Hall, Lemuel C.

No Longer "Rock-Ribbed" By LEMUEL C. HALL Editor and Publisher, The Ware ham i Mass.} Courier THE 14th Massachusetts Congressional district has achieved mucl. publicity as the result of the...

...which show that when disease or summer-heat mow down the children of the poor in dark tenements, the rich man can preserve his own children in his healthy, light dwelling.—Ellen Key...
...They felt it their duty to give a lesson which should teach that the party is made up of the people and not of the politicians...
...Lodge as United States Senator...
...publicity as the result of the recent election which placed Mr...
...Eugene N. Foss, a Democrat, in Congress...
...Modern man is ever becoming more and more his own Providence...
...It is the hope of the majority of those Republicans who voted for Foss that the misleadership may cease and that they may once more be able to vote with the party which has their sympathy...
...Direct nominations are in favor and almost every voter you talk with is an enthusiastic insurgent...
...An issue in the elections this fall will be the election of representatives who shall oppose the reelection of Mr...
...The writer of this is himself the editor of a newspaper which has always been considered a supporter of the existing order of things...
...Sympathy is given to those who have tried to trim the sails of the Speaker of the National House...
...The.blind belief that death is dependent upon God's will, man is losing by the witness of statistics which declare that duration of life increases with improved sanitary conditions...
...In the beginning the contest was entirely local in its issues, but as it went on the voters became interested and learned that the conditions against which they were opposed were the conditions which the insurgents in Congress were opposin...
...He told us that unless we elected the Republican nominee, who had so recently been the prime factor in the election of a Democratic governor, we would throw down the Taft administration, the new tariff bill, and incidentally himself...
...We feel the hope that another lesson will not be needed,—but if it is we are ready to administer it...
...This district is now invariably referred to as the "Rock-ribbed Republican District" which joined the insurgent army and which has gone astray from the beaten path of Republicanism...
...From being the most conservative district in the state, the 14th has become the most radical...
...The press of the district, almost unanimously staunch in its support of the Republican party previously, is now admittedly insurgent...
...If a revolt against the caucus manipulations of the Republican machine meant a defeat for the Republican party then the voters stood ready to accept the responsibility and did so...
...Th*e 14th district has had a touch of insurgency and likes it...
...The truth of the matter is that the 14th district is as much a Republican district as it ever was, but that it has revolted at the caucus methods of the party rulers and has endeavored to administer a rebuke which will teach them the error of their ways...
...The new tariff is now an unpopular measure in the 14th district...
...It is an unquestioned fact that the voters of the district feel strongly on this subject and that they cherish a deep antagonism for him as a result of the part he took in the Congressional matter...
...In the recent election he strongly advocated the election of Mr...
...against smallpox and cholera, diphtheria and tuberculosis, he his fourd o*her rcon^s of rVfen?e...
...Foss, believing that the Republican party had drifted away from the people and that the way to ensure a return was to show the so-called party leaders that there was a point beyond which they could not go...
...He threw down the gauntlet, and the voters were content to pick it up and let it go at that...
...It is believed that he made a tactical error in mixing in the contest at all and that it is due entirely to him that the contest was fought out on national issues and was not allowed to remain a local fight between a Republican Democrat and a Democrat Republican...
...The present position of the machine politicians is unenviable and they must either bend to the wind or be broken by it...
...he has already protected himself against fire by tire engines and fire insurance, against the sea by life-saving stations...

Vol. 2 • May 1910 • No. 19

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