"Here's The lssue"--M'Govern rJpHE issue is clear and unmistakable. At no time during recent years has it bean so sit'uarely presented. All the voter needs ask his conscience is: "Am I for the...
...rights of all or for a special privileged and private few...
...am I fyc the prosperity of the many or for the undue enrichment of (hi...
...is my heart with Mr...
...am I for the progressive policies of Wisconsin inaugurated during the past thirty years which have brought to our people distinction, prosperity, industrial peace and social contentment in larger and more generous measures than anywhere else in all the world, or am I against these policies...
...am I for the public welfare and thr...
...Gerard's 5$ unofficial rulers of America or with the remaining 120 odd millions of toilers who produce in this marvelous country of our fabulous wealth to be controlled and distributed by the 59...
...All the voter needs ask his conscience is: "Am I for the masses or for the classes...
Vol. 1 • September 1930 • No. 40