THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Freedom Under Fire Dear Sirs: Since The Progressive has always been a staunch defender of civil liberties, your readers might be interested in hearing a case history of one who...

...Why should Darrow take part in a memorial meeting for Harris...
...When she takes the oath she is called a religieuse, that is, she is tied or bound by that oath to the performance of it... happiness and self-fulfillment through cultivation of ethical and creative living...
...The second quotation is from Cardinal Newman...
...If this small group is not granted equal rights with other religious bodies, then religious freedom in California is dead... national and international programs which, by democratic methods, promote human well-being...
...Some time after the letter writing incident and prior to the time I was notified of my discharge, I was routinely approved for reappointment by my department head and the dean of my school...
...Lorenz Hansen Upper Darby, Pa...
...In explaining my dismissal the president of the college stated that "in the light of the emotion and tensions" over the question of race relations, my presentation of facts and views sympathetic to integration could not be tolerated...
...Nothing could have been farther from the truth...
...We use the word in the same kind of sense when we say we will religiously perform the promise we make...
...Dilemma of Liberalism Dear Sirs: Recent issues of The Progressive have contained articles on the general ailments of liberalism...
...For one steeped in the belief that all persons, even college professors, have the right to express their views on all subjects, it is rather a letdown to discover that such is not the case, at least at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, a state-supported institution of higher learning...
...Imagine my disappointment to read in the first copy I received that contemptible article by Milton Mayer concerning Adlai Stevenson...
...Rather the board decided in executive session that since I had expressed views "not in keeping with the viewpoint of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute on the question of segregation," I could not expect to advance my career at Auburn...
...Because of this faith, humanists stress action for maximum realization of their ideals and goals...
...Humanists are believers...
...You don't think that, do you...
...Some persons who think of themselves as humanists are theists, although not supernaturalists...
...there was no suggestion of incompetence or other improper conduct...
...Humanists are convinced that, through cooperation and the intelligent use of science, people can create a happier life for all mankind...
...Your headline implied that humanism is a non-believing religion...
...Supreme Court...
...Academic freedom is a fiction unless it is interpreted as the right to dissent from the orthodox opinion...
...Bruce Martin Pasadena, Calif...
...If one religion is taxed, then all should be taxed...
...There was no time at which I disagreed with his motives or his decisions...
...They believe that the basis for morality is found in the study of nature and man and that actions should be evaluated in terms of their consequences...
...But of still greater importance, in such an intellectual climate, we can never hope to offer a truly liberal education to our young people...
...The climate of opinion out of which they rise has been caused by fear of Communism...
...I submit that the dilemma of liberalism is its deficiency in being liberal in the sense of free, unemotional debate, in favor of unswerving support for certain "liberal truths" which are established as dogma...
...They believe in the individual as the supreme value...
...Nothing I have read in the one party press is worse than that and I am surprised that you allowed it to be published...
...It encourages silence in sensitive areas, thereby cheating students of the benefit of the teachers' knowledge and research...
...If this is to be what The Progressive hands out I'm glad I have only a trial subscription...
...N. R. Powell Omaha, Nebr...
...They have high regard for the ethical teachings of Jesus, the Hebrew prophets, and other great religious leaders...
...Wechsler might well apply his principles to his own paper...
...Darrow made no compromises with religion...
...It was May 1 when I first began to read my Progressive, was stopped by the introductory note to Mr...
...If Unitarians and ethical societies are denied tax-exemption whilst hilly-billy churches with their fake faith-healing clowns are subsidized, America will become the laughing stock of the world...
...I was never given a hearing or other opportunity to defend myself...
...The Washington Ethical Society is appealing a tax case similar to that of the humanist group in Oakland... the equal basic worth of all individuals, whatever their race or condition...
...Confronting teachers with the difficult choice between economic security and freedom of expression discourages competent and courageous teaching...
...Some of the earlier speakers who tried to make Darrow over into their own image did not know him although they may have been associated with him...
...Humanists Believe Dear Sirs: As a member of the American Humanist Association and of the Philadelphia Ethical Society, I was especially interested in the article in your May issue concerning the California tax case involving the Fellowship of Humanity, an affiliate of the AHA...
...It is significant that, while Christian churches are tolerated in Russia, China, and other Communist countries so long as they do not interfere in governments, no humanist or ethical group is tolerated in any totalitarian country...
...Recent attempts of editorials in The Progressive to discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict in an objective fashion brought forth the usual quota of ardent, emotional, pro-Zionist letters...
...The wealth of his client did not change the principles for which he had fought all his life...
...Shortly after his return from Hawaii, he called from Chicago and asked me to meet his train...
...Disappointed Dear Sirs: I became a subscriber to your magazine because it was supposed to give a different viewpoint of current affairs from what we are forced to read in the one party press...
...The reason for this is their emphasis upon the supreme importance of intellectual freedom, freedom of the human spirit, and the necessity, because of their faith in the worth of this life, to be ever active in behalf of freedom...
...After the Massie trial in Honolulu, there was a great hue and cry in the press that Darrow had taken the case for commercial reasons only, because he needed the money...
...THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Freedom Under Fire Dear Sirs: Since The Progressive has always been a staunch defender of civil liberties, your readers might be interested in hearing a case history of one who has been penalized for exercising his right of free speech...
...Alfred Hengst Exeter, Calif...
...The Auburn Plainsman editorially attacked the approaches suggested by the Commission on Integration to deal with the problem of de facto segregation, based on discriminatory residential patterns, in the New York schools...
...As Stuart Chase wrote, words seldom mean the same thing to any two people...
...Josephine Gomon Detroit, Mich...
...The root of the word is the Latin verb ligo, to tie or bind...
...If the decision of the trustees stands, we grant them the absolute power to dictate what can and what cannot be said by the teacher in and out of the classroom...
...Bingo games are held in Catholic churches...
...Thomas Paine gave this definition...
...To the best of my knowledge the same condition prevails in California...
...It is precisely on emotionally-charged subjects that debate and discussion must be allowed...
...from religo, comes the substantive religio, which, with the addition of "n" makes the English substantive religion...
...Most humanists are agnostics...
...he honors the ministers of religion, and it contents him to decline its mysteries without assailing or denouncing them... the scientific spirit...
...Tax exemption for the Unitarian and Uni-versalist Churches, whose beliefs are similar to those of the Fellowship of Humanity, has never been questioned by California or any other state...
...Humanists find inspiration in the scriptures of Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Mohammedanism, and other religions...
...It is also strange that objection is raised because the Fellowship premises are not used "solely and exclusively" for religious purposes...
...In the interest of religious freedom this matter should, if necessary, be fought through to the U.S...
...In nearly all churches the holding of fairs has long been a custom...
...Bud R. Hutchinson Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Alabama Shaw and Newman Dear Sirs: Your May issue article, "What's a Re ligion—For Tax Purposes?," brought to mind the sayings of two great men...
...When I read Gertz' appraisal of Darrow on my return, I had the feeling that he, like many of those who spoke at the centenary, appreciated the contribution that Darrow had made to the concept of intellectual integrity and moral responsibility without understanding the man himself...
...For example, Gertz says, "I was shocked to receive a letter in which Darrow expressed amazingly conventional views about artists and morality and unexpected animus against [Frank] Harris...
...In the May issue James A. Wechsler points up the unfortunate one-interest press...
...Some are atheists...
...Fortunately the American Association of University Professors and the American Civil Liberties Union have entered this battle and are protesting the arbitrary action of the Board...
...A vigorous liberalism is an attitude, not a set of beliefs...
...I always thought of religion as one's beliefs regarding such things as immortality, personal deities, and one's duties towards his fellow men...
...Religious Freedom Dear Sirs: Is it not strange that a state like California with so many and various religions should question the right of the "Fellowship of Humanity" to tax exemption as mentioned in the May issue article by Gene Marine, "What's a Religion—For Tax Purposes...
...Catherine deN...
...Professors who dare perform their function of providing information do so at the peril of their jobs and professional reputation...
...I cannot accept the edict laid down by the trustees that teachers are free to speak only in support of the "official" point of view...
...George H. Horne Portland, Ore...
...Darrow the Man Dear Sirs: I am indebted to The Progressive and Elmer Gertz' May issue article for being able to attend the centenary celebration of the birth of Clarence Darrow...
...My letter to the editor followed pointing out the multitudinous problems involved and the reasoning underlying the recommendations of the Commission...
...It is important that liberals understand the significance of these tax cases...
...He respects piety and devotion, he even supports institutions as venerable, beautiful or useful, to which he does not assent...
...It is men like Darrow who make possible an abiding faith in the essential goodness of human nature...
...Without their aid, there is little I could do as an individual to force the trustees to reconsider their action or to prevent their trampling upon the freedoms of others in the future...
...This was followed in subsequent issues by student letters both defending and questioning my right to express my views...
...When I picked him up he said, "I just came over to relax for a couple days... democratic freedoms...
...The French use the word properly— when a woman enters a convent she is called a noveciat, that is, she is called upon trial or probation...
...but what you fellows don't understand is that you must get at a man through his own religion and not through yours...
...It would have been completely out of character for Darrow to swell the ranks of sycophants who, I am sure Gertz would be the first to agree, rush in to share the glare of publicity which shines on the famous and the infamous...
...In the next issue Roy Russell, a student, criticized my letter and suggested that since segregation was the pattern in Alabama and I did not seem to subscribe to these views my employement with the college be terminated...
...Gertz' story, and was lucky enough to make last-minute plane connections to Chicago...
...I urge all those interested in the preservation of traditional freedoms in our institutions of higher learning to lend financial support to these worthwhile organizations, the guardians of our priceless heritage of free speech and academic freedom...
...If he be an unbeliever, he will be too profound and large minded to ridicule religion or to act against it...
...The decision to terminate my employment was made by the politically appointed board of trustees...
...Is not James Wechsler himself an offender in his capacity as editor of the New York Post which has gone right down the absolutist Zionist lino...
...he is too wise to be a dogmatist, or fanatic in his infidelity...
...This argument is untenable...
...Here in Oregon, the Lions Clubs and other non-religious organizations hold meetings and have dinners in Protestant churches...
...Albert Schweitzer has said: "Humanism is the most precious result of rational meditation upon our existence and that of the world...
...The latter did a singular job in showing much of the one-sidedness of the press... social responsibility...
...The board's objection to my continuance was based solely upon the fact of the letter...
...From ligo comes religo, to tie or bind over again, or make more fast...
...Reason, according to their view, must yield to emotion if emotion is present...
...He didn't need to ask...
...On May 8 I was informed that I would not be reappointed as a professor of economics at Alabama Polytechnic Institute for the coming academic year because I had written a letter to the college newspaper in which I provided information to correct what I considered a distorted editorial dealing with New York's attempt to integrate its public schools...
...I regret the absence of Murray Kempton and even more Robert Lasch as contributors to The Progressive...
...Darrow was one of the great men whom I had always understood...
...Some Unitarians claim that they are searching for evidence of a creator...
...He calls for free debate, fair argument, and the like...
...Neither faculty nor administrative personnel was consulted...
...That would have been the conventional thing to do...
...I was grateful to Joseph Welch for his sensitive insight into the sincerity and deep spiritual quality of Darrow's agnosticism...
...The word religion is a word of forced application when used with respect to the worship of God... equal opportunity for all persons...
...I have been so hounded for interviews by these fellows who think I took this case for money that I had to talk to you...
...Phaser Westmount, Montreal, Canada Religion Defined Dear Sirs: Gene Marine asks in the May issue: "What's a Religion—For Tax Purposes...
...The first from George Bernard Shaw: "Religion is a great force—the only real motive force in the world...
...If we condone a stifling of intellectual discussion on such matters, then emotion reigns supreme...
...On the contrary President Draughon has publicly stated that I "have done a good job of teaching economics" and their decision to dismiss me in no way reflects upon my character or professional status...
...The argument is that since all the evil in Communism derives from atheism, American groups that do not require belief in God are as dangerous as Communism...
...In the quote from Darrow which Gertz uses to support his opinion, there is certainly no "animus," and Darrow's unfailing tolerance is explicit in his concluding statement, "I may be very wrong in my estimate but this is the way I sized him up...

Vol. 21 • July 1957 • No. 7

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