Hunt, Caroline L. & Follette, Belle Case La
HOME AND EDUCATION The home is the real seat of government, and the Wise Men of all nations bring their gifts to the cradle. Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Little...
...the other, the Angel of Life with good, pure, country milk in hers...
...of the problem lies in the consolidated rural school...
...The combination of a number of district schools into a central school making provision for carrying the children, is the best solution yet offered for the improvement of the country schools...
...The Playground Association has the co-operation of the Audubon Society, the Palette and Chisel Club, The Camera Club, The Woman's Out-door Art League, the Geographic Society, and many other organizations...
...No one can read the statement of plan and purpose issued by the Extension Division without feeling that the beginning of this work marks a new era in the life of the people of a state...
...and foulness sucks them in once more...
...With the growing-scarcity of farm help both in the field and in the house this is a very important consideration and should weigh heavily in favor of the high class home school...
...In many states women have the right of suffrage in school matters...
...Will not our readers write us of any progress along these lines...
...The crumbs should be rolled and sifted...
...To this center the University extension work would come...
...In egging and crumbing aim to cover every part of the article, or much of your labor will be lost...
...ELMER E. BROWN, United States Commissioner of Education, says, "It is a significant fact that our more recent educational movements are taking much more adequate account of the body on the one hand, and of the supreme concern of human life or moral life upon the other hand...
...The farmers' institutes owe their success to the valuable practical information they bring to the farmer...
...Just think how easily this consolidated school center could be made an ideal social center of farm life, whose service would be for the present generation what the little red school house was for the past...
...features very much needed to lighten the work of women on the farm...
...If flavored with onion, lemon or parsley, the chopped meat is not only palatable itself but gives a good flavor to the gravy...
...This great university must have assumed this great responsibility in response to a recognized need, that all its benefit should be brought back to the people, not through its graduates only, but directly to the very doors of its citizens, and distributed among them according to their widely diversified needs...
...a lecture room that could be cleared for neighborhood dances, clubs and sociables...
...This is to prevent them from drying...
...Handle the articles with a broad, flat, unpointed knife or spatula...
...This should be done before they are washed or hullea...
...The gong...
...School boards will cooperate when the sentiment of a community demands it...
...In the absence of a church, Sunday school services could be held here...
...The experiment has been successfully tried in many sections...
...Serve with transparent tomato-sauce...
...One is the Angel of Death, with a serpent in her cup...
...and each day Amid the monstrous murmur of the looms That still their treble voices, they become Tiny automata, mockeries of youth: To her that suckled them, to him whose name They bear, mere fellow-earners of Life's bread: No time for tenderness, no place for smiles,— These be the world's wee workers, by your leave...
...Tomato Sauce TO one-half a can of tomatoes or from one and one-half to two cupfuls of stewed tomatoes add a slice of onion, a bit of bay leaf, four cloves, six pepper-corns, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt and a few grains of cayenne or a tiny dry red pepper...
...The mixture, instead of being made into sandwiches, may be served like ordinary cream cheese...
...It has interested not only physicians and health-officers but also farmers and dairymen and will act as a bureau of information for all the milk interests of the state...
...a place for preparing and eating their lunches...
...Of the babies in Boston who last summer stood between the two angels, 2,352 were claimed by the Angel of Death...
...In making beds it is a mistake to be a slave to custom...
...Naught is more piteous underneath the sky Than at the scant noon hour to see them play Feebly, without abandon or delight At some poor game...
...This saves the work of stoning the olives and chopping the pimentos...
...The work should be done upon a bread board or upon a piece of smooth paper...
...Every form of knowledge and instruction desired by the community, of benefit to their daily lives would be brought to the people directly from the University through a teacher prepared to demonstrate the things they want to know...
...When this is the case, make the bed with the "head" at the foot...
...More than this, if good high schools were maintained in farm communities, the courses of study and the length of the school year might be adapted to the needs of agricultural districts...
...THIS is a period of great educational interest...
...It can be prepared some time before the meal is to be served and it is not likely to scent up the kitchen...
...Cook slowly for fifteen or twenty minutes and strain...
...i. e., olives stuffed with pimentos...
...Then move them to a place on the board or paper where there are no crumbs and roll back and forth to shake off superfluous crumbs and to make the surface smooth...
...Egg and crumb and put into a dripping pan containing one tablespoonful of butter for each pound of meat...
...Are there any little red school houses, or white or brown, where, as Governor Hughes says, speaking of the past, "Folks got together for spell-downs, singing schools and festivals," or where "men folks got together and decided things by free honest discussion...
...For this purpose the eggs should be slightly beaten and diluted with water...
...The spell-down, the festival, personal discussion, are no better adapted to the social wants of farm life than of city life...
...Speaking before the Home Economics Association, Mr...
...Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE and CAROLINE L. HUNT The Little Red School House---A Substitute SINCE reading Miss Hunt's write-up of "Public Schools as Social Centers" and "How Rochester has Revived the Spirit of the 'Little Red School House,' " which appeared in the June 12th issue of this magazine, the question has kept coming to my mind...
...If berries are put into a fruit jar, sealed and placed on ice, they keep fresh a long time...
...From "Vistas of Labor...
...That there should be at least one woman on every school board calls for no argument...
...Break the eggs into a shallow dish...
...BUT as a matter of economy, it should be considered how much hard earned money goes from the farm community to the neighboring towns and villages, not for tuition alone, but for expenses of living incurred by the large number of ambitious boys and girls who go from the farms to town for better school privileges...
...Wipe the material which is to be egged and crumbed, dip into flour or fine bread crumbs, then into egg and finally into bread crumbs...
...Willet M. Hays, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, said that so far as agriculture and home economics is concerned in rural communities, seventy-five per cent...
...In cleaning knives apply the sapolio or brick with a cork, instead of with a rag...
...This number was too great, the Boston Milk Commission thought, and so it decided that its work of selling pure milk and of sending out nurses to give instructions to mothers was not sufficient to protect the children of the city...
...Is not the country as much in need as the town of a social center that shall be a substitute for the little red school house whose influence we praise but appear to have outgrown...
...The Massachusetts Milk and Baby Hygiene Committee wiil continue all the work formerly done by the Boston Milk Commission, but it will go further...
...Yet still the message wonderful rings clear Above all clang of commerce and of mart: Suffer the little children, and again: My Kingdom is made up of such as these...
...TfThe example of The Chicago Playground Association in arranging for Saturday afternoon cross country "hikes" might profitably be followed by similar organizations in other places...
...Factory Children HERE toil the striplings, who should be a-swarm In open, sun-kissed meadows...
...The drawing shows an infant standing between two angels each holding a cup in her hand...
...No reproduction in black and white can do justice to Miss Van Wagenen's design, which shows the figures in white against a background of blue and very appropriately suggests the famous Delia Robbia medallions on the Babies' Hospital in Florence...
...HINTS TO HOME-MAKERS The tough end of porterhouse steak may be chopped and broiled with the tender portions of the meat...
...a recreation room for the children in stormy weather...
...Cover the blankets with a sheet so that the spread can be removed at night, cover the entire bed with a spread, place the pillows at the real head and no one will suspect that the bed is not made in orthodox, time-honored fashion...
...There should be about one and one-half cupfuls of the sauce...
...Aim also to make a coating of uniform thickness or the article will not brown evenly...
...what has become of the spirit of the little red school house...
...Cook in a very hot oven until crisp, turning occasionally at first...
...The consolidated school is the starting point...
...There is no doubt that the consolidated school social center conforms with the new educational ideal and growth...
...The leisure he allows himself is occupied in reading his daily paper and farm journals...
...The movement to improve the country district school fits into this university extension work exactly...
...It is determined to know the full history of all the milk which finds its way into the cup of the Angel of Death...
...Each citizen must help in creating sentiment, and in backing up those who are willing to take the responsibility of leadership...
...But it takes something very much worth while either in amusement or instruction to get him away from his work and his home...
...It would serve a wide range of school and community uses...
...It would make more rapid progress if farmers did not object to the additional cost...
...so grave they seem and crushed...
...Cut lean veal-steak into pieces of suitable size to be served for single portions...
...Breaded Veal THE following has been found by one good housekeeper to be a convenient dish to serve for luncheon parties, particularly when there is no help in the kitchen...
...The school building should have an attractive, well-planned hall, with kitchen attached...
...Women should become interested in the movement and give it their active support...
...There should be provision for neighborhood picnics, and other outdoor gatherings...
...If pressed for time, use pim-olas...
...Thicken with three level tablespoonfuls of arrowroot, mixed with a little water...
...It might have a stage perhaps for the production of simple plays, and home entertainment...
...But the old time district school sociability will not satisfy the men and women on the farm today...
...For this reason it decided to become state- instead of city-wide in its scope and changed its name...
...Egging and Crumbing LEAN meat and also chicken, fish, oysters and croquets must frequently be "egged and crumbed" before being cooked...
...The neighborhood spirit would be developed on a higher plane than ever before...
...By Richard Burton, in the Atlantic for June...
...GETTING RICH BY SAVING THE BABIES THE Wealth of the World is Human" is the motto selected by Miss Margaret Van Wag-enen, to accompany her drawing, which took the $50 prize offered by the Massachusetts Committee on Milk and Baby Hygiene for a design to be used upon its stationery and other printed matter...
...It has been wisely suggested by the Department of Agriculture that the consolidated rural school center should have a co-operative creamery, laundry, bakery, (why not cooperative store...
...If the work is properly done there is no reason why either board or hands should be soiled...
...This center should have a choice location, several acres of ground, a field for baseball, football, tennis, and other outdoor sports...
...Two tablespoonfuls of water should be allowed for each egg...
...It is easier on the hands and facilitates the work...
...How long, 0 Lord, how long...
...It is often airier and so placed with respect to the windows that the eyes are shaded from the morning light...
...if there is not, dilute with water...
...This enables the young folks to keep up their school and to help on the farm in seasons of the year when most needed...
...Evidently Massachusetts believes with Miss Van Wagenen that "the wealth of the world is human" and is determined to get rich by saving its babies...
...The foot is frequently a better "head" than the head itself, particularly in small rooms...
...Lincoln Steffens writing of the University of Wisconsin says it offers to teach anybody, anything, anywhere...
...He reflects and forms conclusions...
...There could be six months courses for older children as has proven successful in agricultural high schools...
...In crumbing lay the articles upon a pile of crumbs and move them about until they are thoroughly covered...
...The young people with every opportunity for wholesome pleasure at home would not be attracted to the towns, and the farmers themselves would not be induced to leave the homes on which they have spent the best years of their lives to the care of tenants and retire to the nearest town or village for the sake of more society...
...The average farmer like the average town man is intensely occupied with his work, unwilling to spend time that does not in his judgment help him get ahead...
...Cream cheese mixed with olives and pimentos makes a good filling for sandwiches...
Vol. 1 • July 1909 • No. 26