follow of its own accord...
...The result was some interesting discoveries, not only of the picturesque, but the unsightly...
...We take advantage of the time we believe would otherwise be lost, to reiterate to ourselves the things that are ahead of us to do, and recall a multitude of tasks that we have left undone, which causes the anxious frown to cloud the brow and the corners of the mouth to droop, and she makes this helpful suggestion for cultivating cheerfulness of thought and expression: "Why not cultivate the smile for health's sake...
...The house is heated by hot water, the fuel used being coke...
...Without knowing anything more about it than what I learned in reading this number I am very much interested...
...One is the furnishing of the kitchen...
...The storeroom has an outside door which immediately suggests a saving of steps...
...For weeks the children are restive and impatient waiting for the day to be set for Congress to adjourn...
...The bathroom is finished much as the kitchen is...
...The woodwork in the rest of the house has three coats of white paint and three of white enamel...
...While in attendance at the Graduate School of Home Economics at Ames, Iowa, I saw a house that had been planned and equipped by a former teacher of domestic science in the Agricultural College, Mrs...
...We shall live well after all...
...There are some things that the plan does not show...
...The rent was $360 a year, the coal bill $70, the lighting bill $45, and the water rent $12...
...We feel "settled"—we are home again...
...A Higher Standard of Morality," a paper read by Dr...
...There is a cellar 8 feet high under all of the house...
...At the farm there is an outburst of greetings and then a rushing away to see the ponies with their new little colts, and the yearlings, most as large as their mothers, and Phil's calf twice as big as when he left...
...It is published in the "interest of good health" and its helpful purpose is expressed in the subjects discussed...
...But there is some compensation for the time we stay away in the joy of our return...
...After seeing this house one feels very sure that the theories that are being taught in the domestic science schools all over the country are going to find expression in houses that are healthful, beautiful, and easily as well as cheaply cared for...
...how much of it should go for rent or for taxes and repairs, how much for food, how much for clothes and how much for what Mrs...
...An intelligent and progressive woman's sympathetic understanding of woman's needs and viewpoint, which women will appreciate, apparently controls the preparation of the magazine and gives it a field of its own...
...Most of us are not above recalling painful experiences—some of us even rehearse them to our friends...
...It faces east and is 50 feet from the street line...
...We are sorry for all who do not go home to a farm...
...Perhaps I can best tell the story just as she told it to me...
...These principles and rules must be written large on her brain for she has not only given them out herself but has had them come back to her in all degrees of mutilation in test papers and during examinations...
...The floors, except in the kitchen and bathroom, are of hard wood, shellaced and waxed...
...To be sure it is the unbidden smile that one 'smiles to herself and we would go far afield if we began cultivating the 'hollow smile.' But, when we have a few spare moments forced upon us, why not own it as 'our' time, take advantage of and deliberately browse a little in some experienced situation that has given us joy and gladness...
...Rosalie Morton of New York at the last International Congress of Women at Toronto is a very serious and able consideration of the social evil...
...and all the woodwork, including the utensil boards on the wall and the pantry shelves, is covered with white enamel paint...
...Of the arrangement of the house which, except for a storeroom in the attic, is all on one floor, it is unnecessary to add much to what the plan shows...
...To attract the attention of citizens to the value of civic beauty, to open blind eyes to that which is picturesque in Rochester and vicinity, and to encourage local artists to transcribe those things which are of local significance, a private citizen instituted a competition, through the Art Department of the Mechanics Institute, for the best sketches in black and white illustrating the picturesque aspects of Rochester...
...The house which stands on a lot 60 feet wide and 180 feet deep is itself 34 feet wide and 40 feet deep...
...She determined to build a house which should be suited to the needs not of that indefinite, indescribable and in fact non-existent aggregation of people known as the average family, but to her own needs and those of her family...
...When a Domestic Science Teacher Builds a House WHEN a domestic science teacher builds a house, or thinks of doing so, there come up before her mind, I suppose, all the principles of building she has taught, all the rules for good living that she has given her pupils...
...So successful was the competition in actual result and interest aroused that a second competition of similar scope has been instituted...
...She knows all this in theory and has often had a lot of experience in planning kitchens, but I have often wondered what success she would have in putting her theories in practice when she was really in the hands of what the English call the jerry builder, the man who wishes to make everything after one pattern and that, too, a pattern that suits his own convenience and desire for profit rather than the convenience of the householder...
...the garden and the orchard and the fruit,—alas...
...The proportion of outdoor room to indoor room is in accordance with the domestic science estimate of the value of fresh air...
...A Woman's Medical Journal THE June number of the Layman's Medical Journal, a monthly magazine edited and published by Dr...
...blemishes in the way of bill-boards, telegraph wires, and the like, forcing themselves upon attention in a surprising manner...
...the amount of window space is in accordance with its estimate of the value of sunlight...
...But the chickens have done well and we are very happy over our nice start of Rhode Island Reds...
...This has a cement floor and every room has a floor drain which simplifies the cleaning problem...
...The floor is drained as the cellar floors are so that it can be very easily and thoroughly cleaned...
...Richards calls the "higher life...
...Georgia Witter Waters, and this house I want to describe for the benefit of our readers...
...Now I know what teachers of domestic science will do under these circumstances, or at least what one has done...
...The coal room is plastered so as to make it as nearly dust proof as possible...
...Waters significantly said, are of a convenient and comfortable height for work...
...The prizes are comparatively small, but ample time is allotted, January 4, 1911, being named as the date of entry...
...The walls are tiled for a distance of 5 feet and are connected with the floor by a cove...
...The sink is so high that dishwashing is a pleasure and not a back-breaking occupation and the stove is so far from the wall that the space behind it can be easily cleaned...
...In a few days, the bales and barrels, trunks and chests are unpacked and stored away out of sight...
...The large porch which is screened in the summer is glassed in the winter...
...PICTURESQUE ROCHESTER" COMPETITION AUNIQUE competition has recently been held in Rochester which might well be instituted in other cities...
...We do not envy those who go to the Sea Shore or the mountains, to Alaska and Europe...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 29