News Worth Remembering THE Senate on March 5 passed a postal savings bank bill. The passage of this bill was attended by stirring debate. Beginning on March 2 with charges that an attempt was being...
...The tax amounts to $6.41...
...It will study congestion and the means of preventing it...
...Senator Jefferson Davis of Arkansas, in urging the passage of a bill before the House committee on public lands, made the statement that he was to receive a "good fee" for his advocacy of the measure, and afterward attempted to have this part of his testimony stricken from the printed report of the hearings...
...Miss Squire pointed out to the county attorney that as a matter of fact she and her mother had already paid the tax for which they were assessed...
...In Nebraska it is announced that William J. Bryan will tour the state at the next elections, and advocate county option...
...It is charged that his firm and he personally were aware of the existence of and helped butterine "moonshiners" to carry on their trade...
...A committee appointed to draw up a tentative program advised that measures should be taken by health authorities everywhere in the state to educate the people through literature and lectures, to secure complete vital statistics, to provide means for the treatment of those suffering with contagious and" infectious diseases and especially consumptives, to safeguard the water, milk and other food supplies from contamination, and to secure the cooperation of all the citizens of the state...
...This is everywhere recognized as one of the most important phases of the conservation question...
...As a result of Miss Squire's protest, a "No vote, No tax" league has been organized and a committee of this league has outlined a plan for making this protest general and effective...
...Rockefeller's gifts for educational and humanitarian purposes to date total $132,000,000, and are exceeded only by those of Andrew Carnegie, who has given $162,000,000...
...Efforts are being made in Washington to secure the establishment of a Department of Health for the whole United States, whose head shall be a cabinet member...
...The Forty-fifth Coast Cavalry of the United States Army was ordered to Philadelphia to protect government property...
...Rockefeller to Establish "Foundation" A bill introduced in the Senate on March 2 by Senator Gallinger for the purpose, it is said, of aiding John D. Rockefeller to dispose of his great wealth for the benefit of mankind, has been referred to the committee on judiciary...
...It is reported that in financial circles it seems to be a settled conviction that the law will be interpreted literally, and that there is no cause for alarm...
...The Chicago grand jury investigation of the National Packing Company, or the beef trust, has ended...
...I can not call it my government for only too well have 1 learned the lesson so blithely quoted by our pulpiteers—'governments exist only by consent of the governed.' It is only a craven or coward, a weakling or a traitor, who will continue tamely to submit to tyranny and I am ashamed to be classed any longer with such undesirable people...
...Socialists have been forbidden to hold meetings but clashes between the soldiers, the police and the people are becoming frequent and serious...
...Senator Dollivor declared that the bill was being drawn in the interests of Wall Street...
...The progressive Republicans, by their attacks on the bill on March 3 prevented its passage that day...
...Not until the sun melts the masses of ice and snow which cover the trains will the exact number of deaths be ascertained...
...The bill as finally passed in the Senate by a vote of 50 to 22, contains the Smoot amendment and authorizes the deposit of the postal bank funds with national, state, and savings banks and trust companies d-ing a banking business...
...It is charged that political organizations and newspapers have come under the influence of the funds raised by this "League" and that threats of libelous or scandalous articles or other intimidations have been used against members of Congress...
...Miss Belle Squire, who attends to her mother's business matters, wrote to the county attorney protesting against the injustice of women having to help bear the burden of a government in which they have no voice...
...The second man whose dealings have been assailed is Representative William Moxley of Chicago, head of a great oleomargarine manufacturing firm of that city...
...It is illogical and should be illegal to sue a person for taxes who is denied the rights of citizens through no fault of her own...
...Rockefeller to better distribute his wealth...
...Legislation by Caucus That President Taft has reached an agreement with the Cannon and Aldrich organizations for the passage of four bills, viz: the railroad law amendments, the postal savings bank bill, one conservation bill, and a bill to define the scope of federal injunctions, was the news contained in a Washington dispatch of March 1. According to this report, it is planned to secure the passage of the bills through, the House by means of caucuses...
...It is the purpose of the foundation, say the dispatches, to enable Mr...
...Attorney General Wickersham and President Taft are now reviewing the evidence for the purpose of deciding whether the government has sufficient evidence to bring about the dissolution of the trust and whether the individual packers shall be prosecuted...
...Sarah Squire of Chicago received notice of tax delinquency growing out of an assessment on property used by her...
...Congressmen in Hot Water During the last week two members of Congress have been placed in an unenviable position...
...In Berlin the riots over the suffrage laws continue and grow more formidable...
...Unless law and justice have parted company there is no case against me...
...Mayor Busse who has taken a stand against prohibition has appointed a "vice commission" of thirty men to deal with that problem in Chicago...
...It was Senator Dolliver's spirited attack that broke the backbone of the scheme to pass a bill to the advantage of Wall Street...
...Men and women from all over the state met to discuss a plan of action whereby the death rate of the state might be lowered and the health of all the citizens safeguarded...
...As renters," she said, "we have paid the land tax yearly on our habitation—paid it in monthly installments, being charged a certain lump sum which includes taxes on the property, interest on inflated values as well as services and actual value received...
...and that Moxley furnished the moonshiners with government inspection labels, thus helping them to evade the law, and defrauding the government out of five million dollars...
...Several years ago Congressman Burton of Kansas served a term in prison for violating a law prohibiting members of Congress from advocating the passage of any bill in which they have a pecuniary interest...
...Especial attention to the physical condition of the child was needed, said the committee...
...The issuance of $30,000,000 worth of certificates of indebtedness for the completion of government irrigation projects already under way was authorized by the Senate on the 2d...
...Government officials in the revenue collector's office are also charged with complicity in the case and a grand jury will be put at work immediately...
...Its object is "to promote the well being and to advance the civilization of the peoples of the United States and its territories, and possessions, and of foreign lands in the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, in the prevention and relief of suffering and in the promotion of any and all of the elements of the human progress...
...While the strikers held meetings and paraded the streets no disorder appeared until Sunday, the 6th, when in a clash with the police three persons were shot, one probably fatally, and many were clubbed and arrested by the police...
...This makes it impossible for the funds to be used for the taking up of the $730,000,000 of two per cent, bonds now held by national banks, which they would wish to get rid of in case Senator Aldrich's Central bank scheme were adopted...
...Meanwhile the Supreme Court has before it the task of deciding whether or not the Standard Oil Company and the American Tobacco Company shall be dissolved under the provisions of the anti-trust law...
...General Strike in Philadelphia The general strike, involving 100,000 union men according to labor leaders and about 40,000 according ts other estimates, went into effect in Philadelphia on March 5. The traction company has refused to arbitrate despite the pleas of other industrial concerns and the public...
...Postal Politics Assailed Following the attack of Congressman Cox on February 28, who charged that the postoffice department was being run as a "political adjunct," and that it was a "political broker's shop," came a statement by Representative Lindbergh of Minnesota, an insurgent, who says that patronage has been denied him by Postmaster General Hitchcock, for the purpose of forcing him to be "regular...
...Many have been injured and hundreds arrested...
...that his firm sold white oleomargarine to these "moonshiners," knowing that they would color it secretlj and sell it as butter without paying the tax levied by federal law...
...The final vote on the bill was divided along party lines...
...His son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., will retire from active business life to help in the administration of the fortune to be dispensed...
...Former United States Senator from New York Thomas Collier Piatt died in New York on March 6. He had been the Republican leader of New York state for years and was prominently identified with national politics almost since the formation of the Republican party...
...Senator Root had stated his views in a speech on March 4, in which he advocated the investment of the deposits in government bonds, but, finding opposition to this course too strong, he endorsed the Smoot provision, which gives the President power to invest postal savings bank funds in government bonds in time of war or other emergency tending to impair the credit of the nation...
...It is the purpose of the bill to allow the incorporation of what shall be known as "The Rockefeller Foundation...
...He was unsuccessful...
...News Notes Within the last week, a number of great train disasters have occurred in Washington, Idaho, Canada and the northwest generally...
...Beginning on March 2 with charges that an attempt was being made to pass an unconstitutional law, the contest continued until the final vote was taken...
...The resolution, which calls for an investigation of the means employed to secure the passage of the bill, was referred to the committee on judiciary by the Speaker...
...No interest will be allowed on fractions of a dollar...
...On April 5 Chicago will vote on the prohibition question as will many of the smaller towns of Illinois...
...Conserving Human Life A conference cf great importance was held in Columbia, South Carolina, on February 21 and 22...
...The Republican congressional committee is already sending out "information" and literature for use in the next campaigns and will give no financial or other support to "insurgents" when they come up for reelection, but will wage a fight for "regularity...
...Shipping Trust Under Fire A resolution charging that the Merchant Marine League of Cleveland is raising money from interested parties and trying to influence and intimidate members of Congress by blackmail to vote for the Humphrey ship subsidy bill was introduced in the House by Representative Steenerson of Minnesota on the 3d...
...It was the first conference called in any state for the conservation of human life...
...On March 4 the National Housing Association was formed...
...It came about in this way...
...Miss Squire's action has stimulated renewed interest in equal suffrage, especially in the Middle West...
...Such an organization with a special knowledge and study of tenements is expected to accomplish much in the movement for better health...
...Said Miss Squire, "As a loyal member of society, I refuse any longer to submit to that form of tyranny against which the founders of your government fought...
...No Vote—No Tax" A new turn was given to the movement for woman suffrage the other day in Chicago by the organization of a league of women who purpose to fight for equal suffrage under the slogan, "Taxation without representation is tyranny...
...Those who voted for the amendment were for the most part insurgents from the Middle West...
...Senator Cummins attempted to have this amended so that the investment of the funds in government securities would be confined to times of war, but his amendment was lost by a vote of 18 to 40...
...An amendment offered by Senator Borah, limiting the investment of the funds to government securities bearing at least two and one-fourth per cent, interest, was adopted...
...Will Beef Trust be Prosecuted...
...Huge avalanches of snow crashing down mountain sides have buried trains and whole towns, killing hundreds of persons...
Vol. 2 • March 1910 • No. 10