Peavey, Lynn
DEMOCRATS GET LAUGH FROM HOOVER DEFENSE Statements of R. H. Lucas, Republican Committee Head, Derided in News Releases (Publicity of Democratic Nat'l. Committee) WASHINGTON, Aug. 29—Washington...
...opposed and hampered every corrective measure that President Hoover undertook...
...Wood, who may or maj not ecmt back to Congress next year Chairman Jouett Shouse of the Democratic National Executive Committe* has been engaged in a "campaign ol untruthful propaganda to slander anc malign President Hoover and block th< President's effort"* to carry forward i constructive program that would aic the country in a period of economic distress " Like the other apologists foi the administration...
...says the New York Times, "it was beneath his lofty mine to ask how large the Argentine corr crop is...
...for every bushel that reaches oui shores...
...29—Washington tvis been greatly entertained during the past week by inauguration of the Hoover defense campaign that started wllh the selection of Robert H. Lucas ¦a F-xecutive Director of the Republican National CcmmtUec...
...It is true that tlx defenders of the record of the Hoove) administration have not as yet blame< the Democrats for the lack of rain However, it must be remembered thai the new Republican propaganda bureai has only just gotten under way...
...says the Sur paper, the opening Congressional campaign statement cf Robert H. Luca* would take high rank as a comic document...
...If it did not range over subject...
...due entirely to the circumstance that the wicked Democrat...
...We senc out of the country a hundred bushel...
...Incidentally, the total amount of com coming from foreign countries—Argentina and all the rest of the world—amount to less than one-fiftieth of one per cenl of our domestic production...
...He said he was...
...The Republicans in Congress defeated nearly all of these measures and emasculated the remainder, though neither from them not from the White House was any substitute program advanced... their opposition to the enactment of the Grundy tariff, are responsible for the acuteness and endurance of the Hoover panic...
...The same depraved Democrats are responsible, because they have called attention to the mistakes, intentional or otherwise, of the Department of Labor reports in seeking to minimiise the distress...
...These provided foi adequate facilities for determining th« real facts of unemployment, to set up a system of employment exchanges, and to provide a federal job reserve through public works...
...interesting notion," says tile Baltimore Sun...
...that when there was prosperity under a Republican administration it wis 'Coolidge prosperity,' whereas now that there is much unemployment under a Republican administration it Is a 'natural misfortune,' this statement involves the question of what remedies for unemployment the adminbtration has put forward and whit steps the Democrats have taken to block them, for campaign purposes...
...Is tne country in bad shape, industrially and .iconomically...
...I- the unemployment situation deplorable f-nd extensive to an almost unparallslied degree...
...Wood emit any description of what the "constructive policy" ls or how the Democrats have blocked It...
...Will R. Wood of Indiana, chairman of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, take* up the sonj where Director Lucas dropped it...
...Bankers Enter Industrial Field Minus Experience Court Proceedings Reveal They Know Little of Business in Which They Invest Millions TOUNGSTOWN, O.—Court proceedings on the proposed merger of Bethlehem Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube Cos...
...the natural misfortune of the nation...
...Among the other crimes with whicl the Democrats are charged is that o: assailing Mr...
...Hoover's Farm Board which, after a year's operation and thi expenditure of a considerable portior of its half billion dollar appropriation has finally evolved as it* one contribution to the problem the principle o: having the farmers curtail their acreage and produce less, with, incidentally agricultural products down to bed-roc...
...Wood electrified the farmers of the country b; telling them that the Grundy tarifl meant that they would get half a billion dollars more for their corn crof because of the 25 cents a bushel dut] on corn, which, he explained, prevented the country being flooded with cheap com from Argentina"Naturally...
...Over a period of years it hai recently- averaged less thari one-tenth of the American, and only part of i) has been available for export...
...P*«k year for the trade...
...That is only, according to Mr...
...for five years, a director of another large steel compoiatlon...
...One New York banker testified that his concern bought Youngstown stock to the value of $11,000,000...
...that lend themselves poorly to facetioui treatment at this time...
...prices which would have been worsi except for the fortuitous occurrence o the great drouth...
...Passung over th...
...According to Mr...
...Wagner... revealing how bankers who have no knowledge of sleel are a lactor in this business...
...More than $1,000,000 worth ot American rubber toys, play halls and balloons were sold abroad in 1929...
...Nevertheless, according to Mr...
...A day or two before...
...When asked if he had ever been a practical steel man he answered, In the negative... th< dry spell may yet be laid at the Democratic door...
...Wocd and others of the Republican spokesmen, the Democrats in their vicious-ness...
...The only measures that were urged during the recent session of Congress to deal with the unemployment situation were the bills introduced by the junior Democratic Senator from New York...
Vol. 1 • September 1930 • No. 40