Humphrey, Hubert H.

The Faith of a Liberal by Hubert Humphrey THE ISSUES for the 1960 political campaign must be the great issues which confront America in the Six­ties. We cannot afford to take a short­er view,...

...f Production goals set so as to sat­isfy the true needs of the American people, the commercial export mar­ket, necessary reserves, and foreign policy purposes...
...Yet, through local prejudice and custom, a substantial number of our people are deprived of any voice in these decisions...
...What we have made, we are surely capable of making better...
...There is other urgent, unfinished business requiring our attention...
...This is a fact which the pres­ent Administration, blinded by the wrong-doing of a minority of union leaders in a minority of unions, seems utterly unable to grasp...
...We need a careful exploration of the areas in which high-priority govern­ment programs could take the place of defense procurement and defense employment...
...Our unemployment compensation system should provide more adequate benefits—at least one half of wages, as originally intended in the Social Se­curity Act—and it should cover long­er periods of unemployment...
...Our free en­terprise system has yielded a standard of living such as no other peoples have ever enjoyed, and no one in his right mind would propose substitut­ing bureaucratic controls for the workings of the market economy...
...We cannot claim that wel­fare is general when it stops short of the seventh of our people who are submerged in poverty...
...In particular, I believe that—as Senator Paul H. Douglas has pro­posed—technical and financial aid should be made available to those communities throughout the South which are prepared to face up to compliance with the law of the land...
...And we need on the part of both the executive and the legislative branch­es of our government a willingness to take their full share of responsibil­ity for putting this historic decision into full force and effect...
...The bugles must be blown, and the giant awakened...
...In serving their own mem­bers, the unions have also served the general welfare, by broadening and deepening the basis of mass purchas­ing power upon which our economy rests...
...Through it, also, we strike a balance between public and private invest­ment and between private and social consumption...
...It is only through vigorous and far-ranging debate that we can hammer out new policies for the new decade, and rally the people's support for them...
...We win national elections only when great issues are propounded by a Wil­son and a Roosevelt and a Truman...
...We need to assure to all of our citi­zens the first right of their citizen­ship—the right to vote...
...What we need to dis­ cuss—with all the sobriety and sin­ cerity it deserves—is how to attain it...
...They should have the full benefit of the experience of school districts, large and small, which have achieved integration or made a serious begin­ning toward doing so...
...Coming from a great agricultural state, I am particularly conscious that no group in the Ameri­can economy has suffered so much from the stubborn stupidity and dog­matic short-sightedness of this Repub­lican Administration...
...In fact, we need action on civil rights all along the line...
...If that means being controversial, we liberals should welcome it...
...It is through the budget that we can give vital national purposes the high priority they should have in the allocation of our national resources...
...There should be advance planning...
...The general welfare also requires that the benefits of technological progress be promptly and widely shared...
...has been a disastrous decline in their incomes...
...T o the question, "Can the Ameri­ can economy adjust to arms reduc­ tion...
...The most notorious of these loopholes is the mineral de­pletion allowance, which leaves a great part of oil income tax-free...
...We must open up the way to employment and promotion for everyone on the basis of ability, without regard to race, creed, or color...
...The human species must be wise enough to plan, if we are to avoid be­ing buried under our own abundance, as ancient civilizations were under their debris...
...I am simply stating that we should not let the market make the key de­cisions of public policy...
...We must stop thinking of "planning" as a dirty word, and accept it as the necessary application of the best avail­able human intelligence and foresight to the solution of national problems...
...f Employment goals which afford farm families the opportunity to be fully and usefully employed...
...They are not, as some early economists maintained, the conse­quence of natural causes...
...but with an im­ portant proviso, which I quote from the NPA study: "This reasoning should not be in­ terpreted, however, as suggesting that the transition from an armament race to disarmament would be an easy matter . . . Our estimates imply shifts of production from one industry to other industries, often also from one region to another, with all the ensu­ ing problems of readjustment...
...We must give everyone assurance that his right to be secure against personal violence and indignity will, always and every­where, be protected by government...
...There should be ad­vance planning in each of the crucial areas in order to prevent hardship and serious dislocations...
...The general welfare, as I under­stand it, comprehends not only the community as a whole but all of its members...
...As a result, the only reward for the spectacular increase in their productivity (about six per cent a year...
...There is no "war party," since all Americans deeply long for peace...
...It is high time we took planning out of the doghouse and put it into the White House...
...The way we treat one another is more expressive of the reality of our democratic commit­ment than any words, however eloquent...
...We must recognize that the great beginnings in social and economic security achieved by the New Deal were only beginnings, and that this generation has the urgent responsibil­ity of perfecting existing tools and forging new ones to wipe out poverty in America...
...We must keep step with the march of mankind— or forfeit its respect...
...The most effective way to accomplish this is through federal minimum stand­ards applicable to all states...
...Only the gov­ernment, responsible to the electorate, should have and exercise this right...
...If we are ever driven to admit that a free people cannot plan to secure their common defense and to promote their general welfare, we shall indeed have wandered into a trackless wilderness...
...f A "Food-for-Peace" program that will make our farm resources an asset for peace rather than an economic albatross...
...We must get the federal government out of the sordid business of subsidizing dis­crimination through its mortgage, loan-guarantee, and urban renewal policies—and into the promotion of open-occupancy housing...
...Our public assistance system needs moderniza­tion, so that grants are enough to per­mit people in need to live at a mini­mum standard of decency...
...we lose them when they are muted by an Alton B. Parker or a John W. Davis...
...We need what we have still not heard, after almost six long years— a clear affirmation from the White House itself of the moral rightness of the Supreme Court's historic deci­sion against segregated schools...
...I hold that only liberal govern­ment—dedicated to economic growth, human dignity, and a just and en­during peace—can bring America back from the brink of being a sec­ond-class world power to the front rank of world leadership...
...The overriding political issue today is whether conservative or mid­dle-of-the-road government — which knows cost but not values, which un­derstands things but not people—can meet the challenges of the Sixties...
...A more united Europe is arising from the rubble of old battle­fields...
...There was, for instance, not even a hint of ap­preciation for the services of free un­ions to a free society in the nation­wide telecast of President Eisenhower which caused the House of Represent­atives to adopt the "Eisenhower-Landrum-Griffin" bill last summer, and drove the full Congress to accept a bill which included harsh, unne ­cessary provisions with needed re­forms...
...The more the facts about integra­ tion, where it has been substantially achieved—notably in our capital city of Washington—become widely avail­ able, the less excuse there will be for dreading it as a leap into the un­ known...
...Overshadowing all our domestic concerns, of course, is the great ques­ tion of the means of establishing peace with justice...
...Communist China poses new chal­lenges both to free nations and to Russian leadership of the Communist bloc...
...Neither in human decency nor in national inter­est can we afford the indefinite post­ponement of the full functioning of democracy...
...And it calculates that substantial sums will still be available to boost our own standards of living...
...The Faith of a Liberal by Hubert Humphrey THE ISSUES for the 1960 political campaign must be the great issues which confront America in the Six­ties...
...Where compli­ance with the Supreme Court decision still is not forthcoming, the Attorney General must be given power (as in Part III, deleted from the 1957 Civil Rights Act) to bring suit to enforce constitutional rights...
...The Ameri­can people will respond if the great issues of progress, people, and peace are brought home to them...
...The Democratic Party has obtained the allegiance of a majority of Ameri­cans in this century only when it has been both controversial and liberal...
...We can no longer risk sleepwalk­ing into the future...
...Meanwhile, we Americans, heirs to the most dynamic tradition in history, seem—after the nightmare of McCarthyism—to have fallen into a deep and almost dreamless slumber...
...End­ing these glaring inequities would net the government billions of added revenue without changing tax rates...
...But for this, our top-heavy econ­omy might long since have tumbled into depression...
...Inflation and recession—the fevers and chills between which our economy enjoys only intermittent spells of normal health and growth—need not be in­evitable...
...If we need planning now—and we do—we shall need it even more when, as I devoutly hope, ef­fective and enforced disarmament is achieved...
...Our task is not to change the image of the Democratic Party to satisfy an alleged complacency on the part of the American people...
...HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, United States Senator from Minnesota, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President...
...they are built-in defects in a man-made sys^ tern...
...Unlike the Marxists, we profess to reject the straitjacket of dogma—but we are self-imprisoned by what Wal­ter Lippmann has justly called "The dogma that defense and public im­provements must be tailored in order to balance the budget at the 1954 level of taxation...
...A multitude of new nations are finding their place in the world com­munity...
...The tax system provides the bal­ance wheel in our economy, restrain­ing it when inflation threatens and stimulating it in depression...
...Yet a rapidly-ex­panding, full employment economy, with tax loopholes closed, could pro­vide all the revenues necessary for defense, aid to education, and other social welfare needs...
...Our old-age insurance system should provide benefits more nearly adequate to the needs of retired workers and their wives, and should, moreover, include insurance against the costly medical expenses of older people...
...I there­fore wholeheartedly support propos­als for federal registration, where necessary, so that men and women can, freely and without fear, qualify to cast their ballots...
...We face a period of move...
...The Russia of today is vastly different from the Russia of Stalin...
...This will require, in the first place, that we plan what we want to do—so that we make our fabulously productive econ­omy our servant and not our master...
...The industrial workers have fared well on the whole, because they have built unions strong enough to win for their members a fair share in these gains...
...Just as important as a healthy and expanding economy is the achieve­ment of full human dignity for ev­ery American...
...Some way should be found, through food stamp plans or otherwise, to use our more­than-adequate food supplies to pro­vide enough to eat for all people, no matter how low their incomes...
...Both sides have ven­ tured forth from the Maginot lines of implacable suspicion and hostility which they had erected against one another...
...The bonding, "no-man's-land," picketing, boycott, and related pro­visions of last year's labor bill should be debated and amended as soon as the punitive nature of these provi­sions is brought home to the people, and through them, to the Congress...
...It is the misfortune of our farm­ers—truly America's forgotten men— that they have not been able to or­ganize effectively in their economic defense...
...We cannot afford to take a short­er view, because we must live through­out this decade with the consequences of the decisions we make this year...
...The National Planning Association— in whose deliberations business, la­bor, and farm leaders achieve a fruit­ful merger of minds—has recently published its expert views on this question...
...I am not proposing a "regimented" economy—far from it...
...Others include the failure to withhold taxes on dividends and interest and the preferential treatment of dividend income, which is taxed at a lower rate than are wages and salaries...
...We need not, if we are wise, fear that the outbreak of peace will bring an economic holocaust...
...Progress and growth on the eco­nomic front are vital both to our de­fense and to our well-being...
...It suggests $10 billion a year toward the mount­ ing deficit in our public investment program—schools, highways, urban renewal, water supply, hospitals, ac­ tion against air pollution, and the other vital public services which have been starved of funds while the chromium-plated private sector of our economy has flourished...
...How­ever, it is in urgent need of reform so that it will be more equitable at any level of revenue—particularly by clos­ing loopholes through which billions of dollars escape...
...So, as our economy grows, we must take positive steps to channel a fairer share of its benefits to the aged, the sick, and those marooned in economically de­pressed or "automated" areas and industries...
...I say "the means" because I do not for one moment rec­ ognize peace itself as an issue between our major parties...
...NPA envisages more adequate aid to the developing countries—and it is worth noting that both the United States and the Soviet Union have pledged themselves, when disarma­ ment is achieved, to launch an inter­ national crusade to banish poverty from the earth...
...I welcome our commitment to a series of summit meetings with the Soviet leaders...
...I answer a confident and de­ termined "Yes...
...NPA estimates that some $25 bil­ lion a year may be released in the first five years of disarmament, and cites facts and figures to show how this slack may be taken up...
...Knowledge casts out fear— and the facts demonstrate that inte­ gration does not demean our cher­ ished ways of life, but rather enriches them with new dimensions of human understanding...
...f An adequate agricultural re­sources program...
...We have to find ways of maintain­ ing full employment in an everexpanding economy and, at the same time, preventing inflation...
...The decisions of our federal government affect the welfare, the property, and even the lives of all of us...
...rather it is to arouse the people to a realization that only a liberal America can be happy and secure in the days ahead...
...For too many years, America has marked time in a rapidly changing world...
...These shifts will not come about easily...
...We need to build a creative farm policy on these firm foundations: % The determination of fair prices for farm commodities and a fair in­come standard for farmers...
...We must recognize that our most powerful and effective instruments of economic national policy are not the control of credit and interest (although this has its uses—and abuses, as in the Administration's "tight money" policy) but the tax system and the national budget...
...Within the next few years, virtually all the non-white peo­ples of the world will have obtained their full civil rights...
...I repeat and emphasize these words...

Vol. 24 • March 1960 • No. 3

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