Hunt, Caroline L. & Follette, Belle Case La

HOME AND EDUCATION The home is the real seat of government, and the Wise Men of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Moral...

...Most of the clubs are quite properly taking a vacation, but occasional conventions are being held where resolutions may be offered...
...that the test of the moral value of the school is whether it fits children for life—not theoretically but actually...
...NOW we must wait for Nature to do her share, having given her all the right conditions...
...It is very little work if properly done...
...But do not be tempted by novelty or the exceptional blossoms...
...It is worth while, therefore, to give a little extra care to the preparation of the pots as well as to the selection of the bulbs and the proper mixing of the soil...
...In that there will be such a wealth of promised beauties that the choice will be more fascinating than any shopping you have ever indulged in...
...They desire it sustained and strengthened...
...Roman and Italian hyacinth bulbs should be nearly covered...
...It is almost too brief— perhaps not for the profession, but the general reader will wish that the ideas were more fully expanded and that there were more concrete examples and other specific suggestions as to the ways and means by which child's "capacity for constructive production and creation" shall be made "to shift the center of ethical gravity from an absorption which is selfish to a service which is social...
...At this writing the President has not announced his conclusion and there should be no abatement in interest...
...He says further in regard to the development of this quality: "When the school system, under plea of the practical (meaning by the practical the narrowly utilitarian) confines the child to the three R's and the formal studies connected with them, shuts him out from the vital in literature and history, and deprives him of his right to contact with what is best in architecture, music, sculpture and picture, it is hopeless to expect definite results in the training of sympathetic openness and responsiveness...
...In some cases, we may want several blossoms in one pot...
...At all events try to remove the pots as far as possible from the furnace for heat is likely to force the top growth unnaturally...
...One man, speaking for the public, has been sufficient to force a great moral and political issue to an acute crisis...
...Amidon, Chairman of the Food Sanitation Committee of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, in an article in our issue of July 10, clearly and forcibly explained how the principle involved in labeling whiskey is involved in labeling all foods and drugs to which the law applies and that the National Pure Food law is at stake in this whiskey fight...
...If the season has been favorable the Roman hyacinths will be the first to blossom, and so it is always wise to have some in the collection...
...the dignified tulip in its richly colored robes, the prettily ruffled narcissus and the hyacinth with its graceful bells—we always wish that we might see them again in their beauty before another year has passed...
...The author originated the Dewey School in Chicago and has exerted a strong influence for educational reform...
...With these preparations we are ready to plant whenever the bulbs arrive...
...All hail the seven insurgent statesmen and representatives sound to party faith and loyal to their constituencies...
...The weaker gradually lose their sense of power, and accept a position of continuous and persistent inferiority...
...The first law of nature in which we are interested is that the fittest survive...
...Dewey says our conception of ethical teaching is too narrow and formal: that the influence of direct moral instruction (or as he puts it, instruction about morals) "is comparatively small in amount and slight in influence, when the whole field of moral growth through education is taken into account...
...It is well to apply two coats of orange shellac on the outside and for one inch down from the top on the inside, not only for the physical well-being of the bulbs but for the sake of the beauty of the pots...
...President Roosevelt strongly indorsed the decision and the question was settled for his administration...
...He says that to train the child in the business operations of arithmetic,—which have no distinctive mathematical principle—"while paying no attention to the business realities in which they are of use, or to the conditions of social life which make these business activities necessary, is neither arithmetic nor common sense...
...In protesting against it, I believe I express the general sentiment of this community...
...If it is the first attempt, get a catalog from a reliable seedsman...
...At first patience must be the watchword and a pot must not be disturbed until the white shoot enclosing the bud is at least two or three inches high and begins to split apart showing the cluster...
...Seven Senatorial Insurgents If your belief is in men, not in parties, in statesmen, not in politicians, mark these Senators well: Beveridge of Indiana, Bristow of Kansas, Clapp of Minnesota, Cummins of Iowa, Dolliver of Iowa, La Follette of Wisconsin, Nelson of Minnesota...
...If the soil is good loam, no fertilizer will be needed...
...also the late tulips and from that time until March there will be a succession of charming blossoms...
...If, therefore, you wish to raise tulips or narcissi or hyacinths in the winter, your first care must be given to the selection of the bulbs...
...This gives the roots a chance to push down into the fertilized portion for their needed food supply...
...A Hopeful Sign It is a hopeful sign when seven Republican Senators, representing populous and wealthy States in the Middle West, break away from the "organization" on an affair so important as the tariff bill...
...The last mentioned is one of the most satisfactory flowers in every way, although early tulips are now furnished in very satisfactory varieties...
...If it is not, the mixture should be divided into two portions, one of which should be mixed with the fertilizer...
...These men, it seems, voted according to the best of their belief as to what constituted a pledge to the people by their political party a year ago...
...Care must be taken at this time to accustom them gradually to the sunlight by providing intermediate stages of moderate light...
...The decision of Solicitor-General Bowers in the whiskey cases, involving as it does the whole subject of labels, is alarming...
...Then we begin to wonder if by studying Nature's laws we cannot bring these blossoms to us at the time when we need them most, mid-winter, and we ask ourselves what Nature's laws are and how we may make them serve our purpose...
...Garden earth will do, but it should be carefully dried and sifted to get rid of angle worms and beetle grubs and to reduce it to powdery form...
...They will show buds by November 10 and may be in blossom by Thanksgiving, or if properly cared for, they may be held back to use for Christmas gifts...
...Mattel's have improved since the time, not so long ago, when La Follette was the solitary figure standing out against the machine phalanx...
...After planting, moisten the soil thoroughly but do not soak it and set the pots in a cool dark place...
...The Attorney General decided that the mixture should be called a "compound...
...For this purpose we must have broken pieces of potsherd large enough to cover the hole in the bottom of the pots and pieces of charcoal about the size of English walnuts...
...Since the plants are to be used for decorative purposes, great care should be taken to get the right kind of pots for each flower...
...This monograph is a brief statement of his philosophy of what the school should be made to do for the child...
...In these cases, a low broad pot should be selected...
...Place your order in late August or early September so that it will be filled as soon as the bulbs arrive in the market and before they have had a chance to shrivel...
...If a closet is not available, use the cool cellar floor and cover them with a box turned upside down to keep them dark and moist, or use what is called a "utility box" with a cover which can be thrown back and with plenty of holes for ventilation...
...The only way to prepare for social life is to engage in social life," and he believes that "the school itself must be a vital social institution to a much greater extent than obtains at present...
...A SPRING GARDEN WHEN THE SNOW IS ON THE GROUND By ELLEN H. RICHARDS WHEN the early spring flowers come out of the ground to cheer us after a winter within doors...
...Dutch hyacinths are ready to come to light the last of January...
...It was a victory for the pure food law...
...From January 1 to 10 is the most likely time for the early tulips, the Italian hyacinths and the golden spur narcissus...
...Another of Nature's laws is that each species thrives best in its own peculiar environment, so you must prepare the right kind of food and shelter—i...
...In the recent session of Congress, Senators Cullom and Lorimer have represented the manufacturers of the Eastern states far more than they have the principles of their party platform or the people of the state of Illinois...
...And Dr...
...Derisively the majority overrode his protests and voted him down, but after each defeat in the Senate he came up stronger before the people...
...By "responsiveness" is meant that quality, hard to define, which makes the difference between a personality hard and formal and one which is sympathetic, flexible and open...
...La Follette's career is a lesson to every ambitious man in politics...
...of a few rules...
...Even when but one bulb is planted in a pot it is well to have a care for some flowers look better in tall narrow pots and others in low broad ones...
...President:—The Pure Food law has taken deep hold of the people of this country...
...A bulb should never be pressed into the soil in order to get it down deep enough, for if the soil is packed very closely under the bulb, the roots cannot penetrate and the bulb itself will be in danger of being lifted out of the soil by the growth of the roots...
...of the children, who, shut within the house, will crave the bright companionship of the flowers that they enjoy in the out-of-door life...
...Cover the hole with a piece of potsherd...
...He would have the school train children for life's many social relationships...
...Choose the standards and after three or four years experimenting you will have your own standards...
...It requires only forethought, systematic attention, patience and the following...
...This cool dark place will usually be the cellar, perhaps a cold vegetable closet in it...
...To the independence of party lines and the true representation these men gave, contrast the meekly bowed heads of the two Illinois Senators as well as many of Illinois' Representatives in the lower house...
...A further objection to all the pupils of a class doing the same work in the same way, is that the children are judged from the standpoint of relative success, cultivating the sense of superiority unduly in some, while depressing the timid and repressing the reticent...
...Some bulbs always advance faster than others and variation may occur in the same pot...
...Again, in order to follow Mother Nature, we must supply drainage...
...Geography, history, arithmetic, and all other subjects should be taught on the basis of "affording the child a consciousness of the world in which he has to play a part and the demands he has to meet...
...In that vote they acted as well for the best interests of their constituents in their home states, defying the coercive measures of the Senate majority to bring them into line to vote for the interest of Eastern manufacturers...
...of the friends who may be sick and to whom we may wish to send messages of cheer...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT Moral Principles in Education "MORAL Principles in Education," by John Dewey, Pro-fessor of Philosophy in Columbia University, is pub-lished as one of a series of "Riverside Educational Monographs" by Houghton Mifflin Company...
...The soil too is kept at a more even temperature than it is if the water evaporates quickly...
...It teaches that the way to real leadership and the sort of success that is worth while is not the way of the programmer and the pork barrel.—The San Francisco Bulletin...
...WHERE children are all engaged in preparing and reciting the same lessons and are measured by the standard of what they can take in during the time allotted for study, and give out during the time allowed for recitation, there is no opportunity for each child to work out something of his own and contribute to others...
...School reading is poor, because the child knows that the teacher and all his fellow pupils are acquainted with what is read...
...The fertilized portion is used at the bottom of the pot and the unfertilized soil is used for the top layer on which the bulbs are to rest...
...It is an easy matter to write a letter to the President of the United States, something like this, which if applicable to the situation will do very well: To the President of the United States, White House, Washington, D. C.: Mr...
...This earth should be mixed with an equal bulk of clean, sifted sand...
...No sooner was President Taft inaugurated than a number of distillers and importers of whiskey, represented by able counsel, appealed to him for a hearing with respect to the enforcement of an order in accordance with the Roosevelt-Bonaparte-Wiley decision...
...It is not a good time to secure expressions through women's organizations...
...and of the Christmas season when nothing is so appropriate for gifts as growing plants...
...Over this put three or four lumps of charcoal, then spread a layer of rich soil, half the depth of the pot and at the top put the more sandy soil...
...Dewey says that in so far as the school lacks opportunity for free social intercourse between teacher and pupils and between pupils and pupils, the child's social nature is stunted and starved...
...NATURE is wonderfully kind and will often succeed in spite of man's indifference, but to attain the best results we should give the bulbs the most favorable conditions possible...
...In the meantime the roots have been working their way down through the earth, establishing a firm foundation for the blossoming plant that is to be and it is unwise to force the bulb before the roots have lengthened sufficiently...
...A question arose under this law, understood to be of great financial importance to dealers, as to whether a mixture of spirit properly designated as "whiskey" with another spirit which, standing alone, would not properly be designated "whiskey" could be labeled "whiskey" or whether it must be labeled as a "compound of whiskey...
...This was in harmony with the conclusion of Dr...
...Just by dint of being right the Senator from Wisconsin has brought powerful allies to his banner...
...We believe in parties, but we believe in faith to party pledges more...
...Narcissus and tulip bulbs should lie under one-half inch of soil...
...Early in September, so there need be no hurry, and no possibility of neglect at the last moment, put the pots out in the sun, where they will be thoroughly dried...
...It is a little book of sixty pages, price thirty-five cents...
...In doing it, you will always be reminded that it was a wise provision to make the soil light, loose and sandy...
...Force, judgment, responsiveness are essential working forces in character and the test of the ethical value of the school is its success in developing character in this large sense...
...Under these circumstances, the bulbs may be turned out and those of the same height repotted together, providing the work is carefully done...
...May Illinois, some day in the Senate, be able to add two names to this list.—The Saturday Times...
...The Bowers Decision EVERYONE who knows anything of the influences that control in legislation must concede that the organized and individual effort of women was a determining factor in securing against the opposition of powerful interests the final passage on June 30, 1906, of what is known as the National Pure Food Law...
...By this treatment too the pottery is made less porous...
...If none of these are available and space is lacking a number of shelves may be built against a cool wall with dark curtains drawn before the pots...
...Wrong standards are created, where work is estimated not on the basis of present value and present responsibility but by reference to a future result...
...THE school should not be a barren course of study, abstractly classified...
...All this would be unnecessary of course if greenhouse conditions existed in the dwelling-house...
...e., the right kind of soil...
...The clean, brightly shellaced pots make a very acceptable ornament, which will neither gather mold nor need washing...
...In the case of Dutch hyacinths only one-third of the bulb should be covered...
...About once a week the pots should be looked over to see if the earth is moist all through...
...Let us take stock: well cleaned and shellaced pots, properly mixed and fertilized earth, charcoal and the bulbs classified according to their kind and color...
...She urged that the press, the mail, the telegraph and the spoken word should bp brought to bear upon the President, who took the Bowers' decision under consideration...
...Wiley of the Department of Agriculture, who has devoted his life to the subject of pure food...
...When the bud has grown the required height, whether in three weeks or two months time, the pots may be brought to the light...
...President Taft submitted the question to his recently appointed Solicitor-General Lloyd W. Bowers, whose decision rendered May 24, 1909, was opposed to that made by the Roosevelt administration...
...The inducements of passing an examination, getting promoted, entering high school, getting into college, etc., appeal to those in whom motives of personal ambition are already too strong, while those of a different nature do not respond...
...Individual effort is important and helpful...
...If they are old ones, be sure to clean them...
...This is important for the earth is likely to lose its moisture very quickly in the excessively dry atmosphere of the ordinary house, and the roots are likely to shrivel at the ends...
...There is hardly any activity which can bring so much and such varied joy as caring for a winter garden of bulbs...
...His one vote, and his clear voice, made him a power which could not be ignored...
...We think of the dreary winter that is coming...
...The Secretary of Agriculture submitted this question to President Roosevelt who asked Attorney General Bonaparte for an opinion on the facts...
...This fertilizer may be either a brand of chemical dressing or well-rotted manure...

Vol. 1 • August 1909 • No. 33

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