Paine, Robert F.
Tents, Elephants, Etc. By ROBERT F. PAINE SIMfiQN, Senator Simeon Fess, of Ohio, will conceive and bring forth a bill for the next Senate—a gag rule bill. It is not often that Simeon conceives and...
...At 86 years of age he is still of use, has enough to make him comfortable and isn't going to leave any fights over what he doesn't take with him, when he goes...
...Three-fourths of Mexico's exports go to the United States...
...Maybe, making them suffer more will cause them to be more united and insistent for permanent peace...
...He would die, should he quit work...
...The filibusters which shelved Boulder Dam, emergency army relief and public buildings measures soured several communities...
...Of course, the United States has the advantage...
...THE investigation of the auction of Senate seats in Pennsylvania and Illinois seems to be on the way to the garbage can...
...In over half-century of observation of law business, Justice Holmes has learned that there is no such thing as being a trustee to posterity, successfully...
...The U. S. Chamber of Commerce places with Ambassador Sheffield, at Mexico City, a hot protest against Morones* boycott of American goods and threatens retaliation in kind—stoppage of Mex goods at the border...
...Often, he is perfectly willing to die...
...The man who leaves much is certain to leave legal battles, with the probabilities great that he will be defeated in what he sought to do...
...We may soon see Dawes & Fess touring the country on the same platform, two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one...
...It is a good thing, although it is not likely that the women will be called upon to bear arms, take direct part in making the blood run...
...It is a good thing because it emphasizes the fact that women are immediately concerned in not only the progress and results of war, but in the provocation thereof...
...Let the gag-rule twins perform...
...Morones, Mexico's Secretary of Commerce and Labor, calls upon his people and the press to unite in a campaign against importation of foreign products...
...Not gunpowder, but trade...
...and, he has no desire to be "trustee to posterity...
...and, anything calculated to make her exercise that power is a step toward such out-lawry...
...Justice Holmes is most fortunate...
...but, it won't make Vare and Smith Ko...
...But, it is going to hurt like blazes to have all those United States trade profits held up...
...Sure, the gag-rule twins will find folk who even favor the prohibition of all Senate discussion...
...Very often, it is simply because the aim is gone...
...They have rebelled, with the result that the French have more slowly increased in population than any other white people...
...No, it is not always that the man is in a rut so deep that cessation of the long established habits and acts of mind and body kill him...
...Modern saw: "Money makes the mare go...
...S. C. Mortey, of Carnegie Institution, who has given long study to American corn, or maize, says that this grain was first harvested 8000 years ago...
...The man who gives his life to service usually does die, when he quits work...
...It is not often that Simeon conceives and brings forth anything noticeable, but Simeon's intellect is now pregnant with a movement to limit free and full discussion...
...ON HIS 86th birthday anniversary, Justice Holmes, of the United States Supreme bench, expresses two convictions at which he has arrived...
...Man hasn't succeeded in outlawing war...
...The women do the most suffering in war, as it is...
...They will be entertaining during a period when the folks will have nothing, save baseball, golf, tennis, fishing, vacations and income tax payments to keep them stirred up...
...Mexico hasn't a navy and marines to impose a protectorate, or intervention, or occupation on the United States...
...Indeed, there have been periods in which France's population has been on the decrease...
...Senator Keyes, of New Hampshire, one of the grand old Republican wheel horses and chairman of the committee on audits and control, orders tHe Senate disbursing clerk to refuse to honor vouchers of the investigating committee's expenses...
...So be it...
...Woman has the power to do it...
...Three-fourths of Mexico's imports are from the United States...
...FRANCE'S Chamber of Deputies enacts a law putting both women and men subject to call in time of war...
...By natural law, a great many animate things die, when their use is gone...
...And, in the final analysis, it doesn't make mucin difference whether you shoot holes in people, or starve them...
...Ever since the time of the butcher, Napoleon, the French women, in particular, have been urged to bear sons for war, purposes...
...It is not revealed in what new ways a French government will use women in war...
...Let the devil get his toes through the doorway, and he'll soon be sitting at the fireside...
...However, the vast majority of the folks will be found to be loyal to the principle of free and full discussion, notwithstanding the unfortunate fate of the measures referred to...
Vol. 19 • April 1927 • No. 4