notes in the news Politics In a few days, June 2 to be exact, the Democrats of Texas will choose their nominee for governor in a runoff election. The choice lies between the two men who finished...

...A flap ensued, and Mr...
...Catherine May, Washington...
...AT&T," said Representative Cell-er during the brief House debate, "has successfully avoided regulation on earth...
...As The Wall Street Journal reported recently: "High-altitude aerial snooping convinces U.S...
...Meanwhile, routine policing by Federal agencies has brought a series of crack-downs on shady practices...
...The Elephant and the Flea In that peculiarly warped world the far Right advocates of "total victory" have created in their own minds, even the feeblest efforts to achieve peace through disarmament are perceived as a dangerous threat rather than as a faint hope...
...It is widely represented that refunds of taxes withheld but not owed would be slow and difficult to process...
...Similarly, when banks pay interest, they would merely transmit twenty per cent of the total paid, but not the depositors' names and amounts withheld...
...The arms budget runs to 260 dollars a year for every man, woman, and child in the nation...
...Robert Kastenmeier and Lester Johnson, Wisconsin...
...f It is claimed the withholding system will work a hardship on retired persons, widows, and orphans whose incomes from interest and dividends are so small that their income tax liability is zero...
...ADA, it seems to us, faces a decisive challenge in the years just ahead...
...The quality of medical care will deteriorate...
...strategists that Castro's military potential is mainly defensive...
...Scores of polls have revealed wholesale rejection of shelters as a protective shield in the nuclear age...
...Not a single one of these...
...I don't know," said the Senator, -"whether [the charges] are misleading or not...
...Here, clearly, are some of the ingredients of an independent course and an affirmative policy that make enormous sense to us...
...James A. Wechsler, editor of the New York Post and a founder of and powerful force in ADA, has commented that in recent times, "it has too often seemed to be an alumni association of relaxed liberals rather than a fighting movement...
...If we are going to continue to be proud that we are Americans, there must be no weakening of the code by which we have lived.' But there was a frightful weakening of that code, under Mr...
...passport, namely, that an American citizen forfeits his citizenship by serving "in the armed forces of a foreign state...
...Thus, the resolution expressed "grave anxiety and concern" that the government had not sought to invoke the good offices of the United Nations, and that it had not made clear to Congress or the country "the reasons— if they exist—which would necessitate and justify such unilateral military intervention...
...charges," the President said, "is true.*^ But the Senate is under heavy pre»| sure from the folks back home, and...
...Long Overdue Reform The Atomic Energy Commission, almost as hush-hush a department as the Central Intelligence Agency, has not been especially distinguished for its commitment to civil liberties...
...Among the misconceptions are these: The withholding tax on interest and dividends is considered by many to be a new tax...
...the absence of any major labor representation at its latest convention dramatizes the ground it has lost since it was formed fifteen years ago...
...To the great surprise of the Committee, the withholding plan received enthusiastic support from John Sadlick, vice-president and controller of the Franklin National Bank of Long Island, the thirty-second largest commercial bank in the country, with deposits totalling more than three-quarters of a billion dollars...
...f A national health plan has failed in other nations and should be avoid' ed here...
...He is a political bigot of considerable stature who is not only a United States Senator but also chairman—solely as a result of seniority—of the once distinguished Senate Judiciary Committee...
...Two of the most recent were conducted by Congressmen, one a Wisconsin Democrat and the other a State of Washington Republican...
...For example: % The Food and Drug Administration seized more than 5,400 "giant economy size" jars of Maxwell House instant coffee because they cost more per ounce than the regular six-ounce jars...
...The key word in the Admiral's curious comment is "balanced...
...They have risen up in protest, and, at the urging of the financial institutions, they are registering their protest with Congress through the mails...
...The civil war in South Vietnam, ADA decided, is not so much the result of foreign intervention—as contended by the Administration—as it is "the result of the decay of the totalitarian Diem regime...
...But his company was 'in and out of the business' within ninety days," having sold only three of the fifty shelters it had built...
...Edith Green and Al Ullman, Oregon...
...The lady in the back row wants to know if it isn't true what it says in her U.S...
...Connally, on whom the conservative forces of Texas have pinned their hopes, is Lyndon Johnson's "boy...
...Ralph Yarborough, Texas...
...Then we lied...
...Collapse of a Boom The London Observer, in a recent analysis of our government's widely distributed civil defense booklet extolling the advantages of underground shelters, concluded with the reflection that Nikita Khrushchev once said he would bury the Americans but "they have always been a do-it-yourself nation...
...They find no sign of missile bases, no build-up of offensive strength for invasion of Latin lands...
...In a schizoid manner," said the Admiral, "we have balanced a Department of Defense with a Committee on Dis-armament, ballistic missiles with the position that war is unthinkable...
...Additional billions for military construction, civil defense, atomic energy, and foreign military aid will bring total military spending to $52.7 billion...
...There are thousands of devoted and able physicians in the United States . . . but I suggest that the AMA is unrepresentative of their thinking...
...Kennedy's program will remain frozen in a Congress his party dominates...
...and William Fitts Ryan and Benjamin Rosenthal, New York...
...military forces or U.S.-backed exile guerrillas, have grown so numerous and persistent that Senator Wayne Morse, Oregon Democrat, who is chairman of Senate Latin Affairs Subcommittee, felt it necessary to rise in the Senate to deny them...
...Edwin Dooley, New York, and John Pillion, New York, all Republicans...
...To their everlasting credit, nine lonely lawmakers—all Democrats—stood their ground in the face of a double-barreled blitz by the Administration and the House leadership, and voted against "The Big Space Giveaway," described in detail by Michael Padnos in an article by that title in the May issue of The Progressive...
...Eisenhower says he "made a mistake" in denying at the time that the U-2 flight was an espionage mission...
...It is not required that the corporation report each individual account...
...What hope there is of preventing the House-approved giveaway, which has been cleared by the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, lies in blocking passage on the floor of the Senate, mainly through parliamentary procedures...
...Now the law-abiding United States is not at war in Vietnam, though Robert Kennedy—Any Kennedy May Play—says that "we are going to win in Vietnam...
...The Observer may be interested in learning that its comment was more quip than fact, for the American populace is showing as great a capacity to think-for-itself as to do-it-yourself...
...the Disannament Agency's request comes to 3.5 cents per person...
...You can't trust the Russians...
...But the President would not lift a finger to help him, largely, we suspect, because of his strange alliance with Lyndon Johnson and the need to keep Texas safe for his reelection candidacy in 1964...
...and now comes President Kennedy and Cuba...
...Some of the five or six thousand American advisers in Vietnam (including Marines) have been killed and wounded in the jungle while advising...
...Not so, said the professor...
...But here, as in many other areas of conflict, it will take a great deal more progressive pressure than there has been up to now...
...The lady is a cynic...
...Our emphasis...
...The volume of refunds would be minute because of the liberal exemption provisions—nothing remotely resembling the volume of refunds involved in Federal withholding on income from wages...
...Furthermore, seventy-one per cent of unreported interest is received by those with incomes of more than $5,000 a year...
...He managed the Johnson campaign in 1960...
...The speeches -and resolutions of the Fifteenth annual convention showed anew what rubbish it is to polarize ADA on the far Left as the John Birch Society is polarized, by its own choice, on the extreme Right...
...Then, when the Russians said we lied, we said they were lying...
...Last year's rising interest in shelters," said the Journal, "at first seemed to promise a thriving business for some fast-moving entrepreneurs...
...Led by Senator Kefauver, they are co-sponsoring a measure which would establish a Communications Satellite Authority, with ownership in the hands of the Federal government...
...The choice lies between the two men who finished first and second in a six-way primary—John Connally, a conservative lawyer who has repudiated most of the New Frontier program, and Don Yarborough, a liberal lawyer who goes down the line all the way for the Kennedy Administration's policies...
...Behind this outpouring of public opposition is a barrage of deceptive propaganda laid down by banks and savings and loan companies which has frightened countless numbers of elderly people, widows, and others who depend for their livelihood on interest and dividend income into believing the government is preparing a major raid on their modest holdings...
...The Big Lie In view of all the major crises confronting the American people at home and abroad it seems doubtful that even the most sensitive public pulse-taker would have chosen the proposed Federal income withholding tax on interest and dividends as an issue that would excite almost unprecedented popular attention...
...This is the gist of Representative Green's spirited remarks: Speaking at an AMA conference where his purpose was to analyze the content of AMA arguments for the benefit of the doctors, Professor William DeMougeot of North Texas State University listed five AMA assertions which he labeled as "scare arguments," and advised that some of them could be used only before an "uninformed" audience...
...A few others, including Chet Holi-field of California and Emanuel Cell-er of New York, who delivered some of the most damning arguments against the bill in mostly unsuccessful attempts to amend it, surrendered in the end and voted for passage...
...Cuba's navy lacks long-range striking power...
...Moment of Truth Recently, when the Senate was debating the military construction bill, Senator William Proxmire, Wisconsin Democrat, rose to point out that the proposed new Forrestal class aircraft carrier would cost more than $1 billion each, or nearly a quarter of a billion dollars more than all the money spent in 1961 for area redevelopment, urban renewal, old age housing, and research into cancer and other diseases...
...The convention "deplored the resumption of nuclear tests" and called for a "ban on nuclear testing and especially an agreement banning atmospheric tests—without inspection provisions, since such tests are readily detectable...
...Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon told the Senate Finance Committee the government stands to lose one billion dollars in tax revenues each year unless the measure is passed...
...Hollywood bread is merely sliced thinner and contains as many calories per pound as any other bread, the FTC pointed out...
...And yet, incredibly, the President has blessed them both...
...What's more (say Washington correspondents David Wise and Thomas B. Ross in a Look magazine article taken from their new book, The U-2 Affair) the flight had been scheduled because of the approaching summit meeting in Paris: "There was a strong desire to get one last mission in...
...This notion has been exploded by findings of U-2 planes prowling over Cuba...
...Now that the Atomic Energy Commission has pointed the way back to simple justice for its employes and job applicants, we hope the other agencies of government will speedily follow suit...
...The proposed $6.5 million Disarmament Agency budget earmarks $4 million for research in an area so critical that the continued existence of humanity itself may be at stake...
...For the record, the nine courageous Representatives who stood for the people's interest against their own party leadership are Henry B. Gonzales and W. R. Poage, Texas...
...a democracy...
...It looked like we had the world by the seat of the pants with a downhill pull and tail wind,' says an official of one Midwest family shelter firm...
...In addition, the proposed law provides for refunds on a quarterly basis—four times as frequently as refunds of the tax on wages...
...Largely because of the misconceptions concerning the ease of compliance, it is claimed the withholding system would cost more to administer than the increase in revenue would warrant...
...Giveaway in the House To the surprise of no one, the Administration-backed bill designed to deliver the government-developed space communications system into private hands was passed easily by the House recently, although the whopping margin of 354 to 9 was unexpected...
...We make mistakes...
...On the contrary, under its previous chairman, Admiral Lewis Strauss (pronounced by him as Straws), it had one of the worst records of any government agency...
...Sadlick, who had done his homework better than the opposition, provided the only concrete testimony concerning the cost to banks of administering the withholding tax, which he estimated at seven-tenths of one per cent of the amount withheld the first year, and less than half that in subsequent years...
...Seventy-one per cent of British doctors, replied the professor, said the system helped them prevent serious illnesses in their patients...
...As for the criticism from the Left, it is true, of course, that some members and alumni of ADA are widely and strategically deployed along the New Frontier, but this did not prevent the anniversary convention from tempering its praise for some Kennedy Administration policies and achievements with sharp criticism of others...
...President Truman called the Korean War a police action...
...The former voted "pro-Communist" 102 times and "anti-Communist" not at all, while the latter was guilty of subversion ninety-seven times and free of taint in only three decisions...
...Consumer Corner...
...Senator Roman L. Hruska, Nebraska Republican, summed up on the Senate floor what may well be the reac-tion of a great many of his fellow legislators when the time comes for a final decision...
...Secretary Dillon pointed out that an elderly couple could receive as much as $3,200 in interest or dividends, plus as much as $2,180 in Social Security benefits "without paying a penny in income tax...
...This claim—an effective tear-jerker —overlooks the provision exempting persons under eighteen years, the many tax privileges granted to elderly persons, which would exempt virtually everyone over sixty-five, and the exemption for anyone between these ages who files an affadavit declaring that he had no Federal income tax liability...
...That's where the money is...
...London Observer, please copy...
...It is clear from the Senators' mail that a large proportion of the opposition stems from a number of misconceptions concerning the tax proposal, most of them fostered by the savings institutions' advertising campaign...
...You bet you can't...
...President Roosevelt called the U.S.S.R...
...What Senator Hruska's mail shows is not only that a great many of his constituents are sincerely opposed_ however mistaken their reasons—to the withholding tax on dividends and interest, but it demonstrates vividly the massive power of a ruthless lobby waging a campaign with the weapons of deception and fear...
...President Eisenhower called the U-2 a Russian frame-up...
...She rose on the floor of the House recently and demonstrated that the AMA goes on with its "specious and demagogic'" arguments despite the fact that an expert summoned to one of its own institutes exposed the character of its case...
...The bill, in brief, provides for a new corporation, half of whose stock would be sold—at $100 a share—to the public and half to the communications industry...
...The great tragedy is not only that a liberal Administration in Washington is denying help that could be decisive to a liberal candidate for governor of one of our great states...
...In a remarkable piece of testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, a prominent banker cut the ground from under this argument...
...Yet this modest proposal embodied in section 19 of a complex 240-page tax revision bill—already passed by the House and now under Senate consideration—has provoked a flood of mail —almost all in opposition to the measure—that some Senate veterans claim is greater than any since the Korean crisis of more than a decade ago...
...Quentin Burdick, North Dakota, and Ernest Gruening, Alaska...
...Both the Defense Department and the Disarmament Agency are creatures of the Federal government, but here the similarity ceases...
...For Eastland is no ordinary bigot...
...We will remain, until we do...
...Renewing a Franchise Senator James O. Eastland, Mississippi Democrat, recently renewed his franchise as the vilest creature in Congress when he rose to the floor of the Senate to assail the loyalty of Chief Justice Warren and some of his Supreme Court colleagues...
...This is false...
...Moreover, he added, he had checked with the State Department and was assured that there was "no United States involvement or knowledge of" operations in Florida for the training of rebel guerrillas...
...Possible Reprieve in the Senate The only hope now to block the space giveaway lies in the Senate, where seven Democratic Senators are more determined than ever to hold the greatest communications advance of a generation as a public trust...
...But they are scoundrels...
...Delegates adopted a resolution that implied strong criticism of the Kennedy Administration's military adventure in South Vietnam...
...By relentlessly exerting progressive pressure on the Kennedy Administration, it can provide leadership for that considerable and growing company of liberals who are dismayed by the widening gap between promise and performance, and it can supply that thunder from the Left whose absence up to now has enabled some of the hard-boiled characters in the White House to justify the Administration's drift to the Right...
...Kennedy would only say that he was "pleased that both candidates who have been attacked for their connection with the Administration did very well" and that any further comment would be "resented" as "outside interference" by the people of Texas...
...John F.) Kennedy decided that from now on the Purple Heart would be awarded to conscripted advisers, wounded "while serving with friendly foreign forces...
...Some experts reckon Russia deliberately leashes Castro, lest he rashly risk major war...
...Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., a founder and a principal pillar of ADA, in a major address, found the Kennedy Administration's first fifteen months in office "a smashing success" in the field of civil rights, compared with the Eisenhower Administration, but went on to say: "But compared to the needs of the times and the campaign promises that were made to fulfill those needs, the Administration's civil rights program has been sadly inadequate...
...The effectiveness of the savings institutions' efforts to defeat the withholding tax is a striking example of the pressure of public opinion that can be generated by a planned campaign based on lies, half-truths, and distortions...
...Affirmatively, it called upon the Administration to 1) use pressure on the Diem regime to institute political, social, and economic reforms, or, failing these, to seek a viable alternative to that regime...
...The Disarmament Agency's budget includes the munificent amount of sixteen thousand dollars for publication of technical studies and informative materials and their distribution to libraries, universities, organizations, and the public, including studies of the possible economic impacts if disarmament is ever achieved...
...Recently, in a remarkable reversal of form, the AEC became the first Federal department to establish the principle that its employes and those seeking employment shall have the right to confront accusers in security cases...
...Filing of the annual personal income tax has been equally simplified...
...For the Defense Department is "balanced" by the recently created Arms Control and Disarmament Agency to the same degree that an elephant is balanced by a flea...
...this is "the most flagrant sort of propaganda . . . conservatives have applied it to almost all social legislation...
...Firebrands in the nation demanding invasion of Cuba continue to emphasize the "huge Communist build-up" of offensive striking power "ninety miles from our shores...
...And unless many more liberal Democrats—not just Democrats—are elected to Congress this fall, Mr...
...Another argument against the system—this one raised mainly by the financial institutions rather than individuals—is that compliance would be difficult and expensive...
...Frank Kowalski, Connecticut...
...ADA at Fifteen Americans for Democratic Action, the independent liberal organization founded in 1947 as a home-grown counter-force against Communist envelopment of the progressivism of that day, recently observed its fifteenth birthday, and, in the process, convincingly refuted critics on the Right, who brand it "the John Birch Society of the Left," and critics of the Left, who have dismissed it as a docile servant of the Democratic Par...
...Senator Morse said he "rejects and repudiates" suggestions of armed U.S...
...Thus: ¶ Keynoter Leon H. Keyserling (See "Two-Fifths of a Nation" on Page 11 of this issue) struck out at the Administration's overly "conservative economic policies" and criticized it for trying to stimulate the economy by "watering the tree at the top instead of at the roots...
...The measure is aimed only at gathering in existing tax obligations which are not now being collected because, either carelessly or by design, they are not reported on income tax returns...
...Celler protested, to no avail, that "The very guts of this bill lies in the ground stations...
...In a mud-slinging performance that rivaled the late Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's periodic descents to the sewer, Eastland charged that the Chief Justice "decides for the Communists'' whenever there is a clear-cut Supreme Court decision between them and the security of the United States...
...And Vietnam...
...Asked at a press conference if the Administration had a "favorite" in the Texas race, Mr...
...Nowadays, when caught in the act, the offending companies merely order their advertising agencies to dream up new language to accomplish the old purpose...
...The cries of "government interference" with "free enterprise" that usually follow such crack-downs are not nearly so clamorous as they used to be...
...Eisenhower no less than under his predecessor, President Truman, throughout the entire Federal establishment...
...issue of guns and bullets to prove it...
...Yet one Right-wing syndicated columnist, apparently alarmed at the prospect that peace might break out, recently termed the disarmament agency not only "unnecessary" but "costly...
...There is no evidence for this assertion...
...ADA is dedicated to the democratic middle, to the marriage of public planning and private enterprise, and, undeviatingly, to the preservation and implementation of the guarantees of freedom that constitute our Bill of Rights...
...President Kennedy himself, at a recent press conference, attacked the false charges being made against the withholding tax proposal...
...Yarborough's "connection" is an unreserved commitment to the entire New Frontier program...
...E. Y. Berry, South Dakota...
...He cannot assassinate you or your character from behind without suffering the penalty an outraged citizenry will impose...
...The deeper consequence is that liberal Democrats who may be thinking of running for Congress against incumbent conservatives may be discouraged from attempting the race because of the President's singular response to the challenge in Texas...
...National health insurance is a step toward socialism...
...A survey by the Wall Street Journal revealed company after company abandoning or greatly reducing its shelter operations because of lack of orders...
...nobody here but us advisers...
...First we violated international law—not to mention Russian law...
...The advisers, however, took themselves to be dogfaces, or G.I.'s, and they had their papers, their uniforms, and their G.I...
...This overwhelming opposition recorded in the polls is confirmed by massive resistance in the market place...
...Almost precisely the same results— rejection of civil defense programs by three-quarters of those responding— were reported in similar samplings of public opinion by Representatives Frances Bolton, Ohio...
...The Senators have expressed their determination to fight for their program, although it is clear their bill has little if any chance of passage...
...Flourishing a box-score he had put together, the Mississippi racist contended that Chief Justice Warren had voted "pro-Communist'' sixty-two times and "anti-Communist" on only three occasions...
...Only one per cent of all dividends paid goes to persons whose incomes are so low they pay no Federal income tax...
...The truth is that compliance could hardly be simpler...
...Even the most ardent advocates of unfettered enterprise don't relish being tricked into buying a "giant economy size" package that costs more per ounce than the smaller one...
...The Purple Heart has always been awarded to American soldiers wounded "in action against the enemy...
...Wayne Morse and Maurine Neuberger, Oregon...
...We do not for a moment challenge the Senator's integrity iq saying what he did, but we do believe it is a bit naive to accept the State Department's assurance at face value after all the lies it and the CIA told prior to the ill-fated invasion last year...
...Yarborough—no relation to Texas' Senator Ralph W. Yarborough—is a young, hard-working, militant progressive of precisely the type the President has been summoning to the New Frontier...
...But in effect, the measure would turn control of the system over to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), one of the most powerful monopolies in the world...
...The poor editors are coming to resemble the cigarette sponsor who told the TV producer, "I want happy shows for happy people with happy problems...
...The nation will soon get a comprehensive and revealing Senate report on merchandising tricks played on consumers through slick methods of packaging and labeling food products...
...In spite of the overwhelming • evidence favoring withholding on interest and dividends the measure is in trouble in the Senate, largely because of the huge volume of mail promoted by the devious propaganda of the banks and savings and loan associations...
...Eastland's Birch-like practice of equating support of the principles of liberty in the Bill of Rights with surrender to Communism cannot be lightly dismissed as trivial idiocy...
...Other Senators report as many as several thousand letters a day...
...The Cynics rvo years after the fact, Mr...
...And when Khrushchev agreed to go on with the summit meeting if Eisenhower would only apologize, Eisenhower refused to apologize and Khrushchev "wrecked" the meeting...
...But having said this, we must add that, for all the correctness of its position, ADA does seem to lack the fire and militancy of a genuinely effective pressure force for progressivism...
...Killing the bill would achieve temporarily the same goal the Kefauver proposal would achieve permanently: retention of ownership of the space communications system exactly where it is—in the hands of the government...
...In view of our findings," Sad-dick concluded, "how could our bank or any other bank . . . justifiably refuse to cooperate with the Treasury in helping to close this important loophole...
...Our man in Vietnam," as Walter Lippmann calls him (but this is irony, not cynicism), is a thoroughly corrupt tyrant, bound by the 1954 Geneva Convention (which all law-abiding nations support) to have no more than 683 military advisers from a single nation and no military personnel from any foreign country...
...This amount is considerably less than the sums we spend for research alone on sports fisheries and wildlife ($10 million), commercial fisheries ($11 million), forest service ($20 million), vocational rehabilitation ($9 million), and a score of other government research services, doubtless worthwhile, but scarcely ranking with an attempt to avert nuclear catastrophe...
...Connally's "connection" with the Administration was that he served briefly as Secretary of the Navy, resigned to run for governor, and proceeded promptly to repudiate much of the New Frontier program, including its quest for medical care for the aged under Social Security and Federal aid to education...
...But there are no soldiers, no action, and no enemy in Vietnam...
...Representative Robert Kastenmeier's poll in the Second Congressional District of Wisconsin yielded a 72.3 per cent reaction against civil defense programs, while Representative Thomas M. Pelly of the First Congressional District of Washington reported 73.6 per cent responding "No" to the question: "Do you favor extensive fallout shelters being built and supplied by the Federal government...
...For a decade and a half, the Commission, and every other agency of government, has relied, in determining the trustworthiness of its employes, on what the Washington Post correctly called the "unverified and unverifiable allegations from unidentified informers...
...Senator Paul Douglas, one of the leading supporters of the withholding tax, has been swamped with more than 50,000 letters on the issue...
...Yet even a relatively mild amendment opening the door to broader ownership and control of ground stations was shouted down...
...ty, or, more recently, of the Kennedy Administration...
...Here Comes the AMA, Again We sometimes weary of exposing the deceits and distortions that make up the bulk of the American Medical Association's attack on the Kennedy Administration's program to provide health care for the elderly...
...And not the least infuriating consequence of this Mississippian's madness is the notion he has planted across the globe that the Communists are strong enough in the United States to capture control of our highest tribunal...
...In great contrast, the Defense Department will spend in the coming year $7 billion for research as part of its total budget of nearly $50 billion...
...The bottom has dropped out from under the family fallout shelter industry which was booming so spectacularly only last fall...
...But the wounded American advisers—who knows what the dead feel?—felt as if they had been wounded in a war and wanted the Purple Heart decoration...
...The seven Senators have even threatened a filibuster, timed as late as possible in the summer of a Congressional election year, when Congress is anxious to wind up its business and go home...
...for appropriate action...
...Invasion Talk Again Reports of new plans to invade Castro's Cuba, either with U.S...
...None of the justices, even the most conservative, was absolved of playing the Communist game at least part of the time...
...Divine guidance will be necessary to regulate AT&T if it is permitted to expand its domain into space...
...His words go around the world as official pronouncement...
...Now," concluded Representative Green, "I really despair for the health of the medical profession when I encounter such items as I have been reading...
...I am informed on one thing, however, and that is what my mail shows...
...In a recent speech before the Daughters of the American Revolution, retired Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, whose extreme Right utterances while in active service sparked the recent "muzzled military" uproar, developed the theme that America has a "guilt complex" about the use of power...
...Some years ago, speaking of the code of the American frontier, President Eisenhower said: "In this country, if someone dislikes you or accuses you, he must come up in front...
...2) consult with friendly Asian countries "with the aim of establishing a broad political mutual-guarantee system, principally based on the principle of neutralism, within the framework and in every respect subject to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations," and 3) if a decision is reached that "there exists an actual threat to the peace by reason of existing conditions in Vietnam, to bring the matter before the U.N...
...Incidentally, the House of Representatives recently voted, 380 to 0, to appropriate $47,839,491,000 for the Department of Defense for the year beginning July 1. This is $1.3 billion more than for the current year and $7.5 billion more than the last Defense Department appropriation under General Eisenhower...
...The public would choose six directors, the industry six, and the President three—presumably to represent the public and national interest...
...The professor gently pointed out to the doctors that fifty-nine nations, including all the major countries of the world, have adopted a national health plan and none has abandoned it...
...The records of Justices Hugo L. Black and William O. Douglas were even worse, reckoned by Eastland's scorekeeping...
...Last year the Defense Department allocated 17.2 million dollars to publicizing its activities and research...
...They are Senators Estes Kefauver and Albert Gore, Tennessee...
...In replying to Senator Proxmire, Senator Richard B. Russell, Georgia Democrat who is chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, came up with this rather startling concession: "I have observed, over a period of almost thirty years in the Senate, that there is something about buying arms with which to kill, to destroy, to wipe out cities, and to obliterate great transportation systems which causes men not to reckon the dollar cost as close as they do when they think about proper housing and the care of the health of human beings...
...Or they us...
...Theophrastus Such...
...This time plucky Edith Green, Democratic Representative from Oregon, has handled the chore masterfully...
...Bank profits would be reduced one-fourth of one per cent the first year, less than half that thereafter...
...Today, despite the President's horror of "outside interference" by his Administration, Connally commands the rich resources of the Vice President's machine in Texas...
...He was appointed Secretary of the Navy at Johnson's insistence...
...At this point the plot —if I may use the term— thickens...
...If the satellite program manages to get this reprieve in the Senate, there would be opportunity for a renewed effort in the next session of Congress to place space communications permanently beyond the reach of the monopolists...
...The response was almost identical...
...Since savings of about $80,000 would be required to earn $3,200 interest, Dillon concluded, "the people we are talking about are not exactly indigent...
...The Federal Trade Commission ordered National Bakers Services, Inc., to cease advertising that its "Hollywood bread" is weight-reducing and contains fewer calories than other bread...
...Representative Ullman pointed out that, "Paradoxical as it may sound, public ownership . . . offers far greater prospects for a competitive situation . . . The facilities would be available on an equal basis to all communications firms...
...But perhaps this is a harsher comment on the state of labor leadership than on the condition of liberalism...
...If a corporation paid out one million dollars in dividends, for example, it would merely transmit twenty per cent—$200,000— to the Treasury, and pay eighty per cent of the dividend to the shareholder...
...A while back I was bending a bony elbow with a small party of foreign correspondents, and when one of them said his boss kept telling him to sound less cynical, another said, "He means you've got to quit calling them straight because the customers can't stand it...

Vol. 26 • June 1962 • No. 6

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