Follette, Belle Case La & Hunt, Caroline L .
HOME AND EDUCATION The home Is the real seat of government, and the Wise Men of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Piper A...
...He wanted me...
...And all that limps and hides there in the dark...
...Public dance platforms under proper supervision, owned and operated by the municipality, are the first step...
...Of the other mothers and fathers he says, to her "Open their dim eyes...
...Oh, pipe and make believe we are the mice...
...They turn to darkness and to woe All that is made for joy...
...The latter soon disappeared as the result of an advertisement that the neighbors might help themselves from it...
...Said at the Play Congress Rochester, New York, June 7,—*11 MR...
...nor yet of mannish cravats, and severe coats and shirts...
...The land has been planted in sweet corn, and the proceeds of all roasting ears sold will be used for campaign work...
...And in the cave the children sleep and dream, each that some one wants him—that some one longs and hungers for him...
...It is her love and longing that finally induces him to bring the children back...
...She was told by a specialist that she had but one year more to live...
...Those who are interested in college work will welcome "College Courses in Home Economics," by Director True of the Office of Experiment Stations...
...A fat man he was crying—about me...
...Elmer E. Brown, Commissioner of Education on Some New Uses for Public Schoolhouses: "There is arising a hunger for neigh'eorliness, and it is most keenly felt in the very environment where the old-fashioned neighborliness is clearly impossible...
...The doubt is strengthened when he learns that one woman, Veronika, the mother of Jan, the "little shipwrecked Star'' is dying of grief...
...Sing to them with your heart, Veronika, ********* Waken them,—change them...
...This from the standpoint of the Liberals is a most vital provision for it tends toward the abolition of the system of plural voting which at present allows a man a vote in every constituency where he owns property...
...Dudley A. Sargent's "Hygienic Dress and Dress Reform...
...Add the sugar gradually and beat until the mixture will hold its shape...
...She decided she would enjoy that one without wasting care on the accumulated debris of her ancestors, so she made in her back yard a bon-fire of really worn-out things, and in the front a pile of half-worn ones...
...1/2 teaspoon vanilla...
...Psychiatry is doing something to show us the after effects of fear upon the minds of children, but little has yet been done to show how far that fear of the future, arising from economic in-secuiity has supeiinduced insanity...
...Beat the eggs stiff...
...The writer is Josephine Preston Peabody (Mrs...
...Those radiant things that have no wish at all Save for what is all-beautiful!—the Rainbow, The running Water, and the Moon, the Moon...
...The death of the King has brought about a temporary truce between Liberals and Tories on the question of the veto of the House of Lords...
...It is a peculiar girl of 15 or thereabouts whose preference is not for dancing...
...For this purpose the soft part should be removed from the center and the shell dried in the oven...
...Keep the body itself right and upright, clean and vigorous, free and strong, and reform will have been gained...
...Ellen Sutherland, of Fort Pierre, S. Dak., has given the use of a large tract of land to the progressive suffrage committee during the campaign now pending for an amendment of the State constitution giving the ballot to women...
...Ay, they are spell-bound: Fast bound by all the hardness of your hearts...
...Your children...
...Women of the Hour Josephine Preston Peabody IT WAS an American play and one that pleads for a freer, more joyous and happier life for the children which, out of more than three hundred plays submitted for production at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford-on-Avon, won the $1,500 prize...
...The play is called The Piper and is to be produced about th end of July at a Midsummer Festival at Stratford...
...Do you know them...
...If other places had done as well, the sum would have amounted to $20,-000,000...
...Under these circumstances the various groups favoring an extension of parliamentary suffrage to women formed a conciliation committee for the purpose of drawing up a bill that would be acceptable to both sides of the House and to all the suffrage organizations—to the militant suffragettes as well as to the less aggressive suffragists...
...Social dancing may have educational value as well as folk dancing...
...The American housewife, too, who often wonders which of the many calls upon her time and strength to answer first will enjoy Lucy M. Griscom's "The Elimination of Waste in the Household...
...And the Piper saw that the townspeople who had shut out his wandering mother were shutting out light and joy from their own lives and their little childrens...
...He wanted me until it broke his heart, And he wai dead...
...The heroine was left alone with many heirlooms and pcor health...
...In view of the fact that members of all parties have united in support of it and that the government has granted time for its discussion it is quite possible that it may become a law within a short time...
...But it has force as well as charm and its strength lies in its plea for a freer, "uncaged" life for the hearts of all men, a life full of Love and Joy and Hope: "How can I breathe and laugh While there are things in cages...
...She was formerly an instructor in English literature in Wel-lesley College and is the author of several volumes of verse and if a tragic-drama entitled Martowe...
...This struggle has been postponed until after arrangements have been completed for the household of the new King...
...Show them how to long, To reach their arms as you do, for the stars, And fold them in...
...And Hansel answered, "No,—never...
...I dreamed......somebody wanted me...
...And Hansel said: "Yes, and a fat man called to come quick...
...and died...
...ECONOMIC INSECURITY AND INSANITY MISS ADDAMS recently said in speaking of insane asylums: "In this period of intense and overwrought industrialism there are no other institutions which could perform so great a service to the community if they could only determine how many patients become insane because of black terror lest they lose their work, how many through mal-nutrition when they had lost it, and how many because of the sheer monotony of their employment...
...It is not sufficient to supply a breathing space and a play place...
...As always, always for the lighted windows Of all the world, the Dark outside is nothing...
...Dress reform...
...Jan, the little cripple, "that little shipwrecked Star" as the Piper calls him, wakes and cries: "I thought...
...Lionel Marks) of Cambridge, Massachusetts...
...Our shortest way to our neighbors is around by some common meeting place, where we may join him in a common cause...
...People must be reached through the things for which they care most...
...and I always wasn't there...
...1 cup of granulated sugar...
...And she starved and sang...
...And like the wind, she roved and lurked and shuddered Qut&ide your lighted windows, and fled by, Storm-hunted, trying to outstrip the snow, South, south, and homeless a? a broken bird,— Limping and hiding!—And she fled, and laughed, And kept me warm...
...Oh, pipe and make us run away from school...
...Rudi dreamed that "Lump," his dog, had died...
...There's so much piping left to do,— I must be off and pipe...
...It charms by the music of its lines, and the richness of its imagery, by its delicious humor and its warm sympathy with childhood and youth...
...This would admit women who are tax payers, i. e., householders or occupiers of premises for business or professional purposes...
...Wherever I go, I search the eyes of men To find such clearness...
...The mere possession of property without occupancy will not qualify a woman as it now does a man...
...The passing of the bill would therefore be an important step toward granting equal political rights to all men and all women...
...The recipe for stuffed grape leaves in "The Turk and His Table" by N. Tashjian, may be of interest merely because it is curious but the directions for making Turkish pilaf and Domates Dolma or Stuffed Tomatoes will have a practical value for the American housewife...
...This will take only a short time if the eggs are fresh and very cold...
...says the Piper, and again "I'll not have things in cages...
...She says: "There is a good lesson in a rather charming story—'The Resurrection of Miss Cynthia,' by Florence Morse Kingsley...
...He wears a golden collar . . . ." As the children tell their dreams, the first doubt enters the Piper's mind as to the wisdom and kindness of what he has done...
...says the writer, "Do not let it call up a vision of short hair, knee skirts and high-laced bicycle shoes...
...We should certainly congratulate ourselves that what is done and aaid in the Home Economics Association is now being reported to us all through the medium of this ably edited magazine...
...Marriage is to be no disqualification but the bill as outlined provides that the same premises shall not qualify a man and also his wife for voting...
...THE CEASELESS WHISPER OF PERMANENT IDEALS ¶THE best result obtainable from college, with its liberal and honorable traditions, is that training in the humanities which lifts the raw boy and girl into the ranks of the understanding, enabling them to sympathize with men's mistakes, to feel the beauty of lost causes, the pathos of misguided epochs, 'the ceaseless whisper of permanent ideals.'"—Agnes Repplier in the June Century...
...The peripatetic waist-line as variable as the isotherms of the temperate zone, can still move up and down, but don't let the internal organs be moved along with it...
...The present session of Parliament is therefore to be devoted to non-controversial measures...
...Those who are interested in physical education will find much of value in Dr...
...and it is not there...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Piper A Review By ELLA K. WALKER IN revivifying the famous old legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, Josephine Preston Peabody has given us a delightful poetic drama...
...by William D. Hurd...
...Ah, not you...
...Bake for 30 minutes in a very slow oven on asbestos baking sheets...
...And people tied him up,—and other people Pretended that he bit,—He never bites...
...Then, free from care, she roamed the fields and recovered her health...
...And all that makes .Him sad these thousand years, And keeps His forehead bleeding...
...Shape with a spoon on pieces of paper...
...Susan M. Kingsbury of Simmons College, and "The University Department of Home Economics and the Outside Community...
...They know not how to be Happy...
...Caged,—in the iron of your money-lust-" And so the Piper pipes the children away to his cave while they dance and sing: "Oh, pipe again...
...Meringues Whites of 4 eggs...
...The bill has already been introduced and agreement seems to have been about reached on the basis of giving the parliamentary suffrage to women on the same terms that they now ha', e municipal suffrage...
...A Magazine for Thoughtful Women THE Home Economics Journal for June is of unusual interest and should appeal to many classes of women...
...There need be no such radical changes, nor any perceptible departure from a womanly, becoming, nay, even frivolous costume...
...To which the Piper made reply: "Come, did you ever see a fat man cry About a little Boy...
...C. H. Israels on The Dance Problem: "The sense element in young girls demands emotional gratification, especially after a day of nervous and monotonous work...
...H. S. Braucher in the secretary's report: "East Orange spent last year 3o cenN per capita on playgrounds...
...College Courses in Economics Applied to the School of Household Economics," by Dr...
...Oh, pipe and make us dance...
...RICHARD C. CABOT on Recreation: "The supreme value of recreation consists in this: It turns up a fresh surface of the soul where new and precious experience can take root...
...The Piper, struggling with his emotion, added: "And then he went to heaven, To chase the happy cats up all the trees;— Little white cats...
...He saw that the same love of greed that refused him his just reward for ridding the town of the pest of rats was darkening the lives of the children...
...They are the brightest miracle I know...
...To you, a Nothing...
...thrush, put out his eyes,— And cage him up and bid him then to sing— Sing before God that made him,—yes, to sing...
...They deal with men As, far across the mountains in the south, Men trap a singing...
...The only things worth having...
...Lies, greed and cruelty, and dreadful dark...
...Nothing forever, oh, you well-housed mothers...
...The lines of association do not run from door to door...
...Large meringues may be filled with ice cream or whipped cream...
...Votes for Women in England AN INTERESTING stage has been reached in the movement for woman's suffrage in England...
...The Piper was a strolling player for whose mother, also a strolling player, the "smug" town of Hamelin and the medieval church had only harsh judgments...
Vol. 2 • July 1910 • No. 27