THE QUICKENING OF THE SOCIAL CONSCIENCE FIVE hundred years ago John Ball, looking out over England, tells us that he saw "the great treading down the little, the strong beating down the weak, and...
...We do not venture to say whether or not the saints in heaven forbear but we are very certain that no saint on earth could forbear in the presence of contemporaneous social and industrial conditions, and both saint and sinner know that the conditions can only be made more righteous and more human by the increasing devotion of countless generations of men.—Jane Addams in Presidential Address before the National Conference on Charities and Corrections, St...
...THE QUICKENING OF THE SOCIAL CONSCIENCE FIVE hundred years ago John Ball, looking out over England, tells us that he saw "the great treading down the little, the strong beating down the weak, and cruel men fearing not, and kind men daring not, and wise men caring not," and then with his heart burning within him, he cries aloud, "and the saints in heaven forbearing, and yet bidding me not to forbear...
...If we compare our time with his, we will admit that although the great still tread down the little, and the strong beat down the weak, that the cruel are at last becoming afraid of public opinion, that kind men are more daring in their schemes of alleviation than they used to be and wise men are more solicitous...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 27