Progressives Overwhelm The Stalwarts In The State Republican Convention Against Platform Offered by Phil La Follette SPEAKER PERRY IN RESOLUTION FIGHT Roll Calls Showing Votes on Different...
...Schauer, Miller, Penniston, Fronek, Gesicki...
...Sheboygan Falls: Sen...
...Good-land, Mueller, Edwards, Barnard, Goff, Charbonneau, Stephens, Springer, Wicynski, Murray...
...Await Committee Report A resolution proposing a revision of the corrupt practices act, offered by Assemblyman Charles Barnard...
...Before its conclusion the debate found Speaker Charles B. Perry, ^'auwatosa...
...Mauthe, Wrucke, Harper, Hoesly, O'Connor, Jackson, Benson, Dettlnger, Don V. Smith, Tremaln, Powell, Piper, Schauer, Mulder, Miller, Penniston...
...Herman Boldt...
...No Praise For Kohler A flurry of excitement was created in the convention when Sen...
...Hitt, Schmittfranr, Rowlands...
...The four resolutions related to the corrupt practices act, the Kohler administration, conservation, and control of utilities...
...The decisive defeat of the Stalwarts in the convention Tuesday was one of the most devastating and demoralizing blows they have received since the beginning of the struggle between the two factions in this state more than 30 years ago...
...Progressives Overwhelm The Stalwarts In The State Republican Convention Against Platform Offered by Phil La Follette SPEAKER PERRY IN RESOLUTION FIGHT Roll Calls Showing Votes on Different Motions Are Printed Herewith * The unprecedented spectacle of a Re-publican state platform convention adopting a strong and sweeping Progressive declaration of politico-economi...
...Eleven Not Here Members who voted for Hunt but net for Nikon were Westphal and E. G. Smith, while members voting for Nixon and not for Hunt were Marfchaun, Westlund, O'Connor, Piper, Mulder, Cords, and Davies...
...Particularly when the roll was called on the resolution commending the Kohler administration there was a noticeable absenteeism...
...WISHES SUCCESS [West Sound...
...Schauer, Miller, Penniston, Fronek, Geslrkl, Lorfeld, Sijrman, Lang, EUenbecker, Tape, Loughlin, Cords, Kuslrk, Eber, Bauer, Westp'.ial, Kuptz, Perry...
...entitled to seat* in the convention, were not here for the convention, although several missed some of the rollcalls...
...Kail Hall, Bay, Dueliolm, Kostuck, Sieb, Kamper...
...Beggs, Nixon, Zittlow...
...E. J. Roethe, Fen-nimore...
...The rollcall on the Daggett resolution was as follows: Resolution Is Defeated FOR THE RESOLUTION—Daggett, Roethe, Fellent, Boldt...
...Dettlnger, Don V. Smith, Tremain, Piper...
...principles, offered by a La Follette, wtth only five dissenting votes cast was enacted at the party's platform parley in the assembly chambers of the capitol here Tuesday afternoon...
...The resolution was rejected by & vote of 69 to 38...
...Brillion, was rejected by a vote of 81 to 25 after Speaker Perry had drawn to the attention of the convention the fact that an interim committee of the legislature Is now engaged in drafting a bill...
...Kay, Due-holm, Kostuck, Sieb, Kamper, Law-ton...
...My friends," said Perry, referring to the Daggett resolution...
...was the vote on the ProgTess>>P^>!a?-iorm submitted and read to the convention by Philip F. La Follette, leader of the Progressive forces and Republican nominee for governor...
...Lorfeld, Sigman, Lang...
...Writer S. Goodland, Racine...
...Goff, Millar, Ingram, Gwidt...
...Shauger, Aune and Kellman...
...Walter Hunt, River Falls, defeated Assemblyman E. O. Smith...
...Close observers of the political situation in the state predicted that the La Follette platform would be approved at the convention by a margin of less than 20 votes...
...Harry B. Daggett, of Milwaukee, and reported to the floor by Sen...
...Fronek, Gesicki, Lorfeld, Sigman, Lang...
...Members who voted for both of tlw Progressive candidates were: La toilette...
...Kostuck, Sieb, Kamper, Lawton, Slagg, Keller, Fuhrman...
...E. G. Smith, Janke, Krez, Huber, Davie*, Meyer, Larson...
...Severson, Zantow, Anderson, Gehrman, Beggs, Nixon...
...Ingram, Mauthe, Wrurk^, Harper, Hoesly, O'Connor, Jackson, Benson...
...Perry Reads Fight Perry denounced the Daggett resolution as the same 'subterfuge which the Oshkosh convention thought would satisfy the people of Wisconsin on utility regulation...
...Kohler for his "business like and economical administration...
...but when Lieut...
...J. P. Bergman...
...Hanson, Baker, Panzer, Burtiss...
...and that "we believe that, properly administered, the present system of regulated and controlled monopoly will result in better and cheaper service to the people...
...Four resolutions...
...Anderson, Gehrman, Bests, Nixon, Malchow, Zittlow, Hitt, Srhmitt-franz, Rowlands, Graves, Groves, Hanson, Baker, Panier, Burtiss, Millar...
...As the work of the convention progressed througn the afternoon, the Stalwart forces became weaker and more disintegrated, and the final roll-call of the convention found a unanimous vote being cast for Herman L. Ekern, Progressive leader, as chairman of the party's central committee...
...precipitated the only spirited debate of the entire Convention...
...were as follows: Morris, Daggett, Roethe, Fellenz, Boldt, Shearer, Mehlgan, Blanchard, White, Goodland, Mueller, Edwards, Barnard, Rasmus, Char-boneau, Stephens, Powell, Laffey, Springer, Engel, Murny, Hilker, Janke, Krez, La Bar, Joseph Huber, Steele, Meyer, Larson...
...P. J. Smith...
...Stephens, E. G. Smith, Janke, Krez, La Bar, Huber, Da-vies...
...Kusick, Eber, Bauer, Perry, Busby, Stiglbauer, Hall, Schoenebeck, Schmiege, Bay, Kay, Dueholm...
...Morris, Daggett, Carroll, Miller, Rush, Roberts, P. J. Smith, Keppel, Cashman, Polewczynski, Fons, Nelson, Olson, Severson, Zantow, Anderson, Gehrman, Beggs, Malchow, Zittlow, Hitt, Schmittfranz, Rowlands, Graves, Groves, Hanson, Baker, Panzer, Burtiss, Millar, Ingram, Gwidt, Mauthe, Wrucke, Harper, Hoesly, Jackson, Ben?on, Don V. Smith, Tremain...
...Apparently convinced that they wwe heavily overwhelmed, the Stalwart faction in the convention offered only feeble and perfunctory opposition to the Progressive forces in the naming of convention officers and members of the State Central committee, and in the adoption of the party's state platform...
...Beloit, for chairman by a vote of 84 to 42, and Assemblyman Robert Nixon, Washburn, d:-feated Sen...
...On this resolution, Hugh Harper, Lancaster, announced that "I am voting 'present' on this resolution out of courtesy to our present governor...
...AGAINST—La Follette, Huber, Dammann, Levitan, Reynolds,' Hunt, Carroll, Miller, Rush, Roberts, Keppel, Cashman, Gettle-man, Fons, Nelson, Markham, Olson, Severson, Mueller, Shearer, P. J. Smith Zantow, Anderson, Gehr-man...
...Phil Nelson, Sen...
...Assemblyman William Edwards and Assemblyman Charles Barnard voting for the La Follette platform...
...Is Adopted 99 to 5 The roll call on the La Follette platform, however, found 99 members of the convention voting in favor of adoption, and only five voting in dissent to the majority...
...While it was believed by several that the vote on this resolution might be close, the rollcall showed that the resolution had been rejected by a vote of 69 to 38...
...Graves, Groves...
...It was introduced by Sen...
...Huber, Dammann, Levitan, Reynold...
...Introduced by Stalwarts, as minority reports from the resolutions committee, and offered as planks in the platform were rejected by overwhelming votes...
...AGAINST — La Follette, Huber, Levitan, Reynolds, Hunt, Carroll, Miller, Rush, Roberts, Keppel, Cashman, Fons...
...election of a permanent chairman and secretary of the convention were the closest cast during the day, although Progressives had a lav^e margin on even these...
...Otto Mueller...
...A total of 105 votes were cast against the resolution, and 20 were cast in favor of adoption...
...Only 11 men...
...The rollcall on the resolution commending the Kohler administration was as follows: j FOR THE RESOLUTION—Daggett, Roethe, Fellenz...
...Good-land, Mueller, Edwards, Barnard, Rasmus, Graves, Burtiss, Goff, Charbonneau, Stephens, Hoesly, Piper, Schauer, Mulder, Springer, Meising, Murray, Sieb, E. G. Smith, Carow, Janke, Krez, Huber, Da vies, Steele, Meyer, Larson...
...Henry Huber objected to his voting "present" on the resolution on the ground that it was not permissible under the rules...
...Busby, Spiglbauer, Hall, Schmiege, Bay, Long...
...Eau Claire...
...Members of the coi vention who votee for both of the Stalwart candidate...
...The Daggett resolution asserted that "we do not believe in the wisdom or efficiency of state ownership...
...Most crushing of the reverses suffered by the Stalwarts in the conventon...
...The roll call found such prominent Stalwarts as Sen...
...Meyer, Larson...
...Malchow, Zittlow, Hitt, Schmittfranz, Rowlands, Groves, Hanson, Barker, Panzer, Millar, IngTam, Gwidt, Mauthe, Wrurke, Harper, O'Connor, Jackson, Benson, Dettlnger, Don v. Smith, Tremain, Miller, Penniston...
...William H. Markham...
...I cannot vote for that plank...
...Fronek, Gesicki, Sigman, Lang, EUenbecker, Conway, Fape, Springer, Loughlin, Cords, Meising, Wicynski, Ku'sick, Eber, Bauer, Westphal, Kuptz, We-demeyer, F.ngal, Perry, Grobschmidt, Murray...
...Meht-gan Blanchard, White, Goodland, Mueller Barnard Rasmus...
...We were sorry to lose Sen...
...Carow, Keller, Fuhrman, Gamper, Langve, Burnham, Ebbe...
...A resolution Introduced by Sen...
...Lawton, Slagg...
...L. J. Fellenz, Sen...
...leading the fight on behalf gf Progressives, and Senators Daggett and Goodland carrying the burden of defending the Stalwart position on the utility question...
...The resolution relating to control of utilities, offered by Sen...
...George W. Blanchard...
...The roll call .1 Barnard's resolution wp.s as follows: FOR THE Ri:SOM'TIOX — Roetlie, Daggett, Fellenz...
...EUenbecker, Pape, Loughlin, Wicynski...
...Markham for secretary bj a vote of 89 to 36...
...Slagg, Carow, Keller, Fuhr-man, Gamper, Langve, Steele, Burn-ham, Ebbe, Lorfeld...
...O. S. Loomis .a senatorial nominee, was unable to attend because of his participation in the Wright trial at Mauston as a special prosecutor...
...Hunt Elected Chairman The votes on tin...
...Goodland next arose to ofrer a resolution commending the Kohler administration for Its business efficiency and economy...
...It is a subterfuge and a platitude, and nothing more...
...Markham on conservation was defeated by a vote of 99 to 23...
...AGAINST — La Follette, Huber, Levitan, Reynolds, Rush, Roberts, Keppel, ('ashman, Polewczynski, Fons, Olson, Severson...
...Boldt, Markham, Blanchard...
...Edgerton, and Sen, Walter S. Goodland...
...27]—I want to wish The Progres'nve and the La Follettes the very best success...
...Sr., but are glad to know his sons are filling his place so well.—Mrs...
...EUenbecker, Paper, Loughlin, Cords, Kusick, Bauer, Kuptz, Perry, Grobschmidt, Busby, Stiglbauer, Hall, Bay...
...One of the most stinging defeats suffered by the Stalwarts in the convention was the rejection by an overwhelming vote of a resolution commending Gov...
...We don't need to have a word of that If we adopt the majority platform...
...The 11 who did not attend the convention were Elmer S. Hall, Barker, Loomis, Callahan, Jensen, Budlong, Wedemeyer, Long...
...Due-holm, Kostuck, Hilker, Lawton, Slagg, Keller, Fuhrman, Gamper, Langve, Burnham...
...Gamper, Langve, Burnham, Ebbe...
...The members of the convention voting for rejection of the platform were Sen...
...Harper voted against the resolution...
...P. J. Smith, Polewczynski, Mehigan, Markham, Blanchard, White...
Vol. 1 • October 1930 • No. 44