Paperback Plums
Paperback Plums Studies in economic theory and economic history are numerous among current paperbacks. The ideas of economists are indeed more pervasive than is commonly understood. "Practical men,...
...Introduction by Sidney Hook (Premier...
...95 cents) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, by Max Weber (Scrib-ner...
...ISAAC ASIMOV is an associate professor of biochemistry at Boston University...
...SI.50) Max Weber, An Intellectual Portrait, by Reinhard Bendix (Anchor...
...1.45) The Ideas of the Great Economists, by George Soule (Mentor...
...95 cents) The Theory of Economic Development, by Joseph A. Schumpeter (Galaxy...
...1.75 each vol...
...A Documentary History of American Economic Policy Since 1789, edited by William Letwin (Anchor...
...C. HUGH HOLAAAN is dean of the graduate school of the University of North Carolina and formerly was chairman of the English department there...
...WILLIAM McCANN reports regularly in these pages on significant paperbacks...
...1.50) The Affluent Society, by John Kenneth Galbraith (Mentor...
...60 cents) Economic Growth in the United States, by Sumner H. Slichter...
...The Managerial Revolution, by James Burnham (Midland...
...50 cents) The Folklore of Capitalism, by Thurman Arnold (Yale University Press...
...SI.95) The Dollar, by Roy Harrod (Norton...
...SI.45) The Theory of Economic Progress, by G. E. Ayres (Schocken Books...
...A native South Carolinian, he has written many articles on Southern literature and, with C. Floyd Stovall, the book, "The Development of American Literary Criticism...
...WARREN S. SMITH is a professor of theater arts at The Pennsylvania State University...
...1.45) The Theory of Business Enterprise, by Thorstein Veblen (Mentor...
...SI.25) The Ricli Nations and the Poor Nations, by Barbara Ward (Norton...
...SI-95) Corporations, A Study of the Origin and Development of Great Business Combinations, by John P. Davis (Capricorn...
...Among his books are "The Genetic Code," "The Chemicals of Life," and "The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science...
...1-25) The Living Thoughts of Karl Marx, presented by Leon Trotsky...
...Little (Oxford University Press...
...2.45) Institutional Economics, Its Place in Political Economy, by John R. Commons (University of Wisconsin Press, Two vols...
...Some years ago he was a film critic for The Progressive...
...Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences," J. M. Keynes once said, "are usually the slaves of some defunct economist...
...Introduction by John T. Dunlop (Collier...
...1.50) People of Plenty, Economic Abundance and the American Character, by David M. Potter (Phoenix, $1.35) The Challenge of Abundance, by Robert Theobald (Mentor...
...SI.95) The Acquisitive Society, by R. H. Tawney (Harvest...
...The Varieties of Economics, Documents, Examples and Manifestoes, edited by Robert Lekachman (Meridian, 2 vols...
...60 cents) The Worldly Philosophers, The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers, by Robert L. Heilbroner (Simon and Schuster...
...Here is a sampling of good titles: Economics and the Art of Controllers}', by John Kenneth Galbraith (Vintage...
...Translated by Frank H. Knight...
...1.95 each vol...
...1.30) The Great Depression, edited by David A. Shannon (Spectrum...
...75 cents) Man, Money and Goods, by John S. Gambs (Columbia University Press...
...Business Cycles and Their Causes, by Wesley Clair Mitchell (University of California Press...
...60 cents) The Attack on World Poverty, by Andrew Shonfield (Vintage...
...2.25) William McCann THE REVIEWERS NATHAN GtICK is a free lance reviewer...
...1.45) An Introduction to Economic Reasoning, by Marshall A. Robinson, Herbert C. Morton, and James D. Calder-wood (Anchor...
...50 cents) Major Documents in American Economic History, by Louis M. Hacker (Anvil, 2 vols...
...1.50) A Primer on Government Spending, by Robert L. Heilbroner and Peter L. Bernstein (Vintage...
...SI.25) General Economic History, by Max Weber...
...JOHN M. MUSTE teaches American and contemporary literature at Ohio State University...
...1.95) The Folklore of Management, by Clarence B. Randall (Mentor...
...1.45) A Critique of Welfare Econojnics, by I.M.D...
...1.25 each vol...
...SI.45) American Capitalism, by John Kenneth Galbraith (Sentry...
Vol. 29 • February 1965 • No. 2