Mobley, Radford E.
Following News At the Capital Equalization Fee? The Narris Triumph Still After Norris White House Slip Up. By RADFORD E. MOBLEY WASHINGTON, D. C—The federal farm board is now applying the...
...They want to abandon drought relief, farm succor, and other minor problems, until the momentous question has been determined...
...These two developments of recent date have suddenly made a startled Washington wonder what Is happening to the President's farm relief plan, which had as two chief planks opposition to the equalization fee and advocacy of higher tariffs as an aid to agriculture...
...Ritchie, wet Maryland Democrat, to the drought conference...
...despite the vituperation poured upon it by Presidents Coolidge and Hoover, is certain to give Impetus to the suggestion that the fee plan be revived In the next session of congress...
...The army recently became up over the problem when it found the the navy department- was maint&inin., planes at several land stations whir were equipped for bombing and torpec work as well as for scouting...
...Friends of Norris are greatly amused by these developments...
...The army asserted that It thought the na was directed by congress to confine it self to scouting planes on land...
...Senator Fess, the new chairman, called at the White House for a conference, after whicn he remarked to newspapermen that Norris would be given aid if he won th...
...was much offended when no invitation was extended him to attend a dinner for members of a senate committee dinner to which he should logically have been invited...
...The incident recalls the experience last winter when Sen...
...The state of Maryland was one of the worst hit in the recent drought...
...President Hoover will use what influence the White House can muster without public display in bringinn about Norris' defeat by his Democratic opponent...
...12)—B wishes for The Progressive...
...Although economists have held generally that a higher tariff on wheat oj cotton was an idle gesture, the administration has continued to Ignore the fact to cry up the benefits of an Old Guard tariff wall...
...I value is very highly.—E...
...Hiram Johnson...
...VALUES IT HIGHLY (Creston, Mont., Aug...
...STILL AFTER NORRIS ALTHOUGH Senator Norris has fairly won the Republican nomination in his state...
...Member Williams, of the board, admitted recently before the Wllliamsport Institute that the tariff has no effect on the major crops, such as cotton and wheat...
...Also of intense interest here was the general defeat, of anti-Smith Democrats in several primaries, a continuation of the trend in Virginia and North Carolina earlier this year...
...President Hoover has be?n extremely severe in his criticism of Norris since the Nebraskan belted the Hoover standard in 1928...
...The White House subsequently learned of the statement...
...the powerful Progressive leader and arch foe of the Power Trust, exceeds his dislike of any other member of the senate...
...As a result the amenable Fess brousht forth arL other equivocal pronunciamento which showed plainly the national committee was going to lay off Norris...
...In economies to the federal treasury...
...A recent illustration shows how the White House reacts to a suggestion that Norris be given support by the national committee...
...By RADFORD E. MOBLEY WASHINGTON, D. C—The federal farm board is now applying the equalization fee plan among California grape growers...
...The navy has replied that such a rule would be ridiculous...
...Such damaging admissions that the farmer's plan for farm relief, the equalization fee, may work after all...
...Considerable activity ensued...
...It poses the following question...
...The sensitive military commandert in Washington are considerably agitated...
...Ritchie probably had smiths suspicions...
...It is unlikely that it can Ignore the frank confession of a member of the Hoover farm board...
...The political enmity between the two Californians is well known...
...THE NORRIS TRIUMPH THE triumph of Senator George Norris In Nebraska has attracted more attention here than any other primary victory held thus far, even more than the wet victory achieved by Ambassador Dwight Morrow in New Jersey...
...ARMY-NAVY'' ARGUMENT PRESIDENT HOOVER has take: steps to settle the age-old contre versy between the army and rtav as to which branch of the servic should control coastal air defense...
...any rate, he protester against the exclusion of Maryland if i was done on the ground that the stat had a Democratic governor...
...The Democrats have been heartened by this development, and are drafting plans for an assault on the Republican majority in the House with renewed confidence...
...If a decision Is made confining the coastar defense to one service It may result...
...Although the White House apologized because of the "oversight...
...There are those among them who believe the Hoover support, would not prove an ai-set in Nebraska...
...ANOTHER SLIPUP THE careless White House official who is always forgetting to invite certain important officials to the White House made another slip recently when he failed to ask Gov...
...Opinion among Progressive members of the senate was that Norris' loss would be incalculable, and general satisfaction was expressed over his sweeping majority over the Nebraska reactionaries, who did everything known to political trickers to out him from the senate...
...If a navy plan sees an enemy plane over land should it go get an army plane to do th...
...It is believed his hatred of Norris...
...B. Amdahl... is said that Senator Johnson did not give much credence to the explanation...
Vol. 1 • August 1930 • No. 38