...Costigan has always been a prominent advocate of progressive principles and was nominated with the ^combined support of organized labor arid progressives In his state...
...Costigan against a reactionary' line-up similar to that of Montana...
...BOB TO AID NORRIS, WALSH, COSTIGAN WILL ASSIST PROGRESSIVES IN CAMPAIGNS Senator La Follette Plans Tour in Three States to Fight Reactionary Interests BITTER CONTESTS ARE CONTEMPLATED Power Trust in Montana, Colorado, Nebraska, Lined Up Behind Old Guard Candidates Senator Robert M. La Follette, Jr...
...Senator La Follette plans to continue his fight in behalf of Progressive principles by going first to Montana to aid In the fight of Sen?M^ Walsh against the power trust and big business interests that have aligned themselves solidly in a bitter effort to defeat Senator Walsh...
...The national Republican organization has given evidence that it will decline to extend any aid to Senator Norris in the Nebraska election, and Hoover administration leaders are reported as favoring the election of his Democratic opponent...
...While it is believed that Senator Norris will carry Nebraska by a large vote, It Is known that, the power trust and the powerful Stalwart Republican machine is ready and willing to spend large sums to secure his defeat...
...La Follette will probably accompany him on the trip...
...Costigan is the Democratic nominee to the United States Senate from Colorado...
...At the . primary September 16, Phil La Follette was nominated by a landslide majority of 112,000 over the present Governor Kohler, whose candidacy was backed by the financial and reactionary Interests of the state...
...A fake "radical movement' is being engineered by these big interests in an attempt to split the labor support that hitherto has remained loyal to Senator Walsh...
...Senators Walsh and Norris are candidates for re-election and Mr...
...This extensive speaking tour of Senator La Follette in these three states will probably occupy his time up to within a short time of the November elections...
...Following the primary, the Phipps machine bosses and the power trust have reunited and are now planning an expensive and determined attack against Costigan and the progressives in the -November election...
...The November contest between Senator Walsh and the Republican nominee, Albert L. Galen for the senatorship is expected to ¦ be one of the hardest fought senatorial struggles in the nation...
...Reports from Montana indicate that a huge "slush fund" is'being used against his candidacy and newspapers of the state, largely dominated by the power trust and the Anaconda company, are being forced to oppose him...
...will leave sometime in October on a campaign trip that will take him into three states to aid in the senatorial races of three prominent progressives —Thomas J. Walsh of Montana, Edward P. Costigan of Colorado and George W. Norris of Nebraska, it has just been announced...
...After a speaking tour in Montana, Senator La Follette plans to go to Colorado to assist Mr...
...Costigan was nominated recently by a big vote as Democratic candidate for the Senate and his Republican opponent in the November election will be George H. Shaw, prominent power trust attorney and close associate of Henry L. Doherty...
...the Republican nom^ inee to the Senate, is facing in his race for re-election the Stalwart machine of the state backed by the power and big business interests...
...Ever since Senator Walsh became a militant enemy of the huge $100,000.-000 Montana Power company and the $600,000,000 Anaconda Copper com-' pany in Montana, following his active participation in exposing the Fall-Doheny-Sinclair oil scandals during the Harding administration, the big financial interests of Montana and the nation have fought vigorously to unseat him...
...Since that time Senator La Follette and his bride have been, vacationing in northern Wisconsin...
...Senator George W. Norris...
...Shaw secured the Republican nomination in a campaign that was characterized by the lavish expenditure of great sums of money by the power trust interests behind his candidacy and by his Phipps machine opponent in the primary...
...Senator La Follette only recently completed a state-wide speaking campaign in behalf of the candidacy of his brother, Philip F, La Follette, for the Republican nomination to the governorship of Wisconsin...
...power magnate who controls the huge Cities Service utilities corporation...
...In Nebraska, where Senator La Follette will make a number of speeches following his Colorado tour...
...Senator Norris won the Republican nomination in August by a 30.000 majority after a plot to defeat him by placing the name of another George W. Norris on the ballot had failed...
...Immediately following the overwhelming victory of Phil La FoOete in Wisconsin, Senator La Follette surprised friends and associates by marrying Miss Rachel Wilson Young of Washington, his secretary...
Vol. 1 • September 1930 • No. 43