Notes in the News Hope for Birth Control After decades of controversy, birth control now appears to be "an idea whose time has come." There will be many battles yet fought over the concept and...
...A wire from Senator Ernest Gruening, Alaska Democrat, to the President summed up the issue: "The acid test for liberalism is that regulatory commissions do not betray the public interest...
...Since 1961, under his chairmanship, the agency has ordered pipeline companies and gas producers to refund about $600 million in excess charges...
...Without it, the improvement in the "quality" of life that President Johnson eloquently advocates can never be achieved...
...If the United Nations," White says, "were to designate this area for international development according to the plan already drawn by the four nations, there is a strong possibility that peace could be achieved in a common pursuit of agricultural and industrial growth...
...The vision of the Keyserling report is far bolder and broader than anything to come from the White House or government economists so far...
...Corpus Christi, Texas, earmarked for such purpose $12,580 of a community-action grant obtained from Sargent Shriver's Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO...
...Opponents of HUAC had entertained no serious notion that they could abolish the Committee, but they had hoped to roll up an impressive vote—perhaps seventy-five—to serve as a modest brake on HUAC's runaway operations...
...Government officials take this to mean increased Federal backing of efforts to disseminate birth control information in the United States and abroad...
...Hoping to halt such redistricting in the states, Representative Tuck will have another try with his court-ripper bill designed to deny the Federal judiciary the power to hear or review reapportionment cases...
...This remarkable change in Catholic opinion was the principal factor in producing the highest level ever to be recorded, in the Gallup poll's twenty-nine year history, of public support for making birth control information available...
...Programs for Appalachia and other distressed areas should be expanded on a multi-purpose basis comparable to TV A. The war against discrimination in all its forms should be pressed vigorously...
...The natives of these lands, whichever side they are on today, seem to know, better than their Western or Eastern manipulators, what is best for them in the end...
...The most immediate test of the President's leanings will come when he decides whether to reappoint Charles R. Ross, a Republican member of the Federal Power Commission...
...Two years ago, twenty members of the House voted against the HUAC appropriation...
...Now, the civil rights movement promises to acquire new dimensions with the announcement by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People of a nationwide program of "citizenship clinics" designed to bring the Negro all the way into the mainstream of American life...
...A two-thirds vote would also be needed in the House, and then three-fourths of the states would have to ratify the amendment to add it to the Constitution...
...The policy of tight money and rising interest rates should be reversed because it is regressive in its income effects and inimical to economic growth...
...For survey purposes, the Institute classified as "small" a company with assets up to $5 million...
...The struggle to secure Constitutional rights is far from over...
...Average old age insurance payments should be approximately doubled within five years, and unemployment insurance improved with Federal aid...
...He would do measurable damage to his stature as a national leader if through the kind of appointments he makes—to the FPC, for example—he places the regional allegiance he long held, as a Texas Senator, to the gas and oil industry above his concern for consumers from coast to coast...
...Alternative in Asia Few Americans have even heard of a dramatic development in Southeast Asia that for decades to come may have far greater impact on that war-torn area than all the currently-headlined military and political maneuvers combined...
...Gilbert F. White, a brilliant University of Chicago professor of geography, and chairman of the board of the American Friends Service Committee, has proposed a fourth alternative to the commonly-debated three possible solutions to the Southeast Asian debacle...
...There is here a possible solution to the Vietnam snarl...
...Our admiration for the domestic policy of Macy's, which has helped protect consumers against artificially rigged high prices, is now matched by approval of its foreign policy—support of the United Nations...
...There is ample documentation for this conclusion, and an array of specific proposals for widening and deepening the war, in Progress or Poverty: The U.S...
...Under the act, governors have the power to veto Federal aid for any commun-nity-action programs within their states...
...All this means that the only opportunity members of the House will have to express their opposition to the work of HUAC will come in the next month or so when the Committee's appropriation comes up for consideration...
...The study bases this upon the finding," according to a Conference summary of the report, "that this Act, while highly desirable, evidences relatively too much reliance upon attempts to improve the personal qualifications of a very limited group of selected individuals, while the prime need is to integrate the war against poverty with an attack upon the inadequacies in the overall U.S...
...But what is more significant, net profits (including depreciation) of the nation's small businesses increased only four per cent while those of the large corporations shot up fifty-six per cent...
...Widespread birth control education and practice, with the consent of the individual, are long overdue...
...lecture tour for peace...
...Cambodia has recently shut off U.S...
...Special Fund which, said Macy's, "is helping hundreds of millions of people help themselves" by providing developing countries with the means "to survey natural resources, apply modern know-how, train people . . . For every dollar the Special Fund has spent on fifteen of its resource surveys, one hundred and twenty dollars of private and public investment have followed...
...f Further tax reductions should be limited to reducing the direct and indirect tax burden on low-income groups... the Crossroads, a new study issued by the Conference on Economic Progress...
...Perhaps two-thirds of the poverty in the country, the Keyserling report estimates, is among persons directly affected by the inadequate performance of the economy...
...It saluted the United Nations on its twentieth year, with particular praise for its special agencies...
...Whatever odd notion may have led some House liberals to believe that HUAC has become less baneful than before is a mystery to all civil libertarians...
...Whether the President's appointments are pro-fox or pro-chicken may prove more meaningful to millions of Americans in the long run than some of the more highly publicized bills proposed by the Administration...
...We are encouraged by the President's pledge in his State of the Union message to double the rate of spending in the war against poverty, which means possibly $2 billion a year...
...Now the spotlight is on the course President Lyndon Johnson follows in his appointments to regulatory bodies whose decisions have a significant impact on the consumer and the national interest...
...Anywhere in the country that there is malapportionment at the local level, citizens dedicated to the one-man, one-vote principle can take heart from the Wisconsin Supreme Court's application of this principle to county boards...
...In the new Congress, Dirksen's revised approach can muster the votes of thirty Republicans, up to twenty-one Dixie Democrats, and possibly a half dozen other Democrats...
...Eighty-one per cent of the public now approves such action, even though, as the survey question pointed out, in some places in the country it is not legal to supply birth control information...
...The two Washington women and Nixon had been summoned by a HUAC subcommittee to testify about their support of a visit to this country in 1963 by Professor K. Yasui, dean of Japan's Hosai University law school and a Japanese peace leader...
...If adopted, this would nullify the Supreme Court's June 15 ruling to the effect that not only assembly districts but state senate districts must be substantially equal in population...
...The time to keep the Dirksen-Tuck forces and their rural allies from pushing the country backward is before they begin operating at top speed...
...Its decision requires that county supervisors be elected from districts of substantially equal population...
...Nixon was to be asked about the role of his weekly in sponsoring the tour...
...Thus the proposal can be approved or vetoed by Wisconsin's Governor Warren P. Knowles...
...Commission staff employes who believe in enforcement of SEC regulations were said to be demoralized by Budge's appointment and subsequent confirmation b) the Senate...
...They succeed, too, in large measure...
...We can find no better words for recommending Professor White's stirring proposal than his own: "It is just barely possible that out of this most incredible of places—the swirling political caldron of Southeast Asia—might come a new pattern for international action in harnessing nature's riches to achieve peaceful change...
...Such inquiries properly fall within jurisdiction of the Immigration Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, and not HUAC...
...Among the larger corporations, investment per worker in 1956 was $13,000...
...But the full force of the hostility to HUAC will not be evident then, for some members of the House who oppose continuance of the Committee are reluctant to vote against funds for a body whose life was extended with adoption of the rules...
...large" firms are those with assets exceeding $250 million...
...Centuries of discrimination, deprivation, and humiliation have left the Negro with severe educational and vocational handicaps, and with deep emotional wounds... complex as the world is complex"—even in "the midst of international tugs-of-war" its social and economic agencies "continue to do their vital work—quietly and well...
...A band of liberal Senators first delayed this move with a "baby filibuster," later rallied enough votes to water it down, and the proposal finally died in Senate-House conference...
...The headline on the Macy message made this striking point: "It's hard to believe that a whole generation has grown up that has never lived in a world without the U.N...
...Conversely, viewing the new technology and automation, the only way to attain full resource use is to raise the living standards and purchasing power of the more than 34,000,000 Americans who are poor and the additional 32,000,000 who are deprived...
...The ruling by Wisconsin's highest court may prove a pace-setter for state courts in New York, Illinois, and Michigan which have the same type of county board representation system as does Wisconsin...
...In June, 1963, only fifty-three per cent of Catholics held this view...
...many doors are still closed...
...and in a number of other fields...
...The total of all U.S...
...Directed by Leon H. Keyserling, who headed President Truman's Council of Economic Advisers, the 150-page study commends the Johnson Administration program as embodied in the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 but emphasizes that it lacks the size and scope needed to do away with massive poverty and that "many other public and private policies and programs are of far more importance to a successful war against poverty...
...The most striking evidence of the improved climate for dealing with the population explosion is that Gallup survey results recently released disclose that seventy-eight per cent of Catholics now believe birth control information should be made available anywhere in the United States...
...for public assistance, labor, manpower, and other welfare services (including training and retraining), increased more than fifty per cent...
...The prime movers are Senate Republican Minority Leader Everett Dirksen of Illinois and Representative William M. Tuck, Virginia Democrat...
...A Kennedy appointee, Ross' term expired in June but he has continued to serve, pending a decision by Johnson...
...The Institute has warned that, largely because of automation, in 1965 there will be 150,000 more new job-seekers than there will be jobs, and that even a slight drop in the level of business activity could send unemployment up rapidly...
...others are moving in that direction...
...The survey posts danger signs for labor, too...
...Salute to Macy's That great melting pot of merchandising, Macy's of New York, "the world's largest store," recently took a full page in The New York Times to advertise someone else's wares...
...These are warning signals that the nation can ignore only at great peril...
...As an example it cited the U.N...
...HUAC's claws are as sharp as ever, even if they are sheathed from time to time...
...Edwards and his associates did not press for a showdown, which they almost certainly would not have gotten in any event, because they did not want to endanger adoption of the new, liberalizing rules of the House, of which the motion to abolish HUAC would have been a part...
...With it that ideal can be brought closer to reality, not only for Americans but among the peoples of the have-not nations around the world...
...Professor White proposes a fourth course of action that is both creative and constructive...
...The Wisconsin Example How deep and wide the resentment runs against government by rural minority can be seen in the acclaim which hailed a nationally significant decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court...
...The powerful oil and gas lobby has been pressing Johnson to replace Ross, while a bipartisan group led by his fellow Vermonter, Senator George Aiken, Republican, and Senator William Proxmire, Wisconsin Democrat, have urged his reappointment...
...The Federal regulatory commissions can exert vast influence—for or against the public welfare—on oil, gas, and electric utility costs...
...Urging readers to find out more about the United Nations through interested local civic groups and the U.N...
...Thus, the study finds, the problems of poverty, excessive unemployment, and inadequate economic growth are all really one problem, and failure to recognize this is resulting in inadequate action on all three fronts...
...It proposes that annual outlays by state and local government should increase about $36 billion while gross private investment ought to be higher by $103 billion, and private consumer expenditures up more than $335 billion...
...All committee decisions have been unanimous...
...The cities and suburbs have grassroots, too, and their citizens should immediately inform members of the House and Senate, and the Administration, that they want the Dirksen and Tuck proposals killed...
...The control of conception is of critical importance to the war against poverty, to the promotion of health, to the balancing of our population against our resources, and to the present and future happiness of our people...
...And so are the people of Laos...
...Readers were reminded that while U.N...
...President Kennedy sought to reverse this trend with the appointment of commissioners with some concern for the public...
...Congress designed to keep democracy from spreading...
...All of this strongly indicates that 1965 may turn out to be the year of the turning point in the long struggle to advance birth control in the United States, if not in the world...
...D Vastly increased Federal aid to housing and urban renewal should be pointed toward almost doubling the rate of home construction, with major emphasis upon rehousing the poor and lower-middle-income housing...
...Work is underway—field work— but even guerrilla troops have not interfered...
...As introduced, the Dirksen resolution would amend the Constitution to provide that one house of a legislature may be apportioned on factors other than population, if the voters of the state approve...
...A number of malapportioned legislatures have been redistricted already...
...Washington, D.C., is seeking a similar grant from the OEO to expand birth control clinics established last year under a $25,000 Congressional appropriation to the capital city...
...The popular referendum clause of Senator Dirksen's new amendment could win much greater support for this effort than the Senator mustered on his previous attempt, during the final weeks of the last Congress...
...Only a concerted effort of the kind proposed by the NAACP will make it possible for the Negro to overcome these handicaps, and it is the collective responsibility of the white majority, which has been the Negro's oppressor, to support such a program...
...The minimum wage floor should be lifted and coverage extended...
...In the seven-year period covered by the Research Institute's survey, sales of the 500 largest corporations grew by thirty-three per cent, while their work force increased only eleven per cent...
...President Kennedy refused to appoint him to a high government post, but Johnson named him to the SEC, reportedly at the insistence of the then Republican House leader, Charles A. Halleck of Indiana...
...Now the Research Institute of America has revealed still another—the relatively small business concerns...
...This will bring it perilously close to the two-thirds required for Senate approval of a Constitutional amendment...
...Envisioned are dams, hydroelectric power stations, irrigation systems, soil conservation schemes, shipping improvements, and many other river development projects that would greatly benefit this long and troubled appendage of the Asian world...
...What impresses us most about Professor White's proposal is that the "guerrilla troops have not halted field work" on the vast project that cuts across the borders of four nations that have occupied so much of the world's men and materiel, militarily and politically...
...After some local opposition, Milwaukee's Social Development Commission recently voted seven to one to seek nearly $50,000 to establish five birth control clinics in low-income neighborhoods...
...White's proposal, originally published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, has been formally submitted to President Johnson by Colin Bell, executive secretary of the AFSC...
...We have long been exposed to the fact that the Vietnamese people are weary of the war...
...They seek to undo Supreme Court decisions which establish the principle of "one man, one vote" in the apportionment of both houses of state legislatures...
...investment by small companies grew only forty-one per cent as rapidly as investment by the giants...
...aid—for its own political reasons...
...They were refused the opportunity...
...By 1963, their capital requirements had risen to $70,000 per employe...
...They should be directed primarily to departmental employes, not private citizens...
...Passed by the House in the closing days of the last session, 218 to 175, the Tuck bill did not come before the Senate...
...By 1975, if these and other new programs are adopted as needed, the Keyserling study estimates the Federal government will be spending about $156 billion a year compared to less than $98 billion now—but our gross national product (GNP) will have risen from $584 billion in 1963 to $1,100 billion, bringing a decline in Federal spending as a per cent of national production, and cutting the national debt from 52.3 per cent of GNP down to 26.4 per cent: Instead of 34,000,000 poor we would have fewer than 3,000,000, the study contends...
...HUAC Untouched The first effort in the Eighty-ninth Congress to strike at the House Un-American Activities Committee died aborning...
...Eighteen of them ran for reelection in 1964, and all won, most of them by significantly larger margins than in 1962...
...It is glaringly clear that HUAC seeks to damage any unit of the peace movement it can, while pressuring the government to tighten its already repressive entry policies...
...As a result, the big firms do everything possible to keep their work force from growing...
...With such golden incentives to spur it on, the lobby is exerting every ounce of its massive weight with Congress and Texas friends of the President to stop reappointment of Ross now, and of Swidler later...
...The Research Institute of America, a respected private organization with headquarters in New York, recently concluded a survey which disclosed that automation has greatly accelerated the growth of the giant corporations at the expense of smaller companies... for Vietnam are, briefly: Step-ping-up the current containment approach...
...Thus Madison, for example, which has three-fourths of Dane county's population, will no longer be penalized by holding only one-fourth of the seats on the county board...
...The full Committee approved the action as a matter of course, and with the House no longer in session Speaker McCormack concluded that under the law he had no choice but to send the contempt citation to the prosecutor...
...Protecting The Public The appointment of foxes to watch the chickens was one of President Eisenhower's failings as the nation's Chief Executive...
...Representative Don Edwards, sophomore California Democrat, led the futile drive on the first day of the new session to amend the House rules so as to abolish HUAC and to transfer "the appropriate portion of its jurisdiction" to the House Judiciary Committee...
...Johnson stirred up those fears sharply last summer when he named Hamer H. Budge, a defeated Republican Congressman from Idaho, to the Securities and Exchange Commission...
...expanding the war into North Vietnam...
...The Dirksen proposal, although milder than Tuck's bill, represents a more serious threat because thirty-one of thirty-two GOP Senators (the sole exception is Clifford P. Case, New Jersey liberal) have added their names as sponsors, along with Democrats Stuart Symington of Missouri, Frank J. Lau-sche of Ohio, and Spessard L. Holland of Florida...
...By failing to continue Commissioners Ross and Swidler in their posts, the President would create new fears that he favors further weakening of regulatory commissions which, for the most part, have shown an alarming decline in virility over the past two decades...
...In the first such ruling in any state, the Court applied the "one man, one vote" rule to representation on county boards...
...Some of the men he named to Federal regulatory commissions were in league with industries they were supposed to regulate, and opposed to the public interest... the advertising and sale of consumer goods...
...You can't be called by this Committee," said Mrs...
...White suggests that "all nations could join their technical, financial, and police assistance under the United Nations flag in working toward a concrete goal . . . This would mean withdrawal of national military units .. . It would substitute a development goal for an indistinct battle line, and it would permit the United States to withdraw gracefully in favor of an international force committed to that goal...
...Specifically, the women were to be questioned about their requests to the State Department for an entry permit for the law dean so that he might make a U.S...
...Two of the aye votes came from lame ducks—Republicans August E. Jo-hansen of Michigan, who was defeated in his reelection bid, and Donald C. Bruce of Indiana, who did not run for reelection...
...and neutralizing the entire Southeast Asia area...
...Among his principal proposals are: To identify priorities in the war against poverty and the overall economic effort, the Economic Reports of the President should establish ten-year quantitative goals, including a Job Budget depicting a viable composition of employment related to the new technology and automation and to the nation's needs, balanced relationships between investment and consumption, specific objectives for the reduction of poverty and the servicing of other national priorities, and should adjust all public programs to these goals...
...During ten years in the House, Budge's votes were consistently reactionary...
...Too Narrow A War One area in which a wider war is urgently needed, and soon, is in the war against poverty...
...In June, 1963, seventy-four per cent approved making birth control data available...
...Allen, "without having some disapprobation and the only protection I have is in a public hearing...
...As an alternative to action at the time the rules were being adopted, Edwards introduced a separate resolution calling for abolition of HUAC and the enlargement of the Judiciary Committee's assignment to include "sabotage and other overt acts affecting national security...
...Since 1957, four Southeast Asian nations—South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand—have been working together in close cooperation with twenty other nations and eleven international agencies in a bold plan to develop the land and water potential capacities of the lower Mekong River basin...
...f The total U.S...
...With the shift of focus to the Negro community itself, Wilkins said the citizenship clinics would emphasize "the positive potential of Negro Americans and encourage them to press for their enrichment and expansion with the same determination and skill they brought to the fight for their rights . . . "There will be attention to delinquency, vandalism, crime, group moral standards, and other matters demanding frank and helpful evaluation and unapologetic action...
...contribution to the lower Mekong development plan has cost less than four days of military aid in South Vietnam...
...In a number of three-to-two FPC rulings, Ross provided the key vote for tighter regulation of electric utilities, pipeline companies, and gas producers, and lower rates for their customers...
...A large part of the reason is that automation requires an enormous increase in capital investment for each new worker...
...Reappointment of Ross is such an acid test...
...Lawrence Speiser, attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union who accompanied the women to the hearing as counsel, supported their demand to testify only in public...
...Blocking Democracy Those who believe that government cannot be truly representative until every citizen's vote has equal elective power—whether cast in the city, the suburbs, or rural areas—would do well to keep vigil on the latest moves in the U.S...
...Thailand, at the moment, sits serenely above the battle...
...Dagmar Wilson and Mrs...
...The latest such move by HUAC was its citation for contempt of Congress of Mrs...
...But Presidents determine, by their choice of commissioners, if the public will be protected or not...
...Furthermore, it might well provide the basis for a peaceful and honorable resolution of the conflict in Vietnam, and thus extricate the United States from an increasingly untenable position...
...Budge's appointment, hailed joyously by Wall Street, is regarded as a serious blow to the SEC's planned reforms to protect investors against stock rigging...
...In the final analysis, the study insists, the poor can be helped only by increasing their incomes, and this can be accomplished only by increasing the per capita output of the country and/or improving income distribution...
...There is much work yet to be done to gain for the Negro all of his rights...
...The subpoenaed witnesses offered to testify at an open hearing, but refused to do so behind closed doors as the HUAC subcommittee insisted...
...If the President reappoints Ross it will mean that the FPC will continue with a three-to-two majority watchful of the consumer's interest, at least until this June, when the term of one of the majority, Chairman Joseph C. Swidler, will expire...
...manufacturing employment declined one per cent, another indication of the trend toward monopoly...
...Profits of small firms, after taxes, actually declined sixteen per cent, while those of big business grew by forty-seven per cent...
...Those that are dragging their feet in the hope that Congress will preserve their undemocratic power need to be shown promptly that it is a futile hope...
...for health services and research, almost quadrupled...
...The Progressive has frequently chronicled the trend toward monopoly in our economy, a serious-enough drift even before automated manufacturing and the computer became such dominant factors in our society...
...With commendable speed, several cities have taken steps to secure Federal funds for birth control programs geared to the war on poverty...
...Edwards and thirteen other House liberals had appealed to the leadership, notably Speaker John W. McCormack and Majority Leader Carl Albert, for permission to conduct "a reasonable debate and vote" on HUAC on the first day of the session when the House adopted its rules...
...President Johnson's first messages to the Eighty-ninth Congress have demonstrated a heartening commitment to the broad national interest...
...Under the new rules Speaker McCormack has discretionary authority to withdraw the resolution in twenty-one days, but nobody expects that he will...
...Toward Full Citizenship In the long struggle to achieve racial equality, the focus has been almost exclusively—and necessarily—on breaking down the walls of segregation and discrimination and opening doors to more equitable opportunities for Negroes...
...There will be many battles yet fought over the concept and methods of planned parenthood but there is now encouraging evidence that some of the ancient barriers to birth control are coming down with surprising speed...
...At a hearing in December, some local Catholic groups opposed the plan, suggested by Planned Parenthood of Milwaukee...
...The three most-talked-about U.S...
...The number of small businesses in operation has declined since 1956, in spite of a mushrooming population and a burgeoning economy...
...debates and problems make headlines—"for the U.N...
...Donna Allen, leaders of the Women Strike for Peace, and Russell Nixon, general manager of the National Guardian weekly...
...But this resolution—as contrasted with the aborted rules-change method of erasing HUAC —must go to the House Rules Committee where it doubtless will be buried for the session... rail, highway, and air transportation...
...Within a decade, comments Keyserling, "we can virtually eradicate poverty" by adopting programs to achieve "maximum employment, production, and purchasing power...
...Automation Victim On Page 18 of this issue Peter Irons describes some of the casualties of "the cybernation revolution...
...We suggest that the Administration give careful study to the Keyserling report in making its economic plans for the Great Society...
...These objectives, in turn, tie in with using our productive capabilities much more fully...
...Ninety per cent of this estimated cost would come from Federal funds under the anti-poverty act...
...He suggests that the Mekong River project now under way offers "a solution to Southeast Asian violence which would make sense to peasants in the rice fields and to American taxpayers...
...We don't pretend to have a blueprint of action to meet these newer problems, but we are convinced it is more urgent than ever that the nation take a fresh look at its economic system, much of which is operating by outmoded rules and left-over myths...
...The attempted closed session followed nine earlier hearings held by HUAC since last March to see what could be dredged up regarding the handling of entry permits by the State and Justice departments...
...At this writing, more Senate Democrats may enter their names and Senator Jacob L. Javits, New York Repulican liberal, may withdraw his...
...headquarters, the big store concluded: "Our world is safer, happier, and more prosperous because of the United Nations...
...The Mekong is comparable in flow to the great Columbia of our own Northwest, and its basin embraces half of the populations of the four cooperating Asian countries through which the river courses...
...A far greater amount would be involved in rate increases for more than thirty-seven million natural gas customers if the oil and gas lobby takes over the FPC...
...At that time he sought Congressional action to prevent the Federal courts from ordering any redistricting prior to 1966...
...But the plea of Catholic Archbishop William E. Cousins that the hearing not be "turned into an arena for religious controversy" helped clear the way for later approval by Commission vote...
...for basic resource development, increased about twenty-five per cent...
...Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP, said the "broad goal" of the clinics "will be the assumption of full citizenship responsibilities along with utilization of full citizenship rights...
...But this falls far short of meeting the needs of the poor and deprived, or unleashing the real potential of our still retarded economy...
...economic performance made manifest by excessive unemployment and inadequate economic growth...
...A few facts, which are impressive, are: f The committee administering the project is the only agency in which the four Asian nations regularly participate...
...5[ Within ten years, on a per capita basis related to the total population, Federal outlays for education should be increased almost five times...
...f An entirely new farm program should be enacted, aimed at expanding consumption both at home and overseas...
...In the seven-year period from 1956 to 1963 the sales of small firms grew only one-third as fast as those of the big firms...
...The subcommittee voted December 7 to cite the women and Nixon for contempt...
...The Institute sees a bleak outlook for small business...
...HUAC Shows Its Claws With liberal Congressmen immobilized in their effort, when Congress convened, to abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee, this inquisitorial body can be expected to continue its campaigns against the rights of citizens... television and radio broadcasting...
...But an open door is of no avail to the Negro if he is not capable of walking through it, and the NAACP is to be commended for its foresight in taking the next step toward the goal of full equality for the Negro...
...Past experience has shown that following such HUAC star-chamber proceedings some witnesses have been damaged by derogatory leaks to the press...
...Shriver previously had announced that Federal funds would be provided for birth control programs if localities requested them...
...The citizenship clinic program deserves the wholehearted support of the entire American community, white and colored...
...The new attitude could be seen in this declaration from President Johnson's State of the Union message: "I will seek new ways to use our knowledge to help deal with the explosion in world population and the growing scarcity of world resources...
Vol. 29 • February 1965 • No. 2