...Some of this mom the governor himself spent, as 1 had a right to do so long as V kept within the limitations set b-law, and the remainder, it is sai' was spent by others...
...am I lor the prosperity of the many or for the undue enrichment of the few...
...Here, fellow-citizens, Is one of the outstanding Issues of this campaign...
...His speech in full follows: "The political contest, now on within the republican party of this state for control of its...
...may seem strange that he did not knew or does not now remember what his closest political supporters were doing...
...Are the people of Wisconsin to believe now that the platforms of the two contending camps In this primary campaign differ but little, that the stalwart stand-bearers may be trusted to carry out In practice the principles they have hitherto for a third of a century consistently and contemptuously opposed...
...The governor did not say a word...
...A movement, insidious, skillfully officered and provisioned and artfully contrived to mislead the thoughtless and inattentive is on foot to overthrow the work of more than a quarter of a century in the interest of freedom and justice and to erect in its place and stead the time-worn contrivances to despoil the people and to debase their government to narrow, selfish uses...
...The authors of the ideas that purloining the political principles of their opponents and adopting them for their own was a shrewd stroke of genuls have yet to reckon with the common sense and conscience of the average voter...
...obviously, it was decisive of the outcome of the trial...
...The last political plank of their one-time pretentious platform was gone...
...Gerard's 59 unofficial rulers of America or with the remaining 120 odd millions of tollers who produce in this marvelous country of ours fabulous wealth to be controlled and distributed by the 59...
...But he does know now...
...Where do you stand on this- question of checking the growing power of a monopoly which exploits the people, Mr...
...Is it an honest declaration...
...A majority of the Senate of the United States Receptee this view, declined to unseat, him...
...Plaintiffs in the action appealed from this judgment to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin and there Judge Wickham's decision was sweepingly and unanimously reversed and the case sent back for trial on the merits...
...More important still, this evil is rapidly taking root in Wisconsin's soil everywhere, but the standard-bearer of the stalwart faction is still silent...
...Because of political differences he broke with the La Follette movement but never abandoned the Progressive principles...
...But what about a platform...
...saying it was unconstitutional as applied to him...
...The Power Monopoly "Side by side with chain banking is another evil insiduously growing daily within our gates into gigantic proportions...
...So also has every other candidate on either of the tickets so headed...
...Two year, ago, somewhere between $100.00 > and $500,000 were spent to elf(' the present governor...
...Let us stand by the political principles, the policies and the civic ideals that have fostered and dignified the lives of our people in the past and give our state a unique, noble and inspiring influence among her sister states of this republic and throughout the world...
...I have time only briefly to discuss two: Chain banking and improper use of money in elections...
...Let me invite your attention I i the slush fund situation," said former Gov...
...It has been in existence here less than a year, but it has extended its tentacles through the state and everyone who has come into close contact with it has been made to feel its oppression, tyranny and ruthless disregard of the lights of the public...
...Will he accept their protestations of honesty...
...The issue now being carried is presented in the forum of public opinion and civic conscience...
...Waiving the question of whether he actively participated in the improper use of money during his campaign, or authorized others to do so, what, is to be said of his retaining the office after he learned that, in a state where the upper limit a candidate may spend is $5,000 more than $100,000 was so used to effect his election...
...What fate holds In store by way of political preferment for Philip La Follette or Walter Kohler, as Individuals, is not Important to the rank and file of our people...
...and that public office .shall be open to those who have the ability, character, training and experience to render efficient service regardless of whether they are or are not In possession of wealth...
...Given more opportunity to develop It will disclose itself as a top-heavy, centralized, autocratic Innovation...
...Each group has undoubtedly put its best foot forward, and has selected as its standard bearer Its favorite leader...
...Two years ago somewhere between $100,000 and $500,000 were ypenl to elect the present governor...
...This election contest ls not a law suit...
...All the voter need ask his conscience Is: 'Am' I for the masses or the classes...
...The perpetuation of these public policies is now threatened as never before...
...If the progressive cause cannot win now it cannot hope to win for manv years to come...
...They resisted every attempt to control or regulate monopoly services or charges, whether by railroads or public utilities, and set their faces like flint against the passage of statutes which made these great corporations the servants, not, the masters, of the people...
...My fellow-citizens, in this momentous crisis, let us make no mistake...
...They then raised the banner of representative government, social justice and equality of opportunity for all...
...least of all is it a criminal trial...
...They* opposed, with like vigor and obtuseness, the enactment of the workmen's compensation law, the establishment of the Industrial Commission, income taxation on the basis of ability to pay, the conservation of the state's natural resources, wholesome limitations on the hours of labor of women and children, freedom to cooperate on the part of farmers, an efficient corrupt practice act, calculated to put a check on the baleful Influence of slush funds in election r^mpaigns and many o'her reforms of like import and tendency, the purpose of which was approximate realization, at least here in Wisconsin, of the ideals of democracy cherished by Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and the other great founders of free institutions in this country...
...This quotation is from Senate resolution 172 of the Second Session of the 67th Congress, calendar day January 12, 1922...
...And so now In Wisconsin...
...It is one of fundamental democracy, shall the great, vital, controlling powers of government be used for the enrichment, and exaltation of the few or, instead, for the benefit and well-being of the many...
...the Supreme Court of Nebraska held the filing illegal...
...and to be re-elected to this office, so he may serve a second term, is another and quite dlffeernt thing...
...One student of the subject after another began to see the fallacies of the false propaganda that for more than a dozen years had been disseminated in this state...
...This year seems fertile In frauds of this sort...
...As was to be expected in tins situation, the Jury returned a verdict of 'not guilty.' "To the full benefit, of this verdict and the judgment bases on it Governor Kohler is ..unquestionably entitled until it shall be either affirmed or reversed by the Supreme Court where the case is now pending on appeal...
...It takes account of morais as well as law and questions of public policy as well as ancient precedents...
...Are we to take the Oshkosh platform as 100 per cent sincere...
...and It Is quite another tiling, while these proceedings are pending In court, to be honored with a second term by the voters of the state...
...Believing this as I firmly rio, I desire to announce to the nrnplp of Wisconsin that I shall cast my vote and lend my voice with all the conviction and strength' I possess for the nomination and election of Philip F. La Folletle for governor and for the principles and policies his randidary represents," declared Mr...
...Politically bankrupt though these stalwarts were, they nevertheless met, as had been thetti custom, in biennial convention, this year at Oshkosh, for the adoption of a platform and the nominations of candidates for state office...
...and at the time of the outbreak of the great World War, when, owing to purely monetary causes the purchasing power of the dollar was falling, the cost of living rising and m consequence public expenditures were everywhere growing, as were also taxes imposed to meet them, they raised the false slogan of oppressively high taxation in Wisconsin regardless of its demonstrable falsity and of the injury they might easily have foreseen would follow to the state...
...On the contrary, he in turn challenged the validity of the law...
...Thus, the case was presented to the Circuit Court a second time...
...Business Man...
...To all who have, lived here during this war of ballots the issue is well understood...
...His only reference to the subject Is criticism of legislation enacted years ago when chain banking was unknown in Wisconsin and prata' of hills passed flaring his own^^Buiistration Which' appear to have been utterly ineffective in preventing chain banking from invading this state...
...Even the Wisconsin state bankers, at their recent convention in Milwaukee, overwhelmingly repudiated it as inimical to the welfare of the banks and the Interests of the public...
...To others it is a story to be told...
...Is the dignity of the office of governor of Wisconsin less than that of a United Slates Senator from the i State of Michigan...
...They clung to the iniquities of the old caucus and convention system of nominating candidates for public office and resisted to the utmost the enactment o! our present primary election law, which took the power of making the ballot to be cast on election day from the corrupt and discredited political bosses and placed it instead in the hands of the people themselves...
...The expenditure of such excessive sums |n behalf of a candidate either with or without hi* knowledge and consent being contrary t» '¦ant T...
...He declared that all of these issues should be solved along Progressive lines...
...But what '¦'< ' os-vari iwnUciani...
...What public policies will be advanced or retarded...
...It was * scurvy trick...
...The voters of Nebraska resented the fraud...
...What ideals In government, will be promoted...
...The correctness or incorrectness of this duling I have no de.-'lre to debate...
...Kronshage, is 74 cents per kilowatt hour, while the average rate paid by the people of the province of Ontario, Canada, where public ownership prevails, ts 18 cents, a little less than one-fourth as much...
...Already 80 per cent of the developed water power of the state is In the control of private hands and as a result here, as in other states where private monopoly controls production, the average charge^ for domestic consumption, as stated recently In a public address by Mr...
...Is there anything wrong with the standard of political ethics expiessed In Ihe Senate resolution above quoted...
...Finally, let me invite your attention to the slush situation...
...Moreover, to be convicted in court of corruption, fraud or crime under the forms of law and expelled fiom office on this account is one thing...
...They went farther and claimed he was in the United States Navy at the time in the sen ice of his government and could not have known what his friend -were doing for him...
...stands now for re-election on a record of misuse I of money in elections grosser than that of Newberry...
...bu* the resolution authorizing him to take his seat concluded with the following two paragraphs: "Third, that whether the amount expended in this primary was J19V-0(10 as was fully reported or openly .icknowledj;p(l or whether there were some few thousand dollar* In excess, the amount expended *»« in either case too large, much larger than ought to have been expended...
...What of the urgent, specific issues involved in this campaign...
...More than this, he has known how much money was spent for a long time...
...In Nebraska there Is a law which forbids any descriptive notation on the official ballot Identifying any person as a candidate, beyond the mere statement of his name...
...Governor Kohler ha.s not only not resigned but...
...Kohler nor the voters of Wisconsin can afford to ignore or misunderstand...
...the unanimous convention choice of the Stnlwnrts ls politically their strongest, protagonist...
...In» his first response in court i Gov...
...Did its adoption signalize an honest conversion of sinners to repetence...
...Let us take no backward step...
...Every one of these bills passes the progressive republican assembly: and every one of them was promptly killed in the stalwart republican senate...
...Yet, step by step the movement grew, laws were enacted, boards and commissions were established, contests were won in the courts, until Wisconsin came to occupy'a unique place among the commonwealths of America as the best governed state in the union, wherein all men stood equal before the law and each had a free field with no favors in the race of life...
...Someone has said imitation Is the sincerest flattery...
...What are we to conclude...
...The governor of the state, who has taken an oath to enforce the laws fearlessly and without favor, when himself charged with misconduct grave enough to warrant forfeiture of his office, instead of meeting the charge upon the mrrits, turned against the law which regulated his election and denied to it any validity...
...Can't Fool All Time "But, as Abraham Lincoln once said: 'You can fool all the people part of the time and part of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time...
...He must conclude they have resorted to false pretenses In seeking his support...
...harmful to th# •oor the Senate 'd f perpetuitr of 0 tilth esce««:<\.* expenditures are hereby severely condemned and disapproved...
...As everyone knows, (his issu was taken into court, where th chief executive of the state, n» candidate for re-election, was foi mally changed with violation d the Corrupt Practices Art of Wisconsin and on this ground the k>- i gality of his election was challenged...
...Stalwarts, republican and democratic alike, have answered this question one way...
...Where, doe* the stalwart candidate for governor stand on this Issue...
...In like manner, by similar ways that are dark and tricks that are vain' a campaign is now being waged against Thomas J. Walsh of Montana, now out tor re-election to the United States senate which he has signally honored by his superb fight for honesty In public office and for fidelity In safeguarding the oil and other natural resources of the country against the lawless raids of the Sinclairs, the Dohenys, the Falls and, the Doughertys of the time...
...If, so, possibly the progressives of Wisconsin should feel highly complimented by this stalwart coup...
...The logic of events had mercilessly refuted all their pretentions and belied all their doleful predictions...
...I refer to the hydro-electric power monopoly...
...Its member banks In the smaller towns of the state will be...
...It was an unworthy attempt to defeat by chicanery a man who could not be fairly defeated in an open contest...
...His friends said that granting too much money had been spent...
...who was an obscure grocer in a small town and who thereupon disappeared from public view...
...If you vote for the stalwart ticket, >headrd by Governor Kohler, you "may be equally certain that monopoly abuses in Wisconsin will continue to grow In magnitude and arrogance...
...But discussion of the Issue of excea-| site expenditure of money in the campaign of two years ago is not therefore out of order...
...If you vote for the ticket headed by Phil La Follette you may be certain monopoly will be curbed and living costs reduced...
...While district attorney of Milwaukee he waged a crusade acalnst graft that gave him rank in a nation wide movement for clean municipal government...
...This situation stirred the Wisconsin i League of Municipalities to study the question...
...On the contrary, he in j turn challenged the validity of the law, saying it was unconstitutional as applied to him...
...If so, it is the most remarkable political conversion In all the history of America, if not of the world...
...The development of this political conspiracy, for it can be spoken of truthfully in no milder terms, is an interesting story, only the barest outline of which may now briefly be sketched...
...instead, a vital phase of an elemental struggle between two mutually hostile political camps which for almost a third of a century have waged incessant war on each other for the supremacy of principles, convictions and ideals of government as' diametrically opposed as are the poles of the earth...
...stripped Mr um...
...Phil La Follette, all things considered, Ls as clearly the .strongest and most promising candidate on the Progressive side ns is Governor Kohler...
...McGovern in his statement denounces chain banks, corruption in election and high electric powp...
...They opposed doing »tcay with free passes on railroads, the lavish distribution • of which among public officials, including judges on the bench, long constituted a fertile and insidious source of corruption...
...so In time on even the difficult topic of taxation light began to dawn...
...In doing so they did not hesitate to subsidize, wherever possible, the press of the state, shamelessly to use the influence of employer over workman, especially n slack times, studied misrepresentation of men and measures or any other means financially interested ingenuity could devise as a weapon of assault...
...and as a result this public organization, non-political, with no motive other than that springing from a desire to render a public service, caused a half dozen bills to be Introduced in (he last legislature of Wisconsin for the purpose of freeing the people from this form of monopoly control and exploitation...
...and at last within the present twelve months some of the au^ thors of this defamation frankly recanted their heresies and admitted the truth...
...It will stand at least for a decade In the present temper of the public mind and in the setting just described the things that Wisconsin stands for and has been building for more than a quarter of a century will either win a signal victory that will vindicate them overwhelmingly or they will go into eclipse for a decade or more and until the last surviving member of the generation that witnessed the glorious dawn of the advent among us will have passed to the great unknown whence no traveler returns...
...Exactly ho much was spent, the public w; ' never know...
...He had the courage and the sense of public duty to appear as one of the plaintiffs in the ouster case...
...Th° contest here is not one of personalities but of principles...
...For 20 years Francis E. McGovern has been a political figure in Wisconsin...
...It has hull to do with the validity of any statute...
...Chain banking I shall not undertake to discuss in detail...
...and Senator Norrls was triumphantly renominated...
...and make no mistake, the people will say so too by their ballots on primary election day...
...It lays down ! le rule of political morality for the voters of Wisconsin In the present campaign, "On this issue alone, were there nothing else, Governor Kohler should be retired lo private life...
...progressives, of all kinds, have answered it in another and different way...
...Kohler did not deny the j charge...
...Will he really believe in their sincerity...
...Whose money was so spent the public has no means of knowing...
...Whose mon-was so spent the public has >¦ means of knowing...
...Its first appearance was under the auspices of a Milwaukee bank, of which the present governor was director, but no audible protest came from him...
...Exactly how much was spent the public probably will never know...
...The governor of the state, who has taken an oath to enforce the laws fearlessly and without favor, when himself charged with misconduct grave enough to warrant forfeiture of his ofifce, instead of meeting the charge upon the merits, turned against the law which regulated his election and denied to it...
...when George W Nonis, distinguished United States Senior from Nebraska, and an outstanding Progressive Republican, filed in that state his papers for renom-lnatlon a few weeks ago, simultaneously there was filed the nomination papers of another George W. Nonis...
...Where does his opponent Phil La Follette stand...
...Here is food for reflection...
...Housewife, what is your position on the issue of lower rates for electricity used in your home...
...any validity...
...There is no room for doubt about the reason for this ominous silence...
...So much for the general situation...
...Not even a pretense of principle remained...
...but his private secretary lobbied so shamelessly against these measures he was publicly rebuked on the floor of the assembly...
...Under the law a candidate for governor is not permitted to spend more than $5,000...
...There Is here no discrimination ag-nlnst men of wealth, possession of wealth alone should not, disqualify any candidate...
...Foremost among an the commonwealths of the union, they took advance ground in favor of liberty and justice, of public right and democratic rules...
...Truth crushed to earth at last began to rise again...
...Some of this money the governor himself spent, as hp had a right, to do so long as he kept within the ijnutatlorjs, £>et by law, and the remainder, it is said, was spent by others...
...It is thus, a much broader and simpler question...
...government during the coming two yeans, is not a mere formal affair or passing show...
...They were penitent, but poor indeed...
...It ls not concerned about whether those who admittedly spent lar^e s-umj c>( movu^ hi pi emoting thv years ago were or were not his agents, as that term is understood in law...
...that the mere Influence of money in public affairs shall not become obstruslve...
...Lacking an issue of their own, or any suggestion for one in harmony with their own political philosophy, they Up-toed over into the progressive camp stole the platform and party paraphanalia in use there, tip-toed back again to their convention hall and with slight modification adopted It as the creed of the stalwarts of Wisconsin...
...On this issue abou thirty years ago the voters of Wiscon sin deliberately took a stand—a decisive stand...
...My fellow - citizens in this momentous crisis let us make no mistake...
...There is no rule applicable here as In such actions of presumption of innocence, burden of proof or reasonable doubt...
...To an outsider It looked as though 'Othellol6 occupation was gone.' "This news was too good to be true...
...In his first response in court Governor Kohler did not deny the charge...
...and on this issue they foisted on the public false propaganda which so confused and bedeviled the electorate that down to the present time the average voter has been unable to distinguish between what is true and what is false, what is beneficial and what is detrimental to the public, what is wise and what is excessive expenditure of public funds...
...The stalwarts of Wisconsin, acting through their political organization, dare not oppose chain-banking for the simple reason their most influential members are the organizers of the movement...
...As everyone knows, this issue was taken into court, where the chief executive of the state, now candidate for re-election, was formally charged with violation of the Corrupt Practice Act of Wisconsin and on this ground the legality of his election was challenged...
...managed by salaried clerk...
...They openly conceded In public addresses and through newspapers that, by and large, business was not overburdened with taxation in Wisconsin as compared to other slates...
...was back fighting for Progressive candidates today...
...The controversy, therefore, has for the time being been .transferred from court to the public platform and the ballot box...
...Here is food for reflection...
...Material for candidates, no doubt, that had in abundance...
...He was elected governor in 1.910 and again in 1912...
...Let us stand by the political principles, the public policies and the civic ideals that have fostered and dignified the lives of our people in the past and give our state a unique^ noble and inspiring influence among her sister states of this republic an dthroiighout (hp world...
...Every candid.' fair' minded person recognizes and will freely concede that each of these men has many fine personal qualities and a clear legal right to place his candidacy before the public...
...It rises above parties and above the ambitions of individuals...
...It, is...
...They admitted what had long been conceded by the most competent body of experts in the nation...
...At the outset the stalwarts of this state fought to the last ditch against every needed reform of the time and against the abolition of every ancient evil and abuse proposed by socially-minded people...
...In ringing declaration, during a radio speech here Wednesday night, he endorsed the candidacy of Philip F. La Follette for governor: denounced as "a conspiracy" the Stalwart movement in Wisconsin, and scored the Oshkosh-Kohler convention platform as "insincere...
...To be ousted from the office of governr during the present term, as was prayed for In the pending law suit, ls one tft'.ng...
...In a word, what it seeks is monopoly control of money and credit, well called the life blood of industry and trade, under the dominion of a holding company owned, it may be, by men not bankers, but nevertheless who aspire to dominate banking...
...Thus, the issue is clear and unmistakable...
...and despite temporary set-backs and apparent waverings, this banner has never since been lowered or furled...
...instead they are still rubbing their eyes amazed at ,what they see and wondering when the next raid on their political archives will be made...
...It looks to the future, not to the past alone...
...He will resent as an Insult this cheap and fraudulent bid for his favor and he may conclude that a candidate who accepts the fruits of such deception, trickery and fraud during the campaign, is not likely, should he be elected, to change his leopard spots after he has taken an oath of office...
...The progressive republican candidates, In office or out of office, are openly and aggressively opposed to this latest menace to the public welfare and are spying so in unequivocal terms from every political rostrum in the state...
...11 Ls a simple issue, stripped of all technicalities and legal refinements...
...What public policy demands ls that the handicap placed on the deserving but financially poor candidate be not excessive...
...The Real Cleavage "Here Is the fundamental cleavage I that divides and has divided our people at election time regardless of P'^y or of personalities...
...Because one may not be guilty of larceny, may he knowingly receive and retain stolen goods' This is the issue that will be settled at the polls a week from next Tuesday: and it is one neither Gov...
...not by bankers, as in the past, and the head of the system here in Milwaukee, from which its octopus tentacles have radiated throughout Wisconsin, will soon shift to Wall .Street, New York, with the nation as its coaching ground.'Other states may welcome monopoly In money and banking if they please, but Wisconsin wants none of it...
...The vital question remains, what will the nomination and election of either of these groups of candidates mean In terms of public welfare...
...Mushroom like, this novel autocratic device is fraught with almost infinite menace to American ideals of independence, stability of business and equality of opportunity...
...The announcement, that he was back In the political fold fighting for Philip F. La Follette for governor came as a political surprise...
...When Senator Newberry read this resolution he resigned...
...FOR LA FOLLETTE EX-GOVERNOR HITS STALWART CONSPIRACY Says Kohler Took Oath * to Enforce Law and Then Sought to Smash It BARREL BEING SPENT IN THIS CAMPAIGN Also Attacks Chain Ban ing System, Power Trust and Corruption MILWAUKEE, Wis.—Francis E. : r -Govern, former governor of Wiscon.-in...
...To all these blessings the stalwart faction of the Republican party was either intentionally blind or purposely oblivious...
...Let us take no backward step...
...It is a question entirely of who should be honored with the office of Governor of this great state during the next two years...
...And with this additional Illumination coming from such an unexpected source, the public policies distinctive of our state were finally vindicated and now stand unchallenged for want of wisdom in anv quarter...
...At no time during recent years has it been so squarely presented...
...Newberry voluntarily retired under much less moral compunction...
...Toward the close of the case he struck out or excluded most of the evidence offered by the prosecution and left the jury with little more than unimportant shreds and patches of evidence on which to base a verdict...
...Believing this as I firmly do, I desire to announce to the people of Wisconsin that I shall cast my vote and lend my voice with all the conviction and strength I possess for the nomination and election of Philip F. La Follette for governor and for the principles and policies his candidacy represents...
...Is my heart with Mr...
...If not...
...Same As Newberry Case "How does this Issue differ from the Newberry case heard by the United States Senate at the time he was certified by the State of Michigan as having been duly elected to that august body...
...am I for the progressive policies of Wisconsin Inaugurated during the past thirty years which have brought, to our people distinction, prosperity, Industrial peace mid social contentment In larger and more generous measures than anywhere else in all the world or am I against these policies.' Deeltlnn Not Difficult "The decision s'hould not he difficult, lit will be <'e<;iitciecl al the ballot box a week from next Tuesday and will endure not merely for a day or a week or a year...
...If not, then he must condemn them as guilty of a gross political fraud...
...Newberry did not authorize or know of it...
...Thus, simplified and broadened, what real difference does It make whether Governor Kohler knew during the campaign two years ago that excessively large amounts of money were being spent to secure his election...
...In this unique position the governor was sustained by the learned trial court, Judge Wickham...
...Thus, the air began to clear...
...Let as hepe that deception and baseless detraction will accomplish no more in Montana than It accomplished in Nebraska...
...As so often occurs, the unexpected happened...
...They are many In number...
...He is now the stand-bearer on the side of those who believe In eliminating from election campaigns all improper use of money and should on this ground, as well as on others, receive the support, of Wisconsin voters...
...It has nothing to do with the correctness of any ruling on evidence made at the recent trial in Sheboygan...
...am I for the public welfare and the rights of all or for a special privileged and private tew...
...ivgauf What were they now to do...
...Judge Gehrz of Milwaukee now presided...
...But mark the contrast...
...They opposed the equal and just taxation of railroad property on the same basis ther property was taxed...
...and most »#(viipaote poiiu...
...The National Tax association, that Wisconsin's system of taxation was not only sound, but was a model which other states might do well to copy...

Vol. 1 • September 1930 • No. 40

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