Famous Editor's Son Wins State Nomination Race W. L. White, Son of William Allen White of The Emporia Gazette Is Victor (Special to The Progressive) EMPORIA, Kans.—William L. White, son of the...
...He did not win many If any votes...
...His opponent, Mr...
...The senators from Kansas were "standing by the president...
...Young Bill devoted his efforts to making a. house to house canvas of the district, presenting his case directly to the voters...
...Young Bill is the editor of the Emporia Gazette, and all through the primary campaign no favorable publicity was given his candidacy in that publication...
...WILL NOT FORGET (From Wichita Eagle] On primary election day Kansas will not forget the most intense episode In the national Republican convention In Kansas City two years ago...
...La Follette, Blaine, Schall, Nye, Mc-Master, Brookhart, Howell, Norris, pine of Oklahoma, In fact every Republican senator from the wheat areas, save the senators from Kansas, stood for the strong measure...
...Famous Editor's Son Wins State Nomination Race W. L. White, Son of William Allen White of The Emporia Gazette Is Victor (Special to The Progressive) EMPORIA, Kans.—William L. White, son of the nationally famous publisher of the Emporia Gazette...
...Hoover called congress in session to enact farm relief legislation...
...N. n., Aug...
...The senators from Kansas stood against I...
...There was a choice between a strong measure and a weak one...
...Gladfelter, however, was given an opportunity to present his case to the people in the Gazette...
...After the election Pres...
...William Allen White, won the Republican nomination for state representative In the state primary last week...
...defeated W. A. Gladfeller, former president of the county farm bureau, in what was his-first experience in politics...
...R. -1 am just aa interested in all the La Fourth's now as ever, and 1 hn|v> from the bottom of my heart they will get, anything they ask for.—E...
...Hoover w«s against the .tmng measure...
...It was mad* in the midst of a report that bands of determined farmers were marching on the convention hall from Kansas and other states...
...It centered in a platform pledge for farm relief...
...La Follette pleaded tor a strong farm relief plank...
...The other senators were standing by that wheat area, not only the farmers of that area but every r.ltk'.en in the area, lown and country alike...
...His father, William Allen White, expressed himself as not wanting to use his publication, the Gazette, to further the candidacy of his eon, Young Bill...
...The convention rejected the strong plank...
...The strongest speech then made was by young La Follette...
...White, known familiarly as "Young Bill...
Vol. 1 • August 1930 • No. 37