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U. S. Senators in Russia [Special to The Progressive] WASHINGTON, D. C. — A informal study of conditions in Soviet. Russia is being made by three noted Progressive United States Senators, Burton K....
...Big industrial and financial interests in this country have recently taken the stand that friendly relations with the Soviets would be very desirable...
...After having spent considerable time visiting England and other countries as a sort of vacation before the coming fall election campaigns, these three statesmen are spending two weeks in Russia looking over Soviet methods and getting a first hand view of what is going on in that country...
...Everywhere, big business interests through the medium of controlled newspapers have been emphasizing the desirability of taking advantage of trade opportunities with the Soviets...
...Senators Wheeler, Cutting...
...Russia is being made by three noted Progressive United States Senators, Burton K. Wheeler of Montana, Bronson M. Cutting of New Mexico, and Allien W. Bark-ley of Kentucky, according to current despatches received here...
...Soviet leaders are known to attach considerable importance to the visit of the senators, Inasmuch as their appearance comes at, a time when trade with Russia and the recognition of the Soviet government are important questions...
...nd Barkley are planning to vwlt Poland, Austria, and Italy on their way back to the United States with a view toward ascertaining current conditions there...
...Following their slay in Russia...
...One of the leading attorneys for J. P. Morgan and company, for Instance, recently made the statement that the United States could very well modify its attitude toward Russia without becoming involved in the meshes of communism...
Vol. 1 • August 1930 • No. 38
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