News Worth Remembering WHILE the Chicago jury was attempting to arrive at a verdict in the case of Lee O'Neille Browne, charged with bribery to secure the election of Senator Lorimer, there was...
...It is said that depositories will be created at twenty places throughout the country soon after the first of September and that the larger cities of the country will be designated first...
...He is a young man, born in Buffalo, educated at Hamilton College, where he was distinguished for his athletic ability...
...In Maine a fight has been waged against Senator Hale's son, who was candidate for the nomination for Congress in the Portland district...
...The resolutions adopted by the conference before adjourning contained a demand for the adoption of a constitutional amendment providing for the initiative and referendum...
...The appointment of Governor Hughes to the Supreme Bench of the nation has weakened the party almost as much as the recent exposures of corruption of the legislature...
...Railroads have justified the discrimination on the ground of water competition to the coast...
...The Interstate Commerce Commission lias suspended its order to reduce Pullman sleeping car rates... intelligent attempt has been made to prevent the increase of poverty and to lessen the gap between rich and poor...
...The Commission has ordered reductions ranging from twenty to fifty per cent, in the rates to inland points...
...Chicago Jury Disagrees After being out for 115 hours, the jury in the case of the State of Illinois vs...
...For several years merchants and manufacturers of Spokane, Washington, Reno, Nevada, and other inland points of the Rocky Mountains have attempted to secure reductions of the freight rates to their localities...
...From these, the system will gradually be extended, until perhaps 60,000 postoffices will be opened to receive deposits.—J...
...Cotton Operatives Idle A large number of the cotton mills of New England and of the southern states have shut down, for the purpose of curtailing production to raise prices...
...Railway Regulation It is said that the congressional committee appointed to study the question of railroad capitalization for the purpose of formulating legislation to regulate the issuance of stocks and bonds, will at the same time make a study of express, telephone and telegraph, and sleeping car companies' capitalization, with the same end in view.—A case brought to test the constitutionality of the railway hours of service law, has been decided favorably to the government by United States District Judge Morris of Iowa...
...It is said that the New York Republicans are certain of defeat unless a miracle occurs...
...F. McMurray of Oklahoma, who last week was accused by Senator Gore of an improper attempt to secure a three-million dollar fee from the Indians of his state, and the maintenance of a congressional lobby, has issued a statement regarding the charges...
...What Illinois must have is a revolution and a revolution is now beginning...
...Spokane Wins Rail Fight On June 29 the Interstate Commerce Commission handed down decisions which are of great importance to the whole country, and particularly to the western states...
...The state has already endorsed, by an overwhelming vote, a proposition to amend the constitution in this way, but the legislature has steadfastly ignored the people's wish...
...other parties have sprung up and had a mushroom growth, but, lacking in purpose or courage to attack the chief cause of human misery, they met an early death...
...The delegates were told how bill after bill in the public interest was mangled, emasculated, loaded with objectionable amendments, or simply pigeon-holed and ignored, while bills desired by the "machine" were rapidly advanced to the chinking notes of a brimming ''jackpot...
...In his message to the legislature, the Governor asked for the passage of a direct pri-mary law and a thorough investigation of the charges of corruption which have been made against many members of the legislature...
...What we need is some one who can go to the different cities and towns, study their needs and assist them to organize, develop and cany on civic activities and especially social center work...
...In the last session the Democrats were sold out before they started...
...Land Value Tax Party A new political party has been formed...
...The jury is said to have divided eight for conviction and four for acquittal...
...Edward J. Ward, supervisor of the Rochester (N...
...The unfavorable condition of the market has delayed the issuance of these bonds, and it is now said that the postal savings bank deposits will be utilized for their purchase...
...He left the ministry to accept the position offered by Hamilton College but after a year left that institution rather than submit to a restraint of criticism of the methods of certain public-service corporations in which several of the college trustees were interested...
...cpnditions grow worse rather than better, and we invite those who demand equal opportunity for all with special privilege for none, who would work for freedom through the overthrow of special privilege, to join us in a party based on these fundamental principles...
...L. B. Hanna, another standpatter, was renominated for Representative, while H. T. Helgeson, a progressive, won the nomination for Congress in the district formerly represented by Gronna...
...The growers and snippers protested and on June 29, the Interstate Commerce Commission ordered a reduction of the rates on lemons to the level existing before the new tariff law became effective...
...During the year 1,035,545 aliens were admitted to the country, an increase over the number for the preceding year, of 283,759...
...Lemon Rates Reduced Shortly after the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill went into effect, transcontinental railroads raised the rate on lemons shipped from California to eastern points...
...It was pointed out that through control of thousands of well-paid state offices the bosses are able to "take care" of their faithful servitors and maintain their hold upon the affairs of the state...
...Throughout the state, meetings have been held by citizens to express their indignation at the rot which exists within the Illinois legislature, but this conference, state-wide in scope, met to organize a plan of campaign that would offer effective resistance to the corrupt forces at work within the commonwealth and would help to restore to the people the agencies of government...
...If the Supreme Court decides that the tax is unconstitutional, the money that has been collected will be returned...
...Y.) social centers and playgrounds has been secured to help the towns and cities of the state provide for the social and physical needs of their citizens...
...In addition to this purpose to abolish private monopoly of land, the platform declares in favor of ballot reform, direct nominations, initiative and referendum, recall, equal suffrage and "any other policy tending to secure good government and the uplift of humanity...
...Suggestions were made for a reform of the organization of the legislature, and the rules of that body...
...Roosevelt Silent Since his return to the United States, former President Roosevelt has been exceedingly busy in answering the great volume of correspondence which accumulated in his absence...
...If elected he will succeed the late M. N. Johnson, standpatter...
...Hughes and Roosevelt Rebuffed The New York legislature met in special session at Albany last week, upon call of Governor Hughes...
...Churchill declared that he "was an American first and a Republican second...
...If the disbursements for the canal be disregarded, the treasury shows a surplus for the year of slightly over $9,000,000...
...One of the delegates, George E. Cole, stated his views in these words: ''The 1909 legislature was no worse than most of those which preceded it...
...numerous theories have been urged by able writers, and untold millions have been expended to aid suffering humanity, but all such efforts have failed to secure permanent good results...
...Lee O'Neille Browne, charged with bribery of a fellow member of the Illinois legislature in order to secure the election of Senator Lorimer, was discharged because of its inability to reach a verdict...
...During the last few weeks he has had conferences with a number of political leaders of New York State and of the nation, progressives and standpatters alike, but whether he will enter the autumn campaigns as a supporter of progressivism or of stand-pattism, if he takes any part at all, is not known...
...The railroads have discriminated against these inland towns by charging the through rates to coast points plus the rate from the coast back to the inland towns, although freight was only carried as far as the inland point to which it was consigned...
...Hp first accepted a position as minister, interesting himself in the subject of playgrounds and gymnasiums for the town in which he lived...
...It is a government of parties...
...The conference was non-partisan...
...Ward comes well prepared for the work outlined by Dr...
...The new tariff law had materially raised the duty on lemons in order to give better "protection" to California fruit-growers, but the new railroad rates swallowed and counteracted the advanced duty...
...Two of the members of the tariff board are now in Europe, investigating the cost of production of woolen goods, it is said...
...It is also reported that the President will ask the next session of Congress for an additional half-million dol-ars to broaden and extend the work of the board...
...Hinds, in an address to the convention endorsed the recent tariff bill, and his victory is not generally regarded as a gain for pro-gressivism...
...the Prohibition party, fighting one form of evil, consents like the two great parties to the fundamental injustice which permits monopoly of the bounties of nature by a small minority of the people...
...Representative Ames is making a fight in Massachusetts against Senator Lodge, who, he asseits, is a machine boss.—In North Dakota, as a result of the primary held on June 28, Senator McCumber, standpatter, has been renominated, while A. J. Gronna, insurgent member of the House during the last session, has won the other nomination for Senator...
...He made a record for scholarship whicn afterward brought an invitation to join the faculty of the college...
...Report has it that this schedule cf the Payne-Aldrich tariff will be revised by the next Congress on the basis of the conclusions reached by the tariff board...
...He gave a graphic picture of the control by the railroad and other interests of the legislature cf his own state, New Hampshire, but Aldrich and Hale: "Come on Joe, the day is done—it's time to go home...
...His meeting with President Taft, on June 30, for the first time in sixteen months, is described by press dispatches as being like a reunion of "old and long separated chums...
...pointed out that like conditions prevail in Illinois and many other states...
...Conditions within the legislature were described by those familiar with the ramifications of that body...
...the Socialist party, denouncing existing evils and seeking a cure, proposes a remedy that would destroy individual liberty and ambition, and thus retard human progress...
...Ward, said: "There is a great need for civic awakening in the municipalities of this state...
...If the commission finds that the new rates would have icturned a reasonable profit to the carriers during this time, the reductions will go into effect at once...
...He took issue with Vice President Sherman in his definition "A Republican is a man who votes the Republican ticket at the polls and votes for Republican measures in Congress...
...News Worth Remembering WHILE the Chicago jury was attempting to arrive at a verdict in the case of Lee O'Neille Browne, charged with bribery to secure the election of Senator Lorimer, there was held at Peoria, Illinois, a conference of two hundred men, representing the whole state...
...Bourne Stirs Meeting On June 27 the first session of the conference was heW...
...From this position Mr...
...He told of the measures that Oregon has adopted in order to make the people the "bosses," and the ideas that he expounded were embodied in the resolutions adopted by the conference...
...Ward went to Rochester where he initiated and carried out successfully the plan of social centers which has interested the entire nation and which has made Rochester widely known throughout the world...
...Dean Reber of the University, speaking of the appointment of Mr...
...AS LAND MONOPOLY is the chief cause of present conditions, its abolition by the levy of taxes on land values inly, exempting buildings and all other property from taxation will be the controlling purpose of the LAND VALUE TAX party...
...It is stated that the Senate committee has been provided with no funds with which to carry on the work...
...The parties are governed by the politicians and the politicians are governed by the worst kind of bosses...
...The people of Illinois have not elected a legislature in thirty years, thanks to the minority representation sections of the constitution...
...Politics Warming Up In Ohio the Democrats have endorsed Governor Harmon for reelection, and have placed his name before the public ^.s a candidate of the party in 1912 for the Presidency...
...The main trouble with it was that it was found out...
...We must have possession of the legislature before we can proceed to reform it and it is our business to go out this fall and capture the general assembly...
...Government Finances Improved The fiscal year ending June 30, 1910, found the treasury of the United States in a better condition than at the same time in the preceding year...
...I feel confident that the opportunity to do great good for the state of Wisconsin is offered in this field...
...He denies that he acted improperly in attempts to secure approval of the contracts which he had made with the Indians for the sale of their land, and says that he Is anxious to appear before the Congressional investigating committees appointed by Congress, to explain his course in the matter...
...Churchill Speaks At the second and final day's session the short ballot was mentioned as a means of enabling the voters to more effectively register their opinion, by Winston Churchill, the novelist and political reformer...
...Its operation will be watched with interest by those who believed at the time of its passage that it had been weakened intentionally in order that the courts might declare it unconstitutional...
...It recognized that party organization is necessary, but it realized, as do progressives throughout the nation, that neither of the leading parties has a monopoly of civic virtue, and that neither is free from the taint and corruption of Big Business...
...It is asserted both that the quality of immigrants was poorer, and that the inspection was far more severe...
...Over 24,000 immigrants were debarred during the year while in the preceding year only 11,000 were refused admission to the country...
...The character of the last legislature, as revealed within the past few months, lends force to the opinion...
...That the power of the machine is built upon the "spoils system" was an opinion freely expressed...
...Echoes of the Session A Washington dispatch of June 27 states that Speaker Cannon will be a candidate for reelection to Congress and also for the Speakership.—The Board of Trustees, which will have charge of the postal savings bank system authorized by Congress, has already begun the work of organization...
...During the year, $34,000,000 needed for construction work on the Panama Canal was taken out of the treasury, though an issue of bonds had been authorized...
...27,000,000 was the total assessment and corporations which had not paid their share up to the expiration of the time of payment are expected to contribute before the ten days of grace have passed...
...This platform says: "The Republican and Democratic parties, largely controlled by special privilege and monopoly, are unable or unwilling to get rid of these evils...
...The governorship went to the stalwarts.—In Illinois the primary law passed by the last legislature, has just gone into effect...
...The prosperous condition of the treasury for this year is explained by the fact that the- new tariff increased the customs duties over $32,000,000...
...Internal revenues also increased, to the extent of $25,000,000, and the 1% corporation tax, yielded, up to July 1, a total of $10,000,000...
...The waning power of Senator Hale is apparent in the defeat of his son by Asher C. Hinds, parliamentarian of the House of Representatives...
...Last year a deficit of over $73,000,000 existed when the books were closed...
...Immigration Increases An estimate for the year ending June 30, 1910, was given out on that day by Commissioner Keefe of the Immigration Bureau...
...The resolutions commend the efforts of the tate's attorneys of Chicago and Spring, field in their investigations of the charges of corruption in the legislature and ask for a "vigorous and searching" investigation of the charge that William Lorimer's seat in the United States Senate was purchased...
...This is the first attack made on the law...
...Social Centers for Wisconsin The University of Wisconsin, known the world over for its activity in "carrying education to the people" has taken another step forward in its service to the state...
...His efforts, and those of Colonel Roosevelt, who wrote an open letter urging the passage of a primary law, proved unavailing, and the legislature adjourned without passing either of the bills advocated by the governor...
...About 100,000 operatives were thrown out of employment.—The railroads of the country are working together in an effort to secure the adoption of a uniform signaling system, in order to make traffic safer...
...Must we wait for bullets, or shall we go out and assert our manhood and our citizenship at the polls...
...The committee of seven appointed by the conference to help secure the nomination and election to the legislature of honest and capable men, will ask candidates to pledge themselves to support an initiative and referendum amendment, a comprehensive state civil service system, and a corrupt practices act...
...The ex-President has been urged by political leaders and friends to assume the leadership of the Republican party of New York but no definite announcement of his attitude on this question has been made...
...The reductions will not go into effect immediately, but the railroads will be obliged to keep detailed accounts showing the revenues which accrue upon business actually handled under the present rates during the months of July, August and September, and the revenues which would have accrued had the rates prescribed by the commission been in effect...
...Senator Bourne of Oregon was present and addressed a large audience...
...The new rates were to become effective on July 1, but because of the inability of the railroads to get a court hearing in Chicago before that date the rates will not go into effect until the 12th...
...Immigration officials differ as to the reason for the increase in the number debarred...
...The rottenness which has been revealed in Spring-field by the disclosures of corruption and vice reflect simply the moral turpitude and fundamental dishonesty of the people themselves...
...On May 21, the first convention of the Land Value Tax Party was held in New York City, and adopted a platform...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 27